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ProFifaLeagues 04-23-2010 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by Jaxel (Post 2026017)
For anyone who is having problems getting links to appear with permissions in the navbar... there is a "work-a-round" you can do. It will enable the links for EVERYBODY (they will be stopped with a permission error if they can't use the links, so security is still intact). I believe this problem is an error with VB itself not handling permissions in plugins on some forums. Go into the plugin: "media NAVTAB":

Find the line:

$perms = media_permissions();


$perms['submit'] = true;
$perms['modtags'] = true;
$perms['modcategory'] = true;
$perms['modservice'] = true;

Works superb now thank you!

Delilahs 04-23-2010 04:43 PM

Jaxel, I'm having trouble parsing the Veoh feeds, can you tell me what I need to use from the following url please?


Jaxel 04-23-2010 04:51 PM

I just uploaded a new version, fixes a variety of problems. No need to re-install, just upload the files.


Originally Posted by Delilahs (Post 2026063)
Jaxel, I'm having trouble parsing the Veoh feeds, can you tell me what I need to use from the following url please?


Thats because that URL is NOT a URL to a Veoh Video. That is a SEARCH RESULT URL. On that page, scroll down to the text box that says "LINK" and use that URL.


Originally Posted by mobe00 (Post 2026031)
What about this problem , can you solve this one ? :)

Fixed in new version, no need to re-install, just upload the files.


Originally Posted by By_X1903 (Post 2026002)
Turkish char. problem?

What happened...


Originally Posted by Destron (Post 2025767)
I uninstalled everything and re-installed the mod, but I still have the same problem.
Can't use spanish characters nor can I edit the video descriptions. :(

After extensive testing, I have figured out the language problems. Language problems in SUBMISSIONS are fixed in the new version, no need to re-install, just upload the files.

Language problems in OTHER places, such as comments are THE FAULT OF VBULLETIN ITSELF. Don't worry! I will tell you how to fix it! Go into your Admin Control Panel and head to the section called "Languages & Phrases > Language Manager". Then click the EDIT SETTINGS link for your language. See I have programmed this mod to integrate directly into the settings of your VB; this way it is uniform. However, the problem is by default, vBulletin does not use the UTF-8 language charset, even though it SHOULD. In the section marked "HTML Character Set", this SHOULD be UTF-8 and if you are having language problems, most likely it is set to ISO-8859-1 (vb default, for english languages only).

Example of my test forum using Russian Language after switching to UTF-8:

The only issue you will have with THIS mod is with SEO slugs, you can't have foreign characters in a URL.

Another issue you will have is with VB itself and the RSS Feed Manager. If you are using VB's RSS Feed Manager to automatically post threads from feeds, and the feed you are pulling from is non-english; then it won't convert the text to UTF-8. For some odd reason, VB's built in RSS parser always defaults to ISO-8859-1 (very poor programming). Someone should report this as a bug, but I have a feeling that they will say its "by design" and never change it.


Delilahs 04-23-2010 04:55 PM

Thanks Jaxel, that works a treat ;)

Marked as installed and nominated for MOTM

COL NIL SATIS 04-23-2010 05:42 PM

Also Nominated for MOTM ..Jaxel absolute legend man

xTREKKERx 04-23-2010 08:06 PM

great mod, all working fine apart from???

there is no thumbnail in the created post, just a broken link?
i believe i have done everything in the instructions.....
the thumbnail file is created as per instruction.

but when i look at the broken link where the thumb should be, it says this.

any ideas?

all set to 777.

rotor 04-23-2010 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by xTREKKERx (Post 2026154)
great mod, all working fine apart from???

there is no thumbnail in the created post, just a broken link?
i believe i have done everything in the instructions.....
the thumbnail file is created as per instruction.

but when i look at the broken link where the thumb should be, it says this.

any ideas?

all set to 777.

Same .... since upgrading to version 4.0.4

mobe00 04-23-2010 09:01 PM

a question . when i use rssfeedreader.com for example and do an rss feeder from google news..the rss feed shows the actual pictures as thumbnail in the rss feed. When i use the rss feed link to media library it either just shows the link to the image, an icon or nothing. Is there an image code that need to be put in the rss feed code for media library ??

TimberFloorAu 04-23-2010 09:07 PM

Jaxel you are a STAR !!!

Ever since upgrading to vb4 we have had issues with our character set, and never thought to set it to utf-8

Pages seem to even load faster now lol./

Delilahs 04-24-2010 01:46 AM

Jaxel, can you fix the code so that the 'auto create thread' is ticked by default?

Juggernaut 04-24-2010 01:52 AM

When I set my language character set to UTF-8, everything looks weird, the spanish characters end up with a triangle with a question mark in the middle.
As always, even with a clean install, the video description is not being saved :(

your24hourstore 04-24-2010 02:42 AM


Originally Posted by xTREKKERx (Post 2026154)
great mod, all working fine apart from???

there is no thumbnail in the created post, just a broken link?
i believe i have done everything in the instructions.....
the thumbnail file is created as per instruction.

but when i look at the broken link where the thumb should be, it says this.

any ideas?

all set to 777.

update thumbs in the maintenance area

Jaxel 04-24-2010 03:09 AM


Originally Posted by xTREKKERx (Post 2026154)
great mod, all working fine apart from???

there is no thumbnail in the created post, just a broken link?
i believe i have done everything in the instructions.....
the thumbnail file is created as per instruction.

but when i look at the broken link where the thumb should be, it says this.

any ideas?

all set to 777.

Fixed... download package, reupload files... no need to re-install xml.

TimberFloorAu 04-24-2010 03:39 AM

Uploaded latest package ( not the Product )

Rebuilt thumbnails: get this


Jaxel 04-24-2010 03:47 AM

Per Instructions posted above...
NOTES: You will mostly likely get at least one error while rebuilding media thumbnails...

When you get an error, click the details link for that media. If the media displays some sort of error such as "This video has been removed" or "This video no longer exist", then that means that media is gone and you'll be unable to generate a thumbnail for that particular media. Use the available options on that media's detail page to DELETE it from your library. Then go back to your browser window which is rebuilding thumbnails and click the "retry from this position" link.

If you got an error for a media, but after clicking the details link you can find no obvious error with the video; then the error could have just been a simple syn/ack failure. Just click the "retry from this position" link and the system will try to rebuild that thumbnail again.

TimberFloorAu 04-24-2010 03:50 AM

Yep spot on, the media was "made private" so edit and delete it, then continued rebuilding thumbnails.


Gn_Snake 04-24-2010 05:55 AM

double post sorry

Gn_Snake 04-24-2010 05:56 AM


Originally Posted by Gn_Snake (Post 2025859)
i have error during import plugin

?Altering Table usergroup ...Done!
?Creating Table HG_media ... Done!
?Creating Table HG_media_category ... Done!
?-- Adding Category Row General ...
Warning: require_once([path]/includes/class_dm_media_category.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [path]/includes/functions.php on line 115

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/var/www/virtual/hardwaregame.org/htdocs/forum/includes/class_dm_media_category.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in /var/www/virtual/hardwaregame.org/htdocs/forum/includes/functions.php on line 115


nothing ?

umusic2000 04-24-2010 06:53 AM


Originally Posted by Gn_Snake (Post 2026338)
nothing ?

Upload the "upload" folder only into your forum root then reimport the plugin.

Gn_Snake 04-24-2010 06:56 AM


Originally Posted by umusic2000 (Post 2026356)
Upload the "upload" folder only into your forum root then reimport the plugin.

Done...but nothing :confused:

TimberFloorAu 04-24-2010 07:01 AM

Have you chmodded the required folder?

Gn_Snake 04-24-2010 07:35 AM


Originally Posted by TimberFloorAu (Post 2026359)
Have you chmodded the required folder?


spyhidden 04-24-2010 07:55 AM


As shown in the picture ascii char problem to user name.

How to fix it ?

xTREKKERx 04-24-2010 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by Jaxel (Post 2026297)
Fixed... download package, reupload files... no need to re-install xml.

thats sorted it, thank you very much.
MOTM, vote has been cast.:up:

stwan 04-24-2010 08:38 AM

I can not add videos. Error:

Warning: xml_parser_create () [function.xml-parser-create]: unsupported source encoding "windows-1251" in [path] / includes / class_xml.php on line 215

your24hourstore 04-24-2010 01:15 PM

1 Attachment(s)
tried to upload a jpeg to thunmb but got this

your24hourstore 04-24-2010 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by harleyparts (Post 2025951)
did a complete reinstall and got the product working , and i did install this product first, then started adding in others. the only thing that isn't working now is google adsense ads don't appear. wondered if anyone else is seeing this or using the adsence program?

Solved this. wasnt an issue with this mod, it was VB, they neglected to ad the adsence file to the most recent download of 4.0.3.
So cause a problem with new installs. Also there is a new patch for that version 4.0.3pl1
I find the easiest way to do them is
1. download the new file
2. unzip it and delete the images file, favicon. ico, and install,php
3 zip it back up and upload it to the appropriate files

and run http://yourdomain.com/yourforum/install/upgrade.php
your done

new patch is online

Jaxel 04-24-2010 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by stwan (Post 2026380)
I can not add videos. Error:

Warning: xml_parser_create () [function.xml-parser-create]: unsupported source encoding "windows-1251" in [path] / includes / class_xml.php on line 215

windows-1251 is an archaic charset. you should switch to UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1


Originally Posted by harleyparts (Post 2026466)
tried to upload a jpeg to thunmb but got this

Fixed... download package, reupload files... no need to re-install xml.

compact123 04-24-2010 03:54 PM

hello sir, than for the great mod :O
umm sorry for my english, can get more sub-category? like that? xD


--Korean Video Clips
---Kim Joon Kook Clips
---4minute Clips
--Japanese Video Clips
---Aya Ueta Clips
---Ayumi Hamazi Clps
--Korean Dramas
---Full House
---Winter House
--Japanese Dramas

thank you again xD

calvinnguyen 04-24-2010 03:55 PM

I successful install this mod, and completed set permission for admin group, however I didn't see option Administrate

your24hourstore 04-24-2010 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by calvinnguyen (Post 2026550)
I successful install this mod, and completed set permission for admin group, however I didn't see option Administrate

last addressed here in post #241 just go back to page 17 :)

stwan 04-24-2010 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by Jaxel (Post 2026523)
windows-1251 is an archaic charset. you should switch to UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1

Please support cp1251. I am Russian :(

Jaxel 04-24-2010 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by stwan (Post 2026562)
Please support cp1251. I am Russian :(

Its got nothing to do with what I support. It has everything to do with what the RSS standards support; which do not support 1251 charsets. However, since you are on a russian forum, your language is supported in UTF-8. Try switching to UTF-8 and see how your forum reacts.

murekhalir 04-24-2010 05:26 PM

this is one SEXY licious mod. expect donation from me.

Veer 04-24-2010 05:30 PM

Jaxel please add a feature to display most recent media on forum home and forum block.

calvinnguyen 04-24-2010 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by harleyparts (Post 2026554)
last addressed here in post #241 just go back to page 17 :)

Thank you. It is working now.

Stefanus 04-24-2010 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by compact123 (Post 2026549)
hello sir, than for the great mod :O
umm sorry for my english, can get more sub-category? like that? xD

See post #52

your24hourstore 04-24-2010 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by calvinnguyen (Post 2026601)
I think the author had recode it. I am allow post #241 but in the 8WR_media_NAVTAB didn't find this

$perms = media_permissions();

can you point this person to a way to fix that no admin permission issue , i think thats what this about :)

WassoufTunClub 04-25-2010 12:19 AM

thnx JAxel
.I have 4 question.
How do to add a local audio or video (please exemple for link )
i suggest to add a bouton to download video .
how to create a block "New video" for Vbadvanced
i suggest to add a Custome Services in this page "/media.php?do=admin_host" like "Add New BB Code" in vbulletin forum .
,So that we can add any video from any site

sorry for my english

jacobskinner811 04-25-2010 05:12 AM

hey everyone so i got the media library working but it only will let administraters use it...how do i make it avilable for everyone to use?

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