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dcuellar 02-13-2010 01:25 AM

Have you given any thoughts to adding one-on-one betting between users?

dartho 02-13-2010 03:54 AM

No, not really - that would be a whole other mod, which would be a lot of work, which is something I do my damndest to stay away from :)

dcuellar 02-13-2010 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by dartho (Post 1981173)
No, not really - that would be a whole other mod, which would be a lot of work, which is something I do my damndest to stay away from :)


alright. Fair enough.

romeo12 02-14-2010 07:27 AM


Originally Posted by dartho (Post 1976238)
No it won't - there is no 3.8 version, but the 3.5 version can work under 3.8 with a little tweaking

Hey, I installed 3.5 version. The thread don't redirect to vbookie.php page when i post an event :(. I checked plugins in Plugin Manager, but all are active.

However, if i manually add

vbookie.php?t=xxx&vbookieeventoptions=0&do=neweven t
to the thread link, where xxx is thread id, i am able to place event.

Help me.

Edit & Update:
Problem solved. Found it here

Regs 02-14-2010 05:39 PM


Do you have a list of improvements you are working on (if any)?

How difficult would it be to start to improve the vBookie home? Some ideas I have:

- Show all open bets on a page with the ability to place a bet right there w/o going to the thread
- Create bet tickets where multiple bets can be added to a ticket but if one loses, your ticket is a loser (this would probably be a big task)
- Introduce a subscribe feature where forum users could subscribe to vbookie and be notified by email whenever a new bet was set up.



dartho 02-16-2010 08:54 AM

I'm not actively working on any enhancements at the moment, but don't let that stop you from asking :)

dcuellar 02-16-2010 10:10 PM

I've finally installed this and I can't seem to place a bet. I'm able to create one, but not bet on one.

Am I doing something wrong?

GreigM 02-17-2010 04:44 PM

Seems to be working fine with 4.0.2

dartho 02-17-2010 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by dcuellar (Post 1984127)
I've finally installed this and I can't seem to place a bet. I'm able to create one, but not bet on one.

Am I doing something wrong?

Not sure why that would be the case. If you fixed it, I'd like to know how. If not I'll be happy to have a look at your site and try and work out why.

Pro-eSports.com 02-17-2010 09:25 PM

Where can I remove the "vBookie" link from the navigation bar?

dartho 02-17-2010 10:05 PM

Disable the vBookie: Insert Navbar Link plugin

Bacon Butty 02-18-2010 01:28 PM

Thanks a bunch for porting this, awesome work.

I don't suppose its possible to transfer members vcash on 3.8 to this on 4?

dcuellar 02-18-2010 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by dartho (Post 1984996)
Not sure why that would be the case. If you fixed it, I'd like to know how. If not I'll be happy to have a look at your site and try and work out why.

Could it be something with vbcredits?

I set it to custom and am using their old vbookie integration.

DarkWaltz is in the process of making anoter integration compatible with his new vbcredits II and this vbookie.

dartho 02-18-2010 08:29 PM

@dcuellar - old integration should work assuming the vbcredits hasn't changed too much. I didn't even realise vbcredits is out for vb4 - I'm happy to put support into vBookie for it our of the box.

@bacon butty - you should be able to upgrade and keep (over write fuiles, install new XML) and your vcash balances should be preserved. Backup DB first though

dcuellar 02-18-2010 08:33 PM

I'm part of the beta team for their vbCredits II release. II is a complete rewrite, so yes that would be the case.

Good thing is he is will have the integration ready by the next beta release.

I will let him know about vBookie support out of the box. Perhaps you can join the beta team.

dartho 02-18-2010 08:46 PM

I just need to know where the vbcredits colum is and what it is called to add support. I would guess "vbcredits" on the user table. When you find out, let me know

Gnoll 02-20-2010 05:58 PM

where i am making mistake ?

i used 1.2 1,2 1;2 1:2 still accepting as 1

dartho 02-20-2010 08:29 PM

I don't understand? Do you mean when entering odds? If so, you put whole numbers in both boxes ie. a "1 " in the first and a "2" in the second meaning to win "1" you must bet "2"

Gnoll 02-21-2010 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by dartho (Post 1987598)
I don't understand? Do you mean when entering odds? If so, you put whole numbers in both boxes ie. a "1 " in the first and a "2" in the second meaning to win "1" you must bet "2"

i want to make 1.25 / 1

bet 1 won 1.25 , or bet 1 won 1.36

dartho 02-21-2010 08:13 PM

You would have to bring it up to whole numbers

1.25 = 5/4
1.36 = 34/25

Gnoll 02-22-2010 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by dartho (Post 1988326)
You would have to bring it up to whole numbers

1.25 = 5/4
1.36 = 34/25

thank you :) , now i got it

dartho 02-22-2010 09:48 AM

You're welcome :)

GMislandguy 02-22-2010 08:31 PM


Install Instructions
1. Unzip product file
2. Upload files from 'Upload' folder to your forum
3. Install product XML
4. Edit "newthread" template as per readme.txt ionstructions
5. Set usergroup permissions
6. Set vBookie settings
7. Enjoy.
Can someone tell me how to find this template please??

Is it suppose to be in my Style manger>>skin style>>edit Template menu???

Pro-eSports.com 02-23-2010 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by GMislandguy (Post 1989107)
Can someone tell me how to find this template please??

Is it suppose to be in my Style manger>>skin style>>edit Template menu???

Style Manager - Search In Templates - Select Your Style - Search For newthread

literatestylish 02-23-2010 04:30 PM

This may be a ridiculously easy question for all the experts out there, but i'm having some trouble.

1) I don't see a place to set Vbookie permissions in user manager
2) I don't see a place to make a bet/wager. I uploaded everything, set the settings up, but I don't see a place to start a bet or bet on an existing one. The Vbookie tab and page is there but it's just a page that shows "Currently showing open bets" - no place to make one

Wseries 02-23-2010 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by literatestylish (Post 1989741)
1) I don't see a place to set Vbookie permissions in user manager
2) I don't see a place to make a bet/wager. I uploaded everything, set the settings up, but I don't see a place to start a bet or bet on an existing one. The Vbookie tab and page is there but it's just a page that shows "Currently showing open bets" - no place to make one

Fair dinkum!

1. vBulletin Options -> vBookie Settings.
2. New Post -> Additional Options -> Yes, post a vBookie Event with this thread.

The second option will only appear if you've done the required template edit. Instructions are in the readme.txt file.

literatestylish 02-23-2010 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by Wseries (Post 1989785)
Fair dinkum!

1. vBulletin Options -> vBookie Settings.
2. New Post -> Additional Options -> Yes, post a vBookie Event with this thread.

The second option will only appear if you've done the required template edit. Instructions are in the readme.txt file.

Thank you!

literatestylish 02-23-2010 05:44 PM

Just a suggestion for the MOD creator. If there was a way to create a Bookie Event from the actually Vbookie page, that would awesome!

Wseries 02-23-2010 06:23 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Having an eye for detail I've just noticed the required template edit for the new vBookie doesn't quite match the new styling of vBulletin 4. So with much respect to the author of this mod I've updated it to match. To see the differences view the before and after pics I've attached to this post. Be aware I changed the 'yes_post_a_vbookieevent_thread' phrase on my forum in the after shot.

Here is the code:


                <vb:if condition="$show['vbookieevent']">
                <fieldset class="blockrow">
                        <legend>{vb:rawphrase vbookie}</legend>
                                <dl class="group dep_group">
                                                <label for="cb_postvbookieevent">
                                                        {vb:rawphrase yes_post_a_vbookieevent_thread}
                                        <dd class="rightcol">
                                                <label for="cb_postvbookieevent">
                                        <input type="checkbox" name="postvbookieevent" value="yes" id="cb_postvbookieevent" tabindex="1" {vb:raw checked.postvbookieevent} class="dep_ctrl" />

Dartho I hope you don't mind?

literatestylish 02-23-2010 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by Wseries (Post 1989828)
Having an eye for detail I've just noticed the required template edit for the new vBookie doesn't quite match the new styling of vBulletin 4. So with much respect to the author of this mod I've updated it to match. To see the differences view the before and after pics I've attached to this post. Be aware I changed the 'yes_post_a_vbookieevent_thread' phrase on my forum in the after shot.

Here is the code:


                <vb:if condition="$show['vbookieevent']">
                <fieldset class="blockrow">
                        <legend>{vb:rawphrase vbookie}</legend>
                                <dl class="group dep_group">
                                                <label for="cb_postvbookieevent">
                                                        {vb:rawphrase yes_post_a_vbookieevent_thread}
                                        <dd class="rightcol">
                                                <label for="cb_postvbookieevent">
                                        <input type="checkbox" name="postvbookieevent" value="yes" id="cb_postvbookieevent" tabindex="1" {vb:raw checked.postvbookieevent} class="dep_ctrl" />

Dartho I hope you don't mind?

Awesome! Thank you!

literatestylish 02-23-2010 06:54 PM

Does the person who starts the thread have to make the payouts?

Wseries 02-23-2010 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by literatestylish (Post 1989847)
Does the person who starts the thread have to make the payouts?

No, anyone in the usergroup which has permissions to do so can settle the event. I would recommend keeping that group to a smallest number possible. vBookie does not have an undo function so if you make an error when settling an event you are basically screwed.

dartho 02-23-2010 08:11 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Wseries (Post 1989828)
Having an eye for detail I've just noticed the required template edit for the new vBookie doesn't quite match the new styling of vBulletin 4. So with much respect to the author of this mod I've updated it to match. To see the differences view the before and after pics I've attached to this post. Be aware I changed the 'yes_post_a_vbookieevent_thread' phrase on my forum in the after shot.

Here is the code:


                <vb:if condition="$show['vbookieevent']">
                <fieldset class="blockrow">
                        <legend>{vb:rawphrase vbookie}</legend>
                                <dl class="group dep_group">
                                                <label for="cb_postvbookieevent">
                                                        {vb:rawphrase yes_post_a_vbookieevent_thread}
                                        <dd class="rightcol">
                                                <label for="cb_postvbookieevent">
                                        <input type="checkbox" name="postvbookieevent" value="yes" id="cb_postvbookieevent" tabindex="1" {vb:raw checked.postvbookieevent} class="dep_ctrl" />

Dartho I hope you don't mind?

I think you will find that is because you are not using the default style and your code changes will only be useful to people using teh same style you are :)

Here's a default screen shot:


Wseries 02-23-2010 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by dartho (Post 1989904)
I think you will find that is because you are not using the default style and your code changes will only be useful to people using teh same style you are :)

But I am using the default style dartho. Well, at least I think I am! I only have one style that I've made all my customisations to and it's called 'vB4 Default Style'. So now your screenshot has got me wondering what's going on. Perhaps it had something to do with my recent upgrade to vB4?

dartho 02-23-2010 09:18 PM

Although I just this minute upgraded from 4.0.1 to 4.0.2 and you are correct - they've changed the style around in 4.0.2.


Sounds like you've edited your default style, which is OK - but it means you can no longer view what it looks like out of the box - which often is useful as a sanity check.

Just add a new style with no parent and call it "vBulletin Original" and it will be the vbulletin default style unmodified.

Wseries 02-25-2010 06:07 PM

You're welcome dartho. Just noticed something else I think needs to be looked at though. In previous versions of vBookie, on the showthread page, there was a notice above an events outcomes and odds that went along the line of "{1}You may bet on this event. You have x cash and have placed x bet(s) on this Event. {2}You may bet more than once on this Event." Obviously {1} and {2} are updated to reflect the correct permissions.

Anyway, any chance you could include this in a future update please? As it stands a member doesn't know how much vCash they have to bet with when viewing an event.

dartho 02-25-2010 07:47 PM

see https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...01#post1965601 for adding vcash balance

[ed: actually, I have implemented the above from wseries' post- will add in next release]

iamme1 02-26-2010 08:40 PM

by chance does anyone know if this will work w/ vbulletin 3.6.x ?

mandingo 02-28-2010 03:07 PM

Not sure if this has been covered. went to edit event to add new options to an existing bookie and it won't let me save it.

This thread already has a vBookie event attached to it

dartho 02-28-2010 03:28 PM

Sorry, that is a wee bug which is fixed in teh next version when I get around to releasing. To fix manually in the mean time:

Edit vBookie.php and at line 1763 add:

$templater->register('item_id', $item_id);

which should be just after
PHP Code:

    // Main page content
$templater vB_Template::create('vbookie_new_event'); 

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