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-   -   Suite Style - Darkness vBulletin Gaming Skin [Bluepearl-Skins.com] (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=231670)

barnes5150 12-16-2010 04:45 PM

I have the same issue- in IE the border side edges are missing

Chrome works ok...

Sean James 12-23-2010 11:13 AM

Hey bpi007 the answer to your question is in the description in the first post


Version 6.0 of this template for vB4 uses no tables instead i decided to use CSS3 border-image, unfortunately Internet Explorer does not support border-image so the left and right border will not appear in IE, i added the top and bottom borders in IE with <!--[if IE]>

iyama 01-13-2011 01:03 PM

Hi Griffin,

I want to upgrade vB to 4.1.1. Is that ok with this style?

Sean James 01-14-2011 03:37 AM


Originally Posted by iyama (Post 2148442)
Hi Griffin,

I want to upgrade vB to 4.1.1. Is that ok with this style?

You should be ok mate, i am releasing 7.1 tonight as well

Hdeaf.com 01-16-2011 09:22 AM


Sarteck 01-16-2011 01:20 PM


I love and hate this skin.

I love it because I think it's unbelievably awesome. I hate it because it always reminds me that I have absolutely NO sense for Styling my own skins. X3 Thanks a bunch for offering such a cool skin, an' for free!

I'm having some problems with it on 4.1.1 (using 7.0), but I'm hoping your 7.1 release'll fix 'em. Lookin' forward to it. :>

mudmanc4 01-16-2011 09:34 PM

Thank you for your hard work on this and continued support. It's members of the community like yourself that help make VB what it is today.

cvondra 01-18-2011 01:27 PM

Hey Griffin not trying to be a pain just curious, did you release 7.1 or is it still in process? Thanks for all you do.

Problems I'm having with 7.0

1) vBH or other tab extras won't stay up when page selected.
2) The obvious i.e. issue.
3) I made child themes so I could change the header image and select each child them with a specific page but the header doesn't change.

Thought I would share those with you and see if anyone else is having these issues.

CMSTemplateZ 01-18-2011 02:12 PM

This is one of the better styles :)

iyama 01-19-2011 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by Griffin80 (Post 2148794)
You should be ok mate, i am releasing 7.1 tonight as well

Ok i will wait til you have 7.1 posted here.

varlier 01-19-2011 06:38 PM

good evening and thank you for you good job

cvondra 01-20-2011 12:48 PM

Personally I would gladly pay for this theme if we could get support. Its a bear to find a theme that is dark, works for a military support organization and isn't too clowny. Used to use Underground from Skinbox until they decided to ++++ all their customers and stop supporting vB. Is there an option of any kind to purchase this theme and get timely support and updates? I will gladly pay for something I know will be around in the future and not leave me hanging like Skinbox did.

Big thanks.

Also, if you would like to support the US Snipers in active military duty go here. www.americansnipers.org We are 100% NON PROFIT, no salaries all our work is pro-bono to support these heros.

Sarteck 01-20-2011 06:04 PM

@cvondra, if you're looking for a paid skin that does not HAVE to be this one, the developer of this one makes several (Darkness and its more simple BP-Brown are just the free ones).

I've never used one of their paid styles, but they do have the paid ones up-to-date, and they looks sweet as well (of course).

Check out their store: http://www.bluepearl-skins.com/forum...ulletin-skins/

cvondra 01-21-2011 03:44 AM

I realize they have paid skins. None of them are conducive to the site I'm talking about.

Webbstre 01-21-2011 06:15 AM

I also would pay for this skin, if it meant faster updates and support and such. I like it because of the different header area and the border, and modified them to match the theme of my site (http://www.runicgamesfansite.com to see how I modified this skin). Waiting forever for updates because free things go at the bottom of the to-do list is a little aggravating at times.

iyama 01-24-2011 01:40 PM

Griffin for President ;)

I have updated yesterday to vb4.1.1 but there are 4 little probs.
I think your version update wil be fixed that?

Question 2:
In the older vb3 there was a issue with the banner.
After searching i found it out that it was better to make it in 3 parts.
Exampel banner1.jpg has 400px, banner2.jpg has 2px and banner3.jpg has 300px.
In that case the banner was showing to all monitors 100% the same.
Is that in this style possible?

cvondra 01-28-2011 10:23 AM

This is unfortunately becoming disappointing. I have reached out to these guys offering to pay for updates both on here and via their site with no response either way. Is there anyone out there that does work on themes for vB and is actually dependable? If you know of someone please let me know.

iyama 01-31-2011 10:57 AM

Its working good on vb4.1.1 here.

CharlieDelta 01-31-2011 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by zainer (Post 1984085)
I was wondering if anyone can help me with the navbar.
if you go to www.sorrynoobs.com/board and look at the navbar, you can see that it does not move as it should i guess. If you open it, and make the window smaller, the buttons all move, go behind the search box and even down below where the navbar should be. I guess I'm making it hard to explain, easiest way to show you is to have you look at it. here is some screen shots. As you can see in image1, the navbar is fine so long as you have it maximized. In image2, you can see that if you make the window smaller, the navbar goes haywire.

Thank You,

I am having this same problem.
How can I fix this?

CharlieDelta 02-01-2011 02:40 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Here is a pic of the problem posted above. My navbar seems to be pushed to the right.

Attachment 126311

iyama 02-08-2011 06:11 AM


Originally Posted by CharlieDelta (Post 2157216)
Here is a pic of the problem posted above. My navbar seems to be pushed to the right.

Attachment 126311

Site of you is: You don't have permission to access /board on this server.

And that problem is becourse the height of bluepearl-design-logo.png
Make it like 388x98px and it fits. ;)

CharlieDelta 02-08-2011 11:23 PM


Originally Posted by iyama (Post 2160090)
Site of you is: You don't have permission to access /board on this server.

And that problem is becourse the height of bluepearl-design-logo.png
Make it like 388x98px and it fits. ;)

I posted the wrong pic.
Works now, thanks.

iyama 02-14-2011 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by iyama (Post 2153825)
Griffin for President ;)

I have updated yesterday to vb4.1.1 but there are 4 little probs.
I think your version update wil be fixed that?

Question 2:
In the older vb3 there was a issue with the banner.
After searching i found it out that it was better to make it in 3 parts.
Exampel banner1.jpg has 400px, banner2.jpg has 2px and banner3.jpg has 300px.
In that case the banner was showing to all monitors 100% the same.
Is that in this style possible?

Is there a update Griffin?

thr45h3r 02-15-2011 04:45 AM

Working great on 4.1.1

Thanks looks great

thr45h3r 02-15-2011 12:59 PM

Only issue I've seen is the text doesn't show up in the login/signup part

Sean James 02-20-2011 01:13 PM

-Updated to work with vBulletin 4.1.2

Crotan 02-20-2011 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by Griffin80 (Post 2164583)
-Updated to work with vBulletin 4.1.2

Is there a new download for this? Or did you overwrite version 7?

Sean James 02-20-2011 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by Crotan (Post 2164737)
Is there a new download for this? Or did you overwrite version 7?

The attachment is called 'Darkness-ver4.1.2.zip'

Crotan 02-21-2011 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by Griffin80 (Post 2164769)
The attachment is called 'Darkness-ver4.1.2.zip'

oops must be blind, doh :)

Sean James 02-24-2011 01:56 AM


Originally Posted by Crotan (Post 2165123)
oops must be blind, doh :)

No problem mate, i decided to start saving my skins with the version number 4.1.2, 4.1.3 etc instead of 1.0, 1.1 so that users are able to download which version they need easier.

doc fluty 02-24-2011 07:23 AM

I just purchased VB a few days ago and was pretty intimidated. Then i started looking into customizing the forum and found this one.. and even for a noob like me it worked VERY easy

I installed in all in less than 2 minutes... everything seems to be working great.

One question i have is i am not a fan of the dark green on the area where the threads are. Is there a way to change that to white and make the text black?

Everything else can stay the same...I just want the area where the threads are and if/when your reading a post.. all with the white BG and blk text

Thank you for any help you can give

Sean James 02-24-2011 08:54 AM

Thanks for your comments much appreciated ;)

You can change anything on this skin with ease using the system, will just take abit of exploring.

ADMINCP --> Style manager --> Stylevars

Crotan 02-25-2011 01:23 AM

Was it just me or did the Border return in your 4.1.2 version? Or was I really just far behind in updating before this?

Also the Logo image is no longer centered using this code


.doc_header {
text-align: center;
.logo-image {

What did I screw up, lol?

mmacrypt 02-25-2011 06:45 PM

Ok, I'm breaking down and asking. I've done a lot with this style, been using it for over a year now and I love it. But I have NEVER be able to get my banner to work with IE. It looks great in FF and Chrome but I can't ever get it to show up in IE. I thought I was onto something today and thought about replacing the bluepearl-design-logo.png with my logo but then checked the Demo for IE and that's not what was done. I'm feeling like a bit of an idiot on this cause I can't fix it. I keep reading the notes on the first post about IE and the borders and this part <!--[if IE]> but I'm being thick as hell with this one and it's not making any sense to me. I spent the time today and read over ever post and found some similar questions but I'm being dense I guess cause I'm just not getting it.

The site is MMACrypt.comand looks great in FF but no banner logo with IE.

Thanks for any help and sorry for being stupid on this one but something just isn't clicking for me on this one.

mmacrypt 02-25-2011 06:58 PM

Ok, I went ahead and kicked myself in the head and started looking at the code again. then stuck my head in the oven but it's electric so I only got hot instead and not high but that seemed to be enough to help me "get it"

And just incase some poor stupid sucker like myself comes along, here's the solution or at least what worked for me.

In FF, I'm using a banner.jpg file but the code for IE required a png file so I also created a banner.png and now it's working fine in IE. Wow that was an arse kicker for me.

mmacrypt 02-25-2011 07:03 PM

So, I don't know if it's an error in the code that has it calling for 2 different banners or what

#darkbord {
border: 11px;
-webkit-border-image: url(images/Darkness3/darkness3/border.png) 11 11 11 11 repeat repeat;
-moz-border-image: url(images/Darkness3/darkness3/border.png) 11 11 11 11 repeat

Maybe switching these lines to .jpg would have fixed all this for me, don't know but damn, haven't been beat up like that in a while. I know how Fedor feels now ;)

Ok, last update, but I changed the code to .jpg and that seems to have fixed it also.

mmacrypt 02-25-2011 07:28 PM

And now another issue I've having with IE but it's only IE on a XP machine. Looking at it with IE 8 on a Windows 7 machine and it looks fine. I have these scroll bars that show up on every post now no matter what the size of the window. Not sure if it's a VB issue or just this style. I looked at the default style and they weren't there but I'm just now digging in.


Crotan 02-25-2011 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by mmacrypt (Post 2166830)
And now another issue I've having with IE but it's only IE on a XP machine. Looking at it with IE 8 on a Windows 7 machine and it looks fine. I have these scroll bars that show up on every post now no matter what the size of the window. Not sure if it's a VB issue or just this style. I looked at the default style and they weren't there but I'm just now digging in.


That's strange will have to ask my members who are on IE and XP if they get the same

Sean James 02-25-2011 11:42 PM

Thanks for bringing this to my attention i will look at my test board and see if this happens in XP, as this page is not modified i am doubting this is a skin issue.

mmacrypt 02-26-2011 04:38 AM

Thanks guys, I'm mostly a FF guy but I didn't notice it until the latest upgrade to IE, not sure if I was 7 before but now I'm 8.0.6 on the XP machine. I will dig in more by Monday at the latest.

But here's what I've noticed.
Darkness has the bars
Default does not.
Call2Duty does.
BP Brown does not

Both Call and Brown are way not updated as I don't think anybody uses them, Darkness is the heart of my site. But I'm not sure if anybody else has the same issue yet. I will post asking for some input on what people are seeing after this next UFC event this sat.

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