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djbaxter 07-06-2011 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by LauraS (Post 2217447)
Our developer is having issues with the files; he says he cannot unzip. Any hints here???


Download the zip file again. He has a corrupted or incomplete zip file.

kartik786 07-07-2011 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by kartik786 (Post 2144824)
I have over 2,30,000 members. I tried using this mod but the send queue fails / stops abruptly and then I have to hit the back button. Also it conflicts with vbseo in a way and takes jargon code from footer. We have a nehlam dedicated server.

I'm willing to pay but can someone tell me how

a.) I can send an email to all my members without having to watch the queue page update every x seconds and then stop?

b.) Reduce server loads and ensure the bounced emails are not sent again.

I'm sorry but was this addressed?

realmr 07-25-2011 07:50 PM

mails are properly sent only to gmail users, all other users are facing problems either with blank emails or no emails. Any solution to fix this ?

Dragonsys 07-27-2011 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by StarBuG (Post 2215544)
I get the following error when I try to send the newsletter:


Warning: Missing argument 1 for vB_Database::query_write(), called in [path]/acp/commbull_functions.php on line 366 and defined in [path]/includes/class_core.php on line 438

Database error in vBulletin 4.1.4:

Invalid SQL:

MySQL Error  : Query was empty
Error Number  : 1065
Request Date  : Friday, July 1st 2011 @ 02:27:27 PM
Error Date    : Friday, July 1st 2011 @ 02:27:27 PM
Script        : http://www.adsenseexperts.com/acp/commbull.php?do=send
Referrer      : http://www.adsenseexperts.com/acp/commbull.php
IP Address    : xxx
Username      : me
Classname    : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.51a-24+lenny5

I run 4.14, this is a fresh install (with modifications from the 4.0 Version Thread) and I have selected usergroups and forums for the newsletter.
I can see the newsletter preview but when I click send I get the above error.

Can anyone help me with this?

Any help is appreciated

I am having the same problem

Scalemotorcars 08-06-2011 08:32 PM

Working 4.1.4 with edits. Thanks.

Scalemotorcars 08-06-2011 08:49 PM

Anyone ever figure out how to include photopost into commbull?

Halfhidden 09-22-2011 05:12 PM

I had a problem with this mod where sometimes it wouldn't send out emails or it sent out several to the same user, duplicated emails.
In my case I did two things to solve this:
1 In Vbulletin>admincp>Options>settings>Email Options

Use Mailqueue System set to "Yes, with locking"
This prevents duplicated newsletter from going out and also helps the smooth distribution of those newsletters.

2 SMTP Email set this to yes!
Now fill in the settings for your smtp server and hit save.
Since doing this I'm able to send out newsletters without problems to over 5,000 members.
Hope this helps.

grandeur_69 09-22-2011 06:12 PM

we wrote a PHP script that runs on our server that cleans everything up.

PHP Code:



$forum_dbs[] = 'db1';
$forum_dbs[] = 'db2';

$server 'pop.gmail.com';
$user 'email@email.com';
$password 'password';

if (
$conn) {
$port '995/pop3/ssl';


$link imap_open("{".$server.":".$port."}INBOX",$user,$password);

        if (!
$link) {
"Cannot create POP3 connection to $server: ".imap_last_error();

processMessages($link$max 1000) {
$check imap_check($link);
$num $check->Nmsgs;

  if (
$num $max) {
"Processing first $max of $num messages\n";
$num $max;

"Processed messages will be deleted from mailbox\n";

  for (
$x=1$x <= $num$x++) {
"processing $x of $num messages\n";
$processed processBounce($link,$x);
// delete it anyway - we've seen it, tried to process it, no need to do it again
imap_mail_move($link"$x:$x""[Google Mail]/Trash");
"\nClosing mailbox, and purging messages\n\n";

set_time_limit(60 $num);

processBounce($link,$num) {
$headerinfo imap_headerinfo($link,$num);
$matched false;

$subject strtolower($headerinfo->subject);

  if (
strpos($subject'undelivered') !== false || strpos($subject'returned') !== false) {
$email_address '';
$body imap_body($link,$num);
$pos strpos($body'Undelivered Message');
          if (
$pos) {
$body substr($body$pos);
preg_match ("/To: (.*)/i"$body$match);
            if (
is_array($match) && isset($match[1])) $email_address trim($match[1]);
          if (
$email_address) {
"procesing email '$email_address'\n";
// loop through the dbs to find the user and turn off emails to that address
foreach ($forum_dbs as $db_name) {
                        if (
mysql_select_db($db_name$conn)) {
$query "SELECT * FROM user WHERE email = '".mysql_real_escape_string($email_address) ."'";
$result mysql_query($query$conn);
                                if (
$result && $user mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
"cleaning user '$email_address' from $db_name\n";
$matched true;
$user_id $user['user_id'];
// no weekly newsletter
mysql_query("UPDATE user SET receivebulletin = 0 WHERE userid = $user_id"$conn);
// no longer receive admin emails
mysql_query("UPDATE user SET options = options - 16 WHERE options & 16 AND userid = $user_id"$conn);


Couple notes:
- everything gets bounced to our Google Apps account, so your setup may be slightly different
- we have multiple forums that run to the same email address, so we pass an array of DB's

angeljs 10-04-2011 05:41 PM

I've installed this but when trying to access the settings etc. receive the following error:


Invalid SQL:

SELECT  administrator.*,
FROM  user AS user
LEFT JOIN userfield AS userfield ON (user.userid =  userfield.userid)
LEFT JOIN usertextfield AS usertextfield ON  (usertextfield.userid =  user.userid) LEFT JOIN administrator AS administrator ON  (administrator.userid = user.userid) LEFT JOIN language AS language ON  (language.languageid = IF(user.languageid = 0, 1, user.languageid))
LEFT  JOIN usergroup AS mgcugp ON (user.usergroupid=mgcugp.usergroupid)
WHERE  user.userid = 3;

MySQL Error  : Unknown column  'language.phrasegroup_commbull' in 'field list'
Error Number  : 1054

Also, I'm not sure if I have all the right files as I receive an error when I try to open the zip file.

grandeur_69 10-04-2011 09:21 PM

the error doesn't even make sense. I don't see phrasegroup_commbull in the search query for it to display that error. The product XML file is the one that would include these changes to the database.

angeljs 10-05-2011 05:42 AM

Well I don't know what to say, that's the error I'm receiving. :)

Igel1 10-31-2011 09:35 PM

Hello, I have a problem with the MOD under vb4.1.7
After a fresh installation (all other mods are disabled), it does not work.
Commbull Version 5.1b and the xml from https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...=233798&page=7

I get an error message when sending mail related to the body.
The preview works though.


Parse error: parse error, expecting `T_VARIABLE' or `'$'' in  ...\admincp\commbull_functions.php(487) : eval()'d code on line 166

Parse error: parse error, expecting `T_VARIABLE' or `'$'' in  ...\admincp\commbull_functions.php(488) : eval()'d code on line 33

Can anybody help me, please.


Igel1 10-31-2011 11:51 PM

Sorry, my mistake.
The MOD works on 4.1.7
The error was because of my german translation since had a variable errors crept

Igel1 11-04-2011 07:55 PM

Hello all,

I would like to install a checkbox for the newsletter in the registry under vb4.1.7
this code:

                        <div class="blockrow">
                                <label>{vb:rawphrase receive_email}...</label>
                                <div class="rightcol">
                                        <ul class="checkradio group">
                                                        <label for="cb_adminemail"><input type="checkbox" name="options[adminemail]" value="1" id="cb_adminemail" tabindex="1" {vb:raw checkedoff.adminemail} /> {vb:rawphrase receive_email_from_bulletin_board_staff}</label>
                                                <vb:if condition="$show['email']">
                                                                <label for="cb_showemail"><input type="checkbox" name="options[showemail]" value="1" id="cb_showemail" tabindex="1" {vb:raw checkedoff.showemail} /> {vb:rawphrase receive_email_from_other_members}</label>

                                                            <label for="receivebulletin"><input type="checkbox" name="receivebulletin" value="1" id="receivebulletin" tabindex="1" {vb:raw checkedoff.receivebulletin} /> {vb:rawphrase receive_email_from_commbull}</label>
                                                    <vb:if condition="$show['email']">
                                                                      <label for="commbull"><input type="checkbox" name="commbull" value="1" id="commbull" tabindex="1" {vb:raw checkedoff.receivebulletin} /> />{vb:rawphrase receive_email_from_commbull}</label>


in the template "register" show the text and the checkbox for the newsletter but there are no funktion under the checkbox.

Please can anybody help me.

Thanks Igel1

Another question

In setting section when I select for "Only include threads that have been started or replied to since this date?" as yes, I get in the newsletter threads older than the date I selected.
The threads are older and the last post in the thread also older.

djbaxter 11-07-2011 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by Igel1 (Post 2264511)
Hello all,

I would like to install a checkbox for the newsletter in the registry under vb4.1.7
this code:

                        <div class="blockrow">
                                <label>{vb:rawphrase receive_email}...</label>
                                <div class="rightcol">
                                        <ul class="checkradio group">
                                                        <label for="cb_adminemail"><input type="checkbox" name="options[adminemail]" value="1" id="cb_adminemail" tabindex="1" {vb:raw checkedoff.adminemail} /> {vb:rawphrase receive_email_from_bulletin_board_staff}</label>
                                                <vb:if condition="$show['email']">
                                                                <label for="cb_showemail"><input type="checkbox" name="options[showemail]" value="1" id="cb_showemail" tabindex="1" {vb:raw checkedoff.showemail} /> {vb:rawphrase receive_email_from_other_members}</label>

                                                            <label for="receivebulletin"><input type="checkbox" name="receivebulletin" value="1" id="receivebulletin" tabindex="1" {vb:raw checkedoff.receivebulletin} /> {vb:rawphrase receive_email_from_commbull}</label>
                                                    <vb:if condition="$show['email']">
                                                                      <label for="commbull"><input type="checkbox" name="commbull" value="1" id="commbull" tabindex="1" {vb:raw checkedoff.receivebulletin} /> />{vb:rawphrase receive_email_from_commbull}</label>


in the template "register" show the text and the checkbox for the newsletter but there are no funktion under the checkbox.

Please can anybody help me.

Thanks Igel1

Another question

In setting section when I select for "Only include threads that have been started or replied to since this date?" as yes, I get in the newsletter threads older than the date I selected.
The threads are older and the last post in the thread also older.

See https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=233798

Igel1 11-07-2011 07:46 PM

Sorry, but in the other thread are no info on how to build in a checkbock for the newsletter in the registry site.

And this question:

In setting section when I select for "Only include threads that have been started or replied to since this date?" as yes, I get in the newsletter threads older than the date I selected.
The threads are older and the last post in the thread also older.
was indeed found but there was no answer how to fit only the hint that the last contribution would be well into the selected date. But that's not the case with me, the threads and the posts are older than the date i've selected.

sorry for my english

anandbagmane 01-07-2012 11:38 AM

Does this support latest version of vbulletin 4.1.9

LadyBeth 01-07-2012 11:43 AM

^^^^^what this person said^^^^^^
If it can be made to work properly I would be extremely grateful.


kartik786 01-09-2012 03:00 PM

Got an error
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.3:

Invalid SQL:
UPDATE forum SET replycount=replycount+1,threadcount=threadcount+1, lastpost='1326124535',lastpost er='myusername' WHERE forumid IN ();

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 1
Error Number : 1064
Request Date : Monday, January 9th 2012 @ 10:55:32 AM
Error Date : Monday, January 9th 2012 @ 10:55:35 AM
Script : mysite.com/commbull.php?do=send
Referrer : mysite
IP Address : 1**.**myip.***
Username : myusername
Classname : vB_Database_MySQLi
MySQL Version : 5.1.56-log

anandbagmane 01-12-2012 09:58 AM

does this work on 4.1.9 version?

grandeur_69 01-27-2012 06:55 AM

yes. Commbull runs mostly independently from vB, so unless they do some major structural changes to the database, it should continue to handle most updates.

christon26 01-29-2012 09:33 AM

K, I am trying to mark this as installed but I'm getting a permissions error, I don't know why :(

I too would love to know how to have my photopost images show like maybe the last 3 uploads?

Something similar to the vbadvanced homepage I currently have would be nice :)

realmr 01-30-2012 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by realmr (Post 2224904)
mails are properly sent only to gmail users, all other users are facing problems either with blank emails or no emails. Any solution to fix this ?

any solution bro ?

kartik786 02-10-2012 09:26 AM

We're trying to send it to our database of 3,00,000 members and its becoming a pain.

We have purchased another mail server and have used smtp details in the vbulletin options.

The batch processing stopped somewhere at 120th page when I was sending 500 users per batch. I had left the computer turned on so I saw this only after when I came back. Here is the screenshot http://clip2net.com/s/1zOTl

I again tried it with batch size as 50 mails per page and it stopped at page 50. I noticed your option of resuming mails from the page that last broked and restarted sending mails from page 60.

The mail processed page 60, 61, 62 and then restarted from page 1 - the beginning again.

Now I have already got 4 emails of the same email in my inbox and couple of members mails asking me to stop spamming them.

How can I send emails easily to my 3,00,000 members?

I love combull, I've used it in the past and wish to continue using it.


christon26 02-20-2012 08:02 AM

New members are automatically subscribed to the newsletter, how can I change this? I want it to be strictly opt-in rather than having to opt out.

christon26 02-20-2012 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by christon26 (Post 2301464)
New members are automatically subscribed to the newsletter, how can I change this? I want it to be strictly opt-in rather than having to opt out.

I figured out how to fix this, by changing the default for the receivebulletin field in PHPMyAdmin from 1 - 0

sailnet 02-28-2012 03:55 PM

can you automatically opt-in existing members and new subscribers and make then opt-out instead of opting in?

sailnet 02-28-2012 07:26 PM

I installed it and uninstalled it after looking at the admin screen.

3.8.7 - no text for new left nav admin menu item. no way to documentation on how to edit the template, no way to send a test for the the admin or a group.

I do appreciate all the hard work that went into this but it's just not for me.


SilverBoy 06-25-2012 03:05 AM

I have a problem with this product.

When I want to send the most reply threads or the most viewed threads as block in the newsletter the product always select the most read or most viewed from the beginning of my site (9 years old) even if they don't have any reply in the date I selected in the settings (in old versions this option was work great and there blocks select threads only if they have posts posted after the selected date).

rcull 08-19-2012 02:27 PM

I have been a user of Commbull Pro, and it worked great until now. My only problem with the Pro version was with the preview, and did not start with the vbulletin upgrade which was done some time ago!

I just attempted to instal this version and got this error:

The following dependencies were not met:

This product is not compatible with version 4.1.11 of vBulletin. (Compatible starting with 3.6.0 / Incompatible with 3.8.99 and greater)

What are my options?

djbaxter 08-19-2012 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by rcull (Post 2358172)
I have been a user of Commbull Pro, and it worked great until now. My only problem with the Pro version was with the preview, and did not start with the upgrade which was done some time ago!

I just attempted to instal this version and got this error:

The following dependencies were not met:

This product is not compatible with version 4.1.11 of vBulletin. (Compatible starting with 3.6.0 / Incompatible with 3.8.99 and greater)

What are my options?

  1. Edit the product file: product-Commbull4.xml

  2. FIND at line 7:


                    <dependency dependencytype="vbulletin" minversion="3.6.0" maxversion="3.8.99" />



                    <dependency dependencytype="vbulletin" minversion="3.0" maxversion="" />

  4. Import the edited version of the product file.

rcull 08-20-2012 02:00 AM

Thanks, djbaxter, that does allow the xml file to be imported.
Either I am doing something wrong, or the commbull offered here is just not up to the old Pro version. I would have thought that when the pro version was abandoned, this open version would have been upgraded to that level.

It was great to be able to limit the newsletter going to active users in the last XX days!

Am I right or am I missing something? (Hopefully missing something)

I see that the version I am running on another site is version 5.0, and it is complete and great...

djbaxter 08-20-2012 02:44 AM

I'm still running an older pro version, too (4.3?). Has a minor bug or two but still chugging along doing what it should.

rcull 08-20-2012 01:35 PM

yahoo! I am back to where I was before I started on this ill fated circle:)

I am going to do what I should have then. Ask...

I have suddenly started to get an error when I click the preview html.


Not Acceptable

An appropriate representation of the requested resource /forums/admincp/commbull_textarea.php could not be found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.


What might cause this, the file is there?


420 08-22-2012 07:37 AM

Just upgraded VB 4.1.12 to VB 4.20 PL 2 and now Commbull doesn't work.

Any ideas?

Calystos 09-26-2012 04:53 AM


Originally Posted by 420 (Post 2358941)
Just upgraded VB 4.1.12 to VB 4.20 PL 2 and now Commbull doesn't work.

Any ideas?

Check to see if you've got the "Use Cron Based Sending" enabled, if so disable it as this allowed it to work again for me. Was suggested HERE.

I didn't need to adjust the other settings suggested, only the cron based sending one and after that it worked fine.

David Copeland 11-29-2012 03:44 AM

1) Does anyone have a screen shot of what the incoming html email looks like? I'd like to see some samples

2) What do I have to do to make this work with VB Ver 4.2 ?


David Copeland 01-15-2013 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by David Copeland (Post 2386292)
1) Does anyone have a screen shot of what the incoming html email looks like? I'd like to see some samples

2) What do I have to do to make this work with VB Ver 4.2 ?



keyla31 02-28-2013 11:09 PM

1 Attachment(s)
If you use these files and use the attached product file it will work fine in 4.2

PakGamerz 03-10-2013 07:02 AM

hey can anybody share the plugin 4.5f, because i need to run a cron job for community bulletin, i am willing to pay also. I tried to download the package from the developers site but the link is down, Please share the cron file.php with me asap.


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