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robdawg 12-10-2009 01:23 PM

Can you add the ability to have different login credentials per site?

I have 3 forums I have added to the app and none of the share the same account information.


vbreal 12-10-2009 05:20 PM

i have a user using the 8900 and they cant read new posts but they can post to the forums.

they also said its very hard to see the first post of the thread. they have to keep hitting more to get to the first post to see what the thread is about.

are their preferences a user can set on how to view a thread?

i still have many users that can't post or when they do post it doesnt show in the thread

ohand i edit the config file to show sigs. thats not working either

footose 12-11-2009 05:50 PM

*whew* it's been a busy week. lots of snow up here in Canada.

Ok lets see...


Can you add the ability to have different login credentials per site?

I have 3 forums I have added to the app and none of the share the same account information.

Each site should have a separate login cred's.

Add the forum as usual, then open that forum and goto "options" - you should be able to add any cred's that you need too for each site. Let me know if there are problems.

footose 12-11-2009 05:53 PM


Is there a way to make the .jad download already sync'd with our forums so users don't have to do anything to be seamlessly browsing our sites with their handsets?
I'm not sure what you mean exactly? I can probably make you a html file that detects if your user is using a compatible blackberry, and then send them to the JAd download if you like..


Adding site, i get:
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException:Malformed UTF-8
I will take a look at this now, it's probably a language issue. I will need FTP access to your site to the m_functions directory so i can personally take a look. PM me


i have arabic site , and utf-8 encoding
does it support this encoding?
it should support this, but if you can send me the URL, then I can certainly MAKE it work with it :)

footose 12-11-2009 05:58 PM


i have a user using the 8900 and they cant read new posts but they can post to the forums.
Are their login cred's correct?


they also said its very hard to see the first post of the thread. they have to keep hitting more to get to the first post to see what the thread is about.

are their preferences a user can set on how to view a thread?
I should be able to code it so the user can choose "what way" the thread is shown. Right now I have it in "reverse order" because 90% of the time the user wants to see the newest posts, instead... at least in my expereince.


i still have many users that can't post or when they do post it doesnt show in the thread

ohand i edit the config file to show sigs. thats not working either
Hmm, not sure there is an option for this :) lol it should just show their sig?

vbreal 12-11-2009 08:45 PM


// the signature that is display with every new thread posted with BerryBlab
// we recommend using your berryblab affliate link here (when aval)
$berryblab_sig = "Posted from my BlackBerry using BerryBlab";
this only shows when a user creates a thread via the app

i was thinking it was every time a user posts from the app.

i am sure the creds are correct. if they are able to post on my forum then that means the logged in with the correct info.

you have an account on my site were u able to view new posts tab. can you try again to see what happens?


footose 12-11-2009 09:13 PM

^^ Ohh, I thought you ment signatures from the users themselves.

Yah, I actually took out that functionality for when I was alpha testing this but I'll include it in the next release. I forgot to put it back in

vbreal 12-11-2009 10:40 PM

ok look fwd to that

but the most important thing is for users to be able to see new posts.

but i have other users on other models that can't even post at all or their posts don't go through.

am i the only site with these issues?

footose 12-12-2009 12:31 AM

I'm on your site right now taking a look... feel free to erase my test posts

footose 12-12-2009 12:38 AM

vbreal: looks like you had the same problem another site had today. Should be fixed up now.

i think the sigs are fixed as well.. testing.

footose 12-12-2009 12:47 AM

:D yup.


ok... so there is a bug that is stopping "new posts" to be shown on some forums, I will have it out in the next release. vbreal yours is currently up to date.

i also made you an icon, sick of seeing the "stock" berryblab one :) feel free to change it!

vbreal 12-12-2009 01:53 AM

yeah i saw ur test thread

what was the problem

also umm what about seeing new posts?

jambo_1969 12-12-2009 07:11 AM

Any further on the login issue I posted earlier ?

vbreal 12-12-2009 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by footose (Post 1929104)
:D yup.


ok... so there is a bug that is stopping "new posts" to be shown on some forums, I will have it out in the next release. vbreal yours is currently up to date.

i also made you an icon, sick of seeing the "stock" berryblab one :) feel free to change it!

damn i didnt see u mention about new posts last night before i posted. hahaha

thanks for getting me up to date. i will bug the other bb users to give it a go again.

thanks for changing the icon. i havn't had a chance to convert mine to a png format haha.

jibi 12-14-2009 01:17 AM


Originally Posted by footose (Post 1923338)
oh, I ment to ask you guys.....

I have the "ability" to add the functionality for you guys to add "advertisements" to your site on BerryBlab.

This would be fully controlled by you, but would allow you to bring in advertising from your mobile site as well as your regular site. Do you think this is something I should start developing further (Will it make / break you using berryblab?) Let me know!

Given that we'll be losing page views and advertising impressions, I think this would be a great idea. We use GAM, for now, although most advertising engines - hosted or not - should be similar for implementation onto the mobile interface.

jibi 12-14-2009 01:23 AM

Perhaps the use of the N and P shortcut keys to jump between replies? Just looking at lengthy replies that we may not care to read... no sense in giving the trackball or your thumb an unnecessary workout. I know the space bar works for page scrolls, but this would be slightly different with regards to reading a long email or webpage versus having actual navigation barriers (replies/posts) that could be used.

footose 12-14-2009 04:30 AM

I can add the P and N functionality pretty easy. Will do for next release.


Given that we'll be losing page views and advertising impressions, I think this would be a great idea. We use GAM, for now, although most advertising engines - hosted or not - should be similar for implementation onto the mobile interface.
Unfortunately BB doesn't support javscript (not well anyway)so using google ad's won't work (or any other network using javascript) at least not at this time. I can provide support for regular banner ad's that you could control via PHP.

I also don't think you are "losing" anything when using BerryBlab. It's main intent isn't to replace your forum, but to supplement it.

MrRem 12-14-2009 08:58 AM

Heya Rascal, LOVING THIS!

Was wondering how we could include this mod:

To add it to a style it is this edit:


Template edit:

In template forumhome find
<!-- /main -->

above add

If you don't like it there, you can insert $cel_social_groups anywhere you like on forumhome.

Is there a way to make it so this can happen on the Blackberry App as this is a major function of our site, allowing users to create their own forums on the index rather than an Admin.

our homepage is:
(It is Admin only approval for membership so please allow time if signing up)

footose 12-14-2009 12:29 PM

^^ I will have to look into this for you, it may require some custom coding on your part.

MrRem 12-14-2009 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by footose (Post 1930458)
^^ I will have to look into this for you, it may require some custom coding on your part.

Appreciate the swift reply.
We don't want to hold you from maintaining for other users but if you able to find us a solution, we would be most appreciative. :)

footose 12-16-2009 04:00 AM


Release.. tonight.. maybe tomorrow

MrRem 12-16-2009 12:58 PM

I've noticed that my Blackberry's battery is taking a hammering since installing the App.
Has anyone else reported this?

Itchy Nips 12-16-2009 02:47 PM

not on my phone. havent noticed any battery life decrease

footose 12-16-2009 03:23 PM

Haven't noticed it here either. The app doesn't run any background processes or anything, so it really shouldn't effect it.

vbreal 12-17-2009 12:09 AM

users are still having a plan black screen when running the app

another user is posting but his posts are not showing

vbreal 12-17-2009 04:16 PM

is this black screen a known issue? is there a fix in the works?

footose 12-17-2009 04:32 PM

I'm not sure what the "black screen" issue is. Can you get me the hardware and OS the user is using? I haven't heard of this bug yet.

footose 12-17-2009 04:32 PM

Also, you can let your users download this via QR code

image location: http://www.berryblab.com/images/qros45betacode.png

Open Blackberry Messenger 5.0
Press the Blackberry button and scroll to "Scan a group Barcode"
Click "Yes" to surf to the JAD file.


Itchy Nips 12-17-2009 04:52 PM

will that barcode point to your updates (beyond .93)? or will you need to create a new barcode for those?

robdawg 12-17-2009 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by MrRem (Post 1931646)
I've noticed that my Blackberry's battery is taking a hammering since installing the App.
Has anyone else reported this?

Now that you mention it, my battery is going quick as well.

I am going to close/exit the app and see if that helps the next couple of days.

vbreal 12-17-2009 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by footose (Post 1932350)
I'm not sure what the "black screen" issue is. Can you get me the hardware and OS the user is using? I haven't heard of this bug yet.

yeah its happened to at least3 peeps

what about posts not going through but looking like it?


Originally Posted by footose (Post 1932351)
Also, you can let your users download this via QR code

image location: http://www.berryblab.com/images/qros45betacode.png

Open Blackberry Messenger 5.0
Press the Blackberry button and scroll to "Scan a group Barcode"
Click "Yes" to surf to the JAD file.


what is this for? why this way and not the other way

how will they update the app on a regular basis?

ive just been giving peeps the tiny url link.

vbreal 12-18-2009 01:33 AM

oh ummm can u put a line between the sig and what the person posted?

vbreal 12-18-2009 02:12 AM

ha ha i think i know why peeps posts aren't posting.

the app lets them post with out logging in. there is no prompt for the user to log on

dont know why they didn't try logging in on their own. hahahaa

so basically u need to add a prompt when someone tries to post when not logged in

Eric Anderson 12-19-2009 12:21 AM

battery issue could be the fact that you are using the internet more on your phone at least more than ususal, I have not seen any battery issues on my curve 8330.

I am going Live with Vbulletin4.0 suite before Xmas as gold release should be on Monday the 21st

vbreal 12-19-2009 02:16 AM

u got a point about using the internet more

smooth-c 12-19-2009 11:14 AM

I'm experiencing this error when users try to connect to my forum;

java.EI0I error

Everyone's receiving the same error. :(


btw - will vb4 support be added?

0ptima 12-20-2009 03:36 PM

Any ETA for Storm?

jibi 12-21-2009 12:53 AM


Originally Posted by Itchy Nips (Post 1932360)
will that barcode point to your updates (beyond .93)? or will you need to create a new barcode for those?

The barcode decodes to http://www.BerryBlab.com/beta/BerryBlab.jad. Assuming the URL remains the same and the application is always in beta, the barcode will work.

MrRem 12-21-2009 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by robdawg (Post 1932497)
Now that you mention it, my battery is going quick as well.

I am going to close/exit the app and see if that helps the next couple of days.


Originally Posted by Eric Anderson (Post 1933221)
battery issue could be the fact that you are using the internet more on your phone at least more than ususal, I have not seen any battery issues on my curve 8330.

I am going Live with Vbulletin4.0 suite before Xmas as gold release should be on Monday the 21st

I installed it and left it with only syncing the app in the morning.
After leaving it for a day, it had run my battery to "Radio Signal too Low" in double the time.

This was tested on a Blackberry 9000 on T-Mobile fresh OS install of the latest update.

Luckily I've got a few chargers so now leave it on charge at work.
Would there be a way for it to check Latest Posts and to show a notification much like the Facebook App does?

footose 12-23-2009 01:36 PM

Sorry guys, it's been busy with christmas and all.

I plan to answer every email and pm today or tomorrow!

btw: new update:

BerryBlab .95 / 0.09 - Dec 23rd, 2009
- Added Subscription
- Added unsubscription
- Fixed bug in "new posts" not showing for some forums
- Fixed the PM reply box not popping up on BerryBlab (BB)

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