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Ohiosweetheart 11-18-2008 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by christian8a (Post 1667347)
Got cha, I will go over the posting and see what to add ;)

Great thanks. I'm sure the members here will appreciate seeing that postbit count xml in the first post. I really didn't want to have to wade through the thread again for it when I'm ready to install this!

I'm sure this has been asked and answered, but I'm too lazy today to look. :rolleyes:
Can you add more gift folders and gifts in them?

christian8a 11-19-2008 05:29 AM

Yea for the next version ill add more gifts ;)

Vinyljunky 11-19-2008 02:21 PM

Feature Request:
Can we charge for items with VBCredits?



TNCclubman 11-21-2008 01:36 PM

just upgraded to 3.7.4 pl1 and everything still works...

Good job!

GlamRockTalk 11-24-2008 05:44 PM

This mod is going to be perfect for what I was looking for. I didn't want a complicated system with lots of points and credits and stuff....just something where folks can send a little 'gift' to each other. :D

My question is...looks like these images have a white background. Does anyone have them with a dark background or transparent that I could use for my site?

Cobra-J82 11-24-2008 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by GlamRockTalk (Post 1672110)
This mod is going to be perfect for what I was looking for. I didn't want a complicated system with lots of points and credits and stuff....just something where folks can send a little 'gift' to each other. :D

My question is...looks like these images have a white background. Does anyone have them with a dark background or transparent that I could use for my site?

Go to facebook gifts and get the images from there muhaha 666
they are transperant and png high quality

GlamRockTalk 11-24-2008 06:33 PM

Great suggestion! ;)

Thank you sir! :D

GlamRockTalk 11-24-2008 08:33 PM

Anyone have the bottles of beer included in this mod transparent? I went to Facebook but couldn't find those beers there.

This mod is very cool...dare I say, it ROCKS! :D

Cobra-J82 11-24-2008 09:09 PM

Well you can change background color of the bottles using photoshop if u want.

christian8a 11-24-2008 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by GlamRockTalk (Post 1672212)
Anyone have the bottles of beer included in this mod transparent? I went to Facebook but couldn't find those beers there.

This mod is very cool...dare I say, it ROCKS! :D

Glad you like it ;)

I have a set of gifts with black background, I will include them on the new version for 3.8, but if you need them PM me an email where I can send a zip file

GlamRockTalk 11-24-2008 11:23 PM

PM sent Christian! :D

Edited: How can you edit the 'background color' (sort of that yellowish background) when someone doesn't have a 'gift' yet?

GlamRockTalk 11-27-2008 03:11 AM

Christian, in this profile....


....you'll notice that you can't read the 'send gift' and other links at the bottom. Are those in black only? How can we make those links take on the color of the actual text being changed with the customized profiles?

RedTrinity 11-27-2008 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by GamerGirl27 (Post 1668012)
I'm currently getting bombarded with this same error in numerous emails, for this add-on. Would appreciate a fix.

BUMP. I came home from work today and had 30 odd VB error emails all related to this same error. I'm getting my email box flooded at the moment on a regular basis.

Please help!!! :confused::confused::confused:

christian8a 11-29-2008 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by GlamRockTalk (Post 1673754)
Christian, in this profile....


....you'll notice that you can't read the 'send gift' and other links at the bottom. Are those in black only? How can we make those links take on the color of the actual text being changed with the customized profiles?

It is on ALT2 the same as the other small blocks, I see on the friends list and all other boxes you have the same problem, just change on AlT2 a brighter color, know what I mean?


Originally Posted by GamerGirl27 (Post 1673906)
BUMP. I came home from work today and had 30 odd VB error emails all related to this same error. I'm getting my email box flooded at the moment on a regular basis.

Please help!!! :confused::confused::confused:

Im not sure really why this would be happening to you, if everything is as described then another product might be causing this problem. Did you try to remove it and see if everything works correct, and then try to re add the plugin?

GlamRockTalk 11-29-2008 01:59 PM

For folks using this mod....what do your members give themselves gifts for? Just wanted some suggestions so that I can pass on some of those suggestions onto my members. :D

christian8a 11-29-2008 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by GlamRockTalk (Post 1675179)
For folks using this mod....what do your members give themselves gifts for? Just wanted some suggestions so that I can pass on some of those suggestions onto my members. :D

:D not necesary man but just to keep the facebook tradition, that can be removed easily though, just to remove the conditionals on that send gift button

Ohiosweetheart 11-29-2008 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by christian8a (Post 1668491)
Yea for the next version ill add more gifts ;)

We can't add our own?

AuroraStorm 11-29-2008 11:26 PM

This would be great if one, the gifts could show in the postbit and two, if we didn't have to manually upload each gift and name it...if you have a lot of gifts, it would be tedious to have to create the categories...

GlamRockTalk 11-30-2008 12:07 AM

Yes, you can add your own Peggy! I've done it. :D

I agree Aurora, if there was a different way to upload the gifts, it would be better. And, I think that a postbit option to show the gifts (or a couple at least) would be cool as well. :)

RedTrinity 11-30-2008 01:12 AM


Originally Posted by christian8a (Post 1675163)
Im not sure really why this would be happening to you, if everything is as described then another product might be causing this problem. Did you try to remove it and see if everything works correct, and then try to re add the plugin?

Yes, everything works fine when its disabled/uninstalled, so its definitely an issue with the plugin - somebody was reporting the same problem before with it, so I am not alone.

TNCclubman 11-30-2008 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by Ohiosweetheart (Post 1675437)
We can't add our own?

Thats what Im saying... its so easy to make your own, just google image what you want, crop it down to 70X70 and upload it. Hardly worth bothering the coder to do something so simple.

puregraf 11-30-2008 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by GlamRockTalk (Post 1675458)
Yes, you can add your own Peggy! I've done it. :D

I agree Aurora, if there was a different way to upload the gifts, it would be better. And, I think that a postbit option to show the gifts (or a couple at least) would be cool as well. :)

is there a way to show the gifts, each one on the postbit? can you give me a code i can make this happen please? i really need them to show on postbit_legacy


MrEyes 12-01-2008 08:46 AM

Found a minor bug:

If PM inbox of the gift recipient is full the gift will fail, having looked at the code it seems that this was thought about but not implemented correctly:

Original Code (gifts.php)

// Force the PM through
$doit['adminpermissions'] = 2;

// create the DM to do error checking and insert the new PM
$pm->set('fromuserid', $senderid);
$pm->set('fromusername', $sender);
$pm->set('title', 'You have a new gift!');
$pm->set('message', $pmcontents);
$pm->set_recipients($recipient['username'], $do);
$pm->set('dateline', TIMENOW);

Updated Code (gifts.php)

// Force the PM through
$doit['adminpermissions'] = 2;

// create the DM to do error checking and insert the new PM
$pm->set('fromuserid', $senderid);
$pm->set('fromusername', $sender);
$pm->set('title', 'You have a new gift!');
$pm->set('message', $pmcontents);
$pm->set_recipients($recipient['username'], $doit);
$pm->set('dateline', TIMENOW);

I have marked the changes in bold

Also, although it would be great to show gift count in postbit the suggestion made is a really bad idea, especially if you have a busy forum. If you use this hack it will increase your SQL query calls dramatically as an additional query will be made for every member that has posted in a thread every time that thread page is displayed.

Just spotted that one of the templates is not being cached:

Original Code (gifts.php):

// pre-cache templates used by all actions
$globaltemplates = array(

Updated Code (gifts.php):

// pre-cache templates used by all actions
$globaltemplates = array(


Changes in bold

GlamRockTalk 12-01-2008 02:30 PM

Thanks for the tips Mr Eyes! :D

Chris, you might want to adjust and reupload that gifts.php file for future folks using this mod.

christian8a 12-01-2008 03:21 PM

^ It won open the link when you click on My Gifts with that fix

GlamRockTalk 12-01-2008 03:24 PM

Christian, which fix causes that? I just noticed that error message myself.

Is it the $do and $doit, one?

Should we do the other fix for the cache though?

MrEyes 12-01-2008 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by christian8a (Post 1676502)
^ It won open the link when you click on My Gifts with that fix

Odd, seems to be working fine on my site.

Which one of the two fixes? The template or the PM permissions?

Also whats the error you see?

EDIT 1: If it is the template fix it might be the comma that needs to be added after 'gifts_list_row_break'. Although I made it bold it wasn't immediately obvious it needed adding, so I have changed the post to mark the changes in red.

christian8a 12-01-2008 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by MrEyes (Post 1676507)
Odd, seems to be working fine on my site.

Which one of the two fixes? The template or the PM permissions?

Also whats the error you see?

EDIT 1: If it is the template fix it might be the comma that needs to be added after 'gifts_list_row_break'. Although I made it bold it wasn't immediately obvious it needed adding, so I have changed the post to mark the changes in red.

Oh I see, the ( , ) Now I see, Ill try it and update the php file, thanx for your help man :up:

christian8a 12-01-2008 05:51 PM

Yea now it worked fine.. What about that issue of the Postbit Gift count?
What do you mean, needs to be corrected or it will be an issue for busy forums?

GlamRockTalk 12-01-2008 06:01 PM

Chris, what do we have to do to upgrade? Just overwrite the gifts.php file?

christian8a 12-01-2008 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by GlamRockTalk (Post 1676587)
Chris, what do we have to do to upgrade? Just overwrite the gifts.php file?

Ops yea just upload the gift.php file. Ill put that on the update too

MrEyes 12-01-2008 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by christian8a (Post 1676586)
Yea now it worked fine..

Good news


What about that issue of the Postbit Gift count?
What do you mean, needs to be corrected or it will be an issue for busy forums?
The way the postbit hack works is to perform a query every time vbulletin builds a postbit, this query retrieves the count of gifts that the person (relevant to that postbit) has made. By default a typical thread will display 15 posts, so that is 15 additional queries (assuming that there are at least 15 post). However it is possible for members to configure anything between 5 & 40. So that is alot of extra queries.

Unfortunately right now I can't offer an alternative as everything I have looked at requires considerable reworking

RedTrinity 12-01-2008 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by GamerGirl27 (Post 1675479)
Yes, everything works fine when its disabled/uninstalled, so its definitely an issue with the plugin - somebody was reporting the same problem before with it, so I am not alone.

Well, I suppose I am not going to get any support for this, so I have no choice but to uninstall it.

christian8a 12-01-2008 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by GamerGirl27 (Post 1676673)
Well, I suppose I am not going to get any support for this, so I have no choice but to uninstall it.

Yea, sorry but I have no idea what could be causing that issue, it is obviously another hack wich is crashing with it, it works on all other sites.
Besides that as MrEyes was saying it will add alot of queries using that postbit hack, better if you wait for a better release of this plugin.

MrBig 12-01-2008 10:41 PM

thank you for sharing this :] any other cool [.gif] gifts that we can use?

puregraf 12-02-2008 03:57 PM

i removed the gift count in postbit legacy and my site is still very slow when your plugin is enabled. memory goes up instantly to over 80% on my dedicated server, and also server load goes from normal under 5.00 to crazy over 55% used up.

actually it might be the "activity modification" causing this ..

christian8a 12-02-2008 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by puregraf (Post 1677122)
i removed the gift count in postbit legacy and my site is still very slow when your plugin is enabled. memory goes up instantly to over 80% on my dedicated server, and also server load goes from normal under 5.00 to crazy over 55% used up.

actually it might be the "activity modification" causing this ..

just for that plugin?

TNCclubman 12-07-2008 04:34 AM

what does the new gifts.php do?

C138 Kaysone 12-18-2008 11:24 PM

It would be easier if you showed an example of where the "(<a href="member.php?$session[sessionurl]u=$post[userid]">$post[gifts]</a>) gifts" should go you know?

MissKalunji 12-19-2008 12:51 AM

you can put it anywhere in your postbit under the age,post count it's really up to you

search for i think its $post[age]

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