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Valter 04-19-2009 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by umbrae12 (Post 1794609)
How do you change the "header" and "footer" portion of the rules?

For breaking above rules you may be warned/banned appropriately! is now in Phrases. This is better for forums where several languages are used. "Header" was removed.

Counter should work fine now. I've tested it on two forums using Firefox Win 3.0.8, Firefox Mac 3.0.8, Safari 3.2.1, and IE8.

Peter_AUS 04-20-2009 01:11 AM

Thanks for the update installed no problem at all.

flashwave 04-20-2009 11:28 AM

Thanks for a great plugin, but...

the 3.9 update broke a few settings on my forum:

Some part of the text on the rules page disappeared and the "force.." - link on the profile page disappeared.

Infraction -> "reset acceptance status" does not work either.

I am running the latest vB version (3.8.2)

Valter 04-20-2009 12:11 PM

If member has not accepted rules, then 'Force to accept' link in their profile is not shown.

Infraction should reset acceptance status if you have enabled this in product options. I've just tested this again, and it worked with no problems.

Please check your settings and update if needed.

flashwave 04-20-2009 04:18 PM

I just tested it again with a new user account. It's no longer possible to force any user to accept the rules. The link on the profile appears, but when I reset acceptance status for a single user, that user can still post threads despite the current settings.

Resetting acceptance status gives users the possibility to accept the rules again, but it's not forcing them to.

Here are my settings:


Valter 04-20-2009 04:37 PM

Forum permissions needs to be rebuilt.

Please go to 'Manage Rules' page, then 'Apply to Forums' tab, then select at least one forum and apply some Rules Set to it. This will update permissions for all forums and product will start working properly.

flashwave 04-20-2009 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by Cybernetec (Post 1795297)
Forum permissions needs to be rebuilt.

Please go to 'Manage Rules' page, then 'Apply to Forums' tab, then select at least one forum and apply some Rules Set to it. This will update permissions for all forums and product will start working properly.

Excellent, thanks for the fast help! Problem solved :)

Valter 04-20-2009 05:01 PM

v3.9.1 - Apr 20. 2009.
-Fixed bug: Forum Permissions sometimes needs to be rebuild manually after upgrade
-Fixed bug: Redirection after accepting rules does not work properly in some cases

To upgrade:
-Import XML, allow overwrite

flashwave 04-20-2009 05:12 PM


a squared 04-21-2009 12:34 AM

Thanks for the super fast update! :up::up::up:

The Big Three 04-21-2009 01:01 AM

I'll update :)

supLaditOz 04-21-2009 07:41 AM

Thanks for Updates

Valter 04-21-2009 12:42 PM

v3.9.2 - Apr 21. 2009.
-New: Drop-down menu with the rule set list on Rules page
-New: General Rules always shown at the top of table, requested Rules below it
-New: 'Forum Rules' link at the bottom of forumdisplay will lead user to that forum's rule set
-Fixed bug: Navbar link is not disabled when you disable product in options
-Fixed bug: Quick Reply hidden for users who have not accepted Rules even if forum is excluded from restrictions
-Forums better sorted on the list, now linked and some more details are shown

To upgrade:
-Import XML, allow overwrite
-Revert product templates if modified before

I've also updated screenshots in this thread.

Skyrider 04-21-2009 04:13 PM

A few rules are set in secret/hidden sections. Any possible way that those rules cannot be displayed by usergroups that don't have the permission to view the section in the first place?

Alfa1 04-22-2009 11:27 AM

Awesome! I'll update asap.

umbrae12 04-23-2009 12:47 AM


Originally Posted by FF|Skyrider (Post 1796081)
A few rules are set in secret/hidden sections. Any possible way that those rules cannot be displayed by usergroups that don't have the permission to view the section in the first place?

I was concerned about the same issue~ Users can access those rules simply by changing the rule's number in the URL to view the other rules.

Great update, by the way! Thank you for your hard work.

Peter_AUS 04-23-2009 05:04 AM

Where is the actual Forum Rules boxes the three that you use to be able to type into. I have installed it on a mirror site of mine to check first and they aren't showing up it stops at the option just above there. "Reset acceptance status for all registered members"

As it makes hard to edit the rules this new way if that is what way you are going.

Valter 04-25-2009 01:12 PM

v3.9.3 - Apr 25. 2009.
-New: User can not view Rule sets applied to no-permissions-to-view forums
-Above works also with 'Cyb - Advanced Permissions Based on Post Count' add-on
-New: Choose if General Rules will be Always shown, Collapsed if there is another rule set requested, or Disabled when there are other rules shown
-'Forum Rules' links in showthread, newthread, and newreply are also now redirected to the Cyb Forum Rules
-New: "Rules NOT accepted" shown in user profiles when they have this status

Upgrade instructions:
-Import product XML, allow overwrite
-IMPORTANT: Check product settings and update if needed (some settings are changed, some added)
-Revert hack templates if you modified any earlier

umbrae12 04-26-2009 05:21 AM

This update was perfection~ Thank you.

Peter_AUS 04-26-2009 07:07 AM


I asked above, where are the three input boxes that were there in previous versions, that you could type into there the rules ? They seem to be missing now.

Under the words "Reset acceptance status for all registered members" it is now just save options. Where do you set up these rules that you mention in the update ?

Valter 04-26-2009 08:01 AM

Click on 'Rules' in NavBar, then 'Manage Rules' in table header.

There you can edit, add, delete rule sets, and apply them to your forums.

'For breaking above rules you may be warned/banned appropriately.' was moved to Phrases.

Alfa1 04-28-2009 09:51 AM

Its working like a charm. Many thanks for adding this. It will save my staff a lot of work.
Cyb; could you please PM me your paypal account details for a donation.

Valter 04-28-2009 11:39 AM

v4.0 - Apr 28. 2009.
-New: User must accept Rules to be able to view thread content
-New: User must accept Rules to be able to send e-mails ('contact us' or 'e-mail user')
-New: Different Rule sets are accepted individually
-New: Reset acceptance status for individual Rule sets
-New: Rules acceptance date/time info shown in member profile
-Fixed bug: Quotes can not be used in Rule Set name
-Some minor bugs fixed

Upgrade Info:
-Import product XML, allow overwrite
-Check product options and update new settings if needed

Valter 04-28-2009 05:37 PM

v4.0.1 - Apr 28. 2009.
-Fixed bug: Reply w/quote switches to basic reply after redirection
-Fixed bug: Forums exclusion does not work properly in v4.0
-New: When PM restrictions are enabled Quick Reply is hidden in ShowPM until General Rules are accepted

To upgrade:
-Import XML, allow overwrite
-Check product options and update if needed

RvG2 04-30-2009 02:41 AM

why jelsoft don't hire you to be a developer?

arcadian_girl 04-30-2009 09:45 AM

How do I change the color of the "Forum Rules" link in the navbar? The bright green clashes with my style :/ Other than that, fantastic mod :)

EDIT - nevermind, I'm blind. Found it :)

Valter 05-07-2009 10:24 PM

v4.0.2 - May 08. 2009.
-Fixed bug: In some cases wrong items are listed in 'Accepted Rules' drop-down
-Fixed bug: 'Reset user acceptance status when infraction received' does not work properly

To upgrade:
-Import XML, allow overwrite

Peter_AUS 05-07-2009 11:29 PM

@ Cybernetec, Thanks for putting those links at the bottom makes it much easier for the novice to get to where they need to be.

Xeye 05-08-2009 01:10 AM

Hi Cyb,

I installed the latest version of this Mod (4.0.2) but i think i have problem:

when i check my profile page (i'm Admin) i see this (Forum Rules NOT accepted) and it doesn't show like the pic here with the drop menu for Force user to accept the rules again:


How can i fix it please?

* Clicked Installed and Nominate

mathforum 05-20-2009 04:24 AM

I'm having big problems with the newest version. I have successfully installed the hack and copied the previous forum rules but all I get is a blank page like so:


I am certain though that I have entered the forum rules where they should be and you can see this by the next image:


What's going on? Help please!

Valter 05-21-2009 04:36 PM

Revert hack templates.

Xeye 05-21-2009 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by Xeye (Post 1806700)
Hi Cyb,

I installed the latest version of this Mod (4.0.2) but i think i have problem:

when i check my profile page (i'm Admin) i see this (Forum Rules NOT accepted) and it doesn't show like the pic here with the drop menu for Force user to accept the rules again:


How can i fix it please?

* Clicked Installed and Nominate


I'm still waiting for your help ; ;

Thank you.

Valter 05-22-2009 06:30 AM

It shows rules acceptance status.

You have not accepted rules so there are no options to reset status.

inciarco 05-29-2009 10:56 PM

Great Mod Cybernetec, and is Working Really Well. :up::up::up:

https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2011/07/3.gif I'd like to Propose an Idea that Would be Very Useful, Cybernetec: Could You Please Include the Possibility to List the Users that Have Accepted Each Rule? (Perhaps a Combo Box to Select the Rule and a Button to Proceed to List the Users that have Accepted that Rule). This Would be Very Nice to be able to Control the Rules Acceptances. https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2011/07/3.gif

https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2011/07/3.gif I'd like to Propose Other Idea, that is Also Very Useful, Cybernetec: Could You Please Include on the User's Profile Statistics Tab the List of the Rules that the User has Accepted (if possible with the Date and Time where each Rule was accepted)? This is Very Useful for Users to Know what They and Other Users Have Accepted. It'd be Really Good if You Can Also Provide a Link on Each Rule's Title to the Description of the Rule so that the User can Read Again and Remember what has Accepted on Each Rule. https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2011/07/3.gif

I Hope You Can Include those Options on Your Next Update, Cybernetec. ;)

(Note for Admins: Be careful Not to Include Character " in the Text for the Accept Rules Button that Appears when User don't Accept the Rules, because that Disables the Button and also the Use of the Acceptance Check Box.)

My Best Regards and Thank You Very Much For Sharing This Very Useful Mod. :up:


inciarco 05-30-2009 02:20 AM

One Small Detail: I noticed that when I Use a Created by me BBCode on the General Rules, (in particular one for Spoiler), and I see the General Rules as Guest (Not Logged), the BB Code Spoiler don't Work but the Spoiler Tags ([SPOILER ][ /SPOILER]) are Displayed in the Rules Text, but if I see the same General Rules as a Registered User the Spoiler BB Code is Displayed Fine on the General Rules. Perhaps is a Small Detail with some Permissions Set for Registered Users and Not for Guests that is Affecting the Display of the General Rules (I guess the Other Created Rules should have this Issue too).

I Hope You Can Fix that Small Detail on Your Next Update, Cybernetec. ;)

My Best Regards.


Videx 05-30-2009 01:02 PM

You must have a fun board. Not only do you want users to accept each rule individually, you include spoilers in the rules???

I'm not even going to ask why you would put spoilers in your forum rules. But what's the point of tracking which rules users have accepted? If I didn't accept your rule against pr0n, does that mean I can post all the pr0n I want?

inciarco 05-30-2009 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by Videx (Post 1820110)
You must have a fun board. Not only do you want users to accept each rule individually, you include spoilers in the rules???

I'm not even going to ask why you would put spoilers in your forum rules. But what's the point of tracking which rules users have accepted? If I didn't accept your rule against pr0n, does that mean I can post all the pr0n I want?

I Place a Spoiler on the Steps of the Registration on My Board on the General Rules, which Occupy like 20 Lines and I wish to Focus the Attention of my Forumers to the Behaviour Rules but to Allow them to Read the Steps and Conditions for Registering, (in case a New Non Registered Guest Decides to Read the Forum Registration Steps which are in the Spoiler), in the Registration Rules of my Board this Steps and Conditions are not Hidden because in that Registration Process is Necessary for them to Read those Steps (and if are not Accepted then I Specifically Ask Not to Register in my Forums), but not by Reading the Forum Rules Provided by this Mod where I Like to Focus the Attention of the Readers to other Aspects of the Forum's Rules.

Also, you're not Picturing the Complete Panorama, if you Create a YouTube BBCode Tag and you Include it in the General Forum Rules and a Guest Reads them then All the Guest Will see will be


instead of the Video, and that for ALL the BBCodes You Created and Include in the Text; (as I mentioned the Registered Users will see the HTML that the BBCode Replaces so in that case they'll see the YouTube Video and not the BBCode Tag). That's where I'm Focusing my Post Directed to Cybernetec so that He Can Check the Code and Correct it. :cool:


I Expresed My Case as an Example Not to be Questioned for it; each one Decides what to do on each one's Board, and each one has a Criteria to do Things on His/Her Boards.
My Best Regards.


inciarco 05-30-2009 10:55 PM

Cybernetec, the Custom BBCodes are also not Displayed on the Rules for Users that are on Usergroups 3 and 4, as well as for Usergroup 1 (Guests); I've just checked that on a Testing Account, when the General Rules got Displayed when Trying to Access a Forum. :(

My Best Regards.


Suiram 06-28-2009 01:20 PM

i think that it should be made that when "strangers" or non logged in members read the rules the two green bars at the top/bottom do not appear. (basically the same result as if an admin/mod/super mod were to read the rules), since it doesn't matter or make a difference. (..or does it ?) ...and i think it would look better that way. (i guess i could add the unregistered group to the hack control panel and that would do this, but is it safe?)

also i would like to change some of the text strings. ie: I have read, and agree to abide by the {1} rules. should i edit this in the xml file and re-upload it or via the admincp ? (if via the admnicp which phrase or where can i change this and others)
because i want to remove the "the" before {1}, because otherwise with my forums it will "sound" not quite right. ..i also want to slightly modify the pop up text that shows if a user wants to submit the rules but does not click the box. as it is it shows: You have chosen not to accept the Forum Rules. Select the checkbox and then Submit the form. Until you accept the Forum Rules you will not be able to use some forum functions.


bluej 07-15-2009 06:18 AM

hello cyb,

currently have version 3.8 installed and want to upgrade to latest version...

you mentioned reverting template edits, but do not know if there were any with the 3.8 version...how do i know if i need to revert anything?

thanks for your help and a great product :)

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