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-   -   Major Additions - Email Integration (New Threads/Replies by and through email!) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=169247)

Marv 02-26-2010 09:02 AM

Any updates on a 4.x release ? Hell, this one is a must have :)

hollosch 02-26-2010 09:40 AM

Tagged and waiting for a solution of this mod for vB4...

twohawks 02-27-2010 07:01 PM

Does this mod work with 4.0?


toivo 02-27-2010 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by toivo (Post 1980256)
Here is a quick-fix of patches to EI Mod to support moderated forums, cloned from the existing code in EI Mod. The patch modifies emailintegration.php and two of its plugins, adds two custom hooks to moderate.php and installs a product with four plugins.

In limited testing under 3.8.4 this patch allowed moderation from the Admin Control Panel, Moderator Control Panel and from inline moderation.

The only differences to the earlier version tested in 3.6.8, available from https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...151222&page=67, are the two INSERT statements in the installation instructions in the file Install.384.txt.

Please note that the patch at https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?p=1980256 post #234 incorrectly adds the signature of the original author of the thread to moderated replies sent by email, instead of the signature of the poster of the reply.

As a workaround, you can remove the signature from the email template for replies. The users seem to have a signature in their emails in any case. I am using the old format - by popular demand.

Serenit_y 03-17-2010 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by beishe8 (Post 1782189)
Sad to say but seems this hack should find its way to the graveyard.:(

After spending 100s of hours on it,
The man has life issues to deal with, in attempting to focus on he's life, all of a sudden, you wish to condemn the Time and effort spent on it, and countless Forum Administrators the mod has helped, and the sheer goodwill of the author of the Mod in giving the mod for free.


Serenit_y 03-17-2010 10:52 AM

Good afternoon,

I've been having problems with the Mail Integration plug-in,

- I create a forum, and apply the Email integration settings,
- Add a couple of users to automatically receive email notifications
- Create a new thread in the forum
- The notification of the new thread arrives to User A, and User B's email account immediately
- I reply the email from user A and user B's email accounts.
- I log into vbulletin, but the messages don't arrive, after about 10minutes, I run the "Email Integration" cron from the shcedule task Manager
- Nothing happens,
- Couple of hours later, I log back into the forum, and the messages arrive, after about 3/4 hours,
- Sometimes they arrive the next day.

- Also often after the messages arrive, they keep duplicating themselfs on the thread, like a loop, till I
delete the thread.

Please help, I'm on a deadline to solve this.

Much thanks in Advance,

Serenit_y 03-23-2010 08:16 AM

On further testing the problem is,
The Cron gets the topic/message from the email, but dosen't seem to delete it, so when it runs again, it copies that same email, and now I have many duplicated replies on my vbulletin server.
I've set the cron to run every 5 minutes,
If your available, i'd appreciate a hand : ]

toivo 03-23-2010 10:51 AM

If you use the old message format, here is my patch in the 3.6 forum that gets rid of duplicated messages:https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=953

By 'cron' do you mean the Scheduled Tasks in vBulletin? The Scheduled Tasks run only when the forum has some activity. You can run a PHP command line (CLI) script and schedule it to run every 5 minutes by using the real cron (crontab), or Windows Scheduler, depending on your operating system. The script is in this post: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=1581411&postcount=898

If messages do not get deleted, have a look at this post: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=886

All these patches are used on vB 3.8.4 with two mailboxes.

Serenit_y 03-23-2010 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by toivo (Post 2008683)
Message for Toivo, deleted whole message to save space :p

Thanks for the reply, I just wanted to make sure we're on the same page
1. I've carried out the first task, Adding the patch to stop duplicated messages
2. Yes by Cron, I meant the Email Integration cron that retrieves the mail from the user accounts.
Following the link, I did the following
-- Created php file forum_read.php, under the vbulletin directory, and copied the code to this file.
I replaced the forum url variable, with the vbulletin URL, but where do you find the url requested below;

"// cron url from <img src=
$cron_url = 'http://example.com/testvb/cron.php?' "
3. I created a run_cron.php file, under vbulletin/include/cron directory, containing the script

# load forum home page and read cron.php
php /root/forum_read/forum_read.php
exit 0'
- I added a new cron under AdminCP -> scheduled tasks pointing to this run_cron.php file.

- I'm I missing something so far?
- When I run this run_cron.php file from the scheduled task menu, will it run the forum_read.php file, or the EI file, this was a bit confusing.
- Also does the EI mod, only run when someone actually opens the forum,

Thanks a lot in advance,

toivo 03-23-2010 06:28 PM


where do you find the url requested below;
"// cron url from <img src=
$cron_url = 'http://example.com/testvb/cron.php?' "
example.com is the URL of your site, testvb is the name of the folder where your forum is.


- I added a new cron under AdminCP -> scheduled tasks pointing to this run_cron.php file.
The script cannot be run under vBulletin Scheduled Tasks. The purpose of the forum_read.php file is to read the home page of the forum once every 5 minutes so that the Scheduled Tasks are triggered to run even during low forum activity. The Scheduled Tasks in vBulletin are run only if the forum is accessed, and getting a cron (the cron in the operating system) job to run forum_read.php once every 5 minutes to access the forum guarantees that the Scheduled Tasks are run regularly, independent of the forum activity.

You may have to tweak the forum_read.php script to run it on the same server, I run it from a different server.


- Also does the EI mod, only run when someone actually opens the forum
That is true. The script forum_read.php makes sure that the forum is accessed every 5 minutes, independent of the actual user activity.

Serenit_y 03-24-2010 11:20 AM

Alright, I've now done the following
1. Installed EI 2.6.1,
2. copied the code from the patch to the file "forum_read.php" in my vbulletin cron folder
3. created the system cron file (with the 4line perl script) to initiate the forum_read.php file in my home folder;
/home/user/forum_read (no file extension)

4. added a command line to my cron tab to activate the cron, every two minutes with the line;
*/2 * * * * /home/jfasheyi/forum_read
5. Set the EI cron to run every minute, from the vbulletin EI integration panel.

1. Whilst installing EI 2.6.1 BETA, it said
"go to AdminCP -> Email Integration -> Forum Setings Help" to find a script, which will test to
see which email connection your server uses
- I went to Email Integration settings, from the vbull options tab, but no "Forum settings help" option
existed. I use vbull. 3.8.4.
2. Looking at the system cron script, this line
"php /root/forum_read/forum_read.php" how will it know where to find my forum_read.php vbulletin cron
file, which is in the vbulletin/includes/cron folder.
3. When I add the forum_read.php cron to vbulletin, should it be added as a vbulletin product,
or Email Integration product.

Thanks a lot,

toivo 03-24-2010 11:51 AM


- I went to Email Integration settings, from the vbull options tab, but no "Forum settings help" option existed. I use vbull. 3.8.4.
It is not in the options tab but at the bottom of the left pane.

"php /root/forum_read/forum_read.php" how will it know where to find my forum_read.php vbulletin cron file, which is in the vbulletin/includes/cron folder.
You do not need to copy the file into the includes/cron folder, it can stay in your home directory, but you need to modify the path in the 4 line shell script to point to your home directory, or omit the path and the current directory will be used by default.

When I add the forum_read.php cron to vbulletin, should it be added as a vbulletin product, or Email Integration product.
The forum_read.php script cannot be added to vBulletin as a product or plugin because it has to work independently of vBulletin, triggered by the scheduler of the operating system on the same or another server. I run it from another server, and if you run it from the web server, you may have to modify the script.

Serenit_y 03-24-2010 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by toivo (Post 2009336)
It is not in the options tab but at the bottom of the left pane..

There is no EI option at the bottom of the left pane, admincp, here's a screenshot of my left pane.


Serenit_y 03-24-2010 02:54 PM

new problem, I re-installed everything.
Ran EI, but instead of saying "Done", it just didn't give a response.
- Out of 4 emails I posted onto the mail server, it only copied one to the forum
- It didn't delete any of the emails from the forum
- Whenever it ran, it kept copying that same email from the forum.

My assumption is, Perherps the code simply runs to
- Get email from mail server

And ignores the loop that tells it to get all the other emails on the mail server, then delete all the other emails.

Serenit_y 04-01-2010 07:56 AM

I've resolved the issue, for anyone who might have Qualms following the instructions on this board or can't find the right Information, here's precisely what I did.

To get EI to work

1. Un-Installed 3.8, and installed 3.7.1 Patch Level 2
2. Installed EI Mod, 2.6.1 beta
3. Added the patch on POST #843 here; https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...51222&page=57;

To make the Cron run every 3 minutes, and output to a logfiles
Followed the instructions here;

A bit more explanation Using Centos 05,

1. Created a file forumread.php in my home directory, to hold the php code (Code 1 on the above link)
2. Created a file forumread.cron in my home directory, to hold the command line script (Code 2 on the above link).
Added a line which, everytime the cron runs, writes into the file 'cronlog.txt', stating the date and time the cron last ran.
Here's an extract of my forumread.cron file;


# load forum home page and read cron.php
/usr/local/php/bin/php /home/username/runcron.php
date +"EI Cron ran on%t %D At %T"%n >/home/username/cronlog.txt
exit 0

- went to my crontab home page, and created a new cronjob to access and run 'forumread.cron'
'cd /var/spool/cron'
'crontab -e'
'*/3 * * * * /home/username/forumread.cron

(My crontab is eddited using vi edittor, so to save the above change, typed ':wq')

Everything works well so far.
Thanks to Toivo and Cyrix.

Good luck.

Rhaegar 04-15-2010 07:27 PM

Hi - just wondering if there's any news on getting this ported to vb4.

Serenit_y 04-27-2010 06:09 PM

Need some assistance in running the EI cron using the forumread.php patch,

I created a proxy site; forums.domainname.com, to connect to my vbulletin forum installed at, servername.domainname.com/vbulletin

On the forumread.php file, should the forum url variable be
The proxysite url, i.e.
$forum_url = 'http://forums.domainname.com/vbulletin/index.php';

Or should it be the server site
$forum_url = 'http://servername.domainname.com/vbulletin/index.php';

The same question with the cron URl variable,

Thank you v.much in advance.


FCS-Webmaster 04-28-2010 09:41 AM

Hi there any solutions for vb4 Users? This Mod really rocks and I don't want to miss it :-/

Krahl 04-28-2010 08:09 PM

Same here. VERY interested in a vB 4 port of this mod.

ecraig 04-29-2010 02:08 PM

Will this Email Integration version work on VB3.8.X ?

ecraig 05-02-2010 02:51 PM

Email Integration error

Our messages are going through on the boards now, but they are being duplicated and are causing repetitive emails to go out each time.

Theres an error on the EI cron which may be the cause:

Fatal error: Call to a member function set_parsing_language() on a non-object in /local/apache/content/forums.afponline.org/htdocs/forums/includes/cron/emailintegration.php on line 1615

Do you know what could be happening?

Here is that section of code:

        eval(iif(empty($evalemailplain["$touser[languageid]"]), $evalemailplain["-1"], $evalemailplain["$touser[languageid]"]));
                                $message = $plaintext_parser->parse($message, $foruminfo['forumid']);

$emailreturnaddress = $foruminfo['ei_replyaddress'];
$eiusername = $userinfo['username'];
$eidelimiter = stripcslashes($vbulletin->options['ei_header_newline']);
$eiheaders = '';
$eiheaders .= 'Date: ' . date('r') . $eidelimiter;
$eifromheader = 'From: ';
$eifromheader .= $vbulletin->options['ei_single_from_name'] . '<' . $vbulletin->options['ei_single_from_address'] .'>';

Serenit_y 05-03-2010 08:57 AM

To Ecraig

See post #843 here; https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...51222&page=57;
For a fix on the repetiive mail post issue.

LittleSilver66 05-04-2010 09:11 PM

We are not having any trouble receiving emails about new posts and threads, but it seems that the mailbox specified for replies is not being polled so the replies are not showing up in the forum.
IMAP is enabled in PHP and we are using GroupWise 7.0 and Outlook Express.
Can you point me in the right direction as to what the issue may be?

Thank you very much and I look forward to your response.

LittleSilver66 05-04-2010 09:15 PM

Also I am having trouble finding the script you are talking about from your install.txt:
"If you have problems getting emails to appear in the forum, you can use a help script I have written which tests many different configurations to determine the proper entries for your forum. To use this script, go to AdminCP -> Email Integration -> Forum Setings Help. Enter the information as described, and run the script. Be aware that this script can take a *very* long time to run.
When the script has finished running, you should see a box with recommended settings which allowed the script to successfully connect to your IMAP server. Use these settings to configure your forum."

Where exactly is this?

topianno 05-07-2010 05:48 AM

I was wondering if anyone knew if there were any plans for support for this plugin with vBulletin 4.0?

I recently upgraded to 4.0 and I am getting an error caused by the plugin.



Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in [path]/includes/class_bootstrap.php(1146) : eval()'d code on line 1
Anyone have any ideas on how to resolve this?

Thanks ahead of time!


barne77 05-10-2010 06:59 AM

any update for vb4

ArchAngelz 05-16-2010 09:14 AM

Guess we are all waiting for a vb4 solution to this.

Serenit_y 05-19-2010 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by LittleSilver66 (Post 2031829)
Also I am having trouble finding the script you are talking about from your install.txt:
"If you have problems getting emails to appear in the forum, you can use a help script I have written which tests many different configurations to determine the proper entries for your forum. To use this script, go to AdminCP -> Email Integration -> Forum Setings Help. Enter the information as described, and run the script. Be aware that this script can take a *very* long time to run.
When the script has finished running, you should see a box with recommended settings which allowed the script to successfully connect to your IMAP server. Use these settings to configure your forum."

Where exactly is this?


Do you have Mail parse installed? Under admin options, Maintenance list, I think you'll find php.info, if theres a mention of mailparse then it's installed, else you need this.

I also couldnt find the script AdminCP -> Email Integration -> Forum Setings Help, the author was refering to.

Serenit_y 05-19-2010 08:10 AM

Is there a way to handle bounced messages?
Or store them?

Thanks in advance.

Serenit_y 05-21-2010 12:15 PM

Anyone one run into a problem where you can send messages to the forum through a google account, but cannot receive notifications?

toivo 05-22-2010 04:05 AM


Originally Posted by Serenit_y (Post 2039688)
Is there a way to handle bounced messages?
Or store them?

Check the vBulletin Options - Email Options. If you have selected the option 'SMTP Email' to send through an SMTP server, rather than using the internal mail() function, you can set the mailbox for bounced messages in the option 'Bounce Email Address', where the default value is set in the option 'Webmaster's Email' from 'vBulletin Options' - 'Site Name / URL / Contact Details'.

If you have not selected 'SMTP Email', your forum uses the internal mail() function. In the Windows server environment the sender of the email messages is specified in the PHP setting 'sendmail_from' in the file php.ini and then that sender is used as the return address by the servers bouncing the messages.

If your forum is in a *nix environment with a sendmail server, you can probably set the option 'Enable '-f' Parameter' and then use the option 'Bounce Email Address'. Hopefully someone who uses this combination can confirm the settings.

You need a separate mailbox to monitor the messages that bounced because of incorrect email address, mailbox over quota or temporary connection problems.

Auto-replies from holiday rules are different because they are delivered straight to your main mailbox for the forum. Depending on your mail server, you may able to filter them through rules available for example in MS Exchange. If you cannot block auto-replies because the subject does not contain particular words like 'out of office' or 'on leave' or the subject is in a foreign language and if you happen to use the old format in EI Mod, you can implement my hack to delete duplicate messages from the mailbox before they are broadcast to the members: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=953

toivo 05-22-2010 04:14 AM


Originally Posted by LittleSilver66 (Post 2031829)
To use this script, go to AdminCP -> Email Integration -> Forum Settings Help.

Where exactly is this?

Go to the vBulletin Control Panel and scroll down the left pane. The Email Integration option is at the bottom, expand it and you should see 'Forum Settings Help' and 'Auto Subscriptions'.

justdaves 07-04-2010 02:33 PM

Thanks for the Mod Cyricx!

Any chance this can be coded to include email notification of new posts from an individual member $userid? I'd like my membership to be able to get the content of new posts from their favorite friend list emailed to them.

Thanks. Nice work.

bferrell 07-12-2010 10:42 AM

Is this going to be upgraded to work with 4.0.4? I'd be happy to make a good donation as I really, really want this mod on my site!

Krahl 07-12-2010 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by bferrell (Post 2067985)
Is this going to be upgraded to work with 4.0.4? I'd be happy to make a good donation as I really, really want this mod on my site!


Or if someone is willing to code a similar mod for 4.x, that would be great. If it would take funds, throw out a number!

lbernstein 07-18-2010 11:47 PM

Is there a way to increase the default number of "subforums" and email addresses I can add to EI? I'd like all of the forums on my site to be able to have the functionality of EI.

kevinh 07-22-2010 08:19 AM

When I run emailintegration.php from the task manager in vBulletin I am getting the following error;
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 2914609 bytes) in /home/mysite/public_html/forums/includes/mimeDecode.php on line 259
It has been working just fine, but I just noticed that some (but not all) posts by email have not been posted into the forums on my site.

If I run mimeDecode.php from the command line on the server it runs without a problem.

Anyone have any idea what could be causing vBulletin to report this error?

fly 07-22-2010 10:41 AM

^PHP memory limit. Either increase it, or have your host do it.

bferrell 07-22-2010 04:39 PM

So, it's seems that this mod is on life support, and I really, really want this type of email integration. Are there reputable groups that do custom mod development like this?


kevinh 07-26-2010 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by flypaper (Post 2072849)
^PHP memory limit. Either increase it, or have your host do it.

Thanks, I didn't change the memory limit, but this pointed me to the problem. There was an email with an 8.5Mb attachment in one of the mail boxes which was causing a bit of a "log jam" :)

I should point out however that I have EI set to discard attachments in emails, so the code must be trying to process the attachments in some way before it discards them. This is potentially a problem on a bigger forum where it would be more common for users to ignore the notice that attachments are not allowed.

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