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maidos 01-16-2008 03:52 PM

thank you, i never notice there was an update on the product :)

sinisterpain 01-16-2008 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by maidos (Post 1422565)
thank you, i never notice there was an update on the product :)

Your welcome. Had you marked installed you would have been notified by email and you would have seen the updated notification when reviewing the 3.6 mods.

katie hunter 01-20-2008 03:05 PM

Hey Sinisterpain, nice mod =] but do you know how to make it appear in a specific forum ? I want to show it in my "announcement forum/section" not the main index forum " Forumhome"

sinisterpain 01-20-2008 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by katie hunter (Post 1425192)
Hey Sinisterpain, nice mod =] but do you know how to make it appear in a specific forum ? I want to show it in my "announcement forum/section" not the main index forum " Forumhome"

Send me PM with a link to your forum so I can see where you are looking to put it

katie hunter 01-21-2008 05:01 PM

Hey sinisterpain , I've send you a pm yesterday.

towermatt 01-21-2008 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by katie hunter (Post 1425192)
Hey Sinisterpain, nice mod =] but do you know how to make it appear in a specific forum ? I want to show it in my "announcement forum/section" not the main index forum " Forumhome"

I would love to do this as well. I have an announcements forum that would work much better than forumhome.

I haven't clicked install yet because I'm hoping this can be done.

Or...perhaps a way to move it to the bottom?

sinisterpain 01-21-2008 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by katie hunter (Post 1425192)
Hey Sinisterpain, nice mod =] but do you know how to make it appear in a specific forum ? I want to show it in my "announcement forum/section" not the main index forum " Forumhome"

In your donorbar options look for the setting
"Show Donation bar on (comma separated THIS_SCRIPT locations)
Blank to show on all pages (not recommended because of server load)" remove index from the box and put forumdisplay.

katie hunter 01-21-2008 09:16 PM

Hey sinister I didn't understand what you just said, I didn't find an option of what you said in the admin panel about this

Also does this cause server load if it does, I can't really install it as I am already facing server load issues

sinisterpain 01-21-2008 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by katie hunter (Post 1426184)
Hey sinister I didn't understand what you just said, I didn't find an option of what you said in the admin panel about this

Also does this cause server load if it does, I can't really install it as I am already facing server load issues

Go to admincp->vboptions->Donation Bar

You will see the above text in the options. Right now in the option box is the word index. Remove this from the box and put forumdisplay and save it.

The only thing that would cause server load is if you left the box empty which would display the bar on all pages.

katie hunter 01-21-2008 09:28 PM

I see the bar shows twice

I guess i installed this and didn't remove the code, how can i do that, i mean to make one bar appear not two

nvm fixed

towermatt 01-21-2008 09:42 PM

that works well sinister pain but is there anyway to make it just one forum. Like


sinisterpain 01-21-2008 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by towermatt (Post 1426199)
that works well sinister pain but is there anyway to make it just one forum. Like


Will look at it but for now thats the best option I can give.

towermatt 01-21-2008 09:58 PM

Thanks for looking into it. :)

Great modification. We are going to use it to collect money for a charity.

sateurope 02-01-2008 04:01 PM

Strange question maby, but my donations dsapear from te bar after a month , in cyb paypall it is set on year. how can i change that in the XML file of the bar?

sinisterpain 02-01-2008 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by sateurope (Post 1434034)
Strange question maby, but my donations dsapear from te bar after a month , in cyb paypall it is set on year. how can i change that in the XML file of the bar?

Fixed this in the new 1.1.0 release download, import and overwrite

towermatt 02-01-2008 10:31 PM

If I am just keeping a running total for donations to a charity will it reset at the beginning of the month?

I am basically putting the donations in there manually.

sinisterpain 02-01-2008 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by towermatt (Post 1434258)
If I am just keeping a running total for donations to a charity will it reset at the beginning of the month?

I am basically putting the donations in there manually.

By default setting is monthly if you wish it not to reset then set it to yearly in admincp

REVHEAD 02-01-2008 11:47 PM


I just updated from previous version, but now I get errors
PHP Code:

WarningInvalid argument supplied for foreach() in /includes/functions.php(5166) : eval()'d code on line 10

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /includes/functions.php(5166) : eval()'
d code on line 61 

any ideas?

|Jordan| 02-02-2008 12:22 AM

When i enable this plugin all automatic edits other plugins made and manual edits i made are disabled in the navbar.

REVHEAD 02-02-2008 01:56 AM

Does any 1 have 1.08? so I can reinstall it please.

sinisterpain 02-02-2008 11:52 AM

I reuploaded the file1.1.0 and removed something that should not be there so if you recently upgraded to 1.1.0 and had problems uninstall the donation bar mod through admincp and reinstall with the new 1.1.0 file. and let me know if you still have problems

REVHEAD 02-02-2008 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by sinisterpain (Post 1434547)
I reuploaded the file1.1.0 and removed something that should not be there so if you recently upgraded to 1.1.0 and had problems uninstall the donation bar mod through admincp and reinstall with the new 1.1.0 file. and let me know if you still have problems

Thank you Mod is 100% fixed and working.

Just an idea for maybe a future release, I would like to add user names to the Bar to mention who has donated so they get credit for it ,maybe something to look at oneday.

Other than that I love this mod.

I lost my donations button code and had to create a new one ,do you know if paypal lets you retrieve old code? because I couldnt find it on there site.

sinisterpain 02-02-2008 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by REVHEAD (Post 1434580)
Thank you Mod is 100% fixed and working.

Just an idea for maybe a future release, I would like to add user names to the Bar to mention who has donated so they get credit for it ,maybe something to look at oneday.

Other than that I love this mod.

I lost my donations button code and had to create a new one ,do you know if paypal lets you retrieve old code? because I couldnt find it on there site.

The only way to add users to bar is if you used either vbsubscriptions or cybs mod.

The button code can just be readded through your paypal account with the same info as before .

sinisterpain 02-02-2008 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by |Jordan| (Post 1434302)
When i enable this plugin all automatic edits other plugins made and manual edits i made are disabled in the navbar.

Not sure I follow you. The auto insert feature just uses the navbar template cache so I am not sure what or how you edited your navbar.

|Jordan| 02-02-2008 03:54 PM

I have Menu Control and Mood manager on my navbar. Menu control is a manual template edit and Mood Manager is an automatic template edit. When i enable this plugin, both edits are removed from my navbar - it's almost as if this plugin loads its own default navbar.

sinisterpain 02-03-2008 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by |Jordan| (Post 1434655)
I have Menu Control and Mood manager on my navbar. Menu control is a manual template edit and Mood Manager is an automatic template edit. When i enable this plugin, both edits are removed from my navbar - it's almost as if this plugin loads its own default navbar.

If you wish you can edit the template where you wish to show the donorbar by adding $donationbar just make sure to shut off the auto insert function in admincp.

REVHEAD 02-03-2008 06:29 PM

I have just installed VBadvanced, and found your module for it, it seems to tie in beautifully with this mod, I just have a question on the thankyou message in the vba module mine reads "Thank You from Forums " can this be changed because it sounds odd.

I allso notice my progress bar and % ae not moving on the homepage,but work on my forums, any ideas. I will upload attachment

Thanks in advance.

Oh by the way this is one of the best mods ever, quik to install, no editing messy code and does exactly what it sais it does.

sinisterpain 02-03-2008 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by REVHEAD (Post 1435548)
I have just installed VBadvanced, and found your module for it, it seems to tie in beautifully with this mod, I just have a question on the thankyou message in the vba module mine reads "Thank You from Forums " can this be changed because it sounds odd.

I allso notice my progress bar and % ae not moving on the homepage,but work on my forums, any ideas. I will upload attachment

Thanks in advance.

Oh by the way this is one of the best mods ever, quik to install, no editing messy code and does exactly what it sais it does.

I need to upgrade that mod so it works with upgrades from this mod. Will have it done probably by monday or so

REVHEAD 02-03-2008 11:47 PM

awsome ,no rush.

but if you could keep this mod and the vbadvanced mod tied in together I would be greatfull, I only decided to get into vbadvanced when I got sick of having problems with my homepage template, and I am converted.

mystic10 02-06-2008 08:56 PM

i am quiet counfused please someone help...i put the amount that got donated but still no bar shown i dont know what i am doing wrong...i am inserting a pic so u can help me..it keeps saying 0 received when its not true..i am using cyb pay pal as well i dont knwo what i am doing wrong


sinisterpain 02-06-2008 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by mystic10 (Post 1437674)
i am quiet counfused please someone help...i put the amount that got donated but still no bar shown i dont know what i am doing wrong...i am inserting a pic so u can help me..it keeps saying 0 received when its not true..i am using cyb pay pal as well i dont knwo what i am doing wrong

You do not need to enter anything in the Member donation field since you are intergrating cyb paypal you entered 11.48 should be blank. Also you need to make sure that your member donations are confirmed if they are not then they will not show. Also it would help to show all your options that are selected.

Budweiser 02-12-2008 12:55 AM

It looks nice but I wont use it. I have tried taking donations in the past and have found that most people wont donate. Thats just my experience. I hope others have had better luck.


mystic10 02-13-2008 08:17 PM

sorry for the ignorance and sounding totally stupid...but sir...people clicke the donate buttton that i have place in the donation bar...they did not click the link presented by cyb....so thats why i manually added it..as there is no other way to show confirmation....means that my site has two links..one on the navbar...related to cyb hack..and the other pay pal donation button...that i have used in ur hack....u can look...www.yah00-city.com....how do i go about integrating both so there is one button and both are connected:(..hope i made sense

sinisterpain 02-13-2008 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by mystic10 (Post 1442488)
sorry for the ignorance and sounding totally stupid...but sir...people clicke the donate buttton that i have place in the donation bar...they did not click the link presented by cyb....so thats why i manually added it..as there is no other way to show confirmation....means that my site has two links..one on the navbar...related to cyb hack..and the other pay pal donation button...that i have used in ur hack....u can look...www.yah00-city.com....how do i go about integrating both so there is one button and both are connected:(..hope i made sense

Just make the link in your button the same as the link in the navbar. Also the web address you provided goes no where.

towermatt 02-14-2008 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by Budweiser (Post 1441119)
It looks nice but I wont use it. I have tried taking donations in the past and have found that most people wont donate. Thats just my experience. I hope others have had better luck.


I'm having them donate to charity. Already collected 600 bucks!

Makes you feel good, great free advertising.

mystic10 02-15-2008 01:04 AM

hehe yes cause there are too many dots..the correct link would be:


sir sorry for being a bother..but how would i go about liniking the two together...as i want the donation button so people can see :(

PoetJA-1975 02-15-2008 01:38 AM


Originally Posted by towermatt (Post 1443281)
I'm having them donate to charity. Already collected 600 bucks!

Makes you feel good, great free advertising.

Nice idea - You could also have them donate to the wonderful charity of JPiC Forum For Writers aka Poetry in Color Forum - the address of course is in my siggy :P


sinisterpain 02-15-2008 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by mystic10 (Post 1443374)
hehe yes cause there are too many dots..the correct link would be:


sir sorry for being a bother..but how would i go about liniking the two together...as i want the donation button so people can see :(

In the Admincp->vboptions->Donation Bar
Find the heading Form Code for Donations and enter

<br><a href="misc.php?do=donate"><image  src="link to your paypal button" border="0" alt="Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!"></a>
Make sure you put the link to your donation button were its highlighted above in red.

towermatt 02-15-2008 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by PoetJA-1975 (Post 1443383)
Nice idea - You could also have them donate to the wonderful charity of JPiC Forum For Writers aka Poetry in Color Forum - the address of course is in my siggy :P


Funny you mention that, they are donating to The Haven Foundation which is a charity set up by Stephen King to support freelance artists.

PoetJA-1975 02-15-2008 09:04 PM

Wow - How interesting - but yes - We artists do struggle - it would be a wonderful opportunity to have such a charity donation set up, all joking aside lol - At anyrate - wonderful idea you have, as generally with any type of artistic niche (especially writing) - it's not very easy to succeed - but the reward of being a creationist is most often the reward in itself...

At anyrate - It is indeed a wonderful idea you have - and I may in fact apply for the Haven Foundation grant - sounds like a great opportunity!


ps - very nice forum you have ;)

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