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letsjoy 07-15-2006 04:17 PM

nice one.... ! keep it up

Sychev_S 07-16-2006 04:18 AM

Is there anyway to make this plugin work with Live Forum Statistics on All Pages in Header


ImportPassion 07-16-2006 06:20 AM


Originally Posted by Rich
Some of us worked our asses off to build up our sites and our stats and now competitors can just come in and fudge their own stats to make their site more appealing. I personally think this mod sucks and wish Floris never released it. Those of us that had to work hard for our stats just got a good screwing with this one.

agreed. I can't believe this is nominated for HOTM.

Adrian. 07-16-2006 11:45 AM

It's a great modification.

But, is it classed as "cheating", i mean, i want my forum to look good, but,am i just cheating myself?

Sounds odd but meh...


LILMORA4 07-16-2006 06:27 PM

Do this hack need to uploaded thru an FTP server?

The Realist 07-19-2006 01:48 PM

Installed and tested this but I cant see a real good reason to install this, unless you cheat of course.


Ted M 07-21-2006 02:17 PM

Forgive this ignorant question... because Lord knows I am clueless to vBulletin... being a new admin myself. :)

But if somebody checks my board... sees that this thread has 384 posts...and then joins it to read it...seeing really only 3 posts... wouldn't that cause that person NOT to want to post at my forum? He would suspect something is "fishy"...and he'd be right. That may turn him away.

Please understand... this isn't a personal attack on Floris. Obviously Floris is very intelligent and skilled enough to create this... and I could never dream on making anything like this.

I guess (and this is sincerity... I'm not mocking or using sarcasm)... I don't see the purpose? It would show a tremendous amount of posts until somebody wants to read those posts, no?

Unless this program/add-on/hack/whatever can emulate artificial posts as well?

blogtorank 07-21-2006 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by Ted M
Forgive this ignorant question... because Lord knows I am clueless to vBulletin... being a new admin myself. :)

But if somebody checks my board... sees that this thread has 384 posts...and then joins it to read it...seeing really only 3 posts... wouldn't that cause that person NOT to want to post at my forum? He would suspect something is "fishy"...and he'd be right. That may turn him away.

Please understand... this isn't a personal attack on Floris. Obviously Floris is very intelligent and skilled enough to create this... and I could never dream on making anything like this.

I guess (and this is sincerity... I'm not mocking or using sarcasm)... I don't see the purpose? It would show a tremendous amount of posts until somebody wants to read those posts, no?

Unless this program/add-on/hack/whatever can emulate artificial posts as well?

Ahhhhhh we all have to start somewhere and sometime right??? :)

So you are questioning if the actual post ID and thread ID can be manipulated is what you're saying right?

Well there is an add-on to this hack that I see will help increase your post count if you want to use I have found them on the board here and surely they will beef up to the content on the board:

https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=107319 (Posting however much you want by the minute to a specific thread of RSS Feed News sources)

I can surely see you all looking to increase some popularity so those two threads you see above are very good with this hack as I see it.

Also don't forget the following pinging one here:


This is my insight to anyone that would want to combine a few add-ons to their forums if they want to start increasing their popularity a bit more. Just my insight!!!

All the best!

bada_bing 07-28-2006 03:27 AM

Wow weird I installed this on my 3.5.4 site and in admincp under vb options-Fake community statistics options these are the only options I have

Amount of additional (fake) registrations:
The value added here will be added on top of the real value.

Amount of additional (fake) threads:
The value added here will be added on top of the real value.

Amount of additional (fake) posts:
The value added here will be added on top of the real value.

Amount of additional (fake) active members:
The value added here will be added on top of the real value.

What is going on?

Spinball 07-29-2006 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by Rich
Some of us worked our asses off to build up our sites and our stats and now competitors can just come in and fudge their own stats to make their site more appealing. I personally think this mod sucks and wish Floris never released it. Those of us that had to work hard for our stats just got a good screwing with this one.

I agree. One of our competitor forums uses a visitor generator of some kind to generate fake traffic (with different IPs) and they use this to promote themselves for the purposes of selling advertising. It's dishonest.
Having run forums for 6 years, I can say with some conviction that this hack is not the way to get round the catch 22 problem of quiet forums. You can't convincingly fudge forum stats because people only have to look at the number of threads and replies to see how busy a forum is.
However, the idea that a vbulletin developer would create and vbulletin.org would condone the release of a hack which makes it easier for people to FRAUDULENTLY publish false statistics is astonishing.
vBulletin.com and .org should be promoting best practises and should be striving to uphold the highest principles of honesty and integrity.
For genuine, honest site owners, this hack is an insult and anyone who installs it is a liar, pure and simple.

ConqSoft 07-29-2006 10:00 PM

If users seeing higher numbers (and not seeing any good content) causes them to go to another site instead of yours, then you may need to work on your own content.

High numbers, with no content to back it up, shouldn't be any threat to you at all...

Having said that, I still agree that this type of hack has no business being released.

Spinball 07-30-2006 07:33 AM


Originally Posted by ConqSoft
High numbers, with no content to back it up, shouldn't be any threat to you at all...

It's not and I never said it was.
My point - which you missed completely - is that one site (e.g. our competitior I mentioned) publishing false stats besmirches all forums/websites.
Look, any large forum requires an expensive server or servers. 3 in our case with a fat pipe. How do we pay for this? Subscriptions are one model but in the age of free content, the most common way is banner advertising.
Now my experience is that most advertisers are on the ball and will cancel their campaign if they don't see the impressions/clicks they are paying for. But some are not. And the only stats they may have will be those presented by the forum in question. It would be nice to think that as a whole, the vbulletin forum running community was recognised as being trustworthy. This hack will have the opposite effect. By publishing false stats, a forum owner calls in to doubt our genuine stats.
Not everyone can afford independent reports (like Hitwise at over ?1000/$1770) each and every month.
P.S. Wish I still had my black Blade!

bada_bing 08-01-2006 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by bada_bing
Wow weird I installed this on my 3.5.4 site and in admincp under vb options-Fake community statistics options these are the only options I have

Amount of additional (fake) registrations:
The value added here will be added on top of the real value.

Amount of additional (fake) threads:
The value added here will be added on top of the real value.

Amount of additional (fake) posts:
The value added here will be added on top of the real value.

Amount of additional (fake) active members:
The value added here will be added on top of the real value.

What is going on?

can someone help me on this please

Shazz 08-01-2006 06:28 PM

^Yes what other options do you want?

wiredinoc 08-02-2006 08:04 PM

mmmmyeah... I just found this hack, and I am totally shocked that is is being written by a VB dev, and advocated by vb.org. What the heck are you guys thinking? Us admins work incredibly hard, and some of us put in over 100 hours a week to create something better in our respective hobby's or areas intrest. Now we need to have front and center stage, a hack that allows any $8 bozo to intentionally deceive new members about their size and gain market. NOT because of quality of content, or building a better mouse trap, but instead because of this product.

I don't know about you guys, but the first thing I look at on any new board I visit is the numbers. All of this "you're just cheating yourself" yadda yadda is a bunch of nonsense. IMO, VB.org is blatantly advocating and promoting lying and cheating through the creation of this product. This is horrible.

For some of us, this is our job, and puts food on the table. And then a company that I trust to my hard work with comes out with a POS hack like this, and sticks it to me. Wanna know why I'm pissed? I have a competitor who is now using this lovely product.

Good work guys, probably one of the best written hacks to date. Make sure you keep ignoring all of the other vital projects that need work like the multiple forums/one user database issue, and keep working on garbage like this.

Nathan2006 08-03-2006 12:17 PM


This hack has been really great!

But now after a while and members have started to come to my board and sign up I don't need it anymore:D

The only problem after uninstalling it and trying to Rebuild Statistics in the admincp I receive the following error:


You don't have permission to access /admincp/misc.php on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Also now there are more users online today than it says on the board

Most users ever online was 43, 31-05-2006 at 12:35.

But there have been 63 members who have visited today:confused:

Is there anyway to fix this problem

Thank you for any help :)

tienkhom 08-04-2006 07:42 PM

How can I delete the first comma when I dont add online member
, xmember,

rogersnm 08-04-2006 08:13 PM

Don't add the variabel next to $activeusers

duskdawn 08-05-2006 06:17 PM

I will take a try. Thanks.

rogersnm 08-05-2006 06:28 PM

/me doesn't use this anymore but he will contiue to support the thread

bada_bing 08-11-2006 02:20 AM


Originally Posted by Shazz
^Yes what other options do you want?

The same options that this hack claims to have as listed here

bada_bing 08-17-2006 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by bada_bing
The same options that this hack claims to have as listed here

Any updates???? or will ininstall

bada_bing 08-21-2006 05:15 PM

support suck for this hack...

Nathan2006 08-24-2006 03:06 AM



This hack has been really great!

But now after a while and members have started to come to my board and sign up I don't need it anymore:D

The only problem after uninstalling it and trying to Rebuild Statistics in the admincp I receive the following error:


You don't have permission to access /admincp/misc.php on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Also now there are more users online today than it says on the board

Most users ever online was 43, 31-05-2006 at 12:35.

But there have been 63 members who have visited today:confused:

Is there anyway to fix this problem

Thank you for any help :)
Any help please?

Its still not updating at all with this hack uninstalled

bada_bing 08-24-2006 03:26 AM


Originally Posted by Nathan2006
Any help please?

Its still not updating at all with this hack uninstalled

Read my post above

FReeSTER 08-28-2006 11:20 AM

If ther wont be any support then why not close the thread and delete it. :tired: :confused:

bada_bing 08-28-2006 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by El Intocable
If ther wont be any support then why not close the thread and delete it. :tired: :confused:


BaldNut 09-03-2006 07:34 PM

Nice Hack!

Work well done!

I can see were all moaining members are coming from, but for a small board with 600 posts and 40 members this is ideal, ill use it until i hit around 500 members and 3000 posts

People have to realise its a catch 22 situation, you have a quite board and no one will post, so by giving the appearance of a busier more active forum will promote others to join and help build that community.

BaldNut 09-03-2006 07:40 PM

only people on this thread moaning are the ones who already have the "bigger boards" getting all macho and defensive cause they sweat blood and tears to get their members!!

Take a chill pill, and relax, everyone here is admins looking to improve their forums, if that means for small new boards letting the visitor think that they are more succesfull than they are then is that so bad? they wont hang around if it is a poor board either way, but if you worked hard at getting visitors you should be allowed a helping hand to get them registered.

geevest.com 09-05-2006 11:26 AM

how to make Currently Active Users is random?
default is not for good.
maybe if u can make curently active user is random its looking BEST =)

uhm how to make fake (x Viewing) in forumhome Mr?

thx before

Ncturnal 09-06-2006 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by KimmiKat
This would make a great April Fools mod! :) Great product! :)

I like that idea.

Shazz 09-06-2006 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by Ncturnal
I like that idea.

April is so far away :(

Nathan2006 09-08-2006 09:25 AM


Now there are more users online today than it says on the board

Most users ever online was 43, 31-05-2006 at 12:35.

But there have been 63 members who have visited today

Is there anyway to fix this problem https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2010/09/3.gif

Thank you for any help

geniuz14 09-13-2006 03:32 PM


BaldNut 09-13-2006 03:34 PM

support is no longer on this hack i dont think?

Too many people dissing the hack so Floris lost interest i would guess?

geniuz14 09-13-2006 03:42 PM

kk....i understand.. :)

Sexy PV 09-15-2006 05:22 AM

How would you change the post count for other forums? As this hack only allows you to do it for one forum. Would changing the number directly in db work or cause problems?

bada_bing 09-18-2006 12:17 PM

Yes great question how can I change the post and thread count on more then just one forum?

geevest.com 10-01-2006 10:26 AM

how to fake viewing in forumhome?

kellee88 10-10-2006 09:45 PM

Does this hack effect the "members who have visited in the last 24 hrs. or today hack"?

Also, I know someone who uses this and his forum will show 15 members online but the actual count may be 10 names.

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