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Erwin 05-15-2006 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by Floris
About the meeting:

The vBulletin.com staff have meetings from time to time to discuss certain things. These are private meetings and no vBulletin.org or other staff members are invited. This wednesday is another one and I use that oppertunity to address the vBorg-matters. I am getting privmsgs from users that they all want to get invited: NOT gonna happen.

I only personally suggested that I want to address this at upcoming meeting, then recommend to have a meeting with vborg/com staff together, and if needed to invite a few users in a follow up meeting.

The fact that Jelsoft and vB.com staff have meetings to discuss vB.org in the absence of the vB.org admins and staff reflects the lack of consultation and direction that vB.org staff gets from Jelsoft. That's all I'm going to say on the matter. I'm glad a potential meeting may occur at some stage between Jelsoft and the vB.org staff.

amykhar 05-15-2006 09:31 PM

I think an analogy more apt than the grocery store one would be that of a pot-luck dinner at a church that has gone very, very wrong. In a pot-luck dinner, every family brings a dish of their favorite food to share with the group. People eat a bit of this and that and talk and maybe swap recipes. There is no menu. There are no waiters or short-order cooks.

Now, imagine you take your dinner to the pot-luck dinner, and out of the 100 people who come, 4 bring food. Most of the other 96 people come and very quietly eat some of the food and leave. A few smile and say thank you. And, because it's a church and you have some food there, you really don't mind.

A few people who don't cook try to help out. They wash dishes, and pick up the trash. They help the small kids and older people who can't fill their own plates. They try to add something to the party.

But, 2 or 3 of the people who don't bring food start asking for stuff that isn't there. And, they get angry when you won't dish out their plates and serve them at their table. And, they yell at the people who did cook and tell them that the food is no good and it would be much better if you served steak instead of baked beans.

Those 2 or 3 people are far from the majority, but they certainly aren't much incentive for the 4 people who were willing to share their food to do so again.

Roms 05-15-2006 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by amykhar
I think an analogy more apt than the grocery store one would be that of a pot-luck dinner at a church that has gone very, very wrong. In a pot-luck dinner, every family brings a dish of their favorite food to share with the group. People eat a bit of this and that and talk and maybe swap recipes. There is no menu. There are no waiters or short-order cooks.

Now, imagine you take your dinner to the pot-luck dinner, and out of the 100 people who come, 4 bring food. Most of the other 96 people come and very quietly eat some of the food and leave. A few smile and say thank you. And, because it's a church and you have some food there, you really don't mind.

A few people who don't cook try to help out. They wash dishes, and pick up the trash. They help the small kids and older people who can't fill their own plates. They try to add something to the party.

But, 2 or 3 of the people who don't bring food start asking for stuff that isn't there. And, they get angry when you won't dish out their plates and serve them at their table. And, they yell at the people who did cook and tell them that the food is no good and it would be much better if you served steak instead of baked beans.

Those 2 or 3 people are far from the majority, but they certainly aren't much incentive for the 4 people who were willing to share their food to do so again.

Please pass the salt, thanks. :)

Don't be sad Boofo. I'm sure amykhar will let you bring something from your grocery store to the pot-luck. ;)

amykhar 05-15-2006 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by Infantrymen
Please pass the salt, thanks. :)

my pleasure :)

sabret00the 05-15-2006 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by Erwin
The fact that Jelsoft and vB.com staff have meetings to discuss vB.org in the absence of the vB.org admins and staff reflects the lack of consultation and direction that vB.org staff gets from Jelsoft. That's all I'm going to say on the matter. I'm glad a potential meeting may occur at some stage between Jelsoft and the vB.org staff.

lol, i find this post hilarious, but it's so true.

ps, my monster of a post was lost in the mpdev/livewire arguing, bump my post, it's the most relevant thing in the world :p

MPDev 05-15-2006 10:33 PM

All this talk of a pot-luck dinner has me hungry and while there is sport to be found in poking angry kitties with sticks, I'll glide over to the apple pie and take a seat.

I sincerely hope that both sides can take a moment and see the perspective of the other side so that in the future we can all enjoy the pie without the drama.

Tralala 05-15-2006 10:39 PM

Mmmm..... PIE.....

MPDev 05-15-2006 10:43 PM

Warm Apple Pie... and warm whipped cream... with some ice cream...

Okay, who brought the hot carmel?

Boofo 05-15-2006 10:47 PM

Where is there a hot camel?! I have to see this!

davidw 05-15-2006 11:08 PM

I've been to the Persian Gulf - I got to see a hot camel there...

sabret00the 05-15-2006 11:19 PM

In One Piece the Arabasta arc, there's hot camels there.

MPDev 05-15-2006 11:39 PM

Does camel really taste like chicken? Someone told me a rattlesnake did, I tried it and it does not; unless maybe it tastes like a rubber chicken.

Seiken 05-15-2006 11:47 PM

...This i stupid. You guys are real dumbasses to turn this thread into hot camel talk.

MPDev 05-15-2006 11:49 PM

That, sir, is uncalled for. This is a civil website with a code of conduct that does not include calling other members "dumbasses" - with a mere 20 posts to your credit in the last year and a half, I would suggest that you take the time to reconnect yourself with the rules of this site.

...Now back to the hot camel talk...

hambil 05-15-2006 11:52 PM

They are just trying to lighten the mood because it's gotten so tense around here. However it is a serious thread, and enough is probably enough IMHO :)

Kihon Kata 05-15-2006 11:53 PM

Hmm balls and a turkey dinner. cool

Seiken 05-15-2006 11:55 PM


That, sir, is uncalled for. This is a civil website with a code of conduct that does not include calling other members "dumbasses" - with a mere 20 posts to your credit in the last year and a half, I would suggest that you take the time to reconnect yourself with the rules of this site.

...Now back to the hot camel talk...
I dont want to hear it. I come here and I post when I find it needed. I install hacks and acknowledge the creators with their proper install copyrights and the install buttons. So dont strat about a year and a half and measly posts because I really don't care.

I dont need to re-connect with anything, I come here and see how people act all the time. So preach elsewhere.

0ptima 05-15-2006 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by Ohiosweetheart
Optima, I'm sorry I didn't see what part of your post was meant for me? Could you please elaborate?

I sent you a PM.

MPDev 05-16-2006 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by Seiken
I dont need to re-connect with anything, I come here and see how people act all the time. So preach elsewhere.

Don't make me call your mother....

Billspaintball 05-16-2006 01:34 AM

Can we get this thread back on track please.

Boofo 05-16-2006 01:40 AM

I'd rather not get it back to what is started out as, please.

Freesteyelz 05-16-2006 01:42 AM


Originally Posted by Tralala
Ah, the old "ya had to be there" line.
The posts are all here, in context. Anyone can review them. Not to mention, the comment was made last night.
Maybe the "" comes in handy after all?

While my profession is in Child Psychology I'll take a stab at analyzing, I meant reviewing, them. :D

*Freudian slip. ;)

Erwin 05-16-2006 01:45 AM

Please stay on-topic - if you want to chat, go to the Lounge. Thanks for understanding.

COBRAws 05-16-2006 01:54 AM


Originally Posted by LiveWire
...but the fact of the matter is. Jelsoft does not recognize coders for the great work they do. Alot of features you see in the vBulletin package now, came from hardcore coders from the past.

damn true.

Im not coder, I dont have the time to learn all about coding so I have to depend on free code from coders like you for example. I've even downloaded hack from your board even when it was a small one!

But hey, as someone else stated, even a "hello world" script can be uploaded. There are dozens of scripts that do the same, such as the "autoresize image" or stuff like that.

About the hacks database... well, even a customer an non coder like me, is still waiting for it.

Bigboards if they arent taken care of day by day, end up having problems like this.

Oddjob 05-16-2006 02:09 AM

If you wanna make money off your hacks, open up a site for them like a few others have done.


COBRAws 05-16-2006 02:20 AM

So, if I kill all coders, vb.org will still prevale because it will be turned into a... mmmmmm grocery store? LOL

c'mon guys. Think wisely before hitting the Post Reply button ;);););)

Erwin 05-16-2006 02:58 AM

The admins and staff have listened to the concerns in this thread and we are actively finding solutions right now. It's sufficient to say that there will be major changes implemented very soon - I know people are tired of hearing merely words with no actions to back them up - we basically need to look at different options - do we do this in an evolutionary way (slow and steady), or in a revolutionary way (radical changes)? It may be that we need radical changes. We shall see. Things are being discussed. So be assured that we are listening.

Tralala 05-16-2006 03:02 AM

Thank you, Erwin. That's one of the most positive-sounding posts I've read on the subject in a while now.

Roms 05-16-2006 03:13 AM

Thanks Erwin. :)

MThornback 05-16-2006 03:34 AM

Agreed...its the most productive post thus far on either side of the fence....Erwin's had the last two or three most honest post....go team Erwin :p

Ntfu2 05-16-2006 03:44 AM

So like today i released a pretty cool mod, and i dont think everyone appreciated it because i only got 8 installs all day and they even reported a bug, how could there be a bug in my mod? can you beleive the nerve of some people

I think i'm going to leave now.... and take my lightbox with me


Cloud Strife 05-16-2006 03:45 AM

Im glad to hear that there are going to be changes... Its been needed fir a while now. Thanks for listening to the customers :)

kall 05-16-2006 05:15 AM


Originally Posted by hotwheels
Shortly thereafter, i recieved a couple pm's telling me i could not release another's code without his permission. With out wanting to get into the he said she said, i backed off and removed my zip from the site.

Hmm.. according to this post you took it down because it was a core vBulletin file that you had edited in some way.

That's not stealing another's code, that's breaking the TOS of both this site and vBulletin Software.

COBRAws 05-16-2006 05:57 AM


Originally Posted by Erwin
The admins and staff have listened to the concerns in this thread and we are actively finding solutions right now. It's sufficient to say that there will be major changes implemented very soon - I know people are tired of hearing merely words with no actions to back them up - we basically need to look at different options - do we do this in an evolutionary way (slow and steady), or in a revolutionary way (radical changes)? It may be that we need radical changes. We shall see. Things are being discussed. So be assured that we are listening.

Sometimes heads need to be chopped. Its a shame, but its the truth

The Geek 05-16-2006 06:14 AM


Originally Posted by amykhar
I think an analogy more apt than the grocery store one would be that of a pot-luck dinner at a church that has gone very, very wrong. In a pot-luck dinner, every family brings a dish of their favorite food to share with the group. People eat a bit of this and that and talk and maybe swap recipes. There is no menu. There are no waiters or short-order cooks.

Now, imagine you take your dinner to the pot-luck dinner, and out of the 100 people who come, 4 bring food. Most of the other 96 people come and very quietly eat some of the food and leave. A few smile and say thank you. And, because it's a church and you have some food there, you really don't mind.

A few people who don't cook try to help out. They wash dishes, and pick up the trash. They help the small kids and older people who can't fill their own plates. They try to add something to the party.

But, 2 or 3 of the people who don't bring food start asking for stuff that isn't there. And, they get angry when you won't dish out their plates and serve them at their table. And, they yell at the people who did cook and tell them that the food is no good and it would be much better if you served steak instead of baked beans.

Those 2 or 3 people are far from the majority, but they certainly aren't much incentive for the 4 people who were willing to share their food to do so again.

I just had to quote this as I think it's pure brilliance.
Easily one of the best analogies I have read around these parts.

Revan 05-16-2006 06:48 AM


Originally Posted by Erwin
The admins and staff have listened to the concerns in this thread and we are actively finding solutions right now. It's sufficient to say that there will be major changes implemented very soon - I know people are tired of hearing merely words with no actions to back them up - we basically need to look at different options - do we do this in an evolutionary way (slow and steady), or in a revolutionary way (radical changes)? It may be that we need radical changes. We shall see. Things are being discussed. So be assured that we are listening.

First of all I would like to say thanks for taking action. It's most appreciated.
But I do have to state one thing: It would be nice if we could hear a little more than "changes will be implemented". All we've heard is "the hack db is coming" but thats about it. Any attempts to re-kindle it gets the thread locked (seperate thread that is).
What I would like is to hear a little more details. Specifically, a what and a rough when.

I applaud changes being made (if they are for the better :p) :)

TheMusicMan 05-16-2006 07:41 AM


Originally Posted by Erwin
The admins and staff have listened to the concerns in this thread and we are actively finding solutions right now. It's sufficient to say that there will be major changes implemented very soon - I know people are tired of hearing merely words with no actions to back them up - we basically need to look at different options - do we do this in an evolutionary way (slow and steady), or in a revolutionary way (radical changes)? It may be that we need radical changes. We shall see. Things are being discussed. So be assured that we are listening.

If you always do what you did, you will always get what you got.

Given that you would possibly be looking at a cost/benefit or risk/reward analysis of what's 'most right' for vB.org... radical would, in my humble opinion, seem to be the most pragmatic approach here...

Erwin 05-16-2006 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by Revan
First of all I would like to say thanks for taking action. It's most appreciated.
But I do have to state one thing: It would be nice if we could hear a little more than "changes will be implemented". All we've heard is "the hack db is coming" but thats about it. Any attempts to re-kindle it gets the thread locked (seperate thread that is).
What I would like is to hear a little more details. Specifically, a what and a rough when.

I applaud changes being made (if they are for the better :p) :)

I can't give details as the discussion is still going on. It may require a change of staff. It will take a lot of time and effort. It may involve many people. Really, until we sort it out for ourselves, I can't really tell you much more.

davidw 05-16-2006 10:22 AM

To be serious on the matter, aside from hot camels, I am compelled to agree with Amy and with good reason too. She makes a very good analogy. I will provide my hacks for free and if people don't like it, I will assume there's something better they can purchase elsewhere - which is fine by me, I'm happy I can help someone out that can't afford to pay, such as myself.

Ohiosweetheart 05-16-2006 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by christianb
To be serious on the matter, aside from hot camels, I am compelled to agree with Amy and with good reason too. She makes a very good analogy. I will provide my hacks for free and if people don't like it, I will assume there's something better they can purchase elsewhere - which is fine by me, I'm happy I can help someone out that can't afford to pay, such as myself.

and rest assured, you and coders like you, are very much appreciated by me and people like me, who can't afford to pay for hacks.
God bless you sweetie ;)

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