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EricGT 12-28-2007 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by kmike (Post 1410589)
Am I reading this correctly, 1 million unique IP's per day??? That's a crapload of traffic, you should be swimming in the ad money!

Actually, I screwed that up. I've never checked unique ip's in the tracking software before last week and when I did, I thought it showed an average of 32,000,000 unique ip's a month. It is actually 3,200,000 and change, which really isn't the same thing.:D I guess a 103,000 unique ip's a day is nothing to sneeze at. In my defense, I use Extreme Tracking and their stats are a bit confusing.:o. Eric

zeropaid 12-29-2007 04:05 AM


Originally Posted by EricGT (Post 1408707)
My site currently receives visits from about 1,000,000 unique ip numbers a day. We receive 55,000 or so new messages a week. The site started out as a hobby and it has only been in the last three years or so that I began to commercialize it. It is making decent money now, but I suspect that its earning potential is much higher.

google won't let me run Adsense, due to the fact that the topic of my site is firearms related. What are some other avenues I can follow to monetize the site? Are affiliate programs like Commission Junction worth the trouble? Any advice would be appreciated. Eric

By far the best program on Commission Junction is eBay. You send visitors to ebay and get paid for whatever they buy or if they create a new account you get $25. I make waay more from ebay than I do from adsense. For example I am running both adsense and ebay through ZinText on my forum archives and I do 3x more with ebay.

vNew 12-30-2007 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by webgroup (Post 998854)
HEhe, I feel very lucky!
With 0 SE traffic, literally 0.

We are making about $4-5K monthly.

This includes PPC ads, Chitika, Subscriptions and paid banners spots.

We could be making more if we have a salesman for the banners and paid text links.

Let me guess. An investment or financial site?


basketmen 12-31-2007 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by kmike (Post 1410589)
Am I reading this correctly, 1 million unique IP's per day??? That's a crapload of traffic, you should be swimming in the ad money!

i think its wrong, maybe its 1.000.000 page views a day i have seen it in few big boards

why i am can say that? because i have seen yahoo.com statistic just about 3.000.000 unique perday two years ago

EricGT 12-31-2007 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by basketmen (Post 1412301)
i think its wrong, maybe its 1.000.000 page views a day i have seen it in few big boards

why i am can say that? because i have seen yahoo.com statistic just about 3.000.000 unique perday two years ago

I addressed that above. Eric

FRANKTHETANK 2 12-31-2007 06:17 AM

i run a street bike site and a gaming site the gaming site make at least 100 dollars a month and my bike site doubles it and there both 600 members or smaller

Digma 01-01-2008 07:31 PM

Running a messageboard with 14K registered users, 1.5 million post in 40K threads and have an average of about 3,500 absolute unique visitors every day. I saw someone (on one of the first pages of this thread) make the remark that you should make a fortune with that. Apparently he knows how, so show me the way. ;)

I run a messageboard in the gaming industry and I don't earn a dime from it. Even though I have been offered 1-2 CPM rates by some respective ad-companies. So why do I don't earn a dime? Main reason behind that, from where I am standing, is because when you get an offer from an ad-company nowadays they only have a US-orientated inventory and only pay for the US visitors. Which at my site is only 4-5%. So my main problem is that about 75% is from Europe (55% UK & Ireland).

NavS 01-10-2008 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by creedmaniac (Post 962286)
I don't own a big-board, but am a co-admin on a semi-big board i think, it has 25,000 members (just pruned) and about 130-180 posts a day. We make our money purely by subscription to our 'members section'

amount edited...asked by owner

You have 25,000 users that make 130 posts a day each or all together?!?! That seems a little off... I only have about 170 active users that make like ~1300 posts a day... but all together...

To answer the question, $0. I have no ads anywhere.

azn_romeo_4u 01-10-2008 11:33 PM

I was making 1500 a month before tribal fusion just drop dead for some reason. T_T

kartik786 01-20-2008 05:40 PM


I make about ?xx a month from Paid Subscriptions.

What exactly is a PAID subscription ? cud neone explain.. i am a noob.

Duncan 01-21-2008 01:41 AM

Paid subscription is a special usergroup which can only be accessed by a certain fee. Sometimes this fee is monthly, annually, or lifetime.

Marco van Herwaarden 01-21-2008 05:38 AM

Paid Subscriptions

zink 01-29-2008 07:45 AM

LOL some of you guys with 3-5k uniques per day either losing money or making very little need a marketing lesson.

Making money on the web is a simple numbers game - if you send X number of people to a page with cleverly positioned ads X% will click through.

manning 01-29-2008 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by zink (Post 1431479)
LOL some of you guys with 3-5k uniques per day either losing money or making very little need a marketing lesson.

I would guess some also need to learn the difference between page views and unique visitors. If they truly are getting 5k uniques a day, they SHOULD be making plenty of money.

MRGTB 01-30-2008 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by manning (Post 1432117)
I would guess some also need to learn the difference between page views and unique visitors. If they truly are getting 5k uniques a day, they SHOULD be making plenty of money.

Yeah, totally agree! 5000 unique visitors is a lot, and I would expect to make some good money each day if I was getting that ammount of new users coming

WFZ 02-02-2008 06:37 PM

I earn rougly $xx per month.

And its not really a big board.

jiffylb1 02-04-2008 10:17 PM

I charge $500.00 a year per ad sponsor.
I tell them that for that they will get a specific forum topic that they can adminstrate and advertsie there specials in and also include is one mass email a month and one 468 x 60 roatating banner
we have after cleaing out all inactive members and kept only posters etc gone form 2500 members to 175 mmebrs
btu our local stores are now
a few law firms and etc etc

I did nto make anything of google more than maybe $20.00 a month
as I am doing it now we generate
3500 a year
I think that it oculd get better iof the affiliate programs were better
but I generate $50.000 a year form my own link to the shop part
so I would say that my advertisers have stayed on year after year and always renew so I assume they all like to be featured on the portal..

fabiocesar 02-05-2008 12:12 AM

$45 day !!
Threads: 24.095, Posts: 249.739, Members: 375.081
2300-2600 Online
20000 visits uniques/day

Greenskull 02-05-2008 05:06 AM

Can anyone help me out? I get over 20 thousand unique hits a month and over 70 thousand page views a month, yet I make less than a dollar a month! Any suggestions or anything? Help would be appreciated!

kartik786 02-05-2008 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by Greenskull (Post 1436543)
Can anyone help me out? I get over 20 thousand unique hits a month and over 70 thousand page views a month, yet I make less than a dollar a month! Any suggestions or anything? Help would be appreciated!

BUZZ ME with your url.. i'd be glad to help you out.

Greenskull 02-06-2008 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by kartik786 (Post 1436673)
BUZZ ME with your url.. i'd be glad to help you out.

my site is www.readyuplive.com

lane 02-07-2008 05:07 AM

My board is not huge, about 2K members, 1K unique daily, 5K page views and we pull in about $1 or so a day. Along with our download section (4-6TB Monthly bandwdith). Needless to say, we are in the whole each month and a quite deep whole i must add.

As in "we", I am the owner but there is a few of us who help foot the bill and run the site.

MRGTB 02-11-2008 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by lane (Post 1437972)
My board is not huge, about 2K members, 1K unique daily, 5K page views and we pull in about $1 or so a day. Along with our download section (4-6TB Monthly bandwdith). Needless to say, we are in the whole each month and a quite deep whole i must add.

As in "we", I am the owner but there is a few of us who help foot the bill and run the site.

Thats very bad! Your only getting $1 dollar a day from ads revenue and you have 1000 unique daily visitors. I think it's fair to say you need to totally re-think your ads campaign.

MissKalunji 02-12-2008 03:29 AM

i make fair enough but with the cost of server ah lol ain't about to get rich anytime soon and no i'm not a big board but i do get a fair amount of visitors.

JD45 02-12-2008 06:39 PM

I have to be doing something wrong. What exactly that is, I'm not sure.

On average we pull in around:
  • 3800 Uniques/day
  • 60K pageviews/day
  • 300K hits/day

I've played with Tribal Fusion (who seems to be the best so far), Adsense, Burst, RealTech and with Tribal Fusion, we're only able to bring in about $5/day which just covers hosting.

It seems like we should be doing better?

I'm at the point where I'm willing to hire someone with ad management in order to get our sites revenue up.

MRGTB 02-12-2008 06:59 PM

Well for starters, you have not taken advantage of the Google Adsense colour pallet to change the colour of your ads to blend in much better, quite frankly they stand out as being ads a mile.

Also, your not taking advantage of the amount of ads by Google your allowed to display on any one web page (forum page). You can display 3 text ads, 3 link units, 2 search boxes, 3 referrals. But what matters to you the most is the "3 text ads and 3 link units" you can display on any one page.

All I've seen on the forum is a one text ad displayed below your shout box, and you've used the Google default colours (which makes it look really obvious). Oh, and you have one I just spotted displayed after the first post in a thread which is even worse. Because your using a white background for the ad. You also have a Picture Banner displayed near your footer. Picture banners from Google are pretty useless. Just about every web user avoids picture banners like the plague, unless there not served by Google and instead are the ones that entice you to click to win something, or "beat the monkey" type banners. Google picture banners are a waste of space though, because there is nothing interesting enough about them to make anybody want to click them!

The bottom line is this, it's not all bad news. At least you don't have great ad placement and are making nothing, you have very poor ads placement and colours. So it's no surprise your doing bad. There is a lot you could do to vastly improve your income from ad click-throughs from what I've seen.

JD45 02-12-2008 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by MRGTB (Post 1441678)
Well for starters, you have not taken advantage of the Google Adsense colour pallet to change the colour of your ads to blend in much better, quite frankly they stand out as being ads a mile.

Also, your not taking advantage of the amount of ads by Google your allowed to display on any one web page (forum page). You can display 3 text ads, 3 link units, 2 search boxes, 3 referrals. But what matters to you the most is the "3 text ads and 3 link units" you can display on any one page.

All I've seen on the forum is a one text ad displayed below your shout box, and you've used the Google default colours (which makes it look really obvious). Oh, and you have one I just spotted displayed after the first post in a thread which is even worse. Because your using a white background for the ad. You also have a Picture Banner displayed near your footer. Picture banners from Google are pretty useless. Just about every web user avoids picture banners like the plague, unless there not served by Google and instead are the ones that entice you to click to win something, or "beat the monkey" type banners. Google picture banners are a waste of space though, because there is nothing interesting enough about them to make anybody want to click them!

The bottom line is this, it's not all bad news. At least you don't have great ad placement and are making nothing, you have very poor ads placement and colours. So it's no surprise your doing bad. There is a lot you could do to vastly improve your income from ad click-throughs from what I've seen.

Thanks for the input. The google ads are being served through RealTech Network so I don't have control over the colors as if I was running it through my own adsense account.

I am looking to hire someone to help with ad placement/management if you know anyone off the top of your head and would feel comfortable recommending them.

MRGTB 02-12-2008 07:36 PM

well, anybody who is well versed in the vBulletin code could intergrate them for you much better. But I would tend to check their own vBulletin site out first, to see what type of job they have done with there own site first regarding banner intergration.

How comes your not servering ads from your own Google Adsense account anyway? So you can control the colours etc

JD45 02-12-2008 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by MRGTB (Post 1441710)
well, anybody who is well versed in the vBulletin code could intergrate them for you much better. But I would tend to check their own vBulletin site out first, to see what type of job they have done with there own site first regarding banner intergration.

How comes your not servering ads from your own Google Adsense account anyway? So you can control the colours etc

Thought we'd get paid more from RealTech with the variety of ads they serve. Had no clue they served google ads.

iogames 02-12-2008 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by fabiocesar (Post 1436445)
$45 day !!
Threads: 24.095, Posts: 249.739, Members: 375.081
2300-2600 Online
20000 visits uniques/day

Your Site?

JD45 02-13-2008 01:07 AM


Originally Posted by iogames (Post 1441841)
Your Site?

The one in my sig.

fabiocesar 02-14-2008 01:22 AM


Originally Posted by iogames (Post 1441841)
Your Site?


Marco van Herwaarden 02-14-2008 07:07 AM


Originally Posted by fabiocesar (Post 1442629)

Please see Restoring the Required Copyright Notice

your current copyright in the footer does not meet the minimum requirements.

hotdude_55 02-15-2008 08:03 AM

loosing a lot
any help ??

hrk 02-16-2008 05:37 AM

Now everyone using Mozilla for blocking ads. there goes the revenue from ads :(

fabiocesar 02-17-2008 01:50 AM


Originally Posted by Marco van Herwaarden (Post 1442713)
Please see Restoring the Required Copyright Notice

your current copyright in the footer does not meet the minimum requirements.

sorry, restored ... =)

Leo Renard 02-19-2008 06:39 AM

I just started using vBulletin, but with my old forum and website combined, I am making approx. $400/mo. on average. I foresee more profit with the high requests of an 'Adult Section', heh heh.. Don't worry, I host myself, so no ToS to break. :)

Greenskull 02-20-2008 08:47 AM


Originally Posted by Leo Renard (Post 1446423)
I just started using vBulletin, but with my old forum and website combined, I am making approx. $400/mo. on average. I foresee more profit with the high requests of an 'Adult Section', heh heh.. Don't worry, I host myself, so no ToS to break. :)

how do you make so much? I really need some advice, I make literally nothing on my site, despite tons of unique visits! The site's www.readyuplive.com! Please help, someone!

Amenadiel 02-24-2008 03:26 AM

I make about USD 400 from a CPC program (the best known hehe), now I'm adding a coregistration which pays me about a quarter for every person that checks on a newsletter. That should be about USd 500 a month...

It's still not enough to leave my job and focus only on my website *sigh*

montsa007 02-25-2008 03:52 AM

Just Started Hoping to make Few $XX

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