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Jenta 11-26-2005 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by Vizionz
yeah its gonna be this and v3arcade that will launch later today as well

v3arcade is a commercial hack and its doubtful it will be allowed here
this one is free

Vizionz 11-26-2005 12:43 PM

i gave him props for the hack but thats how i feal would he rather i lie and say. oh this is the best looking hack i have ever seen in my life and its perfect i cant believe how great is is nothing will ever compare to it.. then i tell everyone else i hate the way the top of the hack looks ? thats my honest opinion and nothing more then that. my 1 opinion aint stopping 100 + installs i just prefer less clutter in a hack

Vizionz 11-26-2005 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by Jenta
v3arcade is a commercial hack and its doubtful it will be allowed here
this one is free

v3arcade isnt commercial its free like this .. the onlything that you pay ffor if you want to remove copyrite

Jenta 11-26-2005 12:47 PM

I kinda agree but I dont think many people wont be using Johns hack even if they like it better. He probably could have made more money by simply putting up a donate button.

Paul M 11-26-2005 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by Vizionz
i gave him props for the hack but thats how i feal would he rather i lie and say. oh this is the best looking hack i have ever seen in my life and its perfect i cant believe how great is is nothing will ever compare to it.. then i tell everyone else i hate the way the top of the hack looks ? thats my honest opinion and nothing more then that. my 1 opinion aint stopping 100 + installs i just prefer less clutter in a hack

Quite right. If people don't comment on the things they don't like then nothing will change.

The job he has done so far is excellent, but there are still areas that could be improved over time - for example - the no permission errors - they are the awful IPB layout at the moment instead of native vb format messages. As the teacher would say, "very good, but room for improvement". :)

Jenta 11-26-2005 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by Vizionz
v3arcade isnt commercial its free like this .. the onlything that you pay ffor if you want to remove copyrite

Same thing. You have to pay to get extra features. It would set a bad precedent.
Pretty soon hacks released here will only work 75% until you pay to unlock the other 25%. Sets a dangerous precedent.

Anyways this is a support thread. We should be discussing things like this in the lounge. I'm done cluttering up this thread.

Vizionz 11-26-2005 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by Jenta
I kinda agree but I dont think many people wont be using Johns hack even if they like it better. He probably could have made more money by simply putting up a donate button.

what are you talking about ?

he made the hack free he charged people that wanted to remove the copyrite so it looks like they made it for there forum.

the actual hack will be free the only options to pay for if you want to remove copyrite and to be able to use the multiplayer game server, everything else is free he will be supporting it here it will be released freee here and it will stay free here.

his hack is no different then this one. to remove copyrites from this hack you have to pay as well.

Vizionz 11-26-2005 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by Jenta
Same thing. You have to pay to get extra features. It would set a bad precedent.
Pretty soon hacks released here will only work 75% until you pay to unlock the other 25%. Sets a dangerous precedent.

Anyways this is a support thread. We should be discussing things like this in the lounge. I'm done cluttering up this thread.

you cant remove the copyright from this hack for free ? where are you going with this

Jenta 11-26-2005 12:59 PM

Continued arcade vs arcade discussions

MrZeropage 11-26-2005 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M
As the teacher would say, "very good, but room for improvement".

Yes, there is room left for more improvements, and the Hack still is somewhat away from what my idea of it is. So stay tuned for an update that will come along with cosmetical fixes and some more improvements that did not made it into this first release by now.
I just pushed the release and stopped any further development to provide an Arcade to all of you and to safe you paying 60$ to get hold of some beta ;) :p :D

Sure the PHP-Code is somehow different as it was done for another Forumsoftware, but does that make any effect on the usage and functionality of the Hack itself? No.
And any styling is just a matter of taste, be sure that there will be alternative styles available soon, which even can be without 100% of the available data and options... :)

Anyway, this is a Hack- and Support-Thread, discussions should be done elsewhere

Vizionz 11-26-2005 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by MrZeropage
Yes, there is room left for more improvements, and the Hack still is somewhat away from what my idea of it is. So stay tuned for an update that will come along with cosmetical fixes and some more improvements that did not made it into this first release by now.
I just pushed the release and stopped any further development to provide an Arcade to all of you and to safe you paying 60$ to get hold of some beta ;) :p :D

Sure the PHP-Code is somehow different as it was done for another Forumsoftware, but does that make any effect on the usage and functionality of the Hack itself? No.
And any styling is just a matter of taste, be sure that there will be alternative styles available soon, which even can be without 100% of the available data and options... :)

Anyway, this is a Hack- and Support-Thread, discussions should be done elsewhere

then thats a plus :) like i siad the hack itself is great i just dont like the way the top of it is laid out :) looking forward to different styles besides that great job on the hack itself

Blam Forumz 11-26-2005 01:12 PM

I cannot submit scores.

JTyson 11-26-2005 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by Blam Forumz
I cannot submit scores.

Little bit more detail? Cant be too hard to fix. ;)

Mark.B 11-26-2005 01:15 PM

I don't use any of the arcade default layouts anyhow, I have my own cosmetic look which is built around the default ones.

You just change the default look if you don't like it, just as you would with the main forum code.

The important bit is that the mechanics of it is all functioning, which seems to be the case, cosmetic improvements I can make myself.

Rich 11-26-2005 01:19 PM


I too am having an issue with it saving scores. Like previously stated, I too am getting redirected to the sites homepage opposed to scores being saved.

http://www.herpcenter.com/index.php?...de&do=newscore is leading to my homepage. No scores are being saved and they are set to do so in the acp. (Highest score)

I am not running vbSEO but I WAS running dc-url-rewrite. I disabled it and I still get redirected at the end of a game to the homepage.

What could be causing this?

I think this is a great modification, but I can't use it without it redirecting back to the games page and the scores being saved.

Blam Forumz 11-26-2005 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by JTyson
Little bit more detail? Cant be too hard to fix. ;)


Madmp3zz 11-26-2005 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by Madmp3zz
Issue with catagories..
I created new catagories after I installed the games.
Now when I try to move games around in catagories, there are not any listed.

Any ideas?


LLM4P 11-26-2005 01:23 PM

Great been waiting for this

/me clicks install

puertoblack2003 11-26-2005 01:31 PM

love this, but one problem i configure everything with the scoring system and everything looks fine but when you play a default game it won't keep the score you gathered it only show how many time the game was played any idea what i should look for.. :ermm:

Rich 11-26-2005 01:40 PM


Thats what happens to me as well. It let me play the game, saves how many times I played it, but doesn't save any scores. As it "attempts" to save the score, it shoots me to my sites homepage.

Not sure if this is relevant, but I am running vbacmps as my portal.

MrZeropage 11-26-2005 01:46 PM

Everybody having problems with the score-keeping should check if the vBulletin PlugIn-System is active. Scores are saved using the /index.php and to grab Scores submitted there the PlugIn "Integration in index.php" has to be aktive and working.

Pleas provide a Screenshot, I don't get your problem. First create categories, then go to the Games List, select ALL in the view-filter and select the Games you want to move to another Category. Then select the Category at the bottom and save...

Boofo 11-26-2005 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by nievesidenshop
love this, but one problem i configure everything with the scoring system and everything looks fine but when you play a default game it won't keep the score you gathered it only show how many time the game was played any idea what i should look for.. :ermm:

It will only save your highest score. You can change that in the Admin CP options.

funinthesun 11-26-2005 01:49 PM

Can someone please help me? I just seem to be getting ignored but I've waited for this mod for such a long time and would really love to have it running on my forum by tonight. I've been promising my members for ages :(

MrZeropage 11-26-2005 01:50 PM

Ah, ok, yes, this is another option - check the Arcade Main Settings :)

tcs 11-26-2005 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by funinthesun
Can someone please help me? I just seem to be getting ignored but I've waited for this mod for such a long time and would really love to have it running on my forum by tonight. I've been promising my members for ages :(

PM me and I will give you a hand. There is allot going on with this tread and it's hard for them to keep up with.

MrZeropage 11-26-2005 01:54 PM

Thanks for your help, tcs

hawgjaw 11-26-2005 01:55 PM

I installed this on my site and it is working perfectly no flaws for me Thanks and great job bud.

dieselpowered 11-26-2005 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by Boofo
It's your style causing it to mess up. You need to go in and re-edit your style. ;)

But where?? I opened the ARCADE template and there is nothing in there to change...it appears it is calling default db templates and all of those templates should be find.

Take a look here. you can even change it to the default style and it still changes the colors??


Boofo 11-26-2005 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by hawgjaw
I installed this on my site and it is working perfectly no flaws for me, I was wondering where is the best place to get more games Thanks and great job bud.

Everybody, please read the last line in the first post. We chose not to discuss games or where to get them in here as that is a volitile issue with many people. Zero provided the arcade, we would like to leave it at that. Thank you all for understanding. ;)

Boofo 11-26-2005 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by xtremeoff-road
But where?? I opened the ARCADE template and there is nothing in there to change...it appears it is calling default db templates and all of those templates should be find.

Take a look here. you can even change it to the default style and it still changes the colors??


When I tried to change it to the default type, it didn't change and gave me an error in the staus bar. Try changing the arcade shin to v3Arcade (in the Admin CP Arcade Main settings) and see if it does the same thing.

Zachariah 11-26-2005 02:03 PM

Hey Boofo,

Tell me, do I upgrade my old IBP arcade .
- Do you have faith in this young page ?

My destiny is in your "word".

Boofo 11-26-2005 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by Zachariah
Hey Boofo,

Tell me, do I upgrade my old IBP arcade .
- Do you have faith in this young page ?

My destiny is in your "word"


Yes, I tested it thoroughly and could not find any of the problems reported here. Besides, you know where to find me (our little secret) if anything does go amuck. ;)

dieselpowered 11-26-2005 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by Boofo
When I tried to change it to the default type, it didn't change and gave me an error in the staus bar. Try changing the arcade shin to v3Arcade (in the Admin CP Arcade Main settings) and see if it does the same thing.

Nope it still does the same thing...I am going tp do a fresh installation and playbe try to play with that, I just do not see why the colors are changing, where is that being called from?

Zachariah 11-26-2005 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by Boofo
you know where to find me (our little secret) if anything does go amuck. ;)

Shhh you will scare the kids.

[high]* Zachariah Installs.[/high]

nexus851 11-26-2005 02:09 PM

i got my hands on some few games, however i dont know how to install them and also how to collect the scores in the game to be posted on my board. Seems like these are flash games, so do i have to edit them to get the score variable and transfer it to my website somehow??? please help....

Boofo 11-26-2005 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by nexus851
i got my hands on some few games, however i dont know how to install them and also how to collect the scores in the game to be posted on my board. Seems like these are flash games, so do i have to edit them to get the score variable and transfer it to my website somehow??? please help....

Please read the last line in the first post. Thank you. ;)

Zachariah 11-26-2005 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by nexus851
i got my hands on some few games, however i dont know how to install them and also how to collect the scores in the game to be posted on my board. Seems like these are flash games, so do i have to edit them to get the score variable and transfer it to my website somehow??? please help....

Well if the table layout did not change much it will be easy for me :D

puertoblack2003 11-26-2005 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by MrZeropage
Everybody having problems with the score-keeping should check if the vBulletin PlugIn-System is active. Scores are saved using the /index.php and to grab Scores submitted there the PlugIn "Integration in index.php" has to be aktive and working.

Pleas provide a Screenshot, I don't get your problem. First create categories, then go to the Games List, select ALL in the view-filter and select the Games you want to move to another Category. Then select the Category at the bottom and save...

yea i tried that and apparently i was doing a test run and still having that issue if someone having that problem and fixed it lets us know what u did please....... :ermm:

kewl1uk 11-26-2005 02:25 PM

Excellent. Thank you. Installed and working. *clicks install* *clicks donate button*

Just one problem so far. Usernames with a prefix or suffix configured in the Usergroup HTML markup are not saved for high scores so the username in the high score is blank. i.e. *~* Username *~*

Rich 11-26-2005 02:31 PM


I think I know what the problem is in regards to it saving games! You said it saves THROUGH the index.php page. Well if that is the case, some of us are going to have problems. I use vbcmps as my index page and I use forumhome.php as my forums. Originally, forumhome WAS index.php until I renamed it!

So, how can I tell the system to save through the forumhome.php page since it seems to be looking for THAT index page!

Does that make sense? Did I solve the problem? lol

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