AmbitiousLemon |
10-11-2004 05:01 AM |
Bumpaneer has updated grassyknoll. I updated the attachment on the first post. The new version is now xhtml compliant. The load times should be greatly improved. There are no more javascript errors. New posts are now italic so that they are more noticable. To update you only need to upload the .xml file (everything else is the same).
All thanks should go to bumpaneer.
Regarding the trouble with forum additions Bumpaneer told me the following:
the way $spacer_open and $spacer_close is used is different than vb default.
i use them to open and close the white boxes you see on the pages
$spacer_open appears under the navbar and $spacer_close right above the footer.
hope that helps.
Also my only request I made when posting this is that if anyone has made some interesting modifications that they share these as i have shared the original. If you have gotten a forum addition to look good with grassy knoll please share what you changed and post a screenshot. I am sure others would find that helpful.
[edit] looks like bumpaneer posted while i was writing this, more info in his posts[/edit]