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Cloudrunner 08-25-2008 01:31 PM


Testing as we speak. If anyone can break it my users will find a way lol. Great job thus far.

dlan 08-26-2008 02:58 PM

Ok, so i tried to use a test item the Thunderfury. See what happens... the wowhead is psychic :P so it finds and returns the data even when you don't enter the complete correct item name. For example try 'Thunderfury' instead of 'Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker'.

But the initial select sql command you run to check if it's been cached doesn't work that way. It checks for the exact name, so it tries to re-cache it. BOOM error.

I'm probably wrong on the reason there is the error but something is wrong.

EDIT: For now i added a condition before saving the item that checks the name to be the exact. But look into it sweede. Great job!

Initial post:
[s]Even though i see the item on the database it tries to add it again. Seems like the caching doesn't work for me.

I made 'id' the primary key because i only care about one language (english) and that should make things easier.[/s]

sweede 09-09-2008 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by dlan (Post 1607435)
Ok, so i tried to use a test item the Thunderfury. See what happens... the wowhead is psychic :P so it finds and returns the data even when you don't enter the complete correct item name. For example try 'Thunderfury' instead of 'Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker'.

But the initial select sql command you run to check if it's been cached doesn't work that way. It checks for the exact name, so it tries to re-cache it. BOOM error.

I'm probably wrong on the reason there is the error but something is wrong.

EDIT: For now i added a condition before saving the item that checks the name to be the exact. But look into it sweede. Great job!

Initial post:
[s]Even though i see the item on the database it tries to add it again. Seems like the caching doesn't work for me.

I made 'id' the primary key because i only care about one language (english) and that should make things easier.[/s]

Wowhead.com defaults to searching for an item when it can't find the name in the URL and returns the closest match, if any. Some items are so unique that you can pretty much shorthand them, such as the Thunderfury.

It may be possible to create something like a "also known as" field and do a quick look there also, but that may cause way more problems than it will solve.

i'll sleep on it and see if i cant think of a better method, or if anyone has one to suggest.

maf1973 09-10-2008 03:12 PM

i installed the 0-5-5 Version ... unfortunately it doesn't works ...
It shows only the BBCode button and the tags [item], but after Post it shows only []

Any Ideas?

sweede 09-10-2008 05:47 PM

you need to tell me way more information than that..

the URL to the post, the item name you tried to use (i.e. [item]My Item[/item] ) , etc.

maf1973 09-11-2008 06:43 AM

I re-uploaded the files and reinstalled the product.
Now it works.

What is the table name of the stored items?
I found only itemstats_cache but there are no entries.

I created the table wowitemstats manually:

CREATE TABLE wowitemstats (
item_name varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
item_id varchar(100) default '0',
item_color varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
UNIQUE KEY item_name (item_name) );

Hope this will help to cache the items.

maf1973 09-11-2008 08:27 AM

The error still there
I tried it with following item:



It shows only golden [] and the itemstats_cache table fills with empty (zero) entries...

sweede 09-14-2008 10:37 AM

My product does not create a table called "itemstats_cache"

You probably had another itemstat like product that obviously is conflicting with mine.

However, since your URL you linked seems to work fine, i will assume that there is no issue?

maf1973 09-14-2008 11:30 AM

i have first uninstalled your mod and the table itemstats_chache was dropped, after i reinstall your mod the table was created.

Please follow my link, i use item "Phönixring der Wiedergeburt" and the same error happen again, only golden [] are shown.

sweede 09-14-2008 09:56 PM

Update to the latest, 0.5.6.

when linking an item, you would use something like [item=debug]Ph?nixring der Wiedergeburt[/item]

It will produce something similar to

17:09:02 called in wowhead_item::__construct:70 Version:0.5.6
17:09:02 called in wowhead_item::__construct:71 Array
    [vbulletin] => vBulletin
    [app_tools] => App Tools
    [devtools] => Developer Tools
    [app_form] => Guild Application Form
    [installcodes] => Installationscode-Generator
    [releasebuilder] => Release Builder
    [adv_cmps] => vBadvanced CMPS
    [vde] => vBulletin Development Environment
    [wowcharbbcode] => WoW BB Code
    [wowhead_itemstats] => WoW Head ItemStats

17:09:02 called in wowhead_item::__construct:74 Array
    [0] =>
    [1] => wowhead_itemstats_bold => (1)
    [2] => wowhead_itemstats_underline => (0)
    [3] => wowhead_itemstats_newwindow => (1)
    [4] => wowhead_itemstats_q => (#ffd100)
    [5] => wowhead_itemstats_q0 => (#9d9d9d)
    [6] => wowhead_itemstats_q1 => (#ffffff)
    [7] => wowhead_itemstats_q2 => (#1eff00)
    [8] => wowhead_itemstats_q3 => (#0070dd)
    [9] => wowhead_itemstats_q4 => (#a335ee)
    [10] => wowhead_itemstats_q5 => (#ff8000)
    [11] => wowhead_itemstats_q6 => (#e5cc80)
    [12] => wowhead_itemstats_q7 => (#ff0000)
    [13] => wowhead_itemstats_q8 => (#ffff98)
    [14] => wowhead_debug => (0)
    [15] => wowhead_language => (www)
    [16] => wowhead_power_js => (no)

17:09:02 called in wowhead_item::__construct:76
<Table name="itemstat_cache">
        <Field name="id" type="int(7)" null="NO" key="MUL" default="" autoincrement="false"/>
        <Field name="name" type="varchar(70)" null="NO" key="" default="" autoincrement="false"/>
        <Field name="quality" type="int(1)" null="NO" key="" default="" autoincrement="false"/>
        <Field name="icon" type="varchar(60)" null="NO" key="" default="" autoincrement="false"/>
        <Field name="lang" type="varchar(5)" null="NO" key="" default="" autoincrement="false"/>
        <Field name="htmlTooltip" type="longtext" null="NO" key="" default="" autoincrement="false"/>
Number of Rows:4
17:09:02 called in wowhead_item::start:272 www
17:09:02 called in wowhead_item::start:298  SELECT * FROM itemstat_cache WHERE name like 'Major Healing Potion'
17:09:02 called in wowhead_item::start:311 Getting New Item
17:09:02 called in wowhead_item::getHTTP:160 http://www.wowhead.com/?item=major+healing+potion&xml
17:09:02 called in wowhead_item::getHTTP:177 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><wowhead><item id="13446"><name><![CDATA[Major Healing Potion]]></name><level>55</level><quality id="1">Common</quality><class id="0"><![CDATA[Consumables]]></class><subclass id="1"><![CDATA[Potions]]></subclass><icon displayId="24152">INV_Potion_54</icon><inventorySlot id="0"></inventorySlot><htmlTooltip><![CDATA[<table><tr><td><b class="q1">Major Healing Potion</b><br />Requires Level 45</td></tr></table><table><tr><td><span class="q2">Use: Restores 1050 to 1750 health. (2 Min Cooldown)</span></td></tr></table>]]></htmlTooltip><createdBy><spell id="17556" name="Major Healing Potion" icon="INV_Potion_54" minCount="1" maxCount="1"><reagent id="13464" name="Golden Sansam" quality="1" icon="INV_Misc_Herb_SansamRoot" count="2" /><reagent id="13465" name="Mountain Silversage" quality="1" icon="INV_Misc_Herb_MountainSilverSage" count="1" /><reagent id="8925" name="Crystal Vial" quality="1" icon="INV_Drink_06" count="1" /></spell></createdBy><link>http://www.wowhead.com/?item=13446</link></item></wowhead>
17:09:02 called in wowhead_item::start:338 Array
    [xml] => <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><wowhead><item id="13446"><name><![CDATA[Major Healing Potion]]></name><level>55</level><quality id="1">Common</quality><class id="0"><![CDATA[Consumables]]></class><subclass id="1"><![CDATA[Potions]]></subclass><icon displayId="24152">INV_Potion_54</icon><inventorySlot id="0"></inventorySlot><htmlTooltip><![CDATA[<table><tr><td><b class="q1">Major Healing Potion</b><br />Requires Level 45</td></tr></table><table><tr><td><span class="q2">Use: Restores 1050 to 1750 health. (2 Min Cooldown)</span></td></tr></table>]]></htmlTooltip><createdBy><spell id="17556" name="Major Healing Potion" icon="INV_Potion_54" minCount="1" maxCount="1"><reagent id="13464" name="Golden Sansam" quality="1" icon="INV_Misc_Herb_SansamRoot" count="2" /><reagent id="13465" name="Mountain Silversage" quality="1" icon="INV_Misc_Herb_MountainSilverSage" count="1" /><reagent id="8925" name="Crystal Vial" quality="1" icon="INV_Drink_06" count="1" /></spell></createdBy><link>http://www.wowhead.com/?item=13446</link></item></wowhead>
    [id] => 13446
    [name] => Major Healing Potion
    [icon] => INV_Potion_54
    [htmlTooltip] => <table><tr><td><b class="q1">Major Healing Potion</b><br />Requires Level 45</td></tr></table><table><tr><td><span class="q2">Use: Restores 1050 to 1750 health. (2 Min Cooldown)</span></td></tr></table>
    [quality] => 1
    [lang] => www

17:09:02 called in wowhead_item::SaveItem:215 INSERT INTO itemstat_cache
                            ( `id` ,`name` ,`quality` ,`icon` ,`lang` ,`htmlTooltip` )
                            VALUES (
                            'Major Healing Potion',
                            '<table><tr><td><b class=\"q1\">Major Healing Potion</b><br />Requires Level 45</td></tr></table><table><tr><td><span class=\"q2\">Use: Restores 1050 to 1750 health. (2 Min Cooldown)</span></td></tr></table>' );
17:09:02 called in wowhead_item::getHTTP:160 http://fr.wowhead.com/?item=13446&xml
17:09:02 called in wowhead_item::getHTTP:177 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><wowhead><item id="13446"><name><![CDATA[Potion de soins majeure]]></name><level>55</level><quality id="1">Classique</quality><class id="0"><![CDATA[Consommables]]></class><subclass id="1"><![CDATA[Potions]]></subclass><icon displayId="24152">INV_Potion_54</icon><inventorySlot id="0"></inventorySlot><htmlTooltip><![CDATA[<table><tr><td><b class="q1">Potion de soins majeure</b><br />Niveau 45 requis</td></tr></table><table><tr><td><span class="q2">Utiliser?*: Rend 1050 to 1750 points de vie. (2 min de recharge)</span></td></tr></table>]]></htmlTooltip><createdBy><spell id="17556" name="Potion de soins majeure" icon="INV_Potion_54" minCount="1" maxCount="1"><reagent id="13464" name="Sansam doré" quality="1" icon="INV_Misc_Herb_SansamRoot" count="2" /><reagent id="13465" name="Sauge-argent des montagnes" quality="1" icon="INV_Misc_Herb_MountainSilverSage" count="1" /><reagent id="8925" name="Fiole de cristal" quality="1" icon="INV_Drink_06" count="1" /></spell></createdBy><link>http://fr.wowhead.com/?item=13446</link></item></wowhead>
17:09:02 called in wowhead_item::SaveItem:254 INSERT INTO itemstat_cache
                                    ( `id` ,`name` ,`quality` ,`icon` ,`lang` ,`htmlTooltip` )
                                    VALUES (
                                    'Potion de soins majeure',
                                    '<table><tr><td><b class=\"q1\">Potion de soins majeure</b><br />Niveau 45 requis</td></tr></table><table><tr><td><span class=\"q2\">Utiliser*: Rend 1050 to 1750 points de vie. (2 min de recharge)</span></td></tr></table>' );
17:09:02 called in wowhead_item::getHTTP:160 http://de.wowhead.com/?item=13446&xml
17:09:02 called in wowhead_item::getHTTP:177 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><wowhead><item id="13446"><name><![CDATA[Erheblicher Heiltrank]]></name><level>55</level><quality id="1">Verbreitet</quality><class id="0"><![CDATA[Verbrauchbar]]></class><subclass id="1"><![CDATA[Tränke]]></subclass><icon displayId="24152">INV_Potion_54</icon><inventorySlot id="0"></inventorySlot><htmlTooltip><![CDATA[<table><tr><td><b class="q1">Erheblicher Heiltrank</b><br />Benötigt Stufe 45</td></tr></table><table><tr><td><span class="q2">Benutzen: Stellt 1050 to 1750 Gesundheit wieder her. (2 Min. Abklingzeit)</span></td></tr></table>]]></htmlTooltip><createdBy><spell id="17556" name="Erheblicher Heiltrank" icon="INV_Potion_54" minCount="1" maxCount="1"><reagent id="13464" name="Goldener Sansam" quality="1" icon="INV_Misc_Herb_SansamRoot" count="2" /><reagent id="13465" name="Bergsilbersalbei" quality="1" icon="INV_Misc_Herb_MountainSilverSage" count="1" /><reagent id="8925" name="Kristallphiole" quality="1" icon="INV_Drink_06" count="1" /></spell></createdBy><link>http://de.wowhead.com/?item=13446</link></item></wowhead>
17:09:02 called in wowhead_item::SaveItem:254 INSERT INTO itemstat_cache
                                    ( `id` ,`name` ,`quality` ,`icon` ,`lang` ,`htmlTooltip` )
                                    VALUES (
                                    'Erheblicher Heiltrank',
                                    '<table><tr><td><b class=\"q1\">Erheblicher Heiltrank</b><br />Ben?tigt Stufe 45</td></tr></table><table><tr><td><span class=\"q2\">Benutzen: Stellt 1050 to 1750 Gesundheit wieder her. (2 Min. Abklingzeit)</span></td></tr></table>' );
17:09:02 called in wowhead_item::getHTTP:160 http://es.wowhead.com/?item=13446&xml
17:09:02 called in wowhead_item::getHTTP:177 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><wowhead><item id="13446"><name><![CDATA[Poción de sanación sublime]]></name><level>55</level><quality id="1">Común</quality><class id="0"><![CDATA[Consumibles]]></class><subclass id="1"><![CDATA[Pociones]]></subclass><icon displayId="24152">INV_Potion_54</icon><inventorySlot id="0"></inventorySlot><htmlTooltip><![CDATA[<table><tr><td><b class="q1">Poción de sanación sublime</b><br />Necesitas ser de nivel 45</td></tr></table><table><tr><td><span class="q2">Uso: Restaura 1050 to 1750 p. de salud. (Tiempo de reutilización: 2 min)</span></td></tr></table>]]></htmlTooltip><createdBy><spell id="17556" name="Poción de sanación sublime" icon="INV_Potion_54" minCount="1" maxCount="1"><reagent id="13464" name="Sansam dorado" quality="1" icon="INV_Misc_Herb_SansamRoot" count="2" /><reagent id="13465" name="Salviargenta de montaña" quality="1" icon="INV_Misc_Herb_MountainSilverSage" count="1" /><reagent id="8925" name="Vial de cristal" quality="1" icon="INV_Drink_06" count="1" /></spell></createdBy><link>http://es.wowhead.com/?item=13446</link></item></wowhead>
17:09:02 called in wowhead_item::SaveItem:254 INSERT INTO itemstat_cache
                                    ( `id` ,`name` ,`quality` ,`icon` ,`lang` ,`htmlTooltip` )
                                    VALUES (
                                    'Poci?n de sanaci?n sublime',
                                    '<table><tr><td><b class=\"q1\">Poci?n de sanaci?n sublime</b><br />Necesitas ser de nivel 45</td></tr></table><table><tr><td><span class=\"q2\">Uso: Restaura 1050 to 1750 p. de salud. (Tiempo de reutilizaci?n: 2 min)</span></td></tr></table>' );
17:09:02 called in wowhead_item::printItemURL:379 <a id="itemlink" class="q1" style=" font-weight: bold;" href="http://www.wowhead.com/?item=13446" target="_blank">[Major Healing Potion]</a>

This will list your installed plugins (for conflicts), your wowhead itemstats settings, the appropriate table information (which my bad, is itemstat_cache) and some general steps that the code goes through.

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