Originally Posted by Evercraft
I realise this plugin is important to alot of people, and thats the reason I took this up, so hopefully I can keep it going.
However i'm doing this in my own time, and with no real benefit to myself. Im not saying that to try and fish money, so please dont go and randomly donate, I don't want that.
All im saying is, I will work on this when I can, but i'm not going to start promising things, and start working to "deadlines". My current job is busy enough, and very important to me. I deal with enough deadlines and things, without having to worry about finishing this to a certain date.
So no, you can't expect anything by the 15th, because I can't, or won't promise anything. But I hope I can have something to show for the 15th. We'll just have to see.
On a side note, the arranging of the titles (i.e date, name etc), seems to be one of the most requested things. Its on the feature list, and is something that is definetly at the top of my priorities for this. Hopefully I can add something like that soon.
I was thinking about how it could work as an option in the adminCP. Its a bit limited to yes/no, or a textfield. It could be much better, by creating a custom options page (and it could list options for individual forums) but that would make it a hack, and as such isnt what I want todo.
I was thinking maybe just a simple replace expression like:
%1 = Title
%2 = Time
%3 = Date
Then in the text field, you can enter any combination:
%1 : %2 : %3
%3 - %1
%1 [%3 - %2]
etc. I think you get the idea. What do people think of that? I think it would make it quite flexible then, which I think is the key to this. The more customisation the better.
Anyways, let me know what you think of that, Merry Christmas etc, and will speak to you all in the New Year and hopefully we can get some stuff rolling with this. Take care.