noreturn |
07-24-2007 05:43 PM |
I just went to install this and received this error below.
Can some one explain what I need to do?
Database error in vBulletin 3.5.3:
Invalid SQL:
### INSERT QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ###
(`active`, `executionorder`, `title`, `hookname`, `phpcode`, `product`)
('1', '5', 'Main Doublepost Prevent Engine', 'newpost_complete', '// ########### Xenon\'s prevent doublepost modification #########\r\n\r\n$vbulletin->GPC[\'xen_isdoublepost\'] = false;\r\n\r\n// parse custom conditions\r\n$custcond = true;\r\nif (trim($vbulletin->options[\'xen_dp_custcond\']) != \'\')\r\n{\r\n eval(\'$custcond = ((\' . $vbulletin->options[\'xen_dp_custcond\'] . \') ? true : false);\');\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n// at first check if there is at least the possibility to be a doublepost\r\nif ($custcond AND $type != \'thread\'\r\n AND $dp_threadinfo[\'lastpost\'] > TIMENOW - $vbulletin->options[\'xen_dp_timespan\'] * 60\r\n AND $dp_threadinfo[\'lastposter\'] == $vbulletin->userinfo[\'username\']\r\n AND $dataman->fetch_field(\'attach\') == 0)\r\n{\r\n // we are here, so we may have a doublepost -> do more exact checkings\r\n $doublepost = $vbulletin->db->query_first(\"\r\n SELECT post.*\r\n FROM \" . TABLE_PREFIX . \"post AS post\r\n LEFT JOIN \" . TABLE_PREFIX . \"deletionlog AS deletionlog ON(deletionlog.primaryid = post.postid AND type = \'post\')\r\n WHERE post.threadid = $threadinfo[threadid]\r\n AND post.dateline > \" . (TIMENOW - $vbulletin->options[\'xen_dp_timespan\'] * 60) . \"\r\n AND post.visible = 1 AND deletionlog.primaryid IS NULL\r\n AND post.postid <> $post[postid]\r\n ORDER BY post.dateline DESC\r\n LIMIT 1\r\n \");\r\n\r\n if ($doublepost[\'userid\'] == $vbulletin->userinfo[\'userid\'] AND $doublepost[\'attach\'] == 0)\r\n {\r\n // we truely have a doublepost, now check if the merged post still fits the rules!\r\n $dpdataman =& datamanager_init(\'Post\', $vbulletin, ERRTYPE_ARRAY, \'threadpost\');\r\n $dpdataman->set_existing($doublepost);\r\n $doublepost[\'message\'] = $doublepost[\'pagetext\'] . \"\\n\" . $vbulletin->options[\'xen_dp_spacer\'] . \"\\n\" . $post[\'message\'];\r\n\r\n // set info\r\n $dpdataman->set_info(\'preview\', $post[\'preview\']);\r\n $dpdataman->set_info(\'parseurl\', $post[\'parseurl\']);\r\n $dpdataman->set_info(\'posthash\', $post[\'posthash\']);\r\n $dpdataman->set_info(\'forum\', $foruminfo);\r\n $dpdataman->set_info(\'thread\', $dp_threadinfo);\r\n\r\n // set options\r\n $dpdataman->setr(\'showsignature\', $post[\'signature\']);\r\n $dpdataman->setr(\'allowsmilie\', $post[\'enablesmilies\']);\r\n\r\n // set data\r\n $dpdataman->setr(\'pagetext\', $doublepost[\'message\']);\r\n $dpdataman->setr(\'iconid\', $post[\'iconid\']);\r\n\r\n $dpdataman->pre_save();\r\n if (!$dpdataman->errors)\r\n {\r\n // merged post is ok, so actually do the merging by editing old post\r\n $vbulletin->GPC[\'xen_isdoublepost\'] = true;\r\n\r\n if ($vbulletin->options[\'xen_dp_bumpthread\'])\r\n {\r\n // bump thread, so change the post\'s dateline\r\n $doublepost[\'dateline\'] = TIMENOW;\r\n $dpdataman->setr(\'dateline\', $doublepost[\'dateline\']);\r\n }\r\n $dpdataman->save();\r\n\r\n // as we have edited an old post, we can now delete the new created post\r\n $postman =& datamanager_init(\'Post\', $vbulletin, ERRTYPE_SILENT, \'threadpost\');\r\n $postman->set_existing($post);\r\n $postman->delete($foruminfo[\'countposts\'], $threadinfo[\'threadid\'], $removaltype = true, array(\'userid\' => $vbulletin->userinfo[\'userid\'], \'username\' => $vbulletin->userinfo[\'username\'], \'reason\' => $vbulletin->options[\'xen_dp_editedby\'], \'keepattachments\' => false), false);\r\n unset($postman);\r\n\r\n $doublepost[\'oldmessage\'] = $post[\'message\'];\r\n $post = $doublepost;\r\n $id = $post[\'postid\'];\r\n\r\n //now add edited by message\r\n if ($vbulletin->options[\'xen_dp_editedby\'] != \'\')\r\n {\r\n $vbulletin->db->query_write(\"\r\n REPLACE INTO \" . TABLE_PREFIX . \"editlog (postid, userid, username, dateline, reason)\r\n VALUES ($post[postid], \" . $vbulletin->userinfo[\'userid\'] . \", \'\" . addslashes($vbulletin->userinfo[\'username\']) . \"\', \" . TIMENOW . \", \'\" . addslashes($vbulletin->options[\'xen_dp_editedby\']) . \"\')\r\n \");\r\n }\r\n\r\n // last step update counters\r\n build_thread_counters($post[\'threadid\']);\r\n build_forum_counters($foruminfo[\'forumid\']);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}', 'xenon_prevdoublepost');
MySQL Error : Unknown column 'executionorder' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Date : Tuesday, July 24th 2007 @ 02:40:44 PM
Username : Gordon
Classname : vb_database