tony2k |
03-21-2008 01:41 PM |
alright, I searched this Thread Left Right and Center, and I can't believe I can't find our how to make this Mod show up on my homepage which uses CMPS.
I've attempted myself, and I am pretty Novice at this.......but I tried to "add module" in VBA, and I copied and pasted the code from the source of my Forum(which shows the shoutbox)
<form onsubmit="return InfernoShoutbox.shout();" action="index.php">
<table class="tborder" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="1" border="0" width="100%" align="center">
<td class="tcat" align="center">
<a style="float:right" href="#top" onclick="return toggle_collapse('forumhome_infernoshout')"><img id="collapseimg_forumhome_infernoshout" src="images/blackandblue/buttons/collapse_tcat.gif" alt="" border="0" /></a>
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<div class="alt1" style="float: left; width: 110px; position: absolute; margin-left: 6px;">
<div class="smallfont" style="text-align: center;"><a href="?" onclick="return'shoutbox');">Shoutbox</a></div>
<div class="alt1">
<span style="float: right;">
<span class="alt2" style="display: block;">
<span class="alt1" style="width: 3px; height: 1px; display: block; overflow: hidden;"></span>
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<span class="alt2" style="width: 3px; height: 1px; display: block; overflow: hidden;"></span>
<div class="alt1" style="float: left; width: 110px; position: absolute; margin-left: 119px;">
<div class="smallfont" style="text-align: center;"><a href="?" onclick="return'activeusers');">Active Users</a>: <span id="shoutbox_activity">0</span></div>
<div class="alt1">
<span style="float: right;">
<span class="alt2" style="display: block;">
<span class="alt1" style="width: 3px; height: 1px; display: block; overflow: hidden;"></span>
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<div class="alt1" style="float: left; width: 110px; position: absolute; margin-left: 232px; display: none;" id="shoutbox_loader">
<div class="smallfont" style="text-align: center;"><img src="infernoshout/images/processing.gif" alt="" /></div>
<div class="alt1">
<span style="float: right;">
<span class="alt2" style="display: block;">
<span class="alt1" style="width: 3px; height: 1px; display: block; overflow: hidden;"></span>
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<span class="alt2" style="width: 3px; height: 1px; display: block; overflow: hidden;"></span>
<div class="alt1" style="float: left; width: 250px; position: absolute; margin-left: 345px; display: none;" id="shoutbox_notice">
<div class="smallfont" style="text-align: left; padding-left: 3px;" id="shoutbox_notice_message"></div>
<div class="alt1">
<span style="float: right;">
<span class="alt2" style="display: block;">
<span class="alt1" style="width: 3px; height: 1px; display: block; overflow: hidden;"></span>
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<span class="alt2" style="width: 3px; height: 1px; display: block; overflow: hidden;"></span>
<div class="alt2"><span id="shoutbox_frame" style="display: block; padding: 3px; padding-top: 16px;overflow:auto;height:210px; width: 99%;">Loading...</span><span id="shoutbox_users_frame" style="display: none; padding: 3px; padding-top: 16px;overflow:auto;height:210px; width: 99%;">Loading...</span></div>
<div class="alt2">
<span style="float: right;">
<span class="alt1" style="display: block;">
<span class="alt2" style="width: 3px; height: 1px; display: block; overflow: hidden;"></span>
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<span class="alt2" style="width: 1px; height: 1px; display: block; overflow: hidden;"></span>
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<span class="alt1" style="width: 2px; height: 1px; display: block; overflow: hidden;"></span>
<span class="alt1" style="width: 3px; height: 1px; display: block; overflow: hidden;"></span>
<div style="height: 2px"></div>
<table width='100%' border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>
<td width='100%'>
<input type="text" name="shout" style="width: 93%" class="bginput" id="shoutbox_editor" />
<td style='white-space:nowrap' width='1%'>
<input type="button" value="Shout" class="button" onclick='InfernoShoutbox.shout();' />
<input type='button' class='button' value='Clear' onclick='InfernoShoutbox.clear();' />
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<option value="Red" class="" style="color: Red;">Red</option>
<option value="Blue" class="" style="color: Blue;">Blue</option>
<option value="Green" class="" style="color: Green;">Green</option>
<option value="Orange" class="" style="color: Orange;" selected="selected">Orange</option>
<option value="Brown" class="" style="color: Brown;">Brown</option>
<option value="Black" class="" style="color: Black;">Black</option>
<option value="Yellow" class="" style="color: Yellow;">Yellow</option>
<option value="Purple" class="" style="color: Purple;">Purple</option>
<option value="Pink" class="" style="color: Pink;">Pink</option>
<option value="Silver" class="" style="color: Silver;">Silver</option>
<select id='sb_font_mem' name='font_selector' onchange='InfernoShoutbox.assign_styleprop("fontFamily", this);'><option value="" class="" >Default</option>
<option value="Arial" class="" style="font-family: Arial;">Arial</option>
<option value="Arial Black" class="" style="font-family: Arial Black;" selected="selected">Arial Black</option>
<option value="Arial Narrow" class="" style="font-family: Arial Narrow;">Arial Narrow</option>
<option value="Book Antiqua" class="" style="font-family: Book Antiqua;">Book Antiqua</option>
<option value="Century Gothic" class="" style="font-family: Century Gothic;">Century Gothic</option>
<option value="Comic Sans MS" class="" style="font-family: Comic Sans MS;">Comic Sans MS</option>
<option value="Courier New" class="" style="font-family: Courier New;">Courier New</option>
<option value="Fixedsys" class="" style="font-family: Fixedsys;">Fixedsys</option>
<option value="Franklin Gothic Medium" class="" style="font-family: Franklin Gothic Medium;">Franklin Gothic Medium</option>
<option value="Garamond" class="" style="font-family: Garamond;">Garamond</option>
<option value="Georgia" class="" style="font-family: Georgia;">Georgia</option>
<option value="Impact" class="" style="font-family: Impact;">Impact</option>
<option value="Lucida Console" class="" style="font-family: Lucida Console;">Lucida Console</option>
<option value="Microsoft Sans Serif" class="" style="font-family: Microsoft Sans Serif;">Microsoft Sans Serif</option>
<option value="Palatino Linotype" class="" style="font-family: Palatino Linotype;">Palatino Linotype</option>
<option value="System" class="" style="font-family: System;">System</option>
<option value="Tahoma" class="" style="font-family: Tahoma;">Tahoma</option>
<option value="Times New Roman" class="" style="font-family: Times New Roman;">Times New Roman</option>
<option value="Trebuchet MS" class="" style="font-family: Trebuchet MS;">Trebuchet MS</option>
<option value="Verdana" class="" style="font-family: Verdana;">Verdana</option>
<br />
<script type="text/javascript" src="infernoshout/browser/infernoshout.js?ver=1.0.0"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
* Inferno Shoutbox Javascript Engine
* Created By Inferno Technologies
* All Rights Reserved
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
InfernoShoutbox = new _ishout;
InfernoShoutbox.initiate('forum', '180', '0', '0', '0');
So after, I added this in my Center Column, but it screwed up my whole page because it made the width of the module too wide and the rest of my center modules were showing underneath the whole website. Also all my Right Columns were showing underneath the website.
Can someone please just tell us simple how to make this into a Module for CMPS, I know it's doable and someone has done it. Cmon just tell us!!! Thanks.