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michal72 04-12-2012 05:43 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Two qestions:
Which part of the address http://s5s.archive-host.com/membres/.../chat_dodo.mp4 is constant for all your videos. Is it http://s5s.archive-host.com/membres/...aae661c1876011 ?

For some reason I can't see this image:http://s5s.archive-host.com/membres/.../chat_dodo.jpg Do you have any idea why?


Ps. Sweet cats :)

Never mind check this:

alhidaya 04-13-2012 04:54 PM

To see the video without the html is this one:


I have no idea why you can not see the images. I gave you all the codes. You have noticed that there is one link without the html to see the video if not all other codes are in html

michal72 04-13-2012 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by alhidaya (Post 2319776)
To see the video without the html is this one:


I have no idea why you can not see the images. I gave you all the codes. You have noticed that there is one link without the html to see the video if not all other codes are in html

It is possible that problem with thumb image is only for this video. I have founded other member video without thumb problem.
Check provided xml with your other videos.

alhidaya 04-13-2012 05:15 PM

Hello Michal,

When I install the video, I have a blank page "Error database"

or he is trying it does not install it.

I took this address for the xml :


Sorry, I don't have an idea why I can't see the image.

alhidaya 04-13-2012 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by michal72 (Post 2319490)

Two qestions:
Which part of the address http://s5s.archive-host.com/membres/.../chat_dodo.mp4 is constant for all your videos. Is it http://s5s.archive-host.com/membres/...aae661c1876011 ?

For some reason I can't see this image:http://s5s.archive-host.com/membres/.../chat_dodo.jpg Do you have any idea why?


Ps. Sweet cats :)

Never mind check this:

Hello Michal,

When I install the video, I have a blank page "Error database"

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';

He Is Trying gold it Does not install it.

I took this address for the xml:


Sorry, I do not have an idea why I can not see the image.

michal72 04-13-2012 05:32 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Check with this:

alhidaya 04-13-2012 08:50 PM

Hello Michal,

I installed the latest xml. Taking the link http://s5s.archive-host.com/membres/.../chat_dodo.mp4
he looks long and it installs the video. When he recorded the video, it records the code below (I put image because it is impossible to cut and paste). The video is present. When I repeat to import, he happens to be a blank page with a data base error.

Here is what he recorded :


I have vbulletin

I uninstall everything to reinstall media library and I got the same error.

the title of this video is like this:

chat_dodo (??)

Besides the title, there of (????)

michal72 04-13-2012 08:58 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Dear alhidaya,

For this type of media it can take more then for youtube for example.
Could you check this address: http://sd-5.archive-host.com/membres...1332086598.mp4

For me your media looks like this :)
If you don't mind I can check the problem directly on your site. Just send PM.

alhidaya 04-13-2012 10:05 PM

Hello Michal,

yes I have the video but when recording I have this code that appears:


and after I record the video as your thumbnail image.

when I installed the new link mp4 (music), I got a blank page with a database error


The title of this video is like this:

chat_dodo (??)

Besides the title, there of (????)

Yet I wrote dodo cat and I note the cat sleep recording (??)

michal72 04-13-2012 10:19 PM

It is realy strange as this xml is working on my site without any problems.
Could you provide temp access for me to your site. If you don't mind pls send pm

alhidaya 04-14-2012 03:49 AM


1/ The code I've shown you disappear when I valid video. Look closely at the code: this is entered jpg image. This is because there is no image.

This includes the file media_functions_builds.php : line 37, line 48, line 52

I have to vbulletin and I have the same problème

2/ The title of this video is like this:

chat_dodo (??)

Besides the title, there of (????)

Yet I wrote dodo cat and I note the cat sleep recording (??)

michal72 04-14-2012 06:24 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I have modified a little bit xml file. Hope it solves the problem

alhidaya 04-14-2012 06:43 PM

Hello Michal,

I sent you an mp .. I still have the same problem. Thank you answer me as soon as you had access to my forum.

Michal thank you and I hope you find the problem.

alhidaya 04-15-2012 08:19 AM

Hello Michal

Why I have a question mark next to the title of the video as shown below:


Is what you can find a solution

michal72 04-15-2012 08:28 AM

Dear AlHidaya,

Pls, give me some time. I'm working on this subject. :)

First of all you have to install two my fixes:

Pls check permissions:

CHMOD the /customVID/thumbs/ directory to full read/write/execute 777 permissions.
CHMOD the /customVID/sitemap/ directory to full read/write/execute 777 permissions.

Let me know when you are ready.


alhidaya 04-15-2012 09:02 AM

Hello Michal,

I did it because I went through all the pages of Media Library. All its functions are installed.

Thank you very much Michal to work on this subject. You are a good person and worker. I await your response with great pleasure.

(PS: I hope that Media Library last long because it's a great satisfaction to have him in his vbulletin)

michal72 04-15-2012 09:41 AM

Dear alhidaya,

I have changed the way of displaying host-archive's videos. Now it is similar to local videos, so I have prepared 4 services. Please check on your test site.

It seems that this fix: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....postcount=2117 is still not implemented. Please check again.

(??) - this is because you didn't set video length. In case of host-archive it should be done manually


alhidaya 04-15-2012 10:15 AM

Hello Michal,

Great, Great, Great
Nice, Nice, Nice

Wonderful work ... Michal, I love the image that replaces the video (great idea).
You made me a nice gift because I am a subscriber fee of Host Archive and you gave me the opportunity to finally enjoy my subscription. Thank you very much.

Is what you can see the last message because I installed Media Library cms and was not in columns but as the images show "BorisPeace" in its subject. But there is one person who answers to help in the code cms. (WIDGET CMS

Thank you THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU You are wonderful. We can trust you.


michal72 04-15-2012 10:25 AM

about thumbnails - I have decided to use this image as I can't find thumbnails on host-archive.
The link (http://s5s.archive-host.com/membres/.../chat_dodo.jpg) from one of the example dosen't work for the most of cases.

Of course you can change image manually after the import

michal72 04-15-2012 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by alhidaya (Post 2320268)
You made me a nice gift because I am a subscriber fee of Host Archive and you gave me the opportunity to finally enjoy my subscription.

This is the advantage of this mod that you can display whatever you want.

It is important especially for local services which are popular only in the particular country.


alhidaya 04-15-2012 02:34 PM

Hello Michal,

Michal thank you because I installed it on my second forum Version Media Library is updated is working very well with all the changes that you gave me.

Thank you Michal for rapid and also for your patience to solve a problem. My videos work fine and more Thank you for your generosity. It is very easy to use for members and for me. Especially since it is very nice with my style.

Thank you to all the coders who have contributed to improved media library because I surf a lot of coders page where members have helped to improve and update the Media Library.


I hope it will be sustainable because it is really beautiful, practical and pleasant to visit.

good luck :up::up::up:

marccap 04-19-2012 05:50 PM

Hopefully this will be simple but need some help.

Ive done all the uploads etc and stuck on step (5) Set your usergroup permissions and media library settings in your administration control panel. i cannot find the permissions and ive updated the navtab code also.

Any clues?

michal72 04-19-2012 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by marccap (Post 2321665)
Hopefully this will be simple but need some help.

Ive done all the uploads etc and stuck on step (5) Set your usergroup permissions and media library settings in your administration control panel. i cannot find the permissions and ive updated the navtab code also.

Any clues?


marccap 04-19-2012 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by michal72 (Post 2321670)

Nope not showing anywhere when I edit my admin user group. im using 4.1.12 so not sure if that changes anything? :confused:

michal72 04-19-2012 07:22 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by marccap (Post 2321679)
im using 4.1.12 so not sure if that changes anything? :confused:

Should not. I'm also using 4.1.12 and I don't have any problems with this mod including permissions.

You should have something like:

Attachment 137912

marccap 04-19-2012 07:38 PM

No doesnt come up. I wonder what ive missed. I'll re-check everything. Thanks for your help so far

michal72 04-20-2012 04:02 AM

Check this file includes\xml\bitfield_medialibrary.xml

SilentSleeper 04-20-2012 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by michal72 (Post 2321792)
Check this file includes\xml\bitfield_medialibrary.xml

michal72, are you using the newest vB 4.1.12? I recently upgraded and had conflicting errors with that bitfield

michal72 04-20-2012 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by SilentSleeper (Post 2321937)
michal72, are you using the newest vB 4.1.12?

Yep, see printscreen four posts above :)

alhidaya 04-24-2012 08:53 PM


Could you make a tagcloud like this one:


for media library please, please.

Killerhands 04-26-2012 07:10 PM

Does anyone have an updated XML for the updated blip service? Thanks in advance! :)

michal72 04-26-2012 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by Killerhands (Post 2323823)
Does anyone have an updated XML for the updated blip service? Thanks in advance! :)

Hit my sig


Gamelobby 05-01-2012 04:57 AM


Originally Posted by marccap (Post 2321665)
Hopefully this will be simple but need some help.

Ive done all the uploads etc and stuck on step (5) Set your usergroup permissions and media library settings in your administration control panel. i cannot find the permissions and ive updated the navtab code also.

Any clues?


Originally Posted by marccap (Post 2321679)
Nope not showing anywhere when I edit my admin user group. im using 4.1.12 so not sure if that changes anything? :confused:


Originally Posted by marccap (Post 2321695)
No doesnt come up. I wonder what ive missed. I'll re-check everything. Thanks for your help so far

Pretty sure it has to do with the Navbar mod.. (do you have that installed.?) You have to turn it off to make changes.
I just gave up, & so now whenever i want to make changes i turn the navbar mod off, make changes, then turn that mod back on.

As vB moves on this mod gets more & more useless, im thinking its time for a new mod that is built for 4.1.x

Killerhands 05-01-2012 06:24 AM


Originally Posted by michal72 (Post 2323865)
Hit my sig


I tried it but I still get that the value is invalid

I'm trying to paste this link in: http://blip.tv/tribescast/void-vs-ep...atch-3-6120025

and it's not parsing it. :-\ I feel like I'm doing something wrong.

michal72 05-01-2012 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by Killerhands (Post 2325141)
I tried it but I still get that the value is invalid

I'm trying to paste this link in: http://blip.tv/tribescast/void-vs-ep...atch-3-6120025

and it's not parsing it. :-\ I feel like I'm doing something wrong.

You are absolutely right. There was a problem with names having digits.
Please try again with a new version of xml file.

weave 05-02-2012 05:19 PM

Upgraded my test board to 4.1.12 and so far this mod seems to work 100% with no issues yet found!

JoeWho 05-03-2012 07:07 PM

I'm not having very much like with youtube.com links I get: Media URL contained invalid data.
I have downloaded and updated (YouTu.be.xml) but I still get invalid data, is there something else I'm missing?

"blip.tv" is working okay
"ustream.tv" is working okay

Any suggestions?


Logician 05-04-2012 08:49 AM

I'm not sure if dev is still monitoring the thread but I wanted to give a bug report, regarding:

Known Bugs:There is a conflict with this modification and some of Valter's VSA modifications that will prevent navbar permissions from being handled correctly. I don't know exactly who's fault it is; but I'm pretty sure there are no errors in my code that would be causing this problem. There is a work around for this however.
This is not limited to Valter's VSA modifications hack. For some reason it happens to show up without that hack as well and with no particular reason:

function media_permissions() are called inside media NAVTAB hook in process_templates_complete. Right before this function is called there (line $perms = media_permissions(); ) $permissions['medialibperms'] is 127 as it should be.

When script passes control to function, $permissions is global'ed as it should be. So one expects $permissions['medialibperms'] value to be 127 as it is not inherited from called script but it is then 0! It is really weird and I couldn't find time to dig into it but I simply bypassed it by declaring $permissions['medialibperms'] = 127; inside media_permissions() function which fixed the bug for me. (Dev's solution didn't btw)

If hack is updated, this requires an attention though so I'm reporting it for dev. :)

dotatalk 05-05-2012 10:39 AM

Why when I add description , when I submit the media, it says 'changes made in the description will be lost or stay on this page'
If I put 0 descriptions, then minimum 5 words or something.

So in the end I couldn't post anything. Help please.

michal72 05-05-2012 11:10 AM

there ara two fixes. one for description, second one for comments. hit my signature.

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