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y2ksw 05-13-2014 02:16 PM

I'm happy you worked it out :)

viper357 05-18-2014 06:16 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Hi, thanks for the great mod.

I have noticed, when an expired banner gets renewed, after I have changed the date and saved it the asterisk does not get removed, see pic attached. Any idea how to get rid of it? Thanks. :)

Using vb 3.8.5

y2ksw 05-20-2014 07:14 AM


Originally Posted by viper357 (Post 2498278)
Hi, thanks for the great mod.

I have noticed, when an expired banner gets renewed, after I have changed the date and saved it the asterisk does not get removed, see pic attached. Any idea how to get rid of it? Thanks. :)

Using vb 3.8.5

You will have to make a query and change the m_expired field to 0. This field indicates that an email was sent and if you want to reset this flag, you need to do it manually from phpmyadmin.

viper357 05-20-2014 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by y2ksw (Post 2498548)
if you want to reset this flag, you need to do it manually from phpmyadmin.

:( Can't we just get the reset option back? It used to work perfectly.

y2ksw 05-20-2014 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by viper357 (Post 2498567)
:( Can't we just get the reset option back? It used to work perfectly.

The email feature has lead to many unnecessary questions and the query is easy:

UPDATE rbs_banners SET m_expired=0


viper357 05-20-2014 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by y2ksw (Post 2498579)
UPDATE rbs_banners SET m_expired=0

Ok, not too bad, I did that in the admincp and it worked fine, much easier than going through phpmyadmin, thank you. :)

Toorak Times 05-20-2014 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by viper357 (Post 2498567)
:( Can't we just get the reset option back? It used to work perfectly.

I am rapt I can put pieces of html together to create blocks and stuff for the site, but wandering in to phpadmin brings hackles up my back, I'd kill it for sure...lol

Toorak Times 05-20-2014 03:00 PM

For some reason one of my other skin banners is being rotated at every 4th move...hmmm, any ideas?


Worked that out, there was a random banner image left in the images file with the 3 recommended img files.

PSimmo 06-15-2014 01:20 PM

did 4.2.2 break this?
My forums used to work, but since the upgrade they now just display the @vbbanners:0@ where the banner was

y2ksw 06-15-2014 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by PSimmo (Post 2502055)
did 4.2.2 break this?
My forums used to work, but since the upgrade they now just display the @vbbanners:0@ where the banner was

nope, perfectly working :)

PSimmo 06-15-2014 07:57 PM

ok...well it worked yesterday before the upgrade, now it doesnt..guess I better go have another look

y2ksw 06-16-2014 06:17 AM


Originally Posted by PSimmo (Post 2502093)
ok...well it worked yesterday before the upgrade, now it doesnt..guess I better go have another look

Maybe the product is disabled?

RichieBoy67 06-17-2014 03:52 PM

Sorry guys, I haven't used this in a long time and do not feel like going through these posts. Will this work sitewide in the header? By sitewide I mean everywhere, cms, etc..


y2ksw 06-17-2014 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by RichieBoy67 (Post 2502361)
Sorry guys, I haven't used this in a long time and do not feel like going through these posts. Will this work sitewide in the header? By sitewide I mean everywhere, cms, etc..


It will not work in CSS modifications, but yes, in the header and headinclude templates, it does :)

cheesehead 07-08-2014 03:47 AM

Hi I recently downloaded the Banner Rotator Plugin, when I add my banner code and save it, nothing shows up. I would like my banners to show under the Nav bar. What am I doing wrong? And can someone please provide step by step instructions/details so that I can get this to work?


Thanks so much

Toorak Times 07-08-2014 06:09 AM


Originally Posted by cheesehead (Post 2505829)
Hi I recently downloaded the Banner Rotator Plugin, when I add my banner code and save it, nothing shows up. I would like my banners to show under the Nav bar. What am I doing wrong? And can someone please provide step by step instructions/details so that I can get this to work?


Thanks so much

I'm not REAL good at this but have worked out some things.

You have to put your banner placeholders in the advertising templates in your admincp.

Styles and Templates/Edit Templates/Ad Location Templates/ad_global_below_navbar

I use this to centre the ads

<div align="center"><!--@vbbanners:0@-->
Place your banner ads in "0" position.

protoolers 07-08-2014 05:49 PM

when install in admincp i have Internal server error.
I cant proceed to install.

When install product seems no table created...

My forum version is 4.1.8

fxdigi-cash 07-08-2014 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by protoolers (Post 2505946)
when install in admincp i have Internal server error.
I cant proceed to install.

When install product seems no table created...

My forum version is 4.1.8

since your vb version is that low, then I would suggest you install 2.3.4.rbs.zipversion first... if didn't work, install the higher one...

y2ksw 07-20-2014 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by protoolers (Post 2505946)
when install in admincp i have Internal server error.
I cant proceed to install.

When install product seems no table created...

My forum version is 4.1.8

It does not depend on the vb version.

If you have a 5xx error, you will have to check your .htaccess rules first and eventually check also the logs for some hints about the error. There is nothing I can do, since 5xx errors are server related only.

y2ksw 07-20-2014 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by cheesehead (Post 2505829)
Hi I recently downloaded the Banner Rotator Plugin, when I add my banner code and save it, nothing shows up. I would like my banners to show under the Nav bar. What am I doing wrong? And can someone please provide step by step instructions/details so that I can get this to work?


Thanks so much

There is still the movie in the very first post of this product, which shows step by step all you need to know :)



drdoc 08-12-2014 08:39 PM

@ coder y2ksw and others

Hi to everyone...anyone can answer my question if they know.

I have a flash banner with swf file script. How to insert swf in to Rotation banner system software which i have in my admin cp of 4.2.2. Or guide me how to run flash banners in rotation banner system

I was using static banners in rotation banner so far but how to insert swf file(flash banner). Please help...thanks to all

drdoc 08-13-2014 03:58 AM


Originally Posted by y2ksw (Post 1610083)
It can handle anything you can express in HTML, e.g.

HTML Code:

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" WIDTH="1024" HEIGHT="788" CODEBASE="http://active.macromedia.com/flash5/cabs/swflash.cab#version=5,0,0,0">
<PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="cvs01.swf">
<PARAM NAME=play VALUE=true>
<PARAM NAME=loop VALUE=false>
<PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=low>
<EMBED SRC="cvs01.swf" WIDTH=1024 HEIGHT=788 quality=low loop=false TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE="http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash">

will load the cvs01.swf file at the banner placeholder when inserted in the Text field.

The above quote belongs to old post and I just followed like above example in order to insert my swf flash banner in Text Box but NOT successful.....it just shows empty white space in the place of banner.

what else i should do to be successful for inserting flash banner...my other banners are static in rotation...location is below navbar and it is (0-Horizontal) . Please help me. thx in advance

yaku 09-10-2014 05:17 AM

Not sure if anyone has had this problem come up, but some of my banners weren't showing up in Chrome. No problem with other browsers. Finally fixed it by changing the names of the files and getting rid of the underscore "_".

So a file named "banner_468" became "banner468". All works well, I believe.

dariyos 09-23-2014 01:40 PM


got a DB Eorror:


Datenbankfehler in vBulletin 4.2.2:

Invalid SQL:
            FROM rbs_banners
            WHERE enabled=1
                AND likelihood>0
                AND startdate<=1411460197
                AND enddate>=1411460197
                AND IF(forumhome, 10=0, IF(forumids='', 1, FIND_IN_SET('10', forumids)))
                AND IF(maximpressions>0, impressions<maximpressions, 1)
                AND IF(clicktrack, maxclicks=0 OR (maxclicks>0 AND clicks<maxclicks), 1)
            ORDER BY -LOG(1-RAND()) / likelihood;

MySQL-Fehler  : MySQL server has gone away
Fehler-Nr.    : 2006
Fehler-Zeit  : Tuesday, 23.09.2014 @ 10:16:37
Datum        : Tuesday, 23.09.2014 @ 10:25:28
Skript        : http://www.sps-forum.de/simatic/72764-welche-eigenschaften-angeben-3.html
Referrer      : http://www.sps-forum.de/search.php?searchid=3658860

y2ksw 09-23-2014 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by dariyos (Post 2516266)

got a DB Eorror:


Datenbankfehler in vBulletin 4.2.2:

Invalid SQL:
            FROM rbs_banners
            WHERE enabled=1
                AND likelihood>0
                AND startdate<=1411460197
                AND enddate>=1411460197
                AND IF(forumhome, 10=0, IF(forumids='', 1, FIND_IN_SET('10', forumids)))
                AND IF(maximpressions>0, impressions<maximpressions, 1)
                AND IF(clicktrack, maxclicks=0 OR (maxclicks>0 AND clicks<maxclicks), 1)
            ORDER BY -LOG(1-RAND()) / likelihood;

MySQL-Fehler  : MySQL server has gone away
Fehler-Nr.    : 2006
Fehler-Zeit  : Tuesday, 23.09.2014 @ 10:16:37
Datum        : Tuesday, 23.09.2014 @ 10:25:28
Skript        : http://www.sps-forum.de/simatic/72764-welche-eigenschaften-angeben-3.html
Referrer      : http://www.sps-forum.de/search.php?searchid=3658860

Your database server has timed out before it returned the recordset to the calling process. This is a typical error for overloaded servers.

nicklfire 09-30-2014 02:09 AM

it would be absolutely amazing and save me so much time if there was a expiring date, or end date field on the banner list section. I have no idea when the banners expire unless i go in 1 by 1.. and with 25 banners that takes a while. Great product, really love it.ried

I tried to read the help file but it has no instructions for proper way to upgrade the version, i dont want to lose all the banners in there already.

Also the help file included revisions only goes up to like 2.3 or something, might need to update to 2.4.2

y2ksw 10-02-2014 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by nicklfire (Post 2516992)
it would be absolutely amazing and save me so much time if there was a expiring date, or end date field on the banner list section. I have no idea when the banners expire unless i go in 1 by 1.. and with 25 banners that takes a while. Great product, really love it.ried

I tried to read the help file but it has no instructions for proper way to upgrade the version, i dont want to lose all the banners in there already.

Also the help file included revisions only goes up to like 2.3 or something, might need to update to 2.4.2

I've put this in the Todo list, but I'm not sure there is enough space for the whole date. Eventually I could add a column with days to go.

rhody401 10-02-2014 01:44 PM

I would like to thank you for making such a great plugin. It is rock solid reliable and serves a great purpose on my forum.

Thank you thank you thank you! :)

y2ksw 10-03-2014 08:21 AM

You are welcome :)

webmaster74 10-11-2014 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by MaR? (Post 1776353)
Well... I did it!... here you are this mod xhtml validated!... I only change the xml file.

Grazzie Mille Giovanni for the great help you provide.

As placing a no follow before the banners is not an option within the vbulletin mod, I tried to follow up the example given by Maru up here and place the nofollow tag manually to the XML file and reupload it and, allow overwrite on import product.

YET, when I check the file provided by Maru, it only has two occurences of nofollow, on lines 279 and 284, as here below


                $output = substr($output, 0, $npos) . "<a href=\"$bburl/rbs_banner.php?id=$rs[id]\" rel=\"nofollow\" target=\"$rbs_target\"><img src=\"$image\" border=\"0\" alt=\"$name\" /></a>" . substr($output, $npos + $len);
                $url = rbs_url_sanity($rs['url']);
                $output = substr($output, 0, $npos) . "<a href=\"$url\" rel=\"nofollow\" target=\"$rbs_target\"><img src=\"$image\" border=\"0\" alt=\"$name\" /></a>" . substr($output, $npos + $len);

I searched the most up to date version of rbs for any nofollow, and could not find them. This means you did not adopt the nofollow hardcoded

While this is good, the option is still not there.

I would like to place nofollow before links, where should I do that in the last rbs?

y2ksw 10-13-2014 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by webmaster74 (Post 2518506)
Grazzie Mille Giovanni for the great help you provide.

As placing a no follow before the banners is not an option within the vbulletin mod, I tried to follow up the example given by Maru up here and place the nofollow tag manually to the XML file and reupload it and, allow overwrite on import product.

YET, when I check the file provided by Maru, it only has two occurences of nofollow, on lines 279 and 284, as here below


                $output = substr($output, 0, $npos) . "<a href=\"$bburl/rbs_banner.php?id=$rs[id]\" rel=\"nofollow\" target=\"$rbs_target\"><img src=\"$image\" border=\"0\" alt=\"$name\" /></a>" . substr($output, $npos + $len);
                $url = rbs_url_sanity($rs['url']);
                $output = substr($output, 0, $npos) . "<a href=\"$url\" rel=\"nofollow\" target=\"$rbs_target\"><img src=\"$image\" border=\"0\" alt=\"$name\" /></a>" . substr($output, $npos + $len);

I searched the most up to date version of rbs for any nofollow, and could not find them. This means you did not adopt the nofollow hardcoded

While this is good, the option is still not there.

I would like to place nofollow before links, where should I do that in the last rbs?

I have added this request to the todo list now ;)

webmaster74 10-13-2014 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by y2ksw (Post 2518642)
I have added this request to the todo list now ;)

Grazzie caro Giovanni

jsmithmms 10-22-2014 06:07 PM

Upon trying to install the product, I'm getting the following error:

"Please upload the files that came with the product before installing or upgrading!

Missing files:"

I've triple-checked, all the files have been uploaded and seem to be in the correct location. Anything else I should try?

It looks like everything's installed on our server at Public_HTML/Forums, but I've tried the root folder public_html and forums with the uploads and it's still not installing, and the error message shows no missing files.

y2ksw 10-22-2014 10:31 PM

Most probably it's the file permissions. Normally, Ftp will upload with the same owner as the web server and chmod 644, but a few servers use actually a different setting. Those files then cannot read or only partially ... such as file listings are ok, but not php script execution.

jsmithmms 10-24-2014 02:11 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by y2ksw (Post 2519772)
Most probably it's the file permissions. Normally, Ftp will upload with the same owner as the web server and chmod 644, but a few servers use actually a different setting. Those files then cannot read or only partially ... such as file listings are ok, but not php script execution.

Thanks for that suggestion! I went into the FTP server and changed the file permissions, but am still receiving the same error.

Here's what I've got them set to:


Tried it with the install both directly in public_html and under our forums section, which is where I believe everything else is installed.

Gripi 10-28-2014 06:08 PM

Hope in next version, you can add the reset "counter statistic" for specific banner.

y2ksw 10-28-2014 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by Gripi (Post 2520378)
Hope in next version, you can add the reset "counter statistic" for specific banner.

You can do this easily by using a couple of queries:

DELETE FROM rbs_hits WHERE bannerid=N;
UPDATE rbs_banners SET impressions=0, clicks=0 WHERE id=N;

where N is the banner ID you want to clean out.

rootsxrocks 10-30-2014 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by y2ksw (Post 2519772)
Most probably it's the file permissions. Normally, Ftp will upload with the same owner as the web server and chmod 644, but a few servers use actually a different setting. Those files then cannot read or only partially ... such as file listings are ok, but not php script execution.

When I unpacked the upgrade into a folder on the server and then moved it in to replace the admincp it changed the permissions on the folder admincp and includes to 700 and locked me out of the control panel , it was an easy fix by changing the permissions back to 755 but I have never had that happen using the same method with other plug ins and upgrades.

rootsxrocks 10-30-2014 08:51 PM

Now about that Flash.
I am not able to make one work proper either. I simply wanted to try it out with a flash file I found from another user.
after trying a few combinations I am able to get it to partially appear but it is not interactive nor does not scale like it would if you go directly to it.
this is a direct link to the flash http://crackercoast.com/crackerchat/banners/banner.swf

rootsxrocks 10-30-2014 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by jsmithmms (Post 2519922)
Thanks for that suggestion! I went into the FTP server and changed the file permissions, but am still receiving the same error.

Here's what I've got them set to:


Tried it with the install both directly in public_html and under our forums section, which is where I believe everything else is installed.

check that the folders permissions have not changed.

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