Paul M |
05-24-2012 04:57 PM |
Originally Posted by thincom2000
(Post 2332097)
In an older version of this mod, I remember there being a script that also showed all the pages that a particular user visited today. I believe that is what RenierZA is referring to. That page was highly useful and I'm still not used to it being gone.
That has never existed in this mod.
I believe you (and Mark) are thinking about the member tracking mod, which also displayed the same visit data as this on forum home.
A 4.2 version of that will be available in the next few days.
Originally Posted by Mark.B
(Post 2332101)
Note that I strongly suspect the upgrader will disable the products on every upgrade so this needs to be on the upgrade "to do" list if you do go down this road.
Nope, its part of the 4.2.0 Alpha 1 step so should only run once in normal upgrade sequences.
Originally Posted by RenierZA
(Post 2332238)
The history that keeps the best day ever.
That is still stored the same way, so should not be lost if it already exists.
Originally Posted by Boofo
(Post 2332106)
The only thing I see missing is the each members midnight not work with the most members ever online line.
Correct, it was removed due to the confusion it causes on multi timezone sites. I will be releasing a little mini mod to add it back if you really want it.