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y2ksw 03-10-2014 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by My Hattiesburg (Post 2486241)
I inserted the google code directly into the head include template. After looking, though, I just discovered that I had not included it in another skin that I'm working on, but that skin is not used much right now.

As for all the pages not being indexed, a few months back we were getting slammed by spam bots and I'm not sure what else. Our server loads were running real high at times and at some points got so high that it shut the site down. I was looking here at vb.org for any kind of answer as well as getting our tech guy to pore over the server looking for anything that we could do to fix it. I added a couple of mods to block the spam bots and also modified my robots.txt file as someone here had recommended. After looking at the robots.txt file it's not blocking as many pages as I thought it might be so the analytics stats wasn't missing that much.

At this point I really don't know what to think. I do think that it's highly unlikely that 2 ads together are getting 1 million impressions a month on our site. Because of this we decided to offer ads on a monthly rate instead of by impressions. We were going to offer them at $1.50/thousand then changed it to $1.00 but at that rate my ad would cost me $500/month with the number of impressions it's gotten. There's no way I can justify that.

Yeah. But bots are server issues and firewalling is one of the tasks which one way or another should be covered from your hosting provider. There are a few giveaway tips, but most aren't. One of them are fail2ban filters on apache records ;)

My Hattiesburg 03-12-2014 02:51 AM


Originally Posted by y2ksw (Post 2486251)
Yeah. But bots are server issues and firewalling is one of the tasks which one way or another should be covered from your hosting provider. There are a few giveaway tips, but most aren't. One of them are fail2ban filters on apache records ;)

I hope this is not getting off topic, but we don't have a host provider, we're attempting to manage the server ourselves at this point to save some money. Maybe once we get some ads going we can afford to go the managed route (which is actually what I'm working towards). But are you saying that a firewall would keep out the spambots and prevent an artificially high number of ad impressions?

y2ksw 03-12-2014 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by My Hattiesburg (Post 2486603)
I hope this is not getting off topic, but we don't have a host provider, we're attempting to manage the server ourselves at this point to save some money. Maybe once we get some ads going we can afford to go the managed route (which is actually what I'm working towards). But are you saying that a firewall would keep out the spambots and prevent an artificially high number of ad impressions?

Yes, sure. And it saves a lot of bandwidth and hacking attempts as well. If your site gets spammed heavily, it sooner or later gets hacked, too.

I use the Spamhaus DROP list to cut off the obvious and use fail2ban to fine-tune the firewall, besides of blacklisting all far too obvious login and register attempts by several scripts. Summing up, it means to cut off almost all unnecessary traffic and thus reducing also the hit count on ads.

Oh well ... and I use connection- and bandwidth-throttling for spiders, too.

dariyos 03-18-2014 09:50 AM

i need more banner statistics

i want daily statistics for each banner, were i can select the name of the banner
...then shows up the pageviews & clicks per month, day, week, and total.

is that possible?

now it shows only the total statistics from first to last click, that is not enough information.

y2ksw 03-18-2014 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by dariyos (Post 2487999)
i need more banner statistics

i want daily statistics for each banner, were i can select the name of the banner
...then shows up the pageviews & clicks per month, day, week, and total.

is that possible?

now it shows only the total statistics from first to last click, that is not enough information.

All you need is found in the rbs_hits table. You may extract all information by entering some queries from phpmyadmin :)

This query gives you, for example, a daily count of clicks on all banners:

SELECT h.dateline-MOD(h.dateline, 86400) AS dateline, COUNT(*) AS cnt
FROM rbs_banners b
LEFT JOIN rbs_hits h ON b.id = h.bannerid
GROUP BY h.dateline-MOD(h.dateline, 86400)
ORDER BY h.dateline

aaronhaul 04-04-2014 09:05 AM

Hello Guys,

Has anybody tried the Rotating Banner System on "First Post Content" and "Last Post Content" on thread positions?

I put the codes:
<div align="center"><!--@vbbanners:7@--></div> and
<div align="center"><!--@vbbanners:8@--></div>

on each Ad Banner positions inside the thread, and none of the banners displays on any of the post.

Is there any solution for this?

johnscanlan2 04-04-2014 09:10 PM

This is a small problem, but perhaps someone can shed some light on what is going on. RE:

Inserting the code into the SECOND POST mod...

When I insert for example <!--@Vbbanners:7@-->(Any number between 0 and 10) it works just fine rotating like it should. However when I enter <!--vbbanners:17@--> (Any number 11 and over) nothing shows up in the SECOND POST MOD. I have checked everything a dozen times and without fail any double digit location fails. This only holds true when using the SECOND POST mod. Anywhere else it is fine.

I will be posting the same question on the second post mod area. The work around is easy of course by restricting any rotation to 0 through 9. The geek in me wants to know why.

This is a GREAT mod.

y2ksw 04-05-2014 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by johnscanlan2 (Post 2491539)
This is a small problem, but perhaps someone can shed some light on what is going on. RE:

Inserting the code into the SECOND POST mod...

When I insert for example <!--@Vbbanners:7@-->(Any number between 0 and 10) it works just fine rotating like it should. However when I enter <!--vbbanners:17@--> (Any number 11 and over) nothing shows up in the SECOND POST MOD. I have checked everything a dozen times and without fail any double digit location fails. This only holds true when using the SECOND POST mod. Anywhere else it is fine.

I will be posting the same question on the second post mod area. The work around is easy of course by restricting any rotation to 0 through 9. The geek in me wants to know why.

This is a GREAT mod.

As it says in the options, in bold red letters: for more than 10 locations there is absolutely no support. :)

johnscanlan2 04-05-2014 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by y2ksw (Post 2491606)
As it says in the options, in bold red letters: for more than 10 locations there is absolutely no support. :)

Not looking for "support" from the author, I was just making a simple request to this thread.
As I stated I already had a satisfactory work around, I was just being curious as I indicated.

If you don't want users to ask questions of this group perhaps you should lock this thread. I apologize for causing you any stress. :)

aaronhaul 04-05-2014 11:47 PM

Hello Guys,

Has anybody tried the Rotating Banner System on "First Post Content" and "Last Post Content" on thread positions?

I put the codes:
<div align="center"><!--@vbbanners:7@--></div> and
<div align="center"><!--@vbbanners:8@--></div>

on each Ad Banner positions inside the thread, and none of the banners displays on any of the post.

Is there any solution for this?

y2ksw 04-06-2014 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by johnscanlan2 (Post 2491647)
Not looking for "support" from the author, I was just making a simple request to this thread.
As I stated I already had a satisfactory work around, I was just being curious as I indicated.

If you don't want users to ask questions of this group perhaps you should lock this thread. I apologize for causing you any stress. :)

It's not a question about not giving support at all, but about leaving features alone, which have been implemented only for a few users. If you don't show banners because of a location 17 which makes not part of the standard settings, you arise a lot more questions than just this one. "Hey, they say it can have more than 10 locations, how comes I don't have them?" ... and here you go :)

y2ksw 04-06-2014 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by aaronhaul (Post 2491745)
Hello Guys,

Has anybody tried the Rotating Banner System on "First Post Content" and "Last Post Content" on thread positions?

I put the codes:
<div align="center"><!--@vbbanners:7@--></div> and
<div align="center"><!--@vbbanners:8@--></div>

on each Ad Banner positions inside the thread, and none of the banners displays on any of the post.

Is there any solution for this?

Please check the timing and eventually selected forum sections, usergroup exclusions etc.

If you can show the standard banners, duplicate one of them and put your individual code or images in the duplicate.

johnscanlan2 04-06-2014 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by aaronhaul (Post 2491430)
Hello Guys,

Has anybody tried the Rotating Banner System on "First Post Content" and "Last Post Content" on thread positions?

I put the codes:
<div align="center"><!--@vbbanners:7@--></div> and
<div align="center"><!--@vbbanners:8@--></div>

on each Ad Banner positions inside the thread, and none of the banners displays on any of the post.

Is there any solution for this?

For some reason vB works better with simple coding of HTML. Did you try:

<center><!--@vbbanners:7@--> </center>

You may even try putting a break such as


Not sure what you are trying to do here, however if it is 2 banners (different or the same banner owner (client)rotating in the same place, the second banner would also have to be in position 7. That way any banners designated 7 would rotate with any rotate with each other.

I have had as many as 10 different banners all rotating in the same space just by designating them all one number. If you don't know how to do this give me a shout as it is simple to grasp once you figure it out.

Also I will placed a banner in a thread and "stuck" it as the first. Great spot for advertisers. vBBanners is a great mod that you can get to do just about anything once you get comfortable using it.



johnscanlan2 04-06-2014 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by y2ksw (Post 2491780)
It's not a question about not giving support at all, but about leaving features alone, which have been implemented only for a few users. If you don't show banners because of a location 17 which makes not part of the standard settings, you arise a lot more questions than just this one. "Hey, they say it can have more than 10 locations, how comes I don't have them?" ... and here you go :)

OK I get it thanks. Feel free to delete my post if you wish.

Toorak Times 04-07-2014 05:42 AM

I'm still trying to figure out where Positions 0-9 actually lie on which page???

Global, Board, Forum, Thread, Blog Sidebar, Entry, List and Archive seem to have a lot more than 9 positions.

Where do these 9 Positions appear on my site please?

bzcomputers 04-07-2014 07:26 AM


Originally Posted by Toorak Times (Post 2491893)
I'm still trying to figure out where Positions 0-9 actually lie on which page???

Global, Board, Forum, Thread, Blog Sidebar, Entry, List and Archive seem to have a lot more than 9 positions.

Where do these 9 Positions appear on my site please?

They appear wherever you place them. There are random positions controlled by you, wherever you put the code they appear, they are not fixed.

y2ksw 04-07-2014 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by Toorak Times (Post 2491893)
I'm still trying to figure out where Positions 0-9 actually lie on which page???

Global, Board, Forum, Thread, Blog Sidebar, Entry, List and Archive seem to have a lot more than 9 positions.

Where do these 9 Positions appear on my site please?


Originally Posted by bzcomputers (Post 2491901)
They appear wherever you place them. There are random positions controlled by you, wherever you put the code they appear, they are not fixed.

You would make a template modification in order to show a banner :)

Toorak Times 04-07-2014 12:00 PM

Gio, thanks, I actually figured that bit out...amazing what happens when one actually watches your instruction video...I highly recommend others watching it.

The penny dropped about the templates when I watched it.

OK NOW I know how it woiks, can I drop the Google adsense in there as it seems to double up my banners, probs been asked heaps, sorry

Basit Kingz 04-13-2014 02:40 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I have installed Rotating Banner System. I have created different image banners that are working fine. But Whenever I have tried to add Flash/SWF banner with those image banner it does not show SWF banner with those image banners.
Here is the code I am using for file signalfeeds.swf.

<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=7,0,0,0" width="780" height="18" id="yourflashbanner" align="middle">
                    <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
                    <param name="movie" value="images/signalfeeds.swf" />
                    <param name="quality" value="high" />
                    <param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" />
                    <embed src="images/signalfeeds.swf" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="780" height="18" name="yourflashbanner" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" />

Moreover this is settings preview.
Attachment 148893

Thanks in Advance

Alibass 04-13-2014 03:53 AM


<param name="movie" value="./images/signalfeeds.swf" />

Basit Kingz 04-13-2014 06:38 AM


Originally Posted by Alibass (Post 2492913)

<param name="movie" value="./images/signalfeeds.swf" />

Let me try. Thanks.

Basit Kingz 04-13-2014 07:01 AM

Same result Rotating Banner System did not respond.
Moreover If I place the same coding that I have mentioned above in advertisement built in feature of VB 4 it started working. But I want this banner with simple image banner.

Basit Kingz 04-13-2014 07:01 AM

So, Can we post Flash Banner with simple image banners ?

y2ksw 04-13-2014 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by Basit Kingz (Post 2492910)
I have installed Rotating Banner System. I have created different image banners that are working fine. But Whenever I have tried to add Flash/SWF banner with those image banner it does not show SWF banner with those image banners.
Here is the code I am using for file signalfeeds.swf.

<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=7,0,0,0" width="780" height="18" id="yourflashbanner" align="middle">
                    <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
                    <param name="movie" value="images/signalfeeds.swf" />
                    <param name="quality" value="high" />
                    <param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" />
                    <embed src="images/signalfeeds.swf" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="780" height="18" name="yourflashbanner" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" />

Moreover this is settings preview.
Attachment 148893

Thanks in Advance

If you use your own code, you cannot use also images and landing pages :)

You may: Clear and uncheck everything (also click tracking does not work) and just put your code in the "Text" field.

OR: Enable the Flash wrapper, your current settings, and set the sizes, of course, use the full http path to your SWF, and clear the "Text" field.

AND: Please don't contact me in private. I am already notified about new messages and I somewhat hate to get additionally remembered about my duties. It's a bit like getting up early and have my mom shouting at me not to come late ... at the age of 50 :D

Basit Kingz 04-13-2014 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by y2ksw (Post 2492928)
If you use your own code, you cannot use also images and landing pages :)

You may: Clear and uncheck everything (also click tracking does not work) and just put your code in the "Text" field.

OR: Enable the Flash wrapper, your current settings, and set the sizes, of course, use the full http path to your SWF, and clear the "Text" field.

AND: Please don't contact me in private. I am already notified about new messages and I somewhat hate to get additionally remembered about my duties. It's a bit like getting up early and have my mom shouting at me not to come late ... at the age of 50 :D

:D:D(Pardon me for private invitation :D)
Roger that Sir/. Thanks for being here.

Basit Kingz 04-13-2014 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by y2ksw (Post 2492928)
If you use your own code, you cannot use also images and landing pages :)

You may: Clear and uncheck everything (also click tracking does not work) and just put your code in the "Text" field.

OR: Enable the Flash wrapper, your current settings, and set the sizes, of course, use the full http path to your SWF, and clear the "Text" field.

AND: Please don't contact me in private. I am already notified about new messages and I somewhat hate to get additionally remembered about my duties. It's a bit like getting up early and have my mom shouting at me not to come late ... at the age of 50 :D

I have testified the given instructions. May be I can't fully understand it but it's not working on my end.
I have a banner uploaded it thorugh FTP to my forum Images directory. Kindly Guide me to setup it for banner rotation. I have spend allot of time on it. Images banner are working fine but flash banner is not showing at least.
Where as if the same code is placed in built in advertisement feature of VB4 it start working. But I want to rotate it which is only possible with Banner Rotating System.

gsmlover4u 04-17-2014 04:53 PM

can use it for google adsense

y2ksw 04-18-2014 07:12 AM


Originally Posted by gsmlover4u (Post 2493596)
can use it for google adsense

If this is a question, yes ;)

y2ksw 04-18-2014 07:13 AM


Originally Posted by Basit Kingz (Post 2492968)
I have testified the given instructions. May be I can't fully understand it but it's not working on my end.
I have a banner uploaded it thorugh FTP to my forum Images directory. Kindly Guide me to setup it for banner rotation. I have spend allot of time on it. Images banner are working fine but flash banner is not showing at least.
Where as if the same code is placed in built in advertisement feature of VB4 it start working. But I want to rotate it which is only possible with Banner Rotating System.

Are you using the wrapper?

MIWASA 04-28-2014 05:46 PM

hi would you be so kind as to link or show me how i can get banners to display on my forum.php and content.php pages please

y2ksw 04-28-2014 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by MIWASA (Post 2495188)
hi would you be so kind as to link or show me how i can get banners to display on my forum.php and content.php pages please

In order to show banners you need to make template changes. There is also a movie in the very first post to show how and how not :)

MIWASA 04-29-2014 06:36 PM

understood and thank you, the banners are showing on threads and post but not on cms and forum.php, which templates do i have to edit to get working there, sorry i am not a coder

y2ksw 04-30-2014 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by MIWASA (Post 2495363)
understood and thank you, the banners are showing on threads and post but not on cms and forum.php, which templates do i have to edit to get working there, sorry i am not a coder

It really depends on where you want to have your banners and then I'm not the right person to ask ... HTML is my nightmare :)

chikuru 04-30-2014 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by MIWASA (Post 2495363)
understood and thank you, the banners are showing on threads and post but not on cms and forum.php, which templates do i have to edit to get working there, sorry i am not a coder

You can put the shortcodes using the Advertisement Manager inside Admincp.
There are ad locations that shows globally.
Like Below Navbar, Header 1, Header 2, Footer, etc..
If you need further assistance, you may shoot me a PM

fxdigi-cash 05-10-2014 12:32 AM

This is strange... nothing shows up!!!

I used the pre-installed google ads to test it, but none showed up!!

I tried it on different styles as well as the default style...

any idea what missing here?

Update#1: I use VBSEO when I disable it, all ads show up... how to get around this issue?

bzcomputers 05-10-2014 01:26 AM


Originally Posted by fxdigi-cash (Post 2497075)
This is strange... nothing shows up!!!

I used the pre-installed google ads to test it, but none showed up!!

I tried it on different styles as well as the default style...

any idea what missing here?

Update#1: I use VBSEO when I disable it, all ads show up... how to get around this issue?

Page 24 of the Manual...

vbSEO or HTML cleaning software users:

All other users:


fxdigi-cash 05-10-2014 01:54 AM


Originally Posted by bzcomputers (Post 2497077)
Page 24 of the Manual...

vbSEO or HTML cleaning software users:

All other users:


Thanks for pointing me to that, but still doesn't work...!!!

I guess there is something wrong... not sure where though

fxdigi-cash 05-10-2014 01:58 AM

I have this code in many ads like this:


<div align="center">@vbbanners:0@</div><br />
 <div align="center">@vbbanners:1@</div><br />
 <div align="center">@vbbanners:2@</div><br />
 <div align="center">@vbbanners:3@</div><br />
 <div align="center">@vbbanners:4@</div><br />
 <div align="center">@vbbanners:5@</div><br />
 <div align="center">@vbbanners:6@</div><br />

and what is showing is this instead of the ads:



any idea how to get resolved?? :confused:

bzcomputers 05-10-2014 04:29 AM


Originally Posted by fxdigi-cash (Post 2497080)
any idea how to get resolved?? :confused:

I can't think of anything other than possibly old cache stopping the new code from executing. I've personally had old cache be an issue when switching code related to this mod.

fxdigi-cash 05-10-2014 05:24 AM


Originally Posted by bzcomputers (Post 2497084)
I can't think of anything other than possibly old cache stopping the new code from executing. I've personally had old cache be an issue when switching code related to this mod.

you mean browser old cache?? if so, I just cleared all cache and restarted things up, but still nothing works...

The weird issue as I mentioned before, that VBSEO is the cause of this yet I don't know if someone have had the same problem or not.

I don't understand how would this mod conflict with VBSEO anyways!!!

I will keep digging,

Thanks, mate for the commenting... :)

Update #1
I can't believe it. It worked... :) The issue was this in Rotating Banner System Options


I forgot to change it to this


Thanks for the help, mate. :)

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