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AmericanWoman 01-04-2003 08:09 PM

Ok, so that wasn't it. Hubby had been intelligent enough to edit the config.php to point to the proper database when he upgraded the dev site (thank heaven for small favors).

Here's the error:

Warning: Failed opening 'vbs_counter.php' for inclusion (include_path='') in /home/acurawo/public_html/dev/global.php(337) : eval()'d code on line 4

And here's the query generating the error:

Invalid SQL:
FROM thread
WHERE dateline>1041714961 AND forumid IN( )

mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near ')
' at line 4

Any ideas?

AmericanWoman 01-04-2003 08:31 PM

Just want to apologize for asking the same question it appears that myriad users have asked before.

And searching the thread for the answer to it sucks because there are so many posts referring to it...yet the answer doesn't seem to be magically posted in ANY of the ones I've seen...


AmericanWoman 01-04-2003 09:03 PM

Ok, still having the problem with this:

Failed opening 'vbs_counter.php' for inclusion (include_path='') in /home/acurawo/public_html/dev/global.php(337) : eval()'d code on line 4

The files are in a subdirectory off of the root of the site, which is a mirror of the forums...


Any help would be appreciated. The Admin CP works, and I've edited my options, and the page is showing up nicely with the exception of that error.

** Edit: fixed it. **

TECK 01-04-2003 10:26 PM


Originally posted by AmericanWoman
Ok, so that wasn't it. Hubby had been intelligent enough to edit the config.php to point to the proper database when he upgraded the dev site (thank heaven for small favors).

Here's the error:

Warning: Failed opening 'vbs_counter.php' for inclusion (include_path='') in /home/acurawo/public_html/dev/global.php(337) : eval()'d code on line 4

And here's the query generating the error:

Invalid SQL:
FROM thread
WHERE dateline>1041714961 AND forumid IN( )

mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near ')
' at line 4

Any ideas?

Is your vbStats hack. Just remove from phpinclude template the vbstats line and you are ok.
To get it working for the forum, add that line in the /forum global.php, just above:
[high]header = '';[/high]

Notice the empty [high]IN( )[/high]? that means you did not set yet your vbHome options and they are not cached in vBulletin yet (article forum). All you have to do is set at least one option in vbHome Page and it will automatically cache all vbHL options.

I also noticed you said something about full path etc?
In vbHL global.php you should have:
[high]$adminpath = 'yourforumfolder/admin';[/high] ONLY. Not the full path. Do not edit anything in the config.php file, is not needed.

Nam 01-04-2003 10:32 PM

Follow the direction at http://www.teckwizards.com/forum/sho...s=&threadid=12

I'd like to have an access to Restricted forums in Teckwizards.com.

Thanks a lot.

ChurchMedia 01-05-2003 04:07 AM

I'd like access to vblite support. Thanks!

TECK 01-05-2003 06:43 AM

I released few days ago on my forums a mini-addon for vbHome (lite), called Google mini-indexer. Basically it will allow to index all your site to Google in no time.
If you are a licensed member, grab the hack here. :)

Take a look at the results, only after few days:

For a live demo of the Google mini-indexer, go here.
The templates are customized to suit my forums, you can chenge it the way you want...

TECK 01-05-2003 06:43 AM

I just released on my forums a mini-addon for vbHome (lite), called Google mini-indexer. Basically it will allow to index all your site to Google in no time.
If you are a licensed member, grab the hack here. :)

Take a look at the results, only after few days:

For a live demo of the Google mini-indexer, go here.
The templates are customized to suit my forums, you can chenge it the way you want...

TECK 01-05-2003 08:19 AM

Take a look to see Google crawling the threads on my site...
Everything that starts with 216.239.46.xxx are Google bots. :)

Gnu5124 01-05-2003 11:43 AM

I request access to your vBHL Forums, the account there is "Gnu"


Birdie501 01-05-2003 02:57 PM


can i have access?


Katana Myronson 01-05-2003 05:52 PM

I installed it. May i have access?
Webpage: http://www.firestormops.com/index.php

Xyphen 01-05-2003 06:26 PM

Can you realse a fixed version? With all the problems solved -_-
Also can someone provide a demo boards url?

codewebs 01-05-2003 06:57 PM

fixed version? oh and 500 people have installed it :)

TECK 01-05-2003 07:35 PM


Originally posted by AViO 07
Can you realse a fixed version? With all the problems solved -_-
Also can someone provide a demo boards url?

Before you ask, please bother to read the first post at least.

Xyphen 01-05-2003 08:05 PM

Ok, I installed the stuff..


I moved all the vb files to forums directory.. but the avatars don't display and the articles don't display -_-

Xyphen 01-05-2003 08:06 PM

and also, i did the replacement part of the images, but it didn't work for the banner and stuff..

Xyphen 01-05-2003 08:12 PM

The articles don't display, and the avatars only show userid #2's avatar for all the articles!

TECK 01-05-2003 08:13 PM

There is a readme file where it explains in details how to upload the files. Also use the search function in this thread to get all your alswers on how to upload the files (or any other problem), you cannot just put it the way you feel like.

Good luck.

CompiledMonkey 01-05-2003 08:50 PM

... ;)

Xyphen 01-05-2003 08:51 PM

Ok, all the errors fixed, very nice hack man!

Visit my forums for a demo: http://www.ooforums.net

TECK 01-05-2003 08:57 PM

Indeed, it looks nice, the colors are well chosen. :)
I would change the avatars to make them all uniform... that's the mistake everyone makes so the page looks all unbalanced... look at my dsite how nice it looks with uniform avatars...

TECK 01-05-2003 09:13 PM

Another cool thing... I will release soon on the support forums a backend.php file that will allow users to syndicate news (or the hole forum threads) to people. It can be used in Trillian, KlipFolio or just a plain page. It uses XML code technology. I will also develop a script for WAP devices so you get your news or articles on your cell phone... I will see.

Roody 01-05-2003 11:54 PM

I am following a link in order to request access to the restricted access forums at teckwizards. Thanks

Roody 01-06-2003 12:23 AM

ok here is my situation. im guessing i did something wrong. i went through the install procedures. i got the vbhome page under "VBulletin Options". Here is my issue though. I cant see what my new home page looks like. I uploaded all the necessary files and edited them, but I didnt create a vbhome directory because i didnt see where i was told to do so? instead i put the index.php and global.php in the root directory on my server, and uploaded all the other necessary files according to their instructions into the proper place.

at this point I have no idea what to do. when I attempted to access the index.php page it is all white with nothing in it.

any help would be appreciated. thx

calldaffer 01-06-2003 12:31 AM

requesting access to restricted forums at techwizards

TECK 01-06-2003 01:19 AM


Originally posted by Roody
I didnt create a vbhome directory because i didnt see where i was told to do so?
Read the readme file, it will show you a diagram how to upload the files.

Originally posted by Roody
i put the index.php and global.php in the root directory on my server
If you did this you messed your forums, because the vbHome global.php overwritten the forums global.php one.
Use this schema (this was explained in this thread and the readme file about 285 times, is the last time I post it):
[root] < your vbHome index.php and global.php files
---[forum] < printarticle.php file
------[admin] < vbhlinstall.php and vbhlindex.php files

If you want to keep the vbHL files in the same folder as the forum ones, you will have to rename vbHL index.php to home.php and vbHL global.php to homeglobal.php then to change inside both files and related templates the old file names with the new ones.


Originally posted by Roody
at this point I have no idea what to do
As I said many times, [high]all those errors were done due to lack of patience on reading in detail the well explained readme file[/high].
And please use the Search Tool in this thread, that's why Firefly took some of his precious time to install it, so people like you in need could use it.

Roody 01-06-2003 01:32 AM

well im sorry I apparently frustrated you Teck. I read your readme file thoroughly, and even got the assistance of someone else (calldeffer) and we went through the install together for our respective sites at the same time, and the same issue occured for both of us.

a 3rd look at the readme file has told me nothing new. let me break down where I put everything in case there is some confusion. here is what I did. When I first sign into my ftp server I have to go into a folder called htdocs. Inside there is where I would put the index.htm file that would allow people to see my website at www.gamegeneration.net.

it is in there that I put the index.php and global.php file. I am assuming this is in fact my root directory since everything feeds off that area. Next I put the vbhomelite printarticle.php and the vbulletin newthread.php into my forums directory. then i put the vbhlinstall.php, vbhlindex.php and the template.php file into the admin directory.

lastly, i put the respective images mentioned in your readme file into the my server.

I apologize if for some reason you think i'm like so many apparent others, but I assure you that if I some how read it wrong it wasnt due to lack of time spent. It was just me missing something that was apparently obvious to you and not myself. Regardless I could use your help if that is at all possible.


TECK 01-06-2003 01:54 AM

You did not frustrated me. And I will help you. Feel free to ask away...
Upload the files like that:
[root] http://www.gamegeneration.net

That will solve your problems. Also, you can tempararly rename the vbHL index.php to home.php so you set it properly. Once done, rename it back to index.php and voila, your users will have the front page online.


EDIT: In the readme file is explained like that:

Upload all files onto your folder. The following order is recommended:

[ROOT FOLDER] - upload here your vbHome (lite) index.php and global.php files
---[FORUM] - upload here your vbHome (lite) printarticle.php and vBulletin newthread.php files
------[ADMIN] - upload here your vbHome (lite) vbhlinstall.php, vbhlindex.php (if needed) and vBulletin template.php files
------[IMAGES] - upload here your arrow.gif, articleemail.gif and articleprint.gif files
---------[POLLS] - upload here your bar.gif, bar-bk.gif, bar-l.gif and bar-r.gif files

Roody 01-06-2003 02:00 AM

man, now im starting to get frustrated. I uploaded the files exactly how you mentioned it, and I am still dealing with the same problem. I will PM you over at the other site with what it is I see.

TECK 01-06-2003 02:41 AM

Please do not PM me anymore, that's why we have forums here. Thank you.
Now, about the script, did you ran the installer AFTER you uploaded the EDITED files?
What is the setting for $adminpath variable in vbHL file?

Roody 01-06-2003 02:45 AM

my apologies for that. yes, I ran the installer and received successful messages across the board. I have the vbhome page info listed in my VBulletin Options now. I suppose its possible that the first time i did it that I messed up with things I uploaded. Should I run it again?

Second, this is what I have for my adminpath:

$adminpath = 'http://www.gamegeneration.net/forums/admin';

TECK 01-06-2003 02:54 AM

Aha, that's your mistake, heh. Is easier then you think to fix it. Use:
[high]$adminpath = 'forums/admin';[/high]

No need to reinstall, it will work now. Have fun with your new front page. ;)

Roody 01-06-2003 02:59 AM

oh dear god. man, im an idiot. I totally misread what your instructions said believe it or not. well it is working now when i actually enter in the index.php file, but here is another newb question. Obviously i want it to load when i enter www.gamegeneration.net instead of adding index.php to the end of it.

how do i do that?

TECK 01-06-2003 03:01 AM

Remove the index.htm or whatever extention have the file and leave only index.php file. You should have only one index file there.

Roody 01-06-2003 03:05 AM

so could i rename the index.php file something else while im building it or can i leave the index.htm file up on my server then remove it once im ready?

thanks again for all the help :)

TECK 01-06-2003 03:25 AM

Remove the index.php to home.php until you are done. That will also help you gain access to the restricted forums, since you have to enter your vbHome URL in order to be accepted.
Once your frontpage is done, delete the index.htm file and rename home.php to index.php.

PS. Don't forget to update your URL also in the profile or else you lose access to the restricted forums in the same day. Our staff check periodically users for their URL to be updated or if they removed the copyright and the user in violation get banned from the site.

Roody 01-06-2003 03:43 AM

ok thanks again for your help. I updated the URL at the teckforums. :)

TECK 01-06-2003 04:44 AM

Ok, you still have to update the copyright color, since you are in violation with Jelsoft and TeckWizards.
Edit the home_footer template to make it readable.

afroggy 01-06-2003 04:58 AM

I just installed vbhomelite at my website. Would it be possible to be granted access to the bulk of the site?


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