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bzcomputers 02-08-2014 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by dr.reddy (Post 2479674)
can we duplicate same banner to make it appear more often than other banners on page load. ( i see that out of my 6 banners 1 banner is appearing less often)

Example banner ID is 10,12 and 13 and position is "0" for all of them targeting below navbar

Yes, you can duplicate banners within a position to get them to show more often.

Be aware though that over time if each banner is represented once within a position it will be shown approximately the same amount of times. When you say one is appearing less often it is most likely your sample number of page refreshes was too low to get an accurate display of what would occur over time. If you want the ad to display the same amount of times as the other ads you really should only reference it once under that position.

drdoc 02-08-2014 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman (Post 2479661)
@bzcomputers I'd like all of your posts for helping dr.reddy if it would let me, can only like one for now until I share more "like love" so instead a shout out to you for being super nice and helping him today!

^ Go back in settings and change that BACK to the previous value, it should always read <!--@vbbanners:%d@-->

If you currently have it set to: <!--@vbbanners:0@--> then it will not work, it must have the %d.
To explain the mod knows that the %d represents a # i.e. the banner list ID#.

That is correct, that will now show the banners (all banners you have added to LIST 0) from list 0 in that location. If more than one banner they will randomly rotate in.

Add more banners to List 0 OR manage the other list and add in banners to those list, you only add more code to the template i.e. <!--@vbbanners:0@--> and <!--@vbbanners:1@--> if you are showing the banners from list 0 AND list 1.

Edit: Ahh and this mod rotates the banners on page load/refresh there is currently no timer function.


Originally Posted by bzcomputers (Post 2479691)
For side by side change banner 4 to this:


<table align="center"><tr><td>Put what you have currently in Banner 4 here</td><td>Put what you have currently in Banner 5 here</td><td>Put what you have currently in Banner 6 here</td></tr></table>
If you want spacing between the banners add this code between each banner code above:

<td style="width: 20px;">&nbsp;<td>
Adjust "20" to any spacing width you would like.

You can then delete Banners 5 & 6.

I have one doubt here about this code <table align="center"><tr><td>Put what you have currently in Banner 4 here</td><td>Put what you have currently in Banner 5 here</td><td>Put what you have currently in Banner 6 here</td></tr></table>

sorry but I have few qs on this

1. I need to place this code in below navbar template beside <!--@vbbanners:0@-->??

2. you said, Put what you have currently in Banner 4...5...6...what i should put there exactly? ..any example

3. why should i delete 5 and 6, how can i redirect to my website URL and image source URL...little bit confused here....example i have banner 4, 5, 6 under 10,11,12 ID at position 0,

I think i need to read pdf little more...yes am thinking of avoiding duplicate banners to show more often...

4. As shown in demo by coder here, http://www.pagerobot.com/pub/rbs/rbs_01.htm where is ad_header_logo in AD templates as shown in demo...i think it is not present in VB 4.2.2...am also thinking of placing banners above logo...


bzcomputers 02-08-2014 01:01 AM


Originally Posted by dr.reddy (Post 2479700)
1. I need to place this code in below navbar template beside <!--@vbbanners:0@-->??

No. The code belongs in the "Text" field for the banner (I believe your ID10).


Originally Posted by dr.reddy (Post 2479700)
2. you said, Put what you have currently in Banner 4...5...6...what i should put there exactly? is it...any example


<table align="center"><tr><td><img src="http://www.yoursitename.com/ad-banners/banner4.jpg" /></td><td><img src="http://www.yoursitename.com/ad-banners/banner5.jpg" /></td><td><img src="http://www.yoursitename.com/ad-banners/banner6.jpg" /></td></tr></table>


Originally Posted by dr.reddy (Post 2479700)
3. why should i delete 5 and 6, how can i redirect to my website URL and image source URL...little bit confused here....example i have banner 4, 5, 6 under 10,11,12 ID at position 0,

Your confused? I think you're confusing me now! I was referring to deleting the ID positions for the banners that are no longer needed because they will now be combined under the one ID.

drdoc 02-08-2014 01:13 AM

Just now i saw under Add templates 2 similar templates

1. ad_navbar_below ...here i placed <!--@vbbanners:0@--> codes as mentioned in demo and as suggested by you guys

2.ad_global_below_navbar Is this template for This one is meant for default VB Ad locations?

Both looks similar, so i raised this question....i hope for this rbs mod i should stick to ad_navbar_below

drdoc 02-08-2014 01:25 AM


Originally Posted by bzcomputers (Post 2479710)
No. The code belongs in the "Text" field for the banner (I believe your ID10).

Actually i have nothing in my TEXT field but have just image banner with destination URL (http://example dot com) and image/flash (http://.tinypic dot 4.jpg)

my text field is empty...i have HTML codes but simply using URL for destination site and image/flash


<table align="center"><tr><td><img src="http://www.yoursitename.com/ad-banners/banner4.jpg" /></td><td><img src="http://www.yoursitename.com/ad-banners/banner5.jpg" /></td><td><img src="http://www.yoursitename.com/ad-banners/banner6.jpg" /></td></tr></table>


Originally Posted by bzcomputers (Post 2479710)
Your confused? I think you're confusing me now! I was referring to deleting the ID positions for the banners that are no longer needed because they will now be combined under the one ID.

I got it, but am not using text filed....i understood your intention of using all 3 banners under same ID, so asking me to delete other ID's

bzcomputers 02-08-2014 01:38 AM


Originally Posted by dr.reddy (Post 2479721)
Actually i have nothing in my TEXT field but have just image banner with destination URL (http://example dot com) and image/flash (http://.tinypic dot 4.jpg)

my text field is empty...i have HTML codes but simply using URL for destination site and image/flash

To combine those 3 ads into one position you would need to pull the info out of URL and IMAGE/FLASH and combine it in the single Text field.

Example of what would go in Text:

<table align="center"><tr><td><a href="WHAT YOU HAVE IN URL 1" /><img src="WHAT YOU HAVE IN IMAGE/FLASH 1" /></a></td><td><a href="WHAT YOU HAVE IN URL 2" /><img src="WHAT YOU HAVE IN IMAGE/FLASH 2" /></a></td><td><a href="WHAT YOU HAVE IN URL 3" /><img src="WHAT YOU HAVE IN IMAGE/FLASH 3" /></a></td></tr></table>

drdoc 02-08-2014 03:34 AM


Originally Posted by bzcomputers (Post 2479722)
To combine those 3 ads into one position you would need to pull the info out of URL and IMAGE/FLASH and combine it in the single Text field.

Example of what would go in Text:

<table align="center"><tr><td><a href="WHAT YOU HAVE IN URL 1" /><img src="WHAT YOU HAVE IN IMAGE/FLASH 1" /></a></td><td><a href="WHAT YOU HAVE IN URL 2" /><img src="WHAT YOU HAVE IN IMAGE/FLASH 2" /></a></td><td><a href="WHAT YOU HAVE IN URL 3" /><img src="WHAT YOU HAVE IN IMAGE/FLASH 3" /></a></td></tr></table>

you are simple superb...i have added few banners which are small side by side and just added space between them like you mentioned before with <td style="width: 20px;">&nbsp;<td>

apart from above, i just added target="_blank", to make target website of banner to appear in new window.

overall am really happy with your help....

For the 3 banners i placed ( example 4,5,6) , i think impressions and clicks will be shown under banner 4 only...so i just miss individual clicks in results, if i place banner side by side

anyway am satisfied with this experiment....thanks:)

drdoc 02-08-2014 03:39 AM

I observerd that these banners are appearing randomly and one or two banners some time appear more often than other.

1. Is there any way to make banners appear in a serial way like banner 1, next 2, next 3 etc...instead of current random rbs

2. Next thing as already discussed we don't have settings of time gap control between rotating banners

bzcomputers 02-08-2014 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by dr.reddy (Post 2479737)
1. Is there any way to make banners appear in a serial way like banner 1, next 2, next 3 etc...instead of current random rbs

Not unless you are into writing code to change this mod. It is currently hardcoded to show the ads randomly. Trust me over time they will appear approximately the same number of times. If this wasn't true there would have been more people complaining about over the last 5 years this mod has been available.


Originally Posted by dr.reddy (Post 2479737)
2. Next thing as already discussed we don't have settings of time gap control between rotating banners

Again, not unless you are into writing code to change this mod. It is currently hardcoded to rotate banners on pageload, not on a specific time.

Just remember to consider how long a visitor is on your page and then how long that ad will be viewable. Average page visits are less than a minute and during that time a user is probably scrolling at some point moving the initial ad(s) at the top of your page out of view and ad(s) further down the page into view. On top of that, the visitor came to your page for a reason and it wasn't initially for that ad. They will typically want to check out the page for the information they seek prior to clicking on an ad. Then when they're ready to click, you may have changed the ad on them already. There is a reason this option doesn't exist, because under most circumstances it isn't a benefit.

nxtgen 02-08-2014 04:33 PM

Any idea what causes the banners to move around? If I resize the window, the banner moves? It doesn't seem to matter where I place it. Is there anyway to make it static...

This could even be style related or my tags? I am not sure.. This mod is awesome that is for sure. thanks for it

I am trying to place two ads under the "Welcome username, Settings, Profile, Log out" in the header.
They are 468 x 60 in size

#ad_global_below_navbar {
padding:{vb:stylevar ad_padding};
margin:{vb:stylevar ad_margin};
display: inline-block;
white-space: nowrap;


drdoc 02-08-2014 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by bzcomputers (Post 2479820)
Trust me over time they will appear approximately the same number of times. If this wasn't true there would have been more people complaining about over the last 5 years this mod has been available.

I agree with you that over time they will appear approximately the same number of times. thx a lot for continuous help from install to banner placements:up:

CPOWA 02-08-2014 05:09 PM

Just download and installed. Great product!

I have one question: How do I advertise my own banners in certain areas and have them take advantage of being part of the rotating banners product. Eg: My own ads offering my company's services and products, in the header and below navbar or anywhere for that matter?

If this has been asked and answered, I apologize. If so, could someone list a post number or approx page within this thread?


Ah, found my answer. I didn't see the Rotating Banner System link at the bottom, in the ACP. I was looking in Options only.

inigo 02-13-2014 05:45 PM

I have a question regarding the likehood new option.

How is it calculated? I suppose is a number of times per period of time, isn' it?

For example I have had a banner in Pos 0 for the last 3 months, with 30.000 impressions, and 100 likehood, and now I add a new Pos 0 banner, with likehood 80.

One has 30.000 impressions and the other 0, but I suppose the script is calculating the number of impressions per time unit, so from the moment i add the second banner, the previous 30.000 impressions of banner nr.1 are not counted .

Is this correct?


bzcomputers 02-13-2014 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by inigo (Post 2480908)
I have a question regarding the likehood new option.

How is it calculated? I suppose is a number of times per period of time, isn' it?

For example I have had a banner in Pos 0 for the last 3 months, with 30.000 impressions, and 100 likehood, and now I add a new Pos 0 banner, with likehood 80.

One has 30.000 impressions and the other 0, but I suppose the script is calculating the number of impressions per time unit, so from the moment i add the second banner, the previous 30.000 impressions of banner nr.1 are not counted .

Is this correct?


Yes, what has occurred in the past will have no weight on what occurs in the future.

100 = Normal (Default) Weight
80 = Less Weight, it will show 20% fewer times in the future than your banner weighted 100

inigo 02-16-2014 10:34 AM

Thanks very much!!!! ;)

digeditor 02-23-2014 04:21 PM

I'm baffled. I've followed the Add New Ad instructions in the PDF which came with the install.
I've added <div align="center"><!--@vbbanners:0@--><!--@vbbanners:0@--></div> to give me two side by side (non-swf) banners. I've sized them 300 X 150 and 250 X 125, but no matter how hard I try they stack one above the other.

I want A B centered side by side, but I get


I even removed the second @vbbanners:0@ to see if they would rotate - which wasn't what I wanted, but they continue to stack. I'm on vb 4.2 The ads are all position 0 horizontal.

Is this because the space side by side below the navbar can't handle them side by side?

How big is the space below the navbar?

EDIT: With a bit more playing, I replaced @vbbanners:0@ with @vbbanners:2@ and that worked. But I still don't understand why putting @vbbanners:0@@vbbanners:0@ doesn't put them side by side.

Another question. I'm obviously not understanding the

URL If you are using an Image banner, please insert here the destination URL field.

I thought it would allow the ad when clicked on to take you to wherever the URL pointed.

When I click on my ads, nothing happens.


bzcomputers 02-23-2014 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by digeditor (Post 2483248)
I'm baffled. I've followed the Add New Ad instructions in the PDF which came with the install.
I've added <div align="center"><!--@vbbanners:0@--><!--@vbbanners:0@--></div> to give me two side by side (non-swf) banners. I've sized them 300 X 150 and 250 X 125, but no matter how hard I try they stack one above the other.

I want A B centered side by side, but I get


For side by side centered use this:


<table align="center"><tr><td><!--@vbbanners:0@--></td><td style="width: 20px;">&nbsp;</td><td><!--@vbbanners:0@--></td></tr></table>
Adjust the width (20px) to whatever you want for spacing between the images.


Another question. I'm obviously not understanding the

URL If you are using an Image banner, please insert here the destination URL field.

I thought it would allow the ad when clicked on to take you to wherever the URL pointed.

When I click on my ads, nothing happens.

Yes, that is the way it is suppose to work. You could also use the TEXT box and use code like this (it does the same thing):


<a href="YOUR DESTINATION URL HERE" target="_blank"><img src="YOUR IMAGE URL HERE" alt="ON HOVER TEXT HERE" /></a>

SPEEDKILLZ 03-04-2014 05:03 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I am having a few problems. 1 how do i get my ad over and under the welcome name (see attached img) and also how do i add multiple ads to rotate in the same spot?

digeditor 03-04-2014 02:51 PM

Those all worked. Thanks bzcomputers.
No matter what I put in the URL nothing happens. I've got to use the TEXT field. Weird.

digeditor 03-04-2014 02:54 PM

There's a template for the Header(?) which you would put your reference (@0 etc) into.
To rotate those ads. you would need to assign them all to the same position

SPEEDKILLZ 03-05-2014 01:57 AM


bzcomputers 03-05-2014 04:38 AM


Originally Posted by SPEEDKILLZ (Post 2485139)

This was an answer.

Originally Posted by digeditor (Post 2485030)
There's a template for the Header(?) which you would put your reference (@0 etc) into.
To rotate those ads. you would need to assign them all to the same position

Here is another.

You need to do what they said and add the code from this response to additional.css template:

That will fix the positioning.

To rotate ads in the same spot you place those separate ads into the same banner position within this mod. Then in the ad position of your template you would put "<!-- @vbbanners:0@ -->".

The "0" in the variable refers to the position you want the stored banners to come from in this mod. Then once that is setup on each pageload the banners within that stored position will randomly be chosen to show at your ad location.

There are quite a few other options, but they are all explained pretty well within the documentation attached to this mod.

dariyos 03-05-2014 08:14 AM

end-date function doesn´t work

i have tested a banner with an end-date.

e.g "month: march" "day: 5" "year:2014" "hour:10" "minute:12"

after this end-date, the banner is still displayed on the forum.

it should be deactivated.

i really need this function, any ideas?

DemOnstar 03-05-2014 12:38 PM

I have been trying for days to get this to work. Not seen one banner yet.
I have searched through 116 posts and haven't found a tutorial that I can understand. lol.

I believe it will work one day.. :)

bzcomputers 03-05-2014 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by dariyos (Post 2485166)
end-date function doesn?t work

i have tested a banner with an end-date.

e.g "month: march" "day: 5" "year:2014" "hour:10" "minute:12"

after this end-date, the banner is still displayed on the forum.

it should be deactivated.

i really need this function, any ideas?

I haven't seen an issue with this and been using it for quite some time (well over a year). I have seen dozens of banners expiring and being placed on the expired banner list and no longer being displayed.

digeditor 03-06-2014 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by SPEEDKILLZ (Post 2485139)

See the reply in post #2501

digeditor 03-06-2014 01:16 AM

1. create your ads and put them somewhere
2. determine which template you want the ad to appear in
3. start a new ad
4. give it a name
5. pick the position you want to use, 0 through 9 - these correspond to the @0 - @9 things which you put in your template
6. go tot the TEXT box - insert the code for your ad. For a non swf ad mine looks something like:
<A HREF="http://www.digonline.org" TARGET="_blank"><IMG SRC="/ad_folder/images/March_2014_mtg1.png " WIDTH="250" HEIGHT="125" TITLE="Click here" ALT="Click for more info"></A>
7. enter your start and end date - the advice in a lot of posts here is to pick a date before today
8. Go back to the top and enable the ad
9. repeat for all the ads you want to rotate in whatever position you picked

TheLastSuperman 03-06-2014 03:19 AM

I wish I could mark as installed more than once but can't and not all forum owners you do work for have time to mark as installed so from me to you y2ksw consider this +1 more install for a total of about 15 installs of this mod alone here in the past few months - many people are thankful for this mod :cool:.

My Hattiesburg 03-07-2014 09:32 PM

Are the impressions statistics accurate? I'm getting some crazy high readings like 1.6 million in 3 months. It's showing on every page, but dang that seems like a lot.

There's also another ad sharing that location and it has the same, so that's 3 million impressions in 3 months.

bzcomputers 03-07-2014 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by My Hattiesburg (Post 2485745)
Are the impressions statistics accurate? I'm getting some crazy high readings like 1.6 million in 3 months. It's showing on every page, but dang that seems like a lot.

There's also another ad sharing that location and it has the same, so that's 3 million impressions in 3 months.

I've found them to be accurate. You should be able to compare it to pageload statistics.

If you're getting that many impressions your bank account ought to be telling you it's doing well too!

DemOnstar 03-08-2014 03:20 AM


Originally Posted by digeditor (Post 2485337)
1. create your ads and put them somewhere
2. determine which template you want the ad to appear in
3. start a new ad
4. give it a name
5. pick the position you want to use, 0 through 9 - these correspond to the @0 - @9 things which you put in your template
6. go tot the TEXT box - insert the code for your ad. For a non swf ad mine looks something like:
<A HREF="http://www.digonline.org" TARGET="_blank"><IMG SRC="/ad_folder/images/March_2014_mtg1.png " WIDTH="250" HEIGHT="125" TITLE="Click here" ALT="Click for more info"></A>
7. enter your start and end date - the advice in a lot of posts here is to pick a date before today
8. Go back to the top and enable the ad
9. repeat for all the ads you want to rotate in whatever position you picked

This was helpful. Thanks for making the effort.

I have finally managed to get a placeholder up but by the time the page is fully loaded, the placeholder is then covered by other elements on the site.
I put width and height dimensions in but still lose the placeholder.

y2ksw 03-08-2014 06:43 AM


Originally Posted by SPEEDKILLZ (Post 2484923)
I am having a few problems. 1 how do i get my ad over and under the welcome name (see attached img) and also how do i add multiple ads to rotate in the same spot?

This is a known issue with some flash banners which haven't the transparent attribute set. It is necessary to tweak the banner to make it work properly. For a few banners also the flash wrapper may work.

y2ksw 03-08-2014 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by dariyos (Post 2485166)
end-date function doesn?t work

i have tested a banner with an end-date.

e.g "month: march" "day: 5" "year:2014" "hour:10" "minute:12"

after this end-date, the banner is still displayed on the forum.

it should be deactivated.

i really need this function, any ideas?

If your database server has a different date or time zone than the web server, there may be timing problems, such as shifting date and time while saving and not getting the desired results. There is nothing we can do about it.

y2ksw 03-08-2014 06:48 AM


Originally Posted by DemOnstar (Post 2485204)
I have been trying for days to get this to work. Not seen one banner yet.
I have searched through 116 posts and haven't found a tutorial that I can understand. lol.

I believe it will work one day.. :)

In the included help there is a one shot tutorial to get it work. Also, there is a movie in the very first post. And, eventually, it will help to reinstall the plugin and just try it without first tweaking the settings. :)

y2ksw 03-08-2014 06:53 AM


Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman (Post 2485359)
I wish I could mark as installed more than once but can't and not all forum owners you do work for have time to mark as installed so from me to you y2ksw consider this +1 more install for a total of about 15 installs of this mod alone here in the past few months - many people are thankful for this mod :cool:.

Yeah I know. I am myself most grateful for this modification every time :D

Impromptu 03-08-2014 07:56 AM

Hey there,

Is a way, I can change the image to % rather than pixel. I have a script from a third party for a 3rd banner and is 728 x 90. This size is fine, but it looks out of place depending if you use a laptop or a full size monitor.

Note: it's a script with an image and not image, which would be easier.

<script type="text/javascript" src="http:/xwy.com/s4ANLZJZyLMWqcfzuvZcQGNd7ZgqdRLk&amp;media=13&amp; campaign=1&amp;type=10"></script>

I've tried adding width="30%"

Thanks in advance!

My Hattiesburg 03-09-2014 07:09 AM


Originally Posted by bzcomputers (Post 2485758)
I've found them to be accurate. You should be able to compare it to pageload statistics.

If you're getting that many impressions your bank account ought to be telling you it's doing well too!

Google analytics shows about 1/10 the number of pageviews compared to impressions, but I don't think google is counting all my pages. But I wouldn't think there would be that big of a disparity.

We're really just now getting started with advertising so I only have a couple up from people who own the site, but if I were to charge real clients what the stats say, I'm afraid they'd question the reliability of the stats, especially if I gave them a google analytics printout. I don't know enough about any of this to make an argument either way about what stats are more accurate.

One of the ads is actually one of mine for another company I have, and I wouldn't pay as much as the impressions say I would owe, so this has us questioning our entire pricing policy.

bzcomputers 03-09-2014 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by My Hattiesburg (Post 2486011)
Google analytics shows about 1/10 the number of pageviews compared to impressions, but I don't think google is counting all my pages. But I wouldn't think there would be that big of a disparity.

This would concern me also. I've found that if Google Analytics code is setup correctly on a vBulletin site that it is quite accurate.

I would work on this first, then once that is fixed you'll have a good baseline of pageloads to compare to, then you can work on the ad impression disparity.

As for Google Analytics here are a couple things to check on:
  • 1) Where is your code being implemented (directly in a template, within a mod)? If you are using a mod I would try going directly within a template (preferably header or footer for best results).
  • 2) Are you using the new Universal Analytics code? I've found this to be even more accurate.

y2ksw 03-10-2014 05:47 AM

Google Analytics isn't accurate on sites with more than 1000 page hits per hour. Also, it will miss all devices which have no Javascript enabled.

My Hattiesburg 03-10-2014 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by bzcomputers (Post 2486122)
This would concern me also. I've found that if Google Analytics code is setup correctly on a vBulletin site that it is quite accurate.

I would work on this first, then once that is fixed you'll have a good baseline of pageloads to compare to, then you can work on the ad impression disparity.

As for Google Analytics here are a couple things to check on:
  • 1) Where is your code being implemented (directly in a template, within a mod)? If you are using a mod I would try going directly within a template (preferably header or footer for best results).
  • 2) Are you using the new Universal Analytics code? I've found this to be even more accurate.

I inserted the google code directly into the head include template. After looking, though, I just discovered that I had not included it in another skin that I'm working on, but that skin is not used much right now.

As for all the pages not being indexed, a few months back we were getting slammed by spam bots and I'm not sure what else. Our server loads were running real high at times and at some points got so high that it shut the site down. I was looking here at vb.org for any kind of answer as well as getting our tech guy to pore over the server looking for anything that we could do to fix it. I added a couple of mods to block the spam bots and also modified my robots.txt file as someone here had recommended. After looking at the robots.txt file it's not blocking as many pages as I thought it might be so the analytics stats wasn't missing that much.

At this point I really don't know what to think. I do think that it's highly unlikely that 2 ads together are getting 1 million impressions a month on our site. Because of this we decided to offer ads on a monthly rate instead of by impressions. We were going to offer them at $1.50/thousand then changed it to $1.00 but at that rate my ad would cost me $500/month with the number of impressions it's gotten. There's no way I can justify that.

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  • ./includes/functions.php
  • ./includes/class_hook.php
  • ./includes/modsystem_functions.php
  • ./includes/class_bbcode_alt.php
  • ./includes/class_bbcode.php
  • ./includes/functions_bigthree.php 

Hooks Called:
  • init_startup
  • init_startup_session_setup_start
  • init_startup_session_setup_complete
  • cache_permissions
  • fetch_threadinfo_query
  • fetch_threadinfo
  • fetch_foruminfo
  • style_fetch
  • cache_templates
  • global_start
  • parse_templates
  • global_setup_complete
  • printthread_start
  • pagenav_page
  • pagenav_complete
  • bbcode_fetch_tags
  • bbcode_create
  • bbcode_parse_start
  • bbcode_parse_complete_precache
  • bbcode_parse_complete
  • printthread_post
  • printthread_complete