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colicab-d 01-03-2003 08:14 PM

i too am requesting access plz :D thnx

Baptizer 01-03-2003 08:28 PM

May God strike me down for asking another silly question, but I searched this thread and cannot find anything(which i am surprised...i imagine someone else asked this already).

For my vblhome page, it is not displaying the text of the articles. There does not apprear to be an option in the control panel to activate this(nor does the readme file mention it).

Am i missing something? The thread itself appears, just not the text that is in that thread....*scratches balding head*

hooolala 01-03-2003 09:18 PM

hmm... i need some help...

i got stock on step 4, i don't understand what it means by

"open vBulletin Control Panel (this i know) and a new {imageshome} replacement variable to your full website URS, like that (????? WHAT??):
Replacements > add"

Baptizer 01-03-2003 09:27 PM

In the control panel, on the left hand side, should be a REPLACEMENT section(do a 'find' for replacement if you cant find it). Then click ADD. Once you click add, do exactly as the directions say!

hooolala 01-03-2003 09:43 PM

thanx... i finish that part..

but.. i'm getting error message when i try to run my website..

this is what it says..

"Database error in vbHome 2.2.6:

Invalid SQL:
FROM thread
WHERE dateline>1041635288 AND forumid IN( )

mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near ')
' at line 4

mysql error number: 1064

Date: Friday 03rd of January 2003 03:32:11 PM
Script: http://www.vvti.net/forums/
Referer: "

please help me~~!!..

TECK 01-03-2003 09:46 PM

Did you ever considered to search this thread before you ask your question?

Baptizer 01-03-2003 09:46 PM

I had that exact same error a bit up from when you posted. Please take a look at what TECK told me. Your almost done, so do not panic!

add this line:
$articleforum = '15, 32, 48';

right after:
include_once( './global.php' );

in your index.php file (TECK, p. 163).

Instead of putting 15, 32, 48....put hte forum number that is your 'news' page.

EDIT: hey Teck, any info on my silly question? I did search the page so :)

TECK 01-03-2003 09:47 PM

Or simply set your vbHL options, since they are not cached yet by vBulletin.

TECK 01-03-2003 09:50 PM


Originally posted by Baptizer
May God strike me down for asking another silly question, but I searched this thread and cannot find anything(which i am surprised...i imagine someone else asked this already).

For my vblhome page, it is not displaying the text of the articles. There does not apprear to be an option in the control panel to activate this(nor does the readme file mention it).

Am i missing something? The thread itself appears, just not the text that is in that thread....*scratches balding head*

Ya, read the readme file about uninstall-install. I would also check the newthread.php file since probably you didn't edit it corectly. More info can be found about this issue on the support forums.

Baptizer 01-03-2003 09:56 PM

The newthread.php file is correctly done(just verified). I suppose I will just wait till you grant me access to the support forums! I'd imagine all my questions have already been answered there.

I tried the uninstall-install(re-indexing the articles) but that also did not work. Hmm....very strange...very strange indeed :(

TECK 01-03-2003 09:57 PM

You are supposed to use the vbhlindex.php file, as mentioned in the readme file.

Baptizer 01-03-2003 10:00 PM

which re-indexed the articles(or so the procedure said when i was running it).

BrettPower 01-03-2003 10:05 PM

<a href="http://www.seipelfamily.com" target="_blank">www.seipelfamily.com</a>

Can't figure this out at all...especially since it was working 24 hrs ago.


hooolala 01-03-2003 10:29 PM

thanx for helping me... (i don't know much about php coding and stuff) and i'm really sorry.. i didn't read the post on page 162.. cuz theres like 164 pages...

now i have some questions.. hope you guys can help me

1) when i upload all the files, i didn't see "newthread.php" in the zip files, is that ok?

2) the recent articles box shows up.. but theres no text in it..

please help.. thanx again

nitro 01-03-2003 10:39 PM

well iv installed it to test and seems fine i like the simplicity of it compared to vbportal

please can u grant me access to your restricted area on yor forum teck

also just 1 small question were can i find vbhl options im scratching my head (ignore this question its late an im a dumbass) :)

Baptizer 01-04-2003 12:56 AM


1) the newthread.php file is one that you already had. You need to edit your current newthread.php file and then re-upload the new edited one.

2) Strange, i am also getting the EXACT same problem. Your problem is probably occuring because you did not update the newthread.php file. Make sure you download this file, edit it, and then re-upload it. Hopefully this works out for you.....Mine is still not working :(

Baptizer 01-04-2003 01:21 AM

Are you sure my problem isnt due to something else? I have spent the past two hours looking at things on your forum, but no luck. I saw your post giving the two solutions(1. newthread.php was not edited correctly, and 2. posts already existed in the forum). Could the problem be occuring because of the fix you suggested earlier?(adding that one line to my index.php file)

Neither of these two things apply to my particular case. Can I email you my newthread.php file just so you could verify?

codewebs 01-04-2003 02:56 AM


BrettPower 01-04-2003 03:03 AM

I just had that problem in my vBulletin directory and in my PhotoPost directory. I had to wipe my domain, and restore a backup. Now everything is good-to-go.

Also, wait a while. The server may be burping, so-to-speak. I have had my server act up and show blank pages, then after a few minutes or so, they come back. In my case today, it was about an hours time, so i decided to nuke and re-pave.

Weird, though.

Good luck,

codewebs 01-04-2003 03:12 AM


codewebs 01-04-2003 03:15 AM

huh, it started working for no reason.. well ill work everything else out.. im stumped

BrettPower 01-04-2003 03:20 AM

I know that this error has been posted in this thread before, but I can not find the reply on how to resolve it.

Here is the error I am getting:

Database error in vbHome 2.2.9:

Invalid SQL:
FROM thread
WHERE dateline>1041655952 AND forumid IN( )

mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near ')
' at line 4

mysql error number: 1064

Date: Friday 03rd of January 2003 09:15:28 PM
Script: http://www.seipelfamily.com/forum/

Any suggestions?


codewebs 01-04-2003 07:29 AM

requesting access for restricted area on your forums:

username: codewebs

Archer 01-04-2003 09:13 AM

requesting access for restricted area on your forums:

username: Archer

Prince3 01-04-2003 09:39 AM

Ok, i've been nosing around your forums but my email doesn't work, so i can't register... I seem to be having the common {imageshome} thing not working :\ 1st of all, i am not stupid :)
I know how to add replacements..
I see you solved this for someone else but didn't bother putting here how you helped him..
It would be grand if you could help me on this..

Prince3 01-04-2003 09:50 AM

my username on your board is Prince2, if you could give me access to restricted area ?

Birdie501 01-04-2003 11:36 AM


i just installed vbhome lite 3.8 and after installation i got that error:?

Database error in vbHome 2.2.9:

Invalid SQL:
FROM thread
WHERE dateline>1041617778 AND forumid IN( )

mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near ')
' at line 4

mysql error number: 1064

can you help me?

TECK 01-04-2003 11:43 AM

BrettPower and Birdie501, it helps if you search the thread:

Have fun guys, is really easy to fix this problem. :)

Birdie501 01-04-2003 12:27 PM

hi TECK,
i thanks, but i think the problem was that i just installed vb 2.29 and hadn't written a thread. no i just wrote one and it works great!

Just registered at your forum, can i have access?

BrettPower 01-04-2003 04:05 PM

Can I get access to the restricted areas of teckwizards? I really need to get some good tech support!



Baptizer 01-04-2003 04:11 PM

Teck, I am still clueless....
I cannot get it to display the text in the articles!!!!! GRRR

TECK 01-04-2003 04:51 PM

Pm me the attached newthread.php and look into your thread table and tell me if articleid is present.

hooolala 01-04-2003 05:29 PM


Originally posted by Baptizer

1) the newthread.php file is one that you already had. You need to edit your current newthread.php file and then re-upload the new edited one.

2) Strange, i am also getting the EXACT same problem. Your problem is probably occuring because you did not update the newthread.php file. Make sure you download this file, edit it, and then re-upload it. Hopefully this works out for you.....Mine is still not working :(

thanx for helping me.... but.. i don't understand what do i need to edit in newthread.php file?

hooolala 01-04-2003 05:30 PM

also.. TECK

requesting access for restricted area on your forums:

username: hooolala

Baptizer 01-04-2003 05:45 PM

Hi Teck:
i sent you the newthread.php. Exaclty where do i look to see if articleid is present in the thread table?

In the readme file, it tells you specifically what to edit. Here is the section:

Open newthread.php file (located in /forum folder) and perform the code change listed below.
if (in_array($foruminfo['forumid'], explode(',', $articleforum))) {
$DB_site->query("UPDATE thread SET articleid='$postid' WHERE threadid='$threadid'");

Save the file.

TECK 01-04-2003 06:37 PM

Baptizer, open phpMyAdmin and look into table thread. The field articleid should be present there. Your newthread.php file is ok.

Baptizer 01-04-2003 06:59 PM

Hello Teck:
I looked in the THREAD table and articleid was present(articleid int(10) UNSIGNED No 0).

This is very odd......sigh. I set up a brand new testbulletin, so its not as though i have conflicting information from hacks, etc. Does this have anything to do with me having my index.php file named clan.php? I have no other ideas. No one else had these difficulties before, so this is odd.

Edit: not sure if this helps, but here is what i get when i run vbhlindex.php. It completes successfully:

Re-indexing the articles
Removing the articleid field... Done.
Adding a new articleid field... Done.

Re-indexing article 3... Done.
Re-indexing article 5... Done.
Re-indexing article 6... Done.
Re-indexing article 8... Done.
Re-indexing article 12... Done.
Re-indexing article 17... Done.

Articles re-indexed successfully.

Update completed!
The file the you need to delete: vbhlindex.php

Baptizer 01-04-2003 07:32 PM

Hello Teck,
I was able to get it working, but only by adding forum 2 to this:
$articleforum = '2,4';

The news forum is 4, but the text for that forum is not being displayed on vbhome. However, when I added forum 2, i noticed that the text was being displayed for that one. I then tried creating a new forum, and added it to the list. However, the text for that one was not showing either. Any ideas? Obviously it is working right somewhat, but it is not accepting newly created forums.(after i create a new forum, and add it to the $articleforum = '', i then ran vbhindex.php.....still nothing)

TECK 01-04-2003 07:46 PM

Just quit reindexing, this tool is made only for an old forum that have other threads, is not ment to be used on a regular basis.
I have no idea why is not working on your site, you are the only one having this problem.

Create a new forum. Then enter this ID onto the vbHL options. Save the options. Post a new thread, it will work. Quit reindexing.

And don't add anything to the vbHL files, use the default ones that came in the zip file. No $articleforum, no hacking until you get it working, ok?

AmericanWoman 01-04-2003 08:02 PM

Can anyone tell me where the variable $ articleforum is declared, because I can't get any of this script to work yet and that's the empty string that's coming up as an error...?

I've searched the global, and it's not declared there - but it's used prolifically in index.php. :(

Sorry for such a lame newbie question, but I love this hack and am so frustrated.

Another tidbit - couldn't install this to the root of the web server yet, as it's a working site. Created a dev directory with a duplicate of the existing vBB code and database...

Oh, wait, might have just answered my own question. I didn't edit the install code...could be I just installed the extra stuff to the live database instead of my test...dangit. :(

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