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-   -   New Posting Features - [DBTech] Advanced Post Thanks / Like v3 (vB4) [AJAX] (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=243510)

MarkFL 08-21-2015 02:46 AM


Originally Posted by friendlymela (Post 2553369)
WAITING for someone reply

It may take more than 20 minutes for you to get a reply. :)

friendlymela 08-21-2015 02:51 AM


Originally Posted by MarkFL (Post 2553370)
It may take more than 20 minutes for you to get a reply. :)

so do u know the solution of the mentioned matter?

friendlymela 08-21-2015 05:00 AM

Well i have solved the matter .. It was the permission issue .. anyways thanks

fxsuccess 09-12-2015 02:03 AM

Not working here.. :(
Thanks button not showing in post or reply.

Alan_SP 09-20-2015 11:20 AM

This mod can affect reputation if you want so and it uses notifications that are built in vB4.

DragonByte Tech 09-23-2015 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by X-or (Post 2555222)
there's a nasty bug, recalculating reputation in maintenance will not update reputation rank

I don't understand why this mod does not use the normal reputation and notification systems built into vb

this leads to a lot of unnecessary issues and bugs

This is not a bug, all this mod does is allow you to add to the reputation power via the button clicks, it does not interfere with ranks at all.

Sorry, but what you suggest won't work :(


DragonByte Tech 09-27-2015 10:41 PM

You are of course entitled to your opinion, as I'm entitled to disagree with you :)


msmith79 10-10-2015 02:20 AM

I have the PRO version. How do I place the Like button right next to the postbit controls "Reply" "Reply With Quote" ?

I've searched the thread but haven't come across the answer.

Thank you.

Krazeguy 10-11-2015 07:11 AM

I can't seem to find any information on adding Post Thanks to mobile themes. It doesn't appear to be a feature in the pro version either. Any suggestions?

Using the Metro Mobile @ themeforest

Conehead555 11-18-2015 05:17 PM


Import Likes: Import script to import "likes" from vBSEO.
Where is this option?

DragonByte Tech 11-18-2015 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by msmith79 (Post 2556718)
I have the PRO version. How do I place the Like button right next to the postbit controls "Reply" "Reply With Quote" ?

I've searched the thread but haven't come across the answer.

Thank you.

Pro support queries need to be posted in our Pro support forums :)


Originally Posted by Krazeguy (Post 2556768)
I can't seem to find any information on adding Post Thanks to mobile themes. It doesn't appear to be a feature in the pro version either. Any suggestions?

Using the Metro Mobile @ themeforest

There is no mobile support at this time, sorry :(


Originally Posted by Conehead555 (Post 2558944)
Where is this option?

You can find the information in the "readme_import.txt" file that is supplied with the product :)


Conehead555 11-18-2015 05:23 PM

Just found it, thanks. :)

DragonByte Tech 12-07-2015 05:59 PM

Advanced Post Thanks / Like v3.4.0

New Features:

Thread Bump On Click
  • Ability to enable/disable thread bumping when you click a button
  • Controlled via vBulletin Options
  • (Pro) Can be enabled/disabled per button

Button Click Count: Show Thread
  • Display a block above the post list (showthread.php) with button click counts
  • Controlled via vBulletin Options
  • (Pro) Drop-down with the top 5 clicked posts

Button Click Count: Forum Display
  • Display a block above the thread list (forumdisplay.php) with button click counts
  • Controlled via vBulletin Options
  • (Pro) Drop-down with the top 5 clicked threads


akz645 12-07-2015 09:50 PM

Please provide some screenshots of these new feature (especially the PRO features).


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2559913)
Thread Bump On Click
  • Ability to enable/disable thread bumping when you click a button
  • Controlled via vBulletin Options
  • (Pro) Can be enabled/disabled per button

What button? I don't see any button.
I tried pressing like on the posts within the thread, that didn't bump it either.


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2559913)
Button Click Count: Show Thread
  • Display a block above the post list (showthread.php) with button click counts
  • Controlled via vBulletin Options
  • (Pro) Drop-down with the top 5 clicked posts
Button Click Count: Forum Display
  • Display a block above the thread list (forumdisplay.php) with button click counts
  • Controlled via vBulletin Options
  • (Pro) Drop-down with the top 5 clicked threads

Can I see how the drop down looks like?

I think it (the count) would be better horizontally as opposed to vertically. So perhaps an option to change how/where it's displayed?



1) Currently the button count displays for all buttons. A new setting for us to pick which button count we want to appear in a specific forum section.

2) Have the button(s) statistics count appear for a single thread.
Over here: http://i.imgur.com/SwtqSyR.png
So just below where replies/views appears. Plus it would be great if we could arrange threads (ascending/descending order) based on the button statistics count (e.g: highest to lowest liked threads).
^The specific button(s) that appear in a specific forums should be dependant on a new adminCP setting.

3) Likewise, to arrange posts based on the button statistics count (e.g: highest to lowest thanked posts).

DragonByte Tech 12-18-2015 08:54 PM

Advanced Post Thanks / Like v3.4.0 Patch Level 1

Bug Fixes:
  • Resolved issues with the new "Button Click List" block


DragonByte Tech 12-18-2015 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by akz645 (Post 2559927)
Please provide some screenshots of these new feature (especially the PRO features).

What button? I don't see any button.
I tried pressing like on the posts within the thread, that didn't bump it either.

Can I see how the drop down looks like?

I think it (the count) would be better horizontally as opposed to vertically. So perhaps an option to change how/where it's displayed?



1) Currently the button count displays for all buttons. A new setting for us to pick which button count we want to appear in a specific forum section.

2) Have the button(s) statistics count appear for a single thread.
Over here: http://i.imgur.com/SwtqSyR.png
So just below where replies/views appears. Plus it would be great if we could arrange threads (ascending/descending order) based on the button statistics count (e.g: highest to lowest liked threads).
^The specific button(s) that appear in a specific forums should be dependant on a new adminCP setting.

3) Likewise, to arrange posts based on the button statistics count (e.g: highest to lowest thanked posts).

Hi there, would it be possible for you to re-post this over @ our forum? As you can tell, it's difficult for us to provide adequate support here @ vBulletin.org due to the way the notification system works on this site.

Thank you, and sorry for the delay in getting back to you :(


DragonByte Tech 01-11-2016 07:52 PM

Advanced Post Thanks / Like v3.4.1

New Features:

(Pro) Button Click Counter: Per-Button Disable
  • Each individual button can be disabled from the Total Click Counter above threads and posts
  • Controlled by editing each individual button and changing the relevant setting

Bug Fixes:
  • If a button is disabled in a forum, it will no longer show up in that forum?s click counter


immolator 01-12-2016 05:22 PM

Using the skin called BlueSaint I have the following issue... using the latest version 3.4.1 (it also didn't work with previous versions)


Any help??

DragonByte Tech 01-18-2016 04:51 PM

This is most commonly the result of CSS settings, namely the background attribute of the .postbitlegacy .postfoot .textcontrols a, .postbit .postfoot .textcontrols a, .eventbit .eventfoot .eventcontrols a { CSS class, in postbit.css.
To fix it, please try the following steps:

Step 1) Remove all the contents of the postbit_control_background StyleVar.
Step 2) If that didn't fix it, please enter the postbit.css file and find the .postbitlegacy .postfoot .textcontrols a, .postbit .postfoot .textcontrols a, .eventbit .eventfoot .eventcontrols a { CSS class, and remove the background: definition.

Hope that helps :)


immolator 01-22-2016 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2562903)
This is most commonly the result of CSS settings, namely the background attribute of the .postbitlegacy .postfoot .textcontrols a, .postbit .postfoot .textcontrols a, .eventbit .eventfoot .eventcontrols a { CSS class, in postbit.css.
To fix it, please try the following steps:

Step 1) Remove all the contents of the postbit_control_background StyleVar.
Step 2) If that didn't fix it, please enter the postbit.css file and find the .postbitlegacy .postfoot .textcontrols a, .postbit .postfoot .textcontrols a, .eventbit .eventfoot .eventcontrols a { CSS class, and remove the background: definition.

Hope that helps :)


Thanks very much for trying to help but neither of these made any difference :(

abouobaide 03-03-2016 07:05 AM

thx work fine in 4.2.3

its very helpful to add Guest clicking supported and reproduce an issue that allows guests to click

Cla75 03-03-2016 12:09 PM

I have vbulletin 4.2.3. BUT the new version Advanced Post Thanks / Like v3.4.1 not work :-(

Click on the button like or thanks but nothing happens

thanks for support

old version 3.3.2 work but I have overwritten and I can not find the download

DragonByte Tech 03-03-2016 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by abouobaide (Post 2566422)
thx work fine in 4.2.3

its very helpful to add Guest clicking supported and reproduce an issue that allows guests to click

We have no plans to add guest clicking at this time, sorry :(


Originally Posted by Cla75 (Post 2566441)
I have vbulletin 4.2.3. BUT the new version Advanced Post Thanks / Like v3.4.1 not work :-(

Click on the button like or thanks but nothing happens

thanks for support

old version 3.3.2 work but I have overwritten and I can not find the download

Could you please inspect your server's error log to see if there's any PHP errors?


Celtkin 03-13-2016 01:21 PM

I've read that the plugin integrates with the native reputation system, but I'm finding that since migrating from Abe's plugin, thanks are no longer showing up on the "Latest Reputation Received" section in the user's settings.

Is this normal, or do I need to run a maintenance task or something?

DragonByte Tech 03-13-2016 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by Celtkin (Post 2567113)
I've read that the plugin integrates with the native reputation system, but I'm finding that since migrating from Abe's plugin, thanks are no longer showing up on the "Latest Reputation Received" section in the user's settings.

Is this normal, or do I need to run a maintenance task or something?

Hi there,

That is normal, this mod does not add itself to the reputation log, and rebuilding the reputation via vB's maintenance page will erase APTL's reputation gains. However, APTL includes its own maintenance task to re-add those gains if you have ran the rebuild tool.


astra121 03-13-2016 02:27 PM

Thank you very much, although it was necessary to file, but finally achieved what they wanted!

Spika 03-21-2016 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2189283)
That's a Pro-only feature :)


This feature must be in lite version :(

DragonByte Tech 03-21-2016 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by Spika (Post 2567768)
This feature must be in lite version :(

If we gave away every feature in the Lite version, we would not still be in business :)


Scream And Fly 03-27-2016 04:41 AM

I have the Pro version installed on my site at www.screamandfly.com.
I love the features but my only issue with it is, it's very slow. If you press "like" or "thanks" sometimes it will take several seconds (literally) for the 'like' action to register.

Is this how it normally is or is there something wrong? Other than this, it works as it should. I just wish so badly that it was faster.

Thank you,

DragonByte Tech 03-27-2016 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by Scream And Fly (Post 2568066)
I have the Pro version installed on my site at www.screamandfly.com.
I love the features but my only issue with it is, it's very slow. If you press "like" or "thanks" sometimes it will take several seconds (literally) for the 'like' action to register.

Is this how it normally is or is there something wrong? Other than this, it works as it should. I just wish so badly that it was faster.

Thank you,

As this has also been posted @ our site, it'll be answered there :)


Scream And Fly 03-27-2016 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2568081)
As this has also been posted @ our site, it'll be answered there :)


Thank you so much Fillip, I will check your recommendations. I appreciate your very fast reply!


DragonByte Tech 03-28-2016 10:10 PM

Advanced Post Thanks / Like v3.5.0

New Features:

Button Configuration
  • Buttons can now be marked as "positive" ratings via a yes/no switch
  • Used for the Pro-only "Rich Snippets" feature, may have other uses in the future

(Pro) Rich Snippets
  • Threads now (optionally) include microdata for displaying star ratings in search results based on button clicks
  • Can be disabled via vBulletin Options

Changed Features:
  • Improved performance of the Show Thread "top clicks" feature

Bug Fixes:
  • The "top clicks" block would not display the total amount of button clicks in the thread


ggrimes620 03-29-2016 02:44 PM

Updated and works perfectly as always.


Cody.9791 03-31-2016 10:45 PM

Installed. Works awesome!

DragonByte Tech 04-07-2016 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by X-or (Post 2568549)
Was the bug where reputation ranks were not updated when rebuilding reputation and thanks fixed?

Thank you.

Hi there,

That's not a bug, it wasn't possible to fully integrate with the reputation system so a maintenance action was added to APTL to re-add any reputation points lost if you accidentally rebuilt reputation in vBulletin :)


ne_one 04-08-2016 11:36 PM

I suspect that this has likely come up before but I wasn't able to find any similar reports in earlier posts.

Here's the issue that I'm encountering (vB 4.2.3, mod v3.5.0):

When the "Thank for this post" link is clicked, the corresponding user title changes to "Guest", the Avatar is replaced with the default image and the thanks total and list is not refreshed. Once the page is reloaded everything appears as expected.

Any ideas?

DragonByte Tech 04-09-2016 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by ne_one (Post 2568687)
I suspect that this has likely come up before but I wasn't able to find any similar reports in earlier posts.

Here's the issue that I'm encountering (vB 4.2.3, mod v3.5.0):

When the "Thank for this post" link is clicked, the corresponding user title changes to "Guest", the Avatar is replaced with the default image and the thanks total and list is not refreshed. Once the page is reloaded everything appears as expected.

Any ideas?

Hi there,

No-one has reported a similar issue in the past, leading me to believe this is a mod conflict. Could you please try disabling all other modifications leaving only this mod enabled?


ne_one 04-10-2016 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2568701)
No-one has reported a similar issue in the past, leading me to believe this is a mod conflict. Could you please try disabling all other modifications leaving only this mod enabled?

It appears that the primary conflict is with:

More Share Options: The Next Generation - By BOP5


Once this mod is disabled the postbit remains intact and the name of the user that contributed the thank appears as expected.

Any chance that there is a known workaround?

ne_one 04-10-2016 09:20 PM

This is unrelated but something else I wanted to ask about:

While testing, I inadvertently thanked a message using an admin account. I now notice that it is possible to prevent this from happening.

Is there any way to remove or hide the admin thank?

DragonByte Tech 04-11-2016 01:27 AM


Originally Posted by ne_one (Post 2568745)
It appears that the primary conflict is with:

More Share Options: The Next Generation - By BOP5


Once this mod is disabled the postbit remains intact and the name of the user that contributed the thank appears as expected.

Any chance that there is a known workaround?

Can you try turning off Post Refresh in the vBulletin Options for APTL?


Originally Posted by ne_one (Post 2568746)
This is unrelated but something else I wanted to ask about:

While testing, I inadvertently thanked a message using an admin account. I now notice that it is possible to prevent this from happening.

Is there any way to remove or hide the admin thank?

I believe deleting entries via the ACP is a Pro-only feature, are you able to search for entries in the Lite version?

Sorry but with 75+ products it's hard for me to keep the Lite/Pro split in my head for all of them :(


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