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da420 11-27-2006 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by itsatonline (Post 1126360)
please viwe topic #2399
for help me

It's whining about the 'shout' table already existing.

Did you have this installed before? If you currently have it installed, try uninstalling and trying it again. If you don't have it installed, go into phpmyadmin and delete the 'shout' table, and try installing again.

Hopefully that works, cuz I have no other ideas.

djjeffa 11-28-2006 12:09 AM


Originally Posted by Shazz (Post 1126104)
ITs AJAX, it does it automatically

ok well any advice or tips on lowering the server load?
i set it that only reg members could veiw but is ther any thing else i could do?

Shazz 11-28-2006 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by djjeffa (Post 1126860)
ok well any advice or tips on lowering the server load?
i set it that only reg members could veiw but is ther any thing else i could do?

Don't let Images or smilies
And pruning the shoutbox every so often :D

djjeffa 11-28-2006 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by Shazz (Post 1126862)
Don't let Images or smilies
And pruning the shoutbox every so often :D

i hate to sond stupid but i am lol
how do i prun it and how often should i do it?

thanks :)

Shazz 11-28-2006 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by djjeffa (Post 1127171)
i hate to sond stupid but i am lol
how do i prun it and how often should i do it?

thanks :)

I would do it whenver it got Really full like pages and pages

Trana 11-28-2006 12:33 PM

That doesn't do very much to decrease the processor and bandwidth utilization on the server.

itsatonline 11-28-2006 01:27 PM

Sorosh Hesami
Nov 28th '06 09:57am
when i want to upload vb shot products i see the data base eror
what shuld i donow for improt this product?
i check the thanks product it import easy
but vbshutnot import?whats the problrm?

Invalid SQL:
CREATE TABLE `shout` (
`sid` int(15) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`s_by` int(15) NOT NULL default '0',
`s_time` int(15) NOT NULL default '0',
`s_shout` text NOT NULL,
`s_data` text NOT NULL,
`s_me` tinyint(2) NOT NULL default '0',

MySQL Error : Table 'shout' already exists
Error Number : 1050
Date : Tuesday, November 28th 2006 @ 06:21:52 PM
Script : http://www.itsat.org/forum/admincp/p...=productimport
Referrer : http://www.itsat.org/forum/admincp/p...?do=productadd

readjono 11-28-2006 02:07 PM

Is there any way of making a scheduled task to turn this on and off at set times?

Shazz 11-28-2006 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by readjono (Post 1127269)
Is there any way of making a scheduled task to turn this on and off at set times?

Turn the shoutbox on and off at certain times... Almost to disable a plugin on and off at schedule task

karthik123 11-29-2006 12:25 AM

first of all, thanks for the great hack ..

The smilies dont work at all for me .. I hav set 'Allow bbcode/smilies' to 'yes' in settings .. they do appear when one clicks on the 'Smilies' button .. but then when u try to 'shout' it .. it jus shows up as :smile: or :emot39: ...
i am not able to figure out why the smilies dont work .. members are unhappy abt it ..
any help wud be much appreciated!

itsatonline 11-29-2006 09:55 AM

i deleted all table shout and try installed plugin vbshout
but error data base viwed me
Invalid SQL:
CREATE TABLE `shout` (
`sid` int(15) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`s_by` int(15) NOT NULL default '0',
`s_time` int(15) NOT NULL default '0',
`s_shout` text NOT NULL,
`s_data` text NOT NULL,
`s_me` tinyint(2) NOT NULL default '0',

MySQL Error : Table 'shout' already exists
Error Number : 1050
Date : Tuesday, November 28th 2006 @ 06:21:52 PM
Script : http://www.itsat.org/forum/admincp/p...=productimport
Referrer : http://www.itsat.org/forum/admincp/p...?do=productadd
please help

TheBlackPoet 11-29-2006 08:21 PM

man i have to tell you... imiss this hack.... my members are spoiled over it... but like the man said.. IT IS SERVER INTENSIVE... my host company server crashed my site a couple of times...
is there any way that, this can be remedied....??

Trana 11-29-2006 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by TheBlackPoet (Post 1128284)
man i have to tell you... imiss this hack.... my members are spoiled over it... but like the man said.. IT IS SERVER INTENSIVE... my host company server crashed my site a couple of times...
is there any way that, this can be remedied....??

The v2.1 flat file update is a lot easier on server load.

da420 11-29-2006 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by Trana (Post 1128303)
The v2.1 flat file update is a lot easier on server load.

Indeed. Much, Much better. My server load dropped by about 300%...

dina 11-30-2006 01:37 PM

I've just installed the flat file because of problems with the server load, but I was also wondering if it's possible for users to turn the shoutbox on/off in their profile? So that users who don't use the shoutbox won't cause increased server load.
I'd rather not have to split the Registered users user group in half because of the shoutbox.

da420 11-30-2006 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by dina (Post 1128729)
I've just installed the flat file because of problems with the server load, but I was also wondering if it's possible for users to turn the shoutbox on/off in their profile? So that users who don't use the shoutbox won't cause increased server load.
I'd rather not have to split the Registered users user group in half because of the shoutbox.

No there is no way, the way it stands now, for a user to turn it off.

<MG>CP 11-30-2006 07:21 PM

Tried searching with no luck, similies are not appearing in our vBShout. They are in the right directory. Anyone familiar with this problem. Thanks in advance for any help.

xKillswitchx 11-30-2006 08:07 PM

Thanks for an update. Now, if only upgrading didn't wipe out the Top Shouters and other stats... ;)

Also, I just installed the latest version on 3.6.4 and upon posting the first two shouts, I recieved error emails from my site, but the shouts were posted...


Invalid SQL:

select s.*, u.username, u.usergroupid from vb3shout s
left join vb3user u on (u.userid = s.s_by)
order by s.sid desc limit;

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 3
Error Number : 1064

Shazz 11-30-2006 08:26 PM

Ive found so much numerous bugs in both versions..
Such as the codes. people can change the font size to 99 and you can't do anything about it.. Unless you fix the vbshout.php which Ive done

Shazz 12-01-2006 12:36 AM

so i was playin around, look at my so COOL shoutbox


wolfyman 12-01-2006 02:31 AM

Does anyone have a clue as to how I could turn this thing off at a preset time?

I have a video chat that I only have open from 8-midnight, so I'd like to turn this off at 8PM automatically and leave a link directing my visitors to the other chat.

Shazz 12-01-2006 02:32 AM


Originally Posted by wolfyman (Post 1129155)
Does anyone have a clue as to how I could turn this thing off at a preset time?

I have a video chat that I only have open from 8-midnight, so I'd like to turn this off at 8PM automatically and leave a link directing my visitors to the other chat.

Id use Schdule task
and somehow use a code to run it :cross-eyed:

wolfyman 12-02-2006 05:27 AM


Originally Posted by Shazz (Post 1129156)
Id use Schdule task
and somehow use a code to run it :cross-eyed:

I know how to schedule a task if someone shows me what to schedule it to do!

rogersnm 12-03-2006 08:54 AM

you would need to alter the topions table and then rebuild the bit fields.

wolfyman 12-03-2006 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by rogersnm (Post 1130613)
you would need to alter the topions table and then rebuild the bit fields.

I'm completely unfamiliar with mysql - if I had a query, or a line to copy and paste, I could do it, but that's the extent of my skill in that arena.

Can anyone pllllllease help?

MrPHD 12-03-2006 02:46 PM

Working on my web site 100%. thanks

karthik123 12-06-2006 12:20 AM

As an anti-spam I want to allow only those users who have more than 25 posts to shout in the shout-box .. Is there a way to do it?
I am not familiar with MYSQL though I know a little PHP .. any help?

obmob 12-06-2006 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by da420 (Post 1125802)
Not on mine. I added the time stamps and alls well.

2.1 with time stamps... how do you do that? :surprised:

da420 12-06-2006 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by obmob (Post 1133290)
2.1 with time stamps... how do you do that? :surprised:


Shazz 12-06-2006 08:34 PM

^That vBshout.php has the same amount of errors..

CyberRanger 12-07-2006 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by karthik123 (Post 1127723)
first of all, thanks for the great hack ..

The smilies dont work at all for me .. I hav set 'Allow bbcode/smilies' to 'yes' in settings .. they do appear when one clicks on the 'Smilies' button .. but then when u try to 'shout' it .. it jus shows up as :smile: or :emot39: ...
i am not able to figure out why the smilies dont work .. members are unhappy abt it ..
any help wud be much appreciated!

Recent install on vb3.6.4. Same problem. Smilies don't parse. :cross-eyed:

rogersnm 12-08-2006 11:44 AM

Go into vB Options -> User Profile. And check the bbcode/smilie options there.

CyberRanger 12-08-2006 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by rogersnm (Post 1134475)
Go into vB Options -> User Profile. And check the bbcode/smilie options there.

Thanks! That was the problem.:)

maidos 12-08-2006 01:22 PM

the vbshout 2.1 is lagging alot, and my members allways complaint that the shoutbox happends to show blank page where it says


whatever the script is extremly slow, please fix that thanks

Shazz 12-08-2006 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by maidos (Post 1134518)
the vbshout 2.1 is lagging alot, and my members allways complaint that the shoutbox happends to show blank page where it says


whatever the script is extremly slow, please fix that thanks

Its not supported. =l
In your case I would just go back to 2.0

Meeks 12-09-2006 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by Shazz (Post 1128969)
Ive found so much numerous bugs in both versions..
Such as the codes. people can change the font size to 99 and you can't do anything about it.. Unless you fix the vbshout.php which Ive done

Why would you not give credit where credit is due? Instead you credit yourself, lol. That's funny. For the record, Shazz is using MY modified vbshout.php. I fixed it because it did allow all bbcode by default which included several possibly malicious bbcodes. Also in my version, I limit the size of the message to 300 chars. The most important fix: strip_tags(). Be default, the original vbshout.php allowed html in the posts. This could be VERY dangerous in the wrong hands.

If you are interested in my fixes, I will be glad to share.

Shazz 12-09-2006 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by Meeks (Post 1135153)
Why would you not give credit where credit is due? Instead you credit yourself, lol. That's funny. For the record, Shazz is using MY modified vbshout.php. I fixed it because it did allow all bbcode by default which included several possibly malicious bbcodes. Also in my version, I limit the size of the message to 300 chars. The most important fix: strip_tags(). Be default, the original vbshout.php allowed html in the posts. This could be VERY dangerous in the wrong hands.

If you are interested in my fixes, I will be glad to share.

Im using some..
Not all but I still should have credited you sorry

iran.gs 12-10-2006 10:51 PM

i got a problem, how do u clean or prone ? i got like 3000 and i want to delete them all or is there an obtion to delete after 2 days old ones ?

Murty 12-11-2006 08:24 PM

Hey guys, just if your interested. I installed this on vb 3.6.4 and it seems to be working fine.

Cynthdivide 12-12-2006 01:10 PM

Running this on vB 3.6.4.. at bloodcouncil.com.

Works PERFECT. Thank you very much Zero Tolerance!

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