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-   -   Major Additions - vBExperience 4 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=245023)

Alan_SP 04-16-2012 08:07 AM

I have this instructions:


To remove vBExperience completly, you will have to copy "ZIP\extras\Remove vBExperience\upload\admincp\kill_xperience.php" to AdminCP and execute it. After a confirmation dialog all vBExperience tables will be completely removed. Afterwards you will have to remove the product and all files via FTP.
This is reversed from what you're saying. Not that I'm saying your way doesn't work, but this is serious question, how to uninstall vBExperience successfully?

exportforce 04-21-2012 08:47 AM

I am desperately looking for a log per user to search for stuff.
For example: One user is not getting the 7 days registered Achievement even though he is already 11 days registered. All other users do get it.

Do the registered points per day only count when a player logs in, so it is not "7 days registered" but "7different days logged in"?

Can the "hide status" produce this ?

(Just checked: He only has 8 points. I would guess the registered only counts days which he is logged in. I also let the system recalculate all points)

edit: 23.04.2012
I just noticed that he doesn't even have activity bars on his posts, but all others do.
Please not that I did already let run all checks already

The System seems to count backwards on him.

Now we are even getting MySQL Errors:

Database error in vBulletin 4.1.10:

Invalid SQL:
FROM xperience_achievements_issues AS xi
INNER JOIN user AS us ON us.userid=xi.userid
INNER JOIN xperience_achievements AS xa ON xa.achievementid=xi.achievementid
WHERE xi.dateline>1332543600 AND xi.dateline<1335218399

ORDER BY xi.dateline DESC

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 12
Error Number : 1064
Request Date : Monday, April 23rd 2012 @ 05:53:48 PM
Error Date : Monday, April 23rd 2012 @ 05:53:48 PM
edit 24.04.2012
I also posted this on vbaddict.com but my post is in moderation and phalynx is sometimes online but not doing stuff or answering at least *sigh* I don't want to disable it, but I am under heavy pressure.

K!nG 04-24-2012 02:12 AM

I just updated to latest version and after doing all the steps when i tried to do "Recount" for "Update Experience Points" i get a database error which is as follows, If anyone can help me with this one i will really appreciate that. Thanks

Database error in vBulletin 4.1.12:

Invalid SQL:
UPDATE xperience_stats
points_xperience=11897,points_threads=846,points_t hread_votes=100,points_thread_replycount=875,point s_thread_views=1861,points_thread_stickies=600,poi nts_posts=2980,points_post_avg=2,points_post_attac hment=786,points_misc_events=0,points_threads_sg=0 ,points_posts_sg=0,points_post_attachment_views=0, points_user_profile=0,points_post_den=263,points_u ser_law=0,points_user_infractions=0,points_user_re putation=0,points_user_reputation_use=0,points_use r_online=1035,points_user_referrals=75,points_misc _custom=0,points_user_socialgroup=0,points_thread_ tags=319,points_thread_rate=0,points_user_friends= 24,points_user_visitormessages=10,points_user_albu mpictures=12,points_misc_ldm=0,points_misc_dl2=0,p oints_misc_vbblog=1746,points_misc_vbcms=625,point s_misc_ppd=0,points_misc=2371,points_thread=4602,p oints_post=3766,points_user=1157,points_xperience= 11897,points_shop=0,points_misc_ibparcadechamps=0, points_user_activity=100,points_user_activity30=10 0,points_user_activity7=100,points_level=71,promot ed=0,
WHERE userid=1;

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'points_misc_ibparcadechamps' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Monday, April 23rd 2012 @ 10:09:33 PM
Error Date : Monday, April 23rd 2012 @ 10:09:34 PM
Script : http://www.-------.com/admincp/xperi...min_recount_xp
Referrer : http://www.-------.com/admincp/xperi...php?do=recount
IP Address : xx.xxx.xx.xx
Username : MY$
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.92-community

exportforce 04-24-2012 08:04 AM

The Problem for you is easy. You use a plugin for Experience for the Arcadehall. You need to reinstall that plugin again, too

dog-tag 04-25-2012 03:06 PM

wow 160 pages, don't know where to look!

I would like to ask a very simple question if you guys don't mind answering please -

"How can an admin give points to a user?"

I would like to reward a user with some points, but the only thing I can see is give away points. I don't know how to just add them to somebody's account.


Look for the experience label on the cpadmin sidebar (I couldn't see this)
Inside click manage custom points, and then fill in the details.

Silly question when you know the answer, hope that helps someone else!

exportforce 04-25-2012 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by dog-tag (Post 2323404)
wow 160 pages, don't know where to look!

I would like to ask a very simple question if you guys don't mind answering please -

"How can an admin give points to a user?"

I would like to reward a user with some points, but the only thing I can see is give away points. I don't know how to just add them to somebody's account.

P.S Bump for a fantastic piece of coding!

If you just "generate" points you fail the system.
Give away your own points to the user and don't cheat the system. :)

markopete 04-30-2012 07:14 AM

The plugin appears to be working great, I do have a question about how best to make use of its abilitys.

I am going to run an ongoing competition month to month for my members, 1st and second prizes for best posts for the month.

Can anyone how I might best do this, is it posssible or even required to zero out the points for each member every month or is there another way of tracking posts month to month.

Any hints or suggestions would be much appreciated.



exportforce 04-30-2012 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by markopete (Post 2324799)
The plugin appears to be working great, I do have a question about how best to make use of its abilitys.

I am going to run an ongoing competition month to month for my members, 1st and second prizes for best posts for the month.

Can anyone how I might best do this, is it posssible or even required to zero out the points for each member every month or is there another way of tracking posts month to month.

Any hints or suggestions would be much appreciated.



Check your Rankings. You have the same bug as I have on ALL my boards. Sadly Phalynx is not replying to that error. http://audioforbooks.com/forums/xper...php?go=ranking
Place 1. Look for other users. The Addon takes one user and gives him lots of points from others and counts that as a manual transaction form user A to user B.
It can happen that a user gets into minus and then it creates DB errors.

Phalynx 05-02-2012 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by dog-tag (Post 2323404)
wow 160 pages, don't know where to look!

I would like to ask a very simple question if you guys don't mind answering please -

"How can an admin give points to a user?"

I would like to reward a user with some points, but the only thing I can see is give away points. I don't know how to just add them to somebody's account.


Look for the experience label on the cpadmin sidebar (I couldn't see this)
Inside click manage custom points, and then fill in the details.

Silly question when you know the answer, hope that helps someone else!

That's right, under Manage Custom Points you can give the users extra points, even take away points from them by putting negative values in it. I'm using it on some forums for myself to deduct points because of pinned threads.


Originally Posted by markopete (Post 2324799)
The plugin appears to be working great, I do have a question about how best to make use of its abilitys.

I am going to run an ongoing competition month to month for my members, 1st and second prizes for best posts for the month.

Can anyone how I might best do this, is it posssible or even required to zero out the points for each member every month or is there another way of tracking posts month to month.

Any hints or suggestions would be much appreciated.



Not implemented, but could be realised with an CDP Addon.


Originally Posted by exportforce (Post 2324841)
Check your Rankings. You have the same bug as I have on ALL my boards. Sadly Phalynx is not replying to that error. http://audioforbooks.com/forums/xper...php?go=ranking
Place 1. Look for other users. The Addon takes one user and gives him lots of points from others and counts that as a manual transaction form user A to user B.
It can happen that a user gets into minus and then it creates DB errors.

Please stop spreading wrong informations.
Your SQL Error resulted in wrong use of the achievements limit in the settings.

Also I cannot confirm any bug that is putting points from one user to another. Flooding me with postings and visitor messages here and on vbaddict does not help. Whenever I don't have time for support, I simply don't have time. The amount of postings does not change this.


Originally Posted by exportforce (Post 2323446)
If you just "generate" points you fail the system.
Give away your own points to the user and don't cheat the system. :)

Another wrong information from you. Giving points via AdminCP adds points to exactly one user, it does not mix anything.

K!nG 05-02-2012 07:02 PM

Hello everyone,

i am running 4.1.12 and recently updated to latest version and after that day "overall activity" of all users and admins is "0%" Can anyone help me with that one ??? Thanks

markopete 05-02-2012 09:15 PM


Not implemented, but could be realised with an CDP Addon
Thanks for your response but could you clarify what you mean by CDP Addon?

bryanb 05-03-2012 09:27 AM

Hi guys. I posted this in January and still have not figured this out. Can anyone give me some advice on how to fix this? Thanks!


Originally Posted by bryanb (Post 2290239)
I am having an odd problem. Some members' "Achievements" are not showing up in the postbits below their rank. It has nothing to do with their user group since many other members of the same user group display achievements there. These members have achievements which are displayed in their user profile.


exportforce 05-04-2012 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 2325520)
Please stop spreading wrong informations.
Your SQL Error resulted in wrong use of the achievements limit in the settings.

Also I cannot confirm any bug that is putting points from one user to another. Flooding me with postings and visitor messages here and on vbaddict does not help. [B]Whenever I don't have time for support, I simply don't have time. The amount of postings does not change this.

On 2 boards I did NOT! edit any achievements and yet I have the problem that the system puts points from User A to User B.

On another board only an admin gets tons of points but almost no one else.
On my boards I have to admin for others I have similar problems and also other forums which I take a look at also seem to have similar "bugs".

Else you seem not to have read my problems fully.
A user which is registered a longer time has, as only one, not that 7 days registered (standard settings for everything!) and went into a huge minus.
But another user which is only rarely active gets almost all the points distributed.

Since I don't have any full log to check everything I can not give any more details.

About my comment of "failing the system" I think it is fail.
Because generating points fails it, because there are more points in the system than it generates which makes it useless. Thats just my thought.

And sorry. You have been online on a daily basis on vbaddict and just a small "I will look into it in about 2 weeks" would have sufficed and I would know. But just blindly ignoring it is anything but nice. Also thus I thought you don't care I had to disable the addon for the time being because on the boards I only do admin and not own.

Hope you might find some time.

Alan_SP 05-04-2012 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by bryanb (Post 2325753)
Hi guys. I posted this in January and still have not figured this out. Can anyone give me some advice on how to fix this? Thanks!

I have same problem. My "solution" is that I stopped showing things there. :(

Tru Smiles 05-08-2012 08:38 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Hey guys. This is a great mod and I've been playing around with it.

One thing I've noticed is that my user profiles don't look right, or look like what they're supposed to. Is there an easy way to fix this without manually going through all the templates?

Attached a pic to show what I mean! Thanks!

Edit: I'm gonna guess it's because I'm using vB 4.0.6, but I haven't upgraded my owned license and don't want to just yet ^_^

owning_y0u 05-08-2012 04:04 PM

Scores are not callculated correct..

f.e. i have 2 members that have 100% positive feedback on itrader, one with 31 feedbacks and 1 with 29 feedbacks but xperience grants the awards to the one with 29 feedbacks.

While this of course should be to 31 feedbacks.

Onkeltyson 05-08-2012 06:16 PM

Very very nice hack ;-) Thanks

vinkenier 05-10-2012 12:09 PM

I'm looking for a dutch translation.
Where can it be found please?

uspange 05-14-2012 06:36 AM

never mind, it just solved itself without any interaction ;)

thx for that add-on, i like it very much ;) I have done a fresh install on friday and set everything up, no errors. But the activity for my users is still at 0%, point and level are displayed correctly. Should I just wait or might that be an error?

DonosOdD 05-15-2012 02:09 PM

I have a problem.

My users purchase any item and later on they're given back their spent points.

I'm using DBTech's vbShop system. I had to switch to vbShop because Point Market lacks support and it stopped working for me.

Can you help?

tidus78 05-15-2012 06:06 PM

Can I show trophy list on the right side of user's profile?

HondaATC 05-17-2012 01:21 PM

Can someone explain to me how users might lose points? I'm having some issues with this on my forum and I can't figure out what the formula for that is or what causes it.

Jncocontrol 05-19-2012 02:48 AM

Is there a way to remove the "Experiance" tap in the navigation bar?

Jace0fspad3z 05-20-2012 04:45 PM

Just wanted to say thanks to the authors for this - It's exactly what I was looking for. Still making a few customizations before I go live with it but seems to be working great. I'm running 4.1.12 ptch1 and have yet to encounter any problems... Keeping an eye on the bug reports and might try to help with some if I can. This mod must stay supported!

And in light of the help I've received reading the posts here, I will return tip of knowledge.


Originally Posted by Jncocontrol (Post 2330583)
Is there a way to remove the "Experiance" tap in the navigation bar?

Looks like there's an option at
AdminCP -> Settings/Options -> Experience -> "Enable link in main tabs?"

Setting it to NO removes it from the navbar

mjay1113 05-20-2012 08:20 PM

Kind of confused with the install instructions. Do you upload the 'upload_via_ftp' folder to your forum root folder and thats it or do files in the 'admincp' folder need to go in that specific folder?

Jncocontrol 05-20-2012 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by Jace0fspad3z (Post 2331026)
Just wanted to say thanks to the authors for this - It's exactly what I was looking for. Still making a few customizations before I go live with it but seems to be working great. I'm running 4.1.12 ptch1 and have yet to encounter any problems... Keeping an eye on the bug reports and might try to help with some if I can. This mod must stay supported!

And in light of the help I've received reading the posts here, I will return tip of knowledge.

Looks like there's an option at
AdminCP -> Settings/Options -> Experience -> "Enable link in main tabs?"

Setting it to NO removes it from the navbar

I guess i pass that one up when i was tinkering with it. Thanks amigo

owning_y0u 05-23-2012 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by mjay1113 (Post 2331086)
Kind of confused with the install instructions. Do you upload the 'upload_via_ftp' folder to your forum root folder and thats it or do files in the 'admincp' folder need to go in that specific folder?

the content in the upload_via_ftp must be uploaded to your root forum directory.

jpbryan 05-28-2012 09:13 PM

I am running VB 4.2.0 and cannot get the Experience tab to show up on the tab bar or in the "Quick Links" drop down. They are set in settings to show up, but they don't. Any ideas to correct this?

Thanks.. Great Mod...

DS MrSinister 05-29-2012 01:15 AM


Originally Posted by jpbryan (Post 2334044)
I am running VB 4.2.0 and cannot get the Experience tab to show up on the tab bar or in the "Quick Links" drop down. They are set in settings to show up, but they don't. Any ideas to correct this?

Thanks.. Great Mod...

IF you go here it will explain why it will not show up!

jpbryan 05-29-2012 10:54 AM


IF you go here it will explain why it will not show up!
Thank you DS, but being a little new to this, I really can't get anything out of the link.. Not sure how to find the files/hooks/navs!!?? And, if I found them, what to do with them.. So many variables..

Any other suggestions??

doubleclick 05-29-2012 11:08 AM

Hello -

I need a little help on how to accomplish this using xperience in conjunction with other plugins.

1. Have a store where users can add items for purchase. For example, a bakery owner might put up a dozen cookies that will cost 100 points, a dog walker would put up an hour of walks for 25 points, etc.

2. Have actions generate different kinds of cash. So for example,
- one kind of points generated from specific actions like winning a high score in v3arcade. These points could be spent in the user stores.
- another set of points generated by other actions like posting in the forum. Those points would be added to their account to also buy those store items, PLUS they could be spent to purchase "perks" from my own site.

So the second set of points could be spent anywhere, but the first set of points could only be spent in the user stores.

I'm sure with all the options in xperience and the different cash plugins this is possible, but after a couple of weeks of trying to figure it out, I can't quite wrap my head around it.

DS MrSinister 05-29-2012 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by jpbryan (Post 2334233)
Thank you DS, but being a little new to this, I really can't get anything out of the link.. Not sure how to find the files/hooks/navs!!?? And, if I found them, what to do with them.. So many variables..

Any other suggestions??

I was playing around with it.. this is what i came up with..

Login to your Admincp.

Goto Plugins & Products --> Plugin Manager --> Product : vBExperience --> edit the First one of these. vBExperience (links)]

Change Hook Location From process_templates_complete To build_navigation_array

Replace The Code With this.


if (vB::$vbulletin->options['xperience_enabled'] == 1)
    $link1 = array(
        'name' => 'top_link_cm',
        'navtype' => 'link',
        'url' => '{options.toppath}xperience.php{vb:raw session.sessionurl_q}',
        'active' => 1,
        'productid' => 'xperience40',
        'text' => $vbphrase['xperience_vbnav'],

    $result['vbtab_forum']['links']['vbmenu_community']['links']['top_link_cm'] = $link1;
else if (vB::$vbulletin->options['xperience_enabled'] == 2)
    $link2 = array(
        'name' => 'top_link_ql',
        'navtype' => 'link',
        'url' => '{options.toppath}xperience.php{vb:raw session.sessionurl_q}',
        'active' => 1,
        'productid' => 'xperience40',
        'text' => $vbphrase['xperience_vbnav'],

    $result['vbtab_forum']['links']['vbmenu_qlinks']['links']['top_link_ql'] = $link2;


It will only Show up under the Community Menu. Best I can do for now..

Coolbud01 05-29-2012 06:17 PM

Someone else had asked this in post #2041 but I couldn't find an answer:

I have vBulletin's native Paid Subscriptions set up like a donation system, which works for my purposes better than VSa PayPal Donate. I would like to know if there is a way to have vbExperience assign an award based off the paid subscription amount.

User donates $5 via Paid Subscriptions and is given a "Tier 1 Donor" award
User donates $25 via Paid Subscriptions and is given a "Tier 2 Donor" award

I'm comfortable with database modifications and PHP; but before I went that route I wanted to see if anyone had already accomplished this.

popmyzit 06-03-2012 02:31 AM

with vbulletin 4.2 the achievements and awards show in the userinfo/postbit however the experience progress bars do not. im on the 411 beta.

popmyzit 06-03-2012 02:44 AM

Also in 411 beta when recounting achievements does not process beyond 20 users, no refresh

Palmcone 06-03-2012 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by popmyzit (Post 2336010)
with vbulletin 4.2 the achievements and awards show in the userinfo/postbit however the experience progress bars do not. im on the 411 beta.

I'm running 4.2 and the progress bars are showing fine. However, since disabling the achievements and even clearing the cache and doing the recount etc, the achievements are still showing and I can't figure out how to remove them.

betts02 06-05-2012 03:22 PM

Just updated this and getting :

Database error in vBulletin 4.1.11:

Invalid SQL:
COUNT(*) as 8wrmediacomments
FROM forumsmedia_comment
WHERE userID=1
AND media_comment.dateline > 315532800;

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'media_comment.dateline' in 'where clause'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Tuesday, June 5th 2012 @ 11:20:15 AM
Error Date : Tuesday, June 5th 2012 @ 11:20:18 AM
Script : http://www.nextgenerationgamers.co.u...min_recount_xp
Referrer : http://www.nextgenerationgamers.co.u...php?do=recount
IP Address :
Username : NGG betts02
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.92-community

When i recount

And YES i have updated the Media Library

Any help please, many thanks

motorhaven 06-08-2012 06:42 PM

I'm a little lost, I'm trying to set up a giveaway. We have a sponsor who will give a prize to the user with the most posts, referrals, likes, etc. the contest would run for 30 days. How do I set this up, and then determine the winner? I don't want to count previous activity for users, so that everyone starts on a level playing field. Yes, I searched but could not find clear information.

DS MrSinister 06-08-2012 09:55 PM

If anyone is looking to get the NavTab back working without adding it to the Navigation Manager.
Login to the AdminCP --> Plugins & Products --> Pluging Manager --> vBExperience --> vBExperience (links)] --> process_templates_complete.

Just replace the code below..


if ($vbulletin->options['xperience_enabled'])
        if ($vbulletin->options['xperience_tabs'])
                if (THIS_SCRIPT == 'xperience') 
                    $vbulletin->options['selectednavtab'] = 'xperience_tab';
                $template_hook['navtab_end'] .= vB_Template::create('xperience_tab')->render();

Hopefully Phalynx will have better fixes soon..

sitwi 06-09-2012 08:20 PM

I have a persistent problem that I've been through this thread for, but can't find an answer - it's about getting it to work with vBookie.

I get the following error whenever I place a bet, or try and process a bet. The necessary changes are made (deductions, bets processed etc) - although the bet remains open and I get this message.

Please could somebody help? Thank you kindly for your time.


Database error in vBulletin 4.2.0:

Invalid SQL:
                SUM(bet_amount_won) AS sumbets
                FROM vbookie_bets_placed
                WHERE bet_settled='Y' AND userid=1
                AND dateline > 315532800
                GROUP BY userid;

MySQL Error  : Unknown column 'dateline' in 'where clause'
Error Number  : 1054
Request Date  : Saturday, June 9th 2012 @ 09:57:44 PM
Error Date    : Saturday, June 9th 2012 @ 09:57:44 PM
Script        : http://xxxxxxxxx.co.uk/vbookie.php
Referrer      : http://xxxxxxxxx.co.uk/showthread.php?5442-Denmark-v-Holland
IP Address    :
Username      : Si
Classname    : vB_Database_MySQLi
MySQL Version : 5.0.91-log

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