ssslippy |
01-01-2008 12:32 PM |
If you are using version 3.7 this is a fix. I applied to to the pro version but the following should apply to lite.
Make sure your shoutbox is set to on before doing the following.
If you go into the "settings" table and sort by product. You will find a product called _inferno_shoutbox. Int he column called "value" you will find the words array. They dont belong there. You will need to replacement them with their proper #'s.
For editor tools use the following #'s. Add them up to get the total value # you need to put in depending on what options you want on. I use 127.
1 => 'Bold',
2 => 'Underline',
4 => 'Italic',
8 => 'Colours',
16 => 'Fonts',
32 => 'Clear',
64 => 'Smilies',
For bbcode use the following #'s. Add them up to get the total value # you need to put in depending on what options you want on. I use 639.
1 => 'Allow Basic BBCode',
2 => 'Allow Color BBCode',
4 => 'Allow Size BBCode',
8 => 'Allow Font BBCode',
16 => 'Allow Alignment BBCode',
32 => 'Allow List BBCode',
64 => 'Allow Link BBCode',
128 => 'Allow Code BBCode',
256 => 'Allow PHP BBCode',
512 => 'Allow HTML BBCode'
You will also need to manually input your usergroups. Here you put in the usergroup #'s seperated by the usergroups. Example Now go into your vbulletin admin CP > vbulletin options > vbulletin options > backup / restore settings. Please note this is not on the drop down menu its to the left of it.
Now export your vbshout settings and then reimport them. This is how we fixed it our board. I can not guarentee this will work for you but feel free to ask questions.