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AndrewD 08-12-2006 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by Alfa1
I do not understand what you are saying, because I have no clue about how either the 'extra' limit-useraccess' or the vbulletin->userinfo['posts'] work.
Either a detailed step by step explanation or a plug in/xml would work for me.

The limit-useraccess extra in the new LDM zip file includes a plugin, limitaccess-byreputation-plugin.xml, which modifies the download access according to the user's reputation. If you simply install it unchanged, it will behave as follows:

Users with reputation 0-9 get no bytes and no files
Users with reputation 10-49 get whatever you have set up in the bandwidth tables
Users with reputation 50-499 get double whatever you have set up in the bandwidth tables
Users with reputation of 500 or higher get ten times whatever you have set up in the bandwidth tables

These changes do not apply to administrators

You can change that behaviour by editing the plugin. It should be straightforward.

Alfa1 08-12-2006 12:58 PM

Now I am confused. I want members to add to the reputation of the member posting the file. So that a member rating the file will have effect upon the reputation of the member who posted the file. I think that this will greatly increase the amount of files posted, as it will reward doing so.
This can be done by either adding a reputation rating scale to the icons right from the file (next to add to my favorites) or by connecting comments and ratings to the reputation system.

AndrewD 08-12-2006 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by Alfa1
Now I am confused. I want members to add to the reputation of the member posting the file. So that a member rating the file will have effect upon the reputation of the member who posted the file. I think that this will greatly increase the amount of files posted, as it will reward doing so.
This can be done by either adding a reputation rating scale to the icons right from the file (next to add to my favorites) or by connecting comments and ratings to the reputation system.

Actually, I'm also confused. I'd understood that you wanted to control access according to reputation.

OK, this goes back on the wish list.

Marsupilami 08-12-2006 03:06 PM

Regarding LDM 2.2.1:

Originally Posted by AndrewD
Just to be clear on this:

a) In this situation, the LDM code uses an internal VB function construct_full_url() to produce a full url. That uses the value of $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] or similar, depending on server, to build the url.



Originally Posted by AndrewD
b) The ../dir syntax is not valid for the thumbs_dir directory. (In fact, it is only valid in LDM for local_file_root_prefix and upload_dir and only when local_file_root is set to 1)

Maybe to put some validation in the settings dialog to get rid of this problem?


Originally Posted by AndrewD
c) The strange problem - thumbnail displaying with Opera and not with IE - was probably not a browser issue. LDM creates different urls for the thumbnail, depending on whether it thinks it has cached the file or not. Before it has cached it, the url points to the thumbnail generator script.

Spooky that the IE/Opera problem remains 100% reproducable in 2.2.1 even with setting:
Thumbs space = "/thumbs"
The thumbnails will not load in IE 6.0.

Tried flushing caches and all.

Can this have something to do with file name, (URL base name), generation for the thumbs?


Originally Posted by AndrewD
d) You can always make this work (at least when I've uploaded a fix to someone else's problem...) by turning off thumbs_dir

Thumbs space = ""
..and thereafter doing "Rebuild thumbs", (http://www.teflon.net/forum/local_links_admin.php?action=doadmin&dothumbs=1), will make the problems go away.

If not rebuilding thumbs, the problem remains randomly for some of the pictures.

And even after clearing Thumbs space and rebuilding thumbs, there will still be remnant files in the thumbs directory.

Can this have something to do with file name generation for the thumbs and validating of cached thumbs?

AndrewD 08-12-2006 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by Marsupilami
Maybe to put some validation in the settings dialog to get rid of this problem?

Validation of the thumbs_dir setting was written into the code after 2.2.1, because there were a number of different reported problems. Basically, the code tries to crate a test file in the specified directory.

Interestingly, I've just rechecked the validation with the example you have reported. It works properly on a Linux box where /dir1/dir2/../dir3 is not a valid file name amd where file permissions work properly. However, Windows, bless its heart, unexpectedly (for me at least) decides that /dir1/dir2/../dir3 = /dir1/dir3 and - because its file permissions are less robust - can create the test reports and so reports that everything is ok.


Originally Posted by Marsupilami
And even after clearing Thumbs space and rebuilding thumbs, there will still be remnant files in the thumbs directory.

Yes, I'm sorry about that. There were circumstances where the old files were not being tidied up properly. I hope there are now fewer in 2.2.5.

Marsupilami 08-12-2006 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
Interestingly, I've just rechecked the validation with the example you have reported. It works properly on a Linux box where /dir1/dir2/../dir3 is not a valid file name amd where file permissions work properly. However, Windows, bless its heart, unexpectedly (for me at least) decides that /dir1/dir2/../dir3 = /dir1/dir3 and - because its file permissions are less robust - can create the test reports and so reports that everything is ok.

I've tested on these two server platforms:
  • Slackware 10.2.0, Linux version 2.4.31
  • Linux www2 #4 SMP

It is fully reproducable on the above platforms.

Windows? Don't mention the war! :confused: :knockedout:
No offence ment for those who love those limited platforms, but there is billions of issues with webservers running Windows.
I know this i s flame bait, but please make another thread or send med some PMs if ya want to bite my head off. ;)

AndrewD 08-12-2006 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by Marsupilami
I've tested on these two server platforms:
  • Slackware 10.2.0, Linux version 2.4.31
  • Linux www2 #4 SMP

It is fully reproducable on the above platforms.

yes, it would be, with 2.2.1 - as I said, the error checking was written in afterwards.

Raul7 08-17-2006 02:05 AM

Hi Andrew,
Thanks for the hack, its perfect, but i have a small problem, i want to make a categories that only some user groups can see, my understanding is now, i need to link to a forum, so it picks a permission from that forum, the problem is , i dont have a forum which only those user groups can see. all my forums are open to everyone, but i want SOME categories in the download manager be exclusive to some usergroups, is this possible? thank you very much again.

MissKalunji 08-17-2006 02:28 AM


Originally Posted by Raul7
Hi Andrew,
Thanks for the hack, its perfect, but i have a small problem, i want to make a categories that only some user groups can see, my understanding is now, i need to link to a forum, so it picks a permission from that forum, the problem is , i dont have a forum which only those user groups can see. all my forums are open to everyone, but i want SOME categories in the download manager be exclusive to some usergroups, is this possible? thank you very much again.

create one with ur permissions and make it invisible so no one sees it

Raul7 08-19-2006 01:54 AM

EDITED ... i fixed it, thanks

Raul7 08-19-2006 03:52 PM

ok guys, i got a new problem, u know when i upload the video image, it doesnt show up, i know the upload is fine, because when i FTP into the server and go to the directory i set for upload, the pic is there, but it just doesnt show up in the vidoe, is there something i am missing here?
Thank you so much for your help.

AndrewD 08-19-2006 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by Raul7
ok guys, i got a new problem, u know when i upload the video image, it doesnt show up, i know the upload is fine, because when i FTP into the server and go to the directory i set for upload, the pic is there, but it just doesnt show up in the vidoe, is there something i am missing here?
Thank you so much for your help.

Send me a PM with your board url, plus an admin username and password - I'm happy to take a look.

gamelandz 08-28-2006 11:10 AM

OK everything works fine, except when i go to upload a image only.

I get this error:

"No file/url specified."

what am i doing wrong?

here is the link...

jwashburn 08-29-2006 04:58 PM

I am trying to intergrate thumbshots.org do display a screenshot of the linked sites homepage.

The code that needs to go in there is

<img src="http://open.thumbshots.org/image.pxf?url=http://$link[url]" border="0" onload="if (this.width>50) this.border=1; this.alt='Preview by Thumbshots.org';">
I just cant seem where to put it

bhxtyrant 08-31-2006 02:50 PM

Hey AndrewD,
It's been a while since i last been here lol.In any case i just began working with this newer version of LDM and it's pretty awsome so far.But i ran into one error i cant seem to figure out so thought i would ask here as you always had the answers for these things in the past.I installed LDM with VB 3.5.4 all was working well.I added a few test links.But now when i try to mass import files i get this error "Warning: Wrong parameter count for fgets() in \local_links_admin.php on line 1619" im not entirly sure why.Thanks

angkor408 09-14-2006 11:10 PM

Hi, I just installed this today but I'm getting an error when I upload image only. "No file/url specified." Your help is appreciated. Thank. Angkor

Raul7 09-15-2006 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by angkor408
Hi, I just installed this today but I'm getting an error when I upload image only. "No file/url specified." Your help is appreciated. Thank. Angkor

in settings make sure you have the right folder specified, and you make that folder 777
.... i still dont ge the thumb generated, when i upload the pic i got a + which when i click i get the full size , but no thumb :( i have 200 in my thumb width setting.

angkor408 09-15-2006 05:10 PM

HiRaul7, which setting are you referring to? I was able to upload to a file but not to an image. You mean under:

upload_dir (I had created a folder called" Upload" with permission 777.

This what I have upload_dir= forums/upload/

In permission setting: Enable upload (register, administrator)

Any other setting I have to check?


AndrewD 09-17-2006 06:59 AM


Originally Posted by gamelandz
OK everything works fine, except when i go to upload a image only.

I get this error:

"No file/url specified."

what am i doing wrong?

here is the link...

Long delay in answering - just got back from vacation.

LDM normally expects that you will complete the url field, and gives th message you report when you fail to do so. You can change this behaviour by setting the <allow_null_links> LDM setting to <yes>. Afterwards, you can then create LDM entries without a url.

However, if you just want to have an image, you can also enter that image (jpg, gif, png (I think)) as the normal url and leave the image field blank. In that case, LDM spots what you are doing, and 'auto creates' the thumbnail.

AndrewD 09-17-2006 07:03 AM


Originally Posted by angkor408
Hi, I just installed this today but I'm getting an error when I upload image only. "No file/url specified." Your help is appreciated. Thank. Angkor

See my reply immediately above this one.

AndrewD 09-17-2006 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by bhxtyrant
Hey AndrewD,
It's been a while since i last been here lol.In any case i just began working with this newer version of LDM and it's pretty awsome so far.But i ran into one error i cant seem to figure out so thought i would ask here as you always had the answers for these things in the past.I installed LDM with VB 3.5.4 all was working well.I added a few test links.But now when i try to mass import files i get this error "Warning: Wrong parameter count for fgets() in \local_links_admin.php on line 1619" im not entirly sure why.Thanks

What version of php is your site running? The parameter count for fgets() changed at around version php 4.2 (which is rather old).

phenomenon 09-21-2006 01:40 AM


I've found that on mac firefox and mac safari the links that should be pointing out to a jukebox are instead just doing a 'jump' (instead of a 'play')

for example, the link for an audio file is showing this url:

whereas on my windows machine in IE and Firefox, it shows this url:


So basically my mac users aren't able to see the jukebox. I've been searching through the code trying to figure out where there's an operating system setting that would set that up differently, but can't find one. Does anyone have any ideas how I could fix this?


Will Lanni

AndrewD 09-21-2006 04:46 AM


Originally Posted by phenomenon

I've found that on mac firefox and mac safari the links that should be pointing out to a jukebox are instead just doing a 'jump' (instead of a 'play')

for example, the link for an audio file is showing this url:

whereas on my windows machine in IE and Firefox, it shows this url:


So basically my mac users aren't able to see the jukebox. I've been searching through the code trying to figure out where there's an operating system setting that would set that up differently, but can't find one. Does anyone have any ideas how I could fix this?


Will Lanni

The LDM Jukebox tests explicitly that the user is running a Windows box, as I do not have any access to/experience of embedded media players in Mac OS or Linux. If someone can help me sort out how to make this work, I'll be delighted to extend the product.

angkor408 09-21-2006 03:30 PM

Ok now I didnt get that error any more which it allow me to upload image. But the issue it is not display the image. Here my link:



Originally Posted by AndrewD
See my reply immediately above this one.

phenomenon 09-21-2006 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
The LDM Jukebox tests explicitly that the user is running a Windows box, as I do not have any access to/experience of embedded media players in Mac OS or Linux. If someone can help me sort out how to make this work, I'll be delighted to extend the product.

I would LOVE to help, as I have both a mac and a windows box sitting here, anxiously awaiting.

As I wrote, I was looking through the code trying to find where the browser/OS testing was done, but couldn't find it. After I get through some client work today, I'll run a global search; I'm assuming you're doing a javascript check? If you can remember what file the OS test is in, would you let me know? I can find it from there.



AndrewD 09-21-2006 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by phenomenon
I would LOVE to help, as I have both a mac and a windows box sitting here, anxiously awaiting.

As I wrote, I was looking through the code trying to find where the browser/OS testing was done, but couldn't find it. After I get through some client work today, I'll run a global search; I'm assuming you're doing a javascript check? If you can remember what file the OS test is in, would you let me know? I can find it from there.



Stage 1:

The OS test is done in includes/local_links_install.php. With v2.2.1 (which is what I think you're using), there's a test against $_SERVER[HTTP_USER_AGENT] at line 103, which sets the global $user_windows.

Stage 2:

Subsequently, also in local_links_include, in function get_linklistbit (which actually builds the individual entry bits), you'll find the line:


$is_musicbox = iif($user_windows and get_mimetype($urlType) and in_array($urlType, $musicboxtypes), 1, 0);
If is_musicbox is set to 1 and various other conditions are met, then the entry url is set to point to LDM/action=play; otherwise to LDM/action=jump

Stage 3 - the actual playing. This is the key bit.

The links_play template contains a series of nested <object> <embed> sequences that are set up for the various players (Windows Media Player, Real Player, QuickTime, DivX, etc) that LDM can handle. The various variables that it tests against are set in local_links.php, in the action="play" section, towards the bottom.

You'll need to work out the correct sequence for the Mac. Presumably WMP is a no go? But perhaps Real player is fine.

Let me know how it goes.

phenomenon 09-21-2006 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
Stage 1:

The OS test is done in includes/local_links_install.php. With v2.2.1 (which is what I think you're using), there's a test against $_SERVER[HTTP_USER_AGENT] at line 103, which sets the global $user_windows.

Stage 2:

Subsequently, also in local_links_include, in function get_linklistbit (which actually builds the individual entry bits), you'll find the line:


$is_musicbox = iif($user_windows and get_mimetype($urlType) and in_array($urlType, $musicboxtypes), 1, 0);
If is_musicbox is set to 1 and various other conditions are met, then the entry url is set to point to LDM/action=play; otherwise to LDM/action=jump

Stage 3 - the actual playing. This is the key bit.

The links_play template contains a series of nested <object> <embed> sequences that are set up for the various players (Windows Media Player, Real Player, QuickTime, DivX, etc) that LDM can handle. The various variables that it tests against are set in local_links.php, in the action="play" section, towards the bottom.

You'll need to work out the correct sequence for the Mac. Presumably WMP is a no go? But perhaps Real player is fine.

Let me know how it goes.

Awesome, thanks.

I am using 2.2.1, not upgrading to vB 3.6 until they've got a few more versions knocked out.

Macs come with Quicktime installed, so I'll probably wind up setting the player to QT. I'm also thinking about grabbing the $type, and if it's mp3, setting up a flash player as well, as that has been the most cross platform/browser friendly so far for music playing. (I'm having problems in Windows FireFox getting it to recognize I don't have quicktime but do have WMP)

Anyway, I will let you know how it goes. I'm assuming that whatever I update I should let you know with line numbers and quoted code? Or should I zip up what I do and message it?

AndrewD 09-21-2006 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by phenomenon
Awesome, thanks.

I am using 2.2.1, not upgrading to vB 3.6 until they've got a few more versions knocked out.

Macs come with Quicktime installed, so I'll probably wind up setting the player to QT. I'm also thinking about grabbing the $type, and if it's mp3, setting up a flash player as well, as that has been the most cross platform/browser friendly so far for music playing. (I'm having problems in Windows FireFox getting it to recognize I don't have quicktime but do have WMP)

Anyway, I will let you know how it goes. I'm assuming that whatever I update I should let you know with line numbers and quoted code? Or should I zip up what I do and message it?

Thanks. Just post a message with a zip file or whatever you find convenient.

I 'beta'-d a test with the Wimpy player, which is Flash based - you'll find it in the VB36 version 2.2.6. Very straightforward.

SMO 09-21-2006 11:02 PM

I uninstalled this as I really didnt need it any longer...i did like it however. Anyhow,
I uninstalled it and a pop up came and said to run a "something_kill".

It went away really quickly and wasnt sure exactly what to do. How do I run this feature?

phenomenon 09-21-2006 11:04 PM

It was just a couple revisions of code in the local_links_include.php, I can just post my changes here.

This is for v2.2.1 (I haven't looked at your new version):

Line 103: defined $user_mac on line after $user_windows:

$user_windows = iif(strstr($_SERVER[HTTP_USER_AGENT],"Windows"), 1, 0);
$user_mac = iif(strstr($_SERVER[HTTP_USER_AGENT],"Macintosh"), 1, 0);

Line 2199: added $user_mac to global vars after $user_windows:

global $linkscat, $schemes, $modes, $icon_cache, $user_windows, $user_mac;
Line 2330: added $user_mac to if statement parameters:

$is_musicbox = iif(($user_mac or $user_windows) and get_mimetype($urlType) and in_array($urlType, $musicboxtypes), 1, 0);
  1. mp3's don't seem to stream in very well. My solution is to write a flash player to play mp3's. I'll have a look at your Wimpy code in the new version if I can't get it straight; basically I'm going to try to grab the $type in the play section of local_links.php, compare to mp3, and then have it load flash player, so no matter what OS or browser, it gets flash for music.
  2. Can't test for Linux, sorry
  3. Not sure if it's supposed to show the Quicktime Plugin like it says in the documentation. However, when user clicks the song title as the link, it pops open the jukebox, so I'm not worried about it.

AndrewD 09-22-2006 04:00 AM


Originally Posted by SMO
I uninstalled this as I really didnt need it any longer...i did like it however. Anyhow,
I uninstalled it and a pop up came and said to run a "something_kill".

It went away really quickly and wasnt sure exactly what to do. How do I run this feature?

The VB uninstall process only 'decouples' LDM from VB, but it leaves the database tables intact in case you change your mind.

If you *really* want to get rid of everything (i.e. delete LDM's database tables), then you need to upload and run the utility in the extras/kill-LDM subdirectory in the release zip.

It will cause no problems if you leave these tables, as they are independent of VB.

phenomenon 09-22-2006 09:12 PM


When jukebox is launched, if "send to friend" is clicked, the linkid returns a wrong catid. For the song I tried to send, i got catid=-10 instead of catid=1

EDIT: It actually isn't including the catid from the jukebox, whereas it is including the catid in the regular links page from the send to friend.

here's what I see on the jukebox when I roll over 'send to friend':


AndrewD 09-24-2006 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by phenomenon

When jukebox is launched, if "send to friend" is clicked, the linkid returns a wrong catid. For the song I tried to send, i got catid=-10 instead of catid=1

EDIT: It actually isn't including the catid from the jukebox, whereas it is including the catid in the regular links page from the send to friend.

here's what I see on the jukebox when I roll over 'send to friend':


Thanks. Noted

AndrewD 09-24-2006 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by phenomenon
mp3's don't seem to stream in very well. My solution is to write a flash player to play mp3's. I'll have a look at your Wimpy code in the new version if I can't get it straight; basically I'm going to try to grab the $type in the play section of local_links.php, compare to mp3, and then have it load flash player, so no matter what OS or browser, it gets flash for music.

I'm taking a look at the mp3 flash player on www.jeroenwijering.com - this works fine, and it should be straightforward to build in as a standard option.

jgommel 10-02-2006 01:42 AM

I recently installed LDM and really love this app, but I'd like to utilize my own icons instead of the stock ones. My site is dark - It utilizes multiple shades of grey.

I'm currently developing a bunch of 16x16 icons for my website, but I'm using .png instead of .gif. I decided to use PNGs because they render shadows much better than GIFs. I can create an icon with a drop shadow and use the same icon on both a white or a dark colored website.

Can someone tell me whether it's possible to utilize a .png icon with LDM? If I only need to edit a template or two (or more) that's fine - I just need to know which ones.


amnesia623 10-05-2006 01:10 AM

Not to disregard what jgommel is talking about, but is there a way to integrate an streaming flash player into this?

AndrewD 10-05-2006 07:42 AM


Originally Posted by amnesia623
Not to disregard what jgommel is talking about, but is there a way to integrate an streaming flash player into this?

Yes there is. Both releases in the VB36 thread include an example (extras/wimpy-player) of how to integrate Wimpy, and in the next upload there will be an example of a second Flash player.

zooki 10-08-2006 11:54 AM

I recently changed servers, my downloads are still in the same folder location on the new server. Everything is the same.

However, now LDM gives following error message whenever click on a download:

Sorry - link is not currently available

I tried revalidating but, it doesnt do it.

"Link check failed /files/some directory/some_file.mp3
Accept Modify"

AndrewD 10-08-2006 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by zooki
I recently changed servers, my downloads are still in the same folder location on the new server. Everything is the same.

However, now LDM gives following error message whenever click on a download:

Sorry - link is not currently available

I tried revalidating but, it doesnt do it.

"Link check failed /files/some directory/some_file.mp3
Accept Modify"

Do you have local_file_root and local_file_root_prefix set the same on the old and new servers.

Happy to take a look if you want - I'll need an admin username and pwd

SherryG 10-10-2006 03:42 PM

Hi there,

I am a total newbie at this but seemed to have everything installed and working as it should. I do have one problem though. When I try to download a file, I'm getting the following error message:

Error - Cannot determine if you can access link: linkid,forumid= 2, 17

Can someone tell me how I might resolve this?

Thanks so much!

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