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TTG 02-26-2006 08:40 PM

I took the ribbons and sports 'extras' off .. they seem to dissapear every time there's an update to estore .. members are getting tired of having to re-buy them every couple of days.

ImportPassion 02-26-2006 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by TTG
I took the ribbons and sports 'extras' off .. they seem to dissapear every time there's an update to estore .. members are getting tired of having to re-buy them every couple of days.

can anyone confirm this for 1.2.2?
This will eb the first upgrade since I had the sports one installed.

MissKalunji 02-26-2006 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by lordofgun
Did you update the postibt template?

im having the same problem did upgrade also the postbit edit and nothing

LBSources 02-26-2006 09:15 PM

sorry for not keeping up folks.. CMX glad everyones contribution went to a worthy cause unlike our ushop contributions..

but i havent been keeping up as of lately..

anyone have the outlines on how the lottery works.. i guess i mean the settings and how the variables in the options are defined..

thanks in advance.. install and operation went flawless and my HOTM obviously went with this project thumbsup!

LBSources 02-26-2006 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by TTG
I took the ribbons and sports 'extras' off .. they seem to dissapear every time there's an update to estore .. members are getting tired of having to re-buy them every couple of days.

clearly states in the docs of those add-ons that you will have to reinstall these packages along with any ebux/estore upgrade..

MissKalunji 02-26-2006 09:21 PM

and i didnt add the whole edit for the glow to show in member info but its still showing how can i remove it?

and all my gift dissapeared

lordofgun 02-26-2006 09:52 PM

I upgraded to 1.2.2 and all sports items still work fine.

Also, make sure you guys click on the fix gifts in postbit link in your admin cp under estore maintenance.

lordofgun 02-26-2006 09:56 PM

BTW, CMX...I can't duplicate the problems when the unlimited rep option runs out, sol I'd say it was my stupid users' faults for now...

CallieJo 02-26-2006 09:59 PM

I just wanted to note that at first I had the same issue with the gifts not showing.

I updated the gift thangie.
Updated the postbit template.
Nada worked....

Then, although I thought I was using the postbit template and not postbit legacy, I decided to update the postbit legacy template....and guess what? Gifts returned! Yeah!

So, if your gifts are not showing...maybe you should make sure you updated both "postbit" and "postbit legacy" templates....

Hope this helps others...otherwise, good luck...

dirtycrow 02-26-2006 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by MissKalunji
im having the same problem did upgrade also the postbit edit and nothing

same here :(

3z3k3l 02-26-2006 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by influence
Edited* . ah I was blind too. He does have one.

Hey CMX, thanks again for the update and new features. You are a prompt and helpful guy. The way you handling this free hack is giving you a large advantage whenever you decided to put out a paid hack.

I just donated but there is 5.50 Shipping/Handling fee? Is that right? Don't mind paying it because this is such a great mod!

bonjurkes 02-26-2006 10:28 PM

i updated it to latest vers. it looks really cool

I want to ask something, i choose the decimal places as 2 at options.

But at store all prices shows like 300.00000

Why there is five 0 after . ??

I choose it to show two decimal place but it shows 5 decimal places at store.

did i forgot to do something??

caimakale 02-26-2006 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by TTG
I took the ribbons and sports 'extras' off .. they seem to dissapear every time there's an update to estore .. members are getting tired of having to re-buy them every couple of days.

Upgrading won't affect the sports or ribbons purchases at all. They are completely independant of the store other than you need the store to purchase them. But the ribbons table and sports columns are not touched by the store when you upgrade or even uninstall for that matter. You may need to rebuild the datastore when you are done to get them to show up in the store again.

The only way I see it being a problem is if you delete all of your estore files each time you upgrade. If that is the case just overwrite the files don't delete them.

I can edit one line of code in the ribbons and sports hack, and completely uninstall estore from my site and still have my ribbons and sports icons show in my postbit, that's how I know they don't need the store to run, just to purchase them.

FROGGYJ 02-26-2006 10:35 PM

gifts missing.....did the fix gifts, checked to make sure templates were good and still nada.

caimakale 02-26-2006 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by 7thgenCivic.Com
can anyone confirm this for 1.2.2?
This will eb the first upgrade since I had the sports one installed.

I installed this update on my site and didn't have to touch my sports or ribbons hack. Just follow the upgrade instructions by ftping all of the files overwriting the existing ones and then import the product file overwriting the existing one.

If you uninstall and then reinstall the new version, you will have to reinstall the sports and ribbons hack. However all icons purchased should still be there even after reinstalling them.

caimakale 02-26-2006 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by FROGGYJ
gifts missing.....did the fix gifts, checked to make sure templates were good and still nada.

There is a new template edit for the postbit with this new version. The old code in the postbit won't work any longer.

MissKalunji 02-26-2006 10:46 PM

i tried both code

the old one shows a broken image

and the new one doesnt show a thing

MissKalunji 02-26-2006 10:47 PM

lol it works now.........i had to rebuild pluging and i forgot :)

caimakale 02-26-2006 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by MissKalunji
i tried both code

the old one shows a broken image

and the new one doesnt show a thing

Did you click on AdminCP >> eStore Maintenance >> Fix All Gift Postbits ???

FROGGYJ 02-26-2006 10:57 PM


LadyJo 02-26-2006 11:11 PM

ok, I did the edit of the post bit and low and behold, they show up for some people, but not everyone. If I buy a new gift they show up but not the old ones they already had. any ideas??

CallieJo 02-26-2006 11:14 PM

I take it back...alot of members' gifts are missing in postbit. Did rebuild the gifts thangie too several times...
Some are showing fine...most aren't...I've checked permissions and they all can buy gifts so I'm lost at this point :o

FROGGYJ 02-26-2006 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by LadyJo
ok, I did the edit of the post bit and low and behold, they show up for some people, but not everyone. If I buy a new gift they show up but not the old ones they already had. any ideas??

I noticed the same thing, my gifts show up, but not some users. Weird.

LadyJo 02-26-2006 11:19 PM

it has nothing to do with usergroups either because some in each usergroup get theirs to show in the post bit and some dont. I was looking for the common thread among the ones who dont have them showing and I cannot figure it out.

username12 02-26-2006 11:27 PM

First problem I've had with eBux. When editing a user profile after upgrading to 1.2.2:


Fatal error: Field ebuxreceivespoints is not defined in $validfields in class vb_datamanager_user in /includes/class_dm.php on line 485

MorrisMcD 02-26-2006 11:32 PM

Second donation sent.. Keep up the great work

CallieJo 02-26-2006 11:45 PM

In my repair/optimize database tables I have two estoregifts with diff names:
estoregifts Data Length: 226.7 KB Index Length: 29.0 KB Overhead: 0
vb3_estoregifts Data Length: 42.2 KB Index Length: 6.0 KB Overhead: 0

Could this be the issue with some gifties not showing up for folks?

Are we suppose to have one without our prefix?

Thanks BUNCHES!!!

bonjurkes 02-26-2006 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by bonjurkes
i updated it to latest vers. it looks really cool

I want to ask something, i choose the decimal places as 2 at options.

But at store all prices shows like 300.00000

Why there is five 0 after . ??

I choose it to show two decimal place but it shows 5 decimal places at store.

did i forgot to do something??


CallieJo 02-26-2006 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by CallieJo2
In my repair/optimize database tables I have two estoregifts with diff names:
estoregifts Data Length: 226.7 KB Index Length: 29.0 KB Overhead: 0
vb3_estoregifts Data Length: 42.2 KB Index Length: 6.0 KB Overhead: 0

Could this be the issue with some gifties not showing up for folks?

Are we suppose to have one without our prefix?

Thanks BUNCHES!!!

I thinks the estoregifts one is from the old ucash/ushop as some of the gifties in there are really old ones bought last year.

Does having these two tables conflict with eachother?

LadyJo 02-26-2006 11:57 PM

that must not be it, because we are having the same issue, yet I do not have the second table you mention. This is very strange indeed.

and while I am thinking of it, I have done the template edits and I do not have the donate link in the post bit either.

CallieJo 02-26-2006 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by LadyJo
that must not be it, because we are having the same issue, yet I do not have the second table you mention. This is very strange indeed.

Thanks sweety. Was just trying to figure it out...lol..oh well...I'll wait for a fix cause I can't find anything.


caimakale 02-27-2006 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by MorrisMcD
Second donation sent.. Keep up the great work

Same here...given the support and product here, I hope everyone is donating.

I have a hack that I paid money for that doesn't have this kind of support or features, both of which CMX is doing a phenominal job with here so come on everyone...no more excuses, he has implemented almost everything and has provided top notch support. There were alot of talkers who were saying they would give money if a hack this came out...now I hope they are backing it up with those donations!

Donate and vote eBux / eStore HotM today!!!

(sounds kinda like a commercial doesn't it?) ;)

defi 02-27-2006 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by mikeylikesitz
yes pleae do, the one CMX put in is great, but your addon is excatly what im looking for.

I've made contact with CMX, and hopefully we can whip something up suitable enough to make a plug for this request, or he can put it in the next version as an option. :nervous:

dirtycrow 02-27-2006 12:12 AM

can we have a opition to ban users from the shoutbox?

CallieJo 02-27-2006 01:16 AM

After a few tests here's what I have found:

When you change the amount of gifts shown in postbit and then rebuild...some members gifts will appear again while some of the users that had their's showing will now disappear.

Also, the gifts are showing more than once. Before, if you received more than one of the same gift...it would only show once in postbit (I Loved That!) but all in profile. Now it shows more than once.

Thanks and have a splendid evening...

mikeylikesitz 02-27-2006 01:18 AM


Originally Posted by defi
I've made contact with CMX, and hopefully we can whip something up suitable enough to make a plug for this request, or he can put it in the next version as an option. :nervous:

Thank you very much, i look forward to this addition

MissKalunji 02-27-2006 01:54 AM

there something that me and another user found out..........when ebux 1.22 is enable the vbgallery upload doesnt work if i disable it the upload shows back

Omranic 02-27-2006 02:38 AM

Now I'm using 1.2.1 & any Thief try fail
any trying to Thief I get the following MSG

Thief failed miserably, aren't you ashamed of yourself? You have lost 20 Points.

So what ?
Knowing that I have many points & tried this option on many users with various points & the same result

influence 02-27-2006 03:15 AM


Originally Posted by SolidSnake@GTI
Now I'm using 1.2.1 & any Thief try fail
any trying to Thief I get the following MSG

Thief failed miserably, aren't you ashamed of yourself? You have lost 20 Points.

So what ?
Knowing that I have many points & tried this option on many users with various points & the same result

thief works great for me.

you might need to mess with the success rate. You the first person who reported having problems with the thief feature.

mess with the success rate

Ilovechase 02-27-2006 05:54 AM

I want you to know that this is awesome :). I also donated (bigclive) anywho I just wanted you to know that the gifts work like a charm the only thing is

1)I am having trouble with the money being deducted from users points(not working). Points arent working at all actually either way :)
2)Also no one is able to use change titles(their own or another one) none of us has permissions to do so.

Thank you sooooo much :)

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