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-   -   Add a banner image to each forum (vb3.5) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=94119)

Bro_Joey_Gowdy 05-11-2006 05:42 PM

Any updates ?

Zachariah 05-11-2006 06:26 PM

no but It is next on my list :)

Master Miyagi 05-11-2006 08:51 PM

Fatal error: Field banner is not defined in $validfields in class vb_datamanager_forum in /includes/class_dm.php on line 485

What's this all about? I did everything just right. I added the right xml product and also pasted the code mentioned in the zip file below $navbar in the two templates.

These things can get really annoying sometimes..


Also, am I supposed to be typing anything inside these codes:

<if condition="$foruminfo['banner'] AND $foruminfo['bannerlink']"><center><a href="$foruminfo[bannerlink]" target="_blank"><img src="$foruminfo[banner]" alt="$foruminfo[banneralt]" border="0" /></a></center><br />
<else />
<if condition="$foruminfo['banner']"><center><img src="$foruminfo[banner]" alt="$foruminfo[banneralt]" border="0" /></center><br />
<else />
<if condition="$foruminfo['bannercode']"><center>$foruminfo[bannercode]</center><br />

Hypocrisy 05-11-2006 09:49 PM


I've got a question about this plugin:

Can I put the code directly inside the navbar template? Will the code still make difference of what forum / thread the ads are selected to display in?

What if I want to have one code that shows in every other case than the thread/forumdisplay options? Like a certain html code / ad is shows on the mainpage, the user panel and private messages page?

Thanks in advance :)

Normandi2 05-13-2006 01:21 AM

Click install

Bro_Joey_Gowdy 05-16-2006 04:15 PM

Downloaded and installed in under a minute.

It appears to be working fine for vb 3.5.3 at the moment.

midirtrider 05-25-2006 02:05 AM

Quick question..
I have the banner system all installed and its working great. but forsome reason It wont allow me to link the banners to the abnners homepage..

for instance I have a banner for Edge industries (home page www.edgeindustries.com however it just redirects you back to my forum home page when you click on their banner?

how do I fix this?

midirtrider 05-25-2006 02:07 AM

Also, just a quick add on to the above question..

In my admin cp where it says Banner link and you have to type in the http://blah blah.com

after i save it and the image banner is in the "banners" list.. I can click on them their and they send me to the banners home page.. just not when im in my forum. from their they do as I stated above..

midnightsoaper 05-29-2006 06:58 PM

Love this hack!

My only problem is, I already have a phpadsnew banner at the top of the page just above the navbar, so it looks really bad if I have this banner just below. I'm running 3.5.4.

Is there a way I can add this to the postbit template? I wanted to try combining this with a hack similar to this hack so that this banner can show up below the first post in each thread.

utw-Mephisto 05-31-2006 09:27 PM

Zach, is there a way to do add a banner for the categories and they show up then above the categorie ? So far I am just using html tags in the categorie name but the problem with that is of course, they showing up everywhere ..

Zachariah 05-31-2006 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by utw-Mephisto
Zach, is there a way to do add a banner for the categories and they show up then above the categorie ? So far I am just using html tags in the categorie name but the problem with that is of course, they showing up everywhere ..

Can ya show me an example ?

iMystik 06-01-2006 01:30 PM

thanks mate!!!

demojames 06-02-2006 02:17 PM


Works like a charm and installed in under a mintue!!


ldma 07-26-2006 06:15 PM

You have no idea what a relief it has been to get this plugin working.....I'm transferring paid sponsors over from phpbb, but all I kept finding was people rattling on about rotating banners....this suits my business model down to a tee.

Thankyou thankyou thankyou

Champster 07-31-2006 04:10 PM

I'm getting red x marks on my forum for banners. I input all of the pertinent information in the HTML Code section of the Admin CP but I'm having no success. The link I am working with is simliar to the one below. I'm using this link b/c I am an affiliate to a website where I am compensated for the revenue the ad generates

<a href="http://signup.yoursite.com/track/MjczNjo1OjIx/" target=""><img src="468x100_3.jpg" width="468" height="100" border=0></a>

Please advise. Thanks.

Zachariah 07-31-2006 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by Champster
I'm getting red x marks on my forum for banners. I input all of the pertinent information in the HTML Code section of the Admin CP but I'm having no success. The link I am working with is simliar to the one below. I'm using this link b/c I am an affiliate to a website where I am compensated for the revenue the ad generates

<a href="http://signup.yoursite.com/track/MjczNjo1OjIx/" target=""><img src="468x100_3.jpg" width="468" height="100" border=0></a>

Please advise. Thanks.


In bold:

<a href="http://signup.yoursite.com/track/MjczNjo1OjIx/" target=""><img src="468x100_3.jpg" width="468" height="100" border=0></a>
The image you wish to show should be in the "root" folder of your forums according to the code you have.
If you have your banners in a "banners" folder on the server try this:


<a href="http://signup.yoursite.com/track/MjczNjo1OjIx/" target=""><img src="/banners/468x100_3.jpg" width="468" height="100" border=0></a>


<a href="http://signup.yoursite.com/track/MjczNjo1OjIx/" target=""><img src="http://www.yoursite.com/banners/468x100_3.jpg" width="468" height="100" border=0></a>
Fill in the URL of the banners on your server.

jswanson 08-01-2006 01:38 AM


below add / replace:

<if condition="$foruminfo['banner'] AND $foruminfo['bannerlink']"><center><a href="$foruminfo[bannerlink]" target="_blank"><img src="$foruminfo[banner]" alt="$foruminfo[banneralt]" border="0" /></a></center><br />
<else />
<if condition="$foruminfo['banner']"><center><img src="$foruminfo[banner]" alt="$foruminfo[banneralt]" border="0" /></center><br />
<else />
<if condition="$foruminfo['bannercode']"><center>$foruminfo[bannercode]</center><br />
What do I replace... or do I just add the code at the bottom of both templates during a new install...?

baby9x 08-06-2006 12:00 AM

Great! http://yeuamnhac.com has this mod!
It's very nice! I love it! :)

soletrader 08-07-2006 01:21 AM

Is there a way to make it rotating?

Zachariah 08-07-2006 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by soletrader
Is there a way to make it rotating?

There is a simple way.

Warlock40 08-08-2006 01:45 AM

Will this port over to 3.6 without problems? looking to do the upgrade within the next week. Just covering all my bases before hand.


Zachariah 08-08-2006 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by Warlock40
Will this port over to 3.6 without problems? looking to do the upgrade within the next week. Just covering all my bases before hand.


I have not tryed yet, but I do not see a problem.

ldma 08-10-2006 02:41 AM

Could somebody please confirm on this thread if and when they do sucessfully have it ported on 3.6

I can't take risks with this mod as I have paid up sponsors, and won't be upgrading til I know this mod works.

Warlock40 08-10-2006 12:33 PM

I'll let you know. I'm just setting up a test forum now to run the upgrade.
It will be a few days but I'll report back when I'm done

Brandr 08-12-2006 04:02 AM


We all certainly appreciate the efforts of all the code writers who have been providing us with so many interesting upgrades at no charge.
But i am having a hell of a time following some of these instructions.
I'm instructed to browse for the file XML.xxxxxxxxxx

Excuse me, but i see no such file in the folder i just downloaded for this hack.
The Instructions need to be a little more concise. Many of us are new vBuletin owners and may also have little knowledge of Html.
I have managed to install some of the upgrades because the installation was concisely explained in sufficient detail for us newbies.

I PM'd an 'expert 'once with a question regarding an upgrade, and he responded as if I was an Idiot for not knowing everything he takes for granted.

Uggghghhgh. mercy...Please...lol

Best wishes._Brandr.

Robbed 08-12-2006 04:49 AM

banner_image.xml is in the folder. it's like any other plugin.

wolfyman 08-12-2006 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by Robbed
banner_image.xml is in the folder. it's like any other plugin.

you're treating him the same way he was just begging for mercy from, by assuming he has installed other hacks or plugins.

I totally empathize with him, being self taught in this arena.

Robbed 08-12-2006 02:42 PM

I'm self taught to.

The instructions are pretty clear.
*** How to Install:

In your Admin Control Panel

Admincp => Plugin System => Manage Products
Click [Add/Import Product]
Browse for the file "banner_image.xml"
Allow Overwrite should be off

Ignore the upgrade part

banner_image.xml should be in the zip file. I wasn't trying to be rude.

wolfyman 08-12-2006 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by Robbed
I'm self taught to.

The instructions are pretty clear.
*** How to Install:

In your Admin Control Panel

Admincp => Plugin System => Manage Products
Click [Add/Import Product]
Browse for the file "banner_image.xml"
Allow Overwrite should be off

banner_image.xml should be in the zip file. I wasn't trying to be rude.

sure man, I understand where you're coming from. But even those instructions can be confusing for someone new to vb.

Make Money? 08-20-2006 10:06 PM

I have one top "header" banner zone for ALL of the forums pages.. I would like to use this hack to put an additional "footer" (bottom) banner zone on ONE forum only.. Can I use this hack to do this please?


GrantHorizons 08-21-2006 09:35 AM

Great hack, I've been very pleased with it on my site.

BUT getting set to upgrade to vB3.6. Any idea whether this works with vB 3.6, or is there an update needed / coming?

thanks, Grant

Zachariah 08-21-2006 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by Make Money?
I have one top "header" banner zone for ALL of the forums pages.. I would like to use this hack to put an additional "footer" (bottom) banner zone on ONE forum only.. Can I use this hack to do this please?


Yes placment were it shows up on a forum is up to you. I placed under the $navbar.

Make Money? 08-23-2006 09:34 AM

Thanks v much!

And I am on vB3.6

bollie 08-27-2006 11:36 AM

work for vb 3.6.0 ;)

vtck 09-16-2006 05:49 AM


Like your mod. I am on vb3.6.1

If you can create another version of mod with 1) top center different banners add ons and 2) bottom center different forum banners add ons and 3) left column different banner add ons and 4) google ad sense at the bottom, it will be great to many users as they can add different banners on the top and bottom and left navigation with bottom good ad sense. I think you can do it.


1. Different Top Section For Placement of Different Banners Before Start Of Forum & SubForum

2. Different Bottom Section For Placement of Different Banners Before End Of Forum & SubForum

3. Different Left Navigation

4. Google Ad Sense at the bottom

My Website Example :- http://www.singaporecarsforum.com/forumsample.html

Other Website Sample of vbulletin Forum with their own standard header with different left navigation and start of forum with Login. http://forums.carma.com.sg/forumdisplay.php?f=131

Marris 09-23-2006 12:34 PM

Thank you for this mod.

Is there any way to pull the banner values, such as $foruminfo[bannercode] into postbit_legacy?

I am trying to combine your plugin with the following method to display a banner at a specifc location between posts:

How To Show A Banner After The First Post In A Thread

Unfortunately, $foruminfo[bannercode] doesn't seem to be accessible from postbit_legacy.

I tried creating plugins at various hook locations that seemed to be related to the postbit with the following forumdata_start plugin code, but $foruminfo[bannercode] was not displayed within postbit_legacy.

PHP Code:

$this->validfields['banner'] = array(TYPE_STRREQ_NO);
$this->validfields['bannerlink'] = array(TYPE_STRREQ_NO);
$this->validfields['banneralt'] = array(TYPE_STRREQ_NO);
$this->validfields['bannercode'] = array(TYPE_STRREQ_NO); 

Can anyone suggest plugin code or another way to read that value, so the banner can be displayed in postbit_legacy?


wecleangrout 09-26-2006 01:12 PM

Maybe a silly question.

If this is the fist install (not an upgrade) do I still need to edit the templates?

I installed and see it in the forum manager but not showing on the forums.

If I do need to edit templates would there be any conflict with Php portals?

Thank you............(newbie to hacks)

My forum.

wecleangrout 09-26-2006 03:48 PM

Ok got it----
To answer my own question. I DID have to edit the templates.


Thank you. Now I can go make more $$$

bada_bing 09-27-2006 02:23 AM

subscribed will probebly install tomorrow

sensimilla 10-10-2006 07:20 AM

It's not working for me on 3.6.1 and I was using it on 3.5 great hack!

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'banner' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054

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