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Dragomancer 10-05-2005 04:09 PM


Nearly everything works fine for me on 3.5 Gold.
There's a small "cosmetic" problem. I tried a sandbox donation and everything worked fine. The donation was made in euro (standart currency). On the redirect-page, it says: "Your donation of $0.00 is greatly appreciated! Thank you again for your continued support."

The currency is stated in $ and the amount is 0, which is both wrong. Might confuse the users a bit :)

However, nice hack :D

JJR512 10-05-2005 08:22 PM

Is there a way to have a member can donate anonymously, such as donate but not show up on the list of donators?

fringehead 10-05-2005 10:18 PM

I get no menu link to donate.
When I click the ppverify I get the same database error as the guy above.
I did modify the xml file. Do I need to reinstall the hack with this modified file?



fringehead 10-06-2005 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by JJR512
Is there a way to have a member can donate anonymously, such as donate but not show up on the list of donators?

There are several options you can check to show doners or not. The biggest problem with this mod is getting it to work....

Anyone out there? :)

S :chinese:

MissKalunji 10-06-2005 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by fringehead
There are several options you can check to show doners or not. The biggest problem with this mod is getting it to work....

Anyone out there? :)

S :chinese:

mine working....whats your problem?

Dragomancer 10-06-2005 08:43 PM

hi fridgehead,

it's all said in this thread. modify xml and upload it back again (eventually refresh your browser on the admincp-page). there's no menu-link created by the script, you've 2 do it yourself.

mtha 10-06-2005 09:58 PM

great tool, but just have few comments


Just follow the prompts from there folks, the installer does all the database, template, plugin, phrasing, and settings automatically for you!
Edit template automatically is NOT a good idea. I have some customized templates in a style, and some child styles use those customized templates.

automatic template modification just put some additional templates to my child style, all parent customized are gone. I had to go back and delete all the additoinal templates for my child styles.

fringehead 10-06-2005 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by MissKalunji
mine working....whats your problem?

Thanks for the replies! I read every single post, and I was stupid not to have done so. My apologies! I got it installed nicely, but when I put in the ppverify.php url I get this error:

Database error in vBulletin 3.5.0:

Invalid SQL:
INSERT INTO donation_paypalipn (
`txn_id`, `userid`,
`test_ipn`, `notify_version`, `verify_sign`,
`last_name`, `payer_business_name`, `address_name`,
`address_city`, `address_state`, `address_zip`,
`address_status`, `payer_email`, `payer_id`,
`business`, `receiver_email`, `receiver_id`,
`ip_address`, `quantity`, `invoice`,
`memo`, `tax`,
`option_name1`, `option_selection1`, `option_name2`,
`payment_date`, `parent_txn_id`, `txn_type`,
`payment_status`, `pending_reason`, `reason_code`,
`mc_fee`, `mc_currency`, `mc_handling`, `mc_shipping`,
`settle_currency`, `exchange_rate`, `case_id`,
`case_creation_date`, `valid`
'', '0', '0', '0',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '0', '',
'', '0', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'0', '0', '', '0',
'0', '', '0', '',
'', '', '0'

MySQL Error : Duplicate entry '' for key 1
Error Number : 1062

I am good to go if I can get this fixed! Thanks for the script and all the help you guys have given throughout this thread!

S :chinese:

MissKalunji 10-07-2005 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by fringehead
Thanks for the replies! I read every single post, and I was stupid not to have done so. My apologies! I got it installed nicely, but when I put in the ppverify.php url I get this error:

Database error in vBulletin 3.5.0:

Invalid SQL:
INSERT INTO donation_paypalipn (
`txn_id`, `userid`,
`test_ipn`, `notify_version`, `verify_sign`,
`last_name`, `payer_business_name`, `address_name`,
`address_city`, `address_state`, `address_zip`,
`address_status`, `payer_email`, `payer_id`,
`business`, `receiver_email`, `receiver_id`,
`ip_address`, `quantity`, `invoice`,
`memo`, `tax`,
`option_name1`, `option_selection1`, `option_name2`,
`payment_date`, `parent_txn_id`, `txn_type`,
`payment_status`, `pending_reason`, `reason_code`,
`mc_fee`, `mc_currency`, `mc_handling`, `mc_shipping`,
`settle_currency`, `exchange_rate`, `case_id`,
`case_creation_date`, `valid`
'', '0', '0', '0',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '0', '',
'', '0', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'0', '0', '', '0',
'0', '', '0', '',
'', '', '0'

MySQL Error : Duplicate entry '' for key 1
Error Number : 1062

I am good to go if I can get this fixed! Thanks for the script and all the help you guys have given throughout this thread!

S :chinese:

when u put it where?

fringehead 10-07-2005 12:42 AM

That's the url in paypal that logs the users payment I presume.... The url is:


rammbs 10-07-2005 03:13 AM

help please. i keep getting a fatal error always at this line :


" Fatal error: Call to undefined function: build_datastore()"

PennylessZ28 10-08-2005 05:44 AM


Originally Posted by Cloudrunner
It's not a problem boss.

the first post *should* detail what follows, but I'll try to go into more detail here:

after installing, you have a blank slate, kind of like a blank page in a note book...you have to fill it in with your system. This is not a "one size fits all" system, nor do I want it to be. To fill in the page, as it were, there are a few steps to take. The first being adding a goal for your site to achieve via the donations.

To do this simply go into your admincp, and if you installed everything correctly, you will see a submenu on the navigation panel on the left called Paypal Donations. Open that up and the bottom three options are where you want to begin. Add a goal first, this is basically how much you want to make for a specific reason. The input is self explanatory, simply title the goal, give the goal a description, then tell the system how much you want to make via donations.

Next is to add buttons for the users to make their donations through, same navigation panel, just click add new button.

In there you simply title the button, write a brief description as to what the button does, and how much it's worth. Then choose your goal from the drop down. Those are the only required fields. If you leave the amount input blank then the system will allow the user to put in their own amount for the donation, if you put an amount in there, then the system will only use that amount. Simple. The rest of the options should be fairly self explanatory.

Third to do, this is optional, is to add donors who have donated to your site before you installed the mod. Again, it's a basic walkthrough, choose the username, and add an amount. Side note here, if you want that amount to go to a specific goal you need to add it manually to that goal by editing the goal of your choice and then adding it to what's already there. I'm currently working on getting the system to do that for you automatically, but have ran into a small snag in doing that. It will be in the next update.

And that's it. Lemme know if you run into any more snags.

)O( Cloudrunner )O(

I installed it properly, no errors, no nothing, donate.php works fine. But the nav menu doesn't show up in vb3.5 gold.

It's showing up in my plugins though.

EuT 10-08-2005 07:44 AM

I didnt found my solution inhere but I need to know if there's another way then besides IPN since I'm already using it for something else.

Billspaintball 10-08-2005 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by HR3rdGen
I installed it properly, no errors, no nothing, donate.php works fine. But the nav menu doesn't show up in vb3.5 gold.

It's showing up in my plugins though.

Sounds like the problem I had.

It all came down to the case on a letter in the xml file.

Look at this post for the fix that worked for me and many others here. (They need to update the download with this fix imho)


Bubble #5 10-08-2005 04:23 PM

HR3rdGen, did fixing the XML file as shown above fix your problem?

PennylessZ28 10-08-2005 05:00 PM

I never did find a vbadvanced paypal donations module that looked like it was in anyway shape or form related to this hack.

So I'm just going to create one.

Sooner95 10-08-2005 06:45 PM

fixin that XML file worked for me! thx for the heads up, they SHOULD edit that..

Citizen 10-09-2005 01:57 AM

Seems that there were a lot of issues with the installation, can anyone confirm that the installation is fixed?

PennylessZ28 10-09-2005 02:37 AM


Originally Posted by Citizen
Seems that there were a lot of issues with the installation, can anyone confirm that the installation is fixed?

I had no problems with the installation.

Arseccio 10-09-2005 10:33 AM

really thank you!!!

can you tell me how to put the donation goal bar somewhere in the navbar? can you tell me the code please?

i would like to have it next to the name of the forum.

Mith 10-09-2005 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by HR3rdGen
I never did find a vbadvanced paypal donations module that looked like it was in anyway shape or form related to this hack.

So I'm just going to create one.

There is a 3.7 version of Paypal Donations.

There is included in that version a great VBAdvanced Module which worked perfect. (you will find it in there if you download that HERE

Unfortunately, it ceased to function on 3.5 beta or VBA 2.0... so it may be a great place to start for you, if you could fix it you'd make loadsa people happy :-)

rammbs 10-09-2005 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by rammbs
help please. i keep getting a fatal error always at this line :

i was able to fix this by enabling plugins. duh. :o

Mr Chad 10-09-2005 09:32 PM

im not getting the Donations options in the ACP, i edited the php file... still nothin

rammbs 10-09-2005 09:38 PM

one last request please.

can somebody please give me a copy of they paypal module for the cps? the zip file does not include it.

i will be very greatful! thanks!

curriertech 10-09-2005 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by chatbum
im not getting the Donations options in the ACP, i edited the php file... still nothin

Edit the .xml file, not a .php file...


imported_magjr 10-11-2005 12:11 AM

can anyone see my posts?

fringehead 10-11-2005 12:37 AM

Better question, can you see my question from a few days ago?

what happens when you run http://yourforum/ppverify.php

I get a database error.... Is this since there is no transaction which was sent out to paypal or is this an error?



imported_magjr 10-11-2005 12:59 AM


Originally Posted by fringehead
Better question, can you see my question from a few days ago?

what happens when you run http://yourforum/ppverify.php

I get a database error.... Is this since there is no transaction which was sent out to paypal or is this an error?



I'm having the EXACT same problem as you dude. I asked a week before you!

fringehead 10-11-2005 02:03 AM

imported have you tried donating to your board as a test?


imported_magjr 10-11-2005 03:09 AM

No I havent, but when someone tries to donate, they get some funky error message. Have you tried?

fringehead 10-11-2005 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by imported_magjr
No I havent, but when someone tries to donate, they get some funky error message. Have you tried?

I emailed the guy who made the mod, so let's hope he comes by here soon!
I have not tried to do a payment... Thanks for the info...

Please help us out!



imported_magjr 10-12-2005 03:18 PM

I had a guy donate and it went through ok for him.

However, it didn't add him to the right group!? I thought it was supposed to add them to the group we predefined?

JoeWho 10-12-2005 03:39 PM

I hope somebody can help me with this,

vBulletin 3.5.0
PHP 4.2.3
MySQL Version 3.23.41-log
Server Type FreeBSD

On the installation I keep getting this error...

Installing Tables
Altering user table...
Column donor not found in user table, continuing on...
Column showdonor not found in user table, continuing on...
Altered user table...

Warning: file("http://www.oanda.com/convert/fxdaily?value=1&redirected=1&exch=USD&format=CSV&d est=Get+Table&sel_list=USD") - No such file or directory in /includes/cron/donation_currency_exchange.php on line 28

Warning: Bad arguments to implode() in /includes/cron/donation_currency_exchange.php on line 30

Warning: file("http://www.oanda.com/convert/fxdaily?value=1&redirected=1&exch=AUD&format=CSV&d est=Get+Table&sel_list=USD") - No such file or directory in /includes/cron/donation_currency_exchange.php on line 28

Warning: Bad arguments to implode() in /includes/cron/donation_currency_exchange.php on line 30

Warning: file("http://www.oanda.com/convert/fxdaily?value=1&redirected=1&exch=CAD&format=CSV&d est=Get+Table&sel_list=USD") - No such file or directory in /includes/cron/donation_currency_exchange.php on line 28

Warning: Bad arguments to implode() in /includes/cron/donation_currency_exchange.php on line 30

Warning: file("http://www.oanda.com/convert/fxdaily?value=1&redirected=1&exch=EUR&format=CSV&d est=Get+Table&sel_list=USD") - No such file or directory in /includes/cron/donation_currency_exchange.php on line 28

Warning: Bad arguments to implode() in /includes/cron/donation_currency_exchange.php on line 30

Warning: file("http://www.oanda.com/convert/fxdaily?value=1&redirected=1&exch=GBP&format=CSV&d est=Get+Table&sel_list=USD") - No such file or directory in /includes/cron/donation_currency_exchange.php on line 28

Warning: Bad arguments to implode() in /includes/cron/donation_currency_exchange.php on line 30

Warning: file("http://www.oanda.com/convert/fxdaily?value=1&redirected=1&exch=JPY&format=CSV&d est=Get+Table&sel_list=USD") - No such file or directory in /includes/cron/donation_currency_exchange.php on line 28

Warning: Bad arguments to implode() in /includes/cron/donation_currency_exchange.php on line 30

fringehead 10-12-2005 05:04 PM

Looking at Cloudrunners avatar I see he hasn't been online since Sept....

JoeWho 10-12-2005 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by fringehead
Looking at Cloudrunners avatar I see he hasn't been online since Sept....

Okay, thanks. :disappointed:

I was hoping someone else had a similar problem and could help me?

I don't know if it is something I'm doing wrong or if it is a problem with the install and the version I am running.

I appreciate your reply, thank you very much.


jayhawk785 10-13-2005 12:08 AM

not sure if anyone would refund a donation, but i was testing it, and it failed. The 'userid' is missing the inside quote. ppverify.php around line 262


$vbulletin->db->query_write("UPDATE ".TABLE_PREFIX."user SET donor = '0' WHERE userid = ".$userid."'");

$vbulletin->db->query_write("UPDATE ".TABLE_PREFIX."user SET donor = '0' WHERE userid = '".$userid."'");
hope that helps... before i'd get emails with:


Database error in vBulletin 3.5.0:

Invalid SQL:
UPDATE user SET donor = '0' WHERE userid = 119';

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''' at line 1
Error Number : 1064

Martin-TMGRS 10-13-2005 03:31 PM

Can anybody help please!!!!!

When installing PayPal Donations it gets to Installing Plugins but theres no "Continue Installation" at the bottom. Does anybody know why this is ???

JoeWho 10-13-2005 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by Martin-TMGRS
Can anybody help please!!!!!

When installing PayPal Donations it gets to Installing Plugins but theres no "Continue Installation" at the bottom. Does anybody know why this is ???

yes, that happened to me also.
I uninstalled it, and then reinstalled it and it completed the install to where I could see the continual button.

Best of luck with your install, I could not get it to work and it looks like there's not any support for it anymore.


fringehead 10-13-2005 07:00 PM

Here is another paypal donate hack. It is more bare bones but I think it works:


I'm uninstalling this one! Good luck peeps!

JoeWho 10-13-2005 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by fringehead
Here is another paypal donate hack. It is more bare bones but I think it works:


I'm uninstalling this one! Good luck peeps!

Yes, I just found it also:
Cyb PayPal Donate 1.0

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