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AndrewD 10-02-2005 05:32 AM


Originally Posted by Meltingfire
I have created a own module i call "ldm-hotcat.php" that is basicly a hot category.
Since i use the category as a filename, lets say "miranda" and then post a link for each version "miranda 1.0", "miranda 2.0" etc i want all hits to be collected together inside that category so i use the following code as SQL, other then that there is no changes made to the original "ldm-hot.php"

PHP Code:

        SELECT cat.catid AS linkidcat.catname AS linknamecat.catdesc AS linkdesc
SUM(link.linkhits) AS linkhitslink.linkstatus AS linkstatus
".THIS_TABLE."linksltoc AS ltoc         
        LEFT JOIN 
".THIS_TABLE."linkslink AS link 
            ON ltoc
.linkid link.linkid 
        LEFT JOIN 
".THIS_TABLE."linkscat as cat 
            ON ltoc
.catid cat.catid
        GROUP BY cat

        LIMIT $linksee 

The problem is that when i use the $filter i get a SQL error, cant see why...

if the filter is "WHERE link.linkmoderate = 0" it gives a error which it shouldnt, or am i just blind

Because the filter (WHERE) has to come before the GROUP BY

AndrewD 10-02-2005 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by Meltingfire
Also, adding a phrase for "local_links.php" would be appreciated so you can translade it to for example "links.php", so i dont have to word-replace all urls in styles after a upgrade ;) even if that only takes 2 seconds.

Maybe not the best solution but would work and phrases wouldnt be changed after an upgrade as styles do.

In the next version, I will parameterise the script names using DEFINES in the local_links_init file. That way, there is one file to edit for configuration changes to code and database.

GrendelKhan{TSU 10-02-2005 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
I think what was bugging me about the first try was 'too much line spacing' - I switched over to putting everything in one table row, with line breaks. I agree with you that the two-column style is better than the one column parenthesised version, but still wonder about the table length. What do you think?

yah I gotta agree with PtP. the 2 column look was better. Column spacing is not as big a deal as the overall is much better with the two column approach. The one table row looks like a beta version....ie: no styling.

definitely go with the 2 column. (imho)

MissKalunji 10-03-2005 04:24 PM

okay lets try this i installed it but n e one can help me make it look like this :


Meltingfire 10-03-2005 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by MissKalunji
okay lets try this i installed it but n e one can help me make it look like this :


Edit the styles?

MissKalunji 10-03-2005 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by Meltingfire
Edit the styles?

i suck at these things.......can n e one help me? if i gotta pay i dont mind....

lttcoder 10-03-2005 07:07 PM

Andrew, How can I change the category display order?
I know how to set links display order but I want to change category display order by date. The recent added categories should come first and old last.
Is there a way?

AndrewD 10-04-2005 04:23 AM


Originally Posted by lttcoder
Andrew, How can I change the category display order?
I know how to set links display order but I want to change category display order by date. The recent added categories should come first and old last.
Is there a way?

In the current version, you can only do this by manually editing the categories and changing the last field "Display Order" so that the numbers decrease in the order you created them.

Currently, there is no datestamp in the database showing when a category was created - only datestamps showing when links were created and when a link was last added to each category.

If this is a big deal, I'll add it to the 'to do' list.

Benj 10-04-2005 08:52 AM

Feature Request

dunno if this has been requested before but would it be possible to add a kind of chart for the most visited / downloaded items in the system

AndrewD 10-04-2005 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by benj
Feature Request

dunno if this has been requested before but would it be possible to add a kind of chart for the most visited / downloaded items in the system

Chart rather than just a list?

Benj 10-04-2005 12:40 PM

well list yeah wondering if it would be possible to filter list by cat and maybe if possible by day week month...

AndrewD 10-04-2005 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by benj
well list yeah wondering if it would be possible to filter list by cat and maybe if possible by day week month...

The administrator can already do this. Go to admin/statistics, then View Hits, and you can produce reports by date, IP, username - and if you have installed a particular ip-to-country database, you can even get a listing by country.

Are you wanting the normal users to see this information?

bhxtyrant 10-04-2005 01:38 PM

Hey Andrew,
Once again a small question.No errors or anything this time.I was thinking aboiut upgrading our forums to 3.5 today but of course that means updating all the mods we have installed as well including Links and Files Database.I was just wondering and hopeing that there is an Upgrade option from the old version to this newer versions so i don't have to re-add all the 1000+ links i already added to the database.Is this possible?Thanks alot.

AndrewD 10-04-2005 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by bhxtyrant
Hey Andrew,
Once again a small question.No errors or anything this time.I was thinking aboiut upgrading our forums to 3.5 today but of course that means updating all the mods we have installed as well including Links and Files Database.I was just wondering and hopeing that there is an Upgrade option from the old version to this newer versions so i don't have to re-add all the 1000+ links i already added to the database.Is this possible?Thanks alot.

It upgrades automatically - just take a backup to be on the safe side.

Benj 10-04-2005 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
The administrator can already do this. Go to admin/statistics, then View Hits, and you can produce reports by date, IP, username - and if you have installed a particular ip-to-country database, you can even get a listing by country.

Are you wanting the normal users to see this information?

yeah i am, im planning to letting users upload mp3s so they can battle it out to see who can get to the top of the "chart" so id preferably need daily weekly monthly stats which can be filtered into their respective cats... but hey not all are curial, just need a list to start with :D


csidlernet 10-05-2005 02:36 AM


bhxtyrant 10-06-2005 12:03 AM

Thanks Andrew.got some more questions now that i have this mod and vB3.5 up and running.Near the top of the main page of LDM it has this text.


Links and Downloads Database
The database contains 2 categories and 0 entries that you can access/download.
During the last 30 days, 0 entries have been added [what's new] and there have been 0 hits [what's hot].
Since your last visit, 0 new entries have been added [view].
is there a way i can change what it says?

and in the main breadcrumb it says "Links and Downloads Database" i'd like to change that to just "Downloads" is this possible as well?I remember someone told me how to do it in the 3.0 version of this mod but the files are different in theis version so i can't find it.Thanks

AndrewD 10-06-2005 04:03 AM


Originally Posted by bhxtyrant
Thanks Andrew.got some more questions now that i have this mod and vB3.5 up and running.Near the top of the main page of LDM it has this text.

is there a way i can change what it says?

Yes. That particular text is built in the links_introbit template, which you can edit as you wish. If you want to refer to the particular statistics that are displayed, these are built from three phrases, ll_recent, ll_lastvisit and ll_visible, which you can edit. The code that actually constructs this text is function get_ldm_summary at line 802 in local_links_include.php. Easiest is probably to edit the template.


Originally Posted by bhxtyrant
and in the main breadcrumb it says "Links and Downloads Database" i'd like to change that to just "Downloads" is this possible as well?I remember someone told me how to do it in the 3.0 version of this mod but the files are different in theis version so i can't find it.Thanks

Go to the links admin page/settings. Look for the setting database_name and enter whatever text you want to appear in the breadcrumb.

dpkm 10-06-2005 05:26 AM

Suggestion for improvement: change all php tags from <? to <?php

AndrewD 10-06-2005 05:28 AM


Originally Posted by dpkm
Suggestion for improvement: change all php tags from <? to <?php

A huge task - will sweat blood for many hours. Thanks - consider it done.

dpkm 10-06-2005 05:44 AM

*grin* That was quick. Thanks!

Benj 10-06-2005 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by benj
yeah i am, im planning to letting users upload mp3s so they can battle it out to see who can get to the top of the "chart" so id preferably need daily weekly monthly stats which can be filtered into their respective cats... but hey not all are curial, just need a list to start with :D


andrew !!! lol sorry thought you might have missed my post

AndrewD 10-06-2005 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by benj
andrew !!! lol sorry thought you might have missed my post

Yes, I saw it - am thinking about this and will try to do something at the weekend - I'm also thinking of modifying the 'autoload' feature that's available to admins, so that mp3s and jpgs and so get illustrated, annotated, etc, according to the ID3, EXIf, etc, tags in the files.

But I have to do my paid job first ;)

Benj 10-06-2005 03:02 PM

whats that sounds sick (amazing) thanks man... what exactly do you mean by illustrated ?

Benj 10-06-2005 03:59 PM

just wondering if there is or if your concidering adding the option to upload the file. instead of linking to it

bhxtyrant 10-06-2005 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by benj
just wondering if there is or if your concidering adding the option to upload the file. instead of linking to it

Would be nice to have both options :) possibly in a future version?

AmpSul 10-07-2005 03:11 AM

been using this for months on my old 3.0.x and it rocks!

two minute upgrade and it still rocks hard!

thanks andrewd!!!!!!!

AndrewD 10-07-2005 04:06 AM


Originally Posted by benj
whats that sounds sick (amazing) thanks man... what exactly do you mean by illustrated ?

For example, if it's an mp3 with cover art in the file, then the picture would appear in the linkbit. If it's a photo, then a thumbnail would appear. I have to work out the details.

AndrewD 10-07-2005 04:08 AM


Originally Posted by bhxtyrant
Would be nice to have both options :) possibly in a future version?

This is the most-asked-for upgrade. I need to think through the details. No promises, just a strong maybe.

Brandon Sheley 10-07-2005 04:17 AM

nice looking hack AndrewD
I haven't installed it, but I will. this weekend or next

thx :)

Benj 10-07-2005 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
This is the most-asked-for upgrade. I need to think through the details. No promises, just a strong maybe.

nice one andrew :D

EasyTarget 10-07-2005 02:55 PM

/me puts a vote in for uploading capabilities.

did you ever look into that fopen stuff more?

AndrewD 10-07-2005 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by EasyTarget
[high]* EasyTarget puts a vote in for uploading capabilities.

did you ever look into that fopen stuff more?

You're asking about cURL support? - that's fully integrated now.

Benj 10-09-2005 05:13 PM

so andrew how do you get this built in media jukebox thing to work then? enabled it for mp3s added a link to an mp3 doesnt work :S any ideas :P playing atm lovin this so far man......



WNxWakko 10-09-2005 08:30 PM

Uploaded files, installed plugin,

When I click any option for this mod in admincp or try to access the file.

Critical Error: Links and Downloads Manager not installed properly - cannot find database tables

elsupremo 10-09-2005 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by WNxWakko
Uploaded files, installed plugin,

When I click any option for this mod in admincp or try to access the file.

Critical Error: Links and Downloads Manager not installed properly - cannot find database tables

Just to make sure:
When you say "installed plugin", did you (inside AdminCP):
Click "Plugin System"
-Click "Manage Products"
--Click [Add/Import Product] (below table)
---Browse your harddrive for file: product-eirma_ldm.xml, Allow Overwrite: YES ---->IMPORT

If you are not entirely sure, I would go ahead and do it again.

dethfire 10-10-2005 03:32 AM

Moderating the links doesn't work for me. I click accept and it's still in the mod queue.

AndrewD 10-10-2005 04:14 AM


Originally Posted by WNxWakko
Uploaded files, installed plugin,

When I click any option for this mod in admincp or try to access the file.

Critical Error: Links and Downloads Manager not installed properly - cannot find database tables

The tables are created by the product installer, so I wonder if you installed the plugin rather than the product. Do check that you used admin/plugins/manage products and not admin/plugins/install plugin.

If the installer failed, it would have displayed some error messages during the process, but these can race by on the vb admin screen. If necessary, use the vb admin to uninstall and reinstall, don't just overwrite the product xml.

By all means pm me with details of your board - if you require help, I'll need an admin username and password

elsupremo 10-10-2005 04:23 AM


Originally Posted by dethfire
Moderating the links doesn't work for me. I click accept and it's still in the mod queue.

Unfortunately, it's true - accepting a moderated link does not remove it from the moderation queue.

However - I just checked something, I could be wrong - but if you have anything other than "0" in the Review frequency field of the link properties, then it will stay in the moderation queue. So, if you want the entries gone, put "0" in that field and it will be gone.


EasyTarget 10-10-2005 07:53 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
You're asking about cURL support? - that's fully integrated now.

wow, thanks. apart from the fopen function being disabled so I couldn't use this hack before, curl is much more secure.. thanks for the work, I'm looking forward to the updates.

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