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Vman 06-17-2005 04:26 AM

Im verified and this is the message I just got from the donation:

"The Transaction Number is: .

It is suggested that you investigate this transaction to determine if it was incorrectly labeled as invalid, or if it was an attempt at a false transaction."

caimakale 06-17-2005 05:51 AM


Originally Posted by dsboyce8624
Check that in the settings you have the path to ppverify.php correct, and I suggest putting that same path in the setting on PayPal.

I agree. Make sure you have http://www.yourdomain.com/pathtoforums/ppverify.php entered in as your IPN address at PayPal's website as well as that same path in your ACP >> Donate Settings. You also need to make sure that http://www.yourdomain.com/pathtoforums/donate.php is entered correctly. It sounds like one of those three things isn't configured correctly if you aren't getting a response back from paypal when you receive payment. It isn't a delayed thing, it notifies you immediately when you receive payment.

ultranerds 06-17-2005 07:33 AM


I've installed this hack, and it looks great <G>

However, due to protection issues on our server (anti-DDos mitigation system), PayPal don't seem to be able to request our ppverify.php file for some reason :/

As a fix.. I've moved the validation code from ppverify.php, into a do_verify() routine in donate.php (inside the "thankyou" part).

Basically, it seems to be working ok... as the transID is being passed back. I added this debugging;

echo "SELECT txn_id FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."donation_paypalipn WHERE txn_id = '".$txn_id."'";

..which gives;

SELECT txn_id FROM donation_paypalipn WHERE txn_id = '62X17512XV724171B'
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /var/home/andy/domain.co.uk/www/donate.php on line 344

Line 344, is this;

$query = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT txn_id FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."donation_paypalipn WHERE txn_id = '".$txn_id."'");

I'm guessing its something to do with the query_first part not working for some reason?



Lizard306 06-17-2005 12:34 PM

This might sound really dumb stupid, but the first post says something about 2 files requiring modification. It just doesnt say which 2. And please dont anyone jump down my throat if you feel I have overlooked something in the instructions. I have re-read it multiple times.

Of course it could be that I am just not getting the point.

thanks anyway

Marco van Herwaarden 06-17-2005 12:58 PM

If i look in the install file, i think you have been instructed to make changes to both the './includes/adminfunctions_template.php' and the './admincp/index.php'

dsboyce8624 06-17-2005 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by Lizard306
This might sound really dumb stupid, but the first post says something about 2 files requiring modification. It just doesnt say which 2. And please dont anyone jump down my throat if you feel I have overlooked something in the instructions. I have re-read it multiple times.

Of course it could be that I am just not getting the point.

thanks anyway

Marco is right, it's in the install file.

caimakale 06-17-2005 01:26 PM

Once you have run the donations_install.php file and installed the required templates, database tables, etc...., the very last step will show you the two file modifications.

mamboking 06-17-2005 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by dsboyce8624
Marco is right, it's in the install file.

Hi All,

I am trying this hack v1.04 with vBulletin Version 3.0.3. The install was seamless but I had the phrase problem which I found the sloution and I also do not have a the buttons showing when I launch the donate.php.

I seems there should have been a couple of manual edit but I can't seem to find it in the instructions.

Any help would be appreciated

mamboking 06-17-2005 02:40 PM

I think I found my answer. I just read caimakale reply and checked the install php files and found the instructions for the edits. But I don't remember seeing those instrucions during the install but then again I was half asleep.

After trying to manually read extract the the information I needed from the files, which wasn't happening, i noticed a file called edits only. So I decided to run the install again and low and behold. It gives you the option to review the edits that are need. I was under the impress I was looking for a text file or htm file. So for now I have a functioning system. To all who are wondering. It works with vb 3.03

ManofManyStangs 06-18-2005 01:17 AM

How do I get out of the test rfeature and go live?

dsboyce8624 06-18-2005 01:19 AM


Originally Posted by ManofManyStangs
How do I get out of the test rfeature and go live?

In settings, first option.

ManofManyStangs 06-18-2005 01:23 AM

where are the settings located?

caimakale 06-18-2005 03:59 AM

In the Admin Control Panel under Donations Admin.

If you don't have that, then you haven't done the file edits.

aranthorn 06-18-2005 04:07 AM

Excellent hack, had to play with the module setting for vBa CMPS v2, but not in your code.


dsboyce8624 06-18-2005 05:19 AM


Originally Posted by aranthorn
Excellent hack, had to play with the module setting for vBa CMPS v2, but not in your code.


If you could break it down for us, I'm sure people would appreciate it.

Neutral Singh 06-18-2005 10:29 AM

Excellent neat hack !! I have been looking of this for a long time. :)

I added some donors, who had already made some donations prior to adding this hack but adding these donors has no effect on goal achieved modules. e.g. suppose i have added some donors, who each have contributed $5 but the the goal bit shows that i have got none donations so far. How do i do it so that donations made prior to this hack are also incorporated and are considered towards achieving the goals?

** Addional Request ** It would be wonderful if this hack could present to the members the option of making recurring payments via Paypal. I have some members who contribute $5 on monthly basis using recurring payments feature within paypal. I think there should be a checkbox option (may be manual) for making recurring payments to the members, who do not like making a donation each time but do make automated recurring payments.

Thanks for a very nice hack.

Cloudrunner 06-18-2005 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by BBCVman
A donation was made and nothing has change. neither on the main donate.php page...it does not show the donation...I don't know if it takes awhile before it shows up.....

Morning folks --

Sorr I've been away for a day or so, I do have to spend family time with the rest of the clan though...

anyway, in response to your portal block thing, here's the issue that I see...you are all hard-coded. The donations system is a dynamic system that uses 90% of it's power out of the DB. The tables it uses are:


if you don't pull from the DB using these tables to get the right values, and are not using the correct "custom" variable i.e.
HTML Code:

<input type="hidden" name="custom" value="donation:*userid*:*goalid*">
then the system will not recognize your donation at all...These values MUST come from the database itself. your best bet is to simply link to the donate.php page to make sure that the system recognizes the donation, while the portal block simply pulls the data off of the DB and gives totals.

On a lighter note, I've adjusted most of the donator naming convention that I was using (seems that my small rebellion was confusing / pissing some folks off), and an update will be coming shortly.

Cloudrunner 06-18-2005 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by Neutral Singh
Excellent neat hack !! I have been looking of this for a long time. :)

I added some donors, who had already made some donations prior to adding this hack but adding these donors has no effect on goal achieved modules. e.g. suppose i have added some donors, who each have contributed $5 but the the goal bit shows that i have got none donations so far. How do i do it so that donations made prior to this hack are also incorporated and are considered towards achieving the goals?

To get the donations to show against the goal, you must manually add the total donations against the goal itself in the AdminCP. Just edit a goal and you will see where you can change the total donated there, then the donations will count against your goal. There is a reason for my madness in seperating the donors from the goals ;). That reasoning will become evident in the near future. I'm not willing to spout off the reason just yet.

Originally Posted by Neutral Singh
** Addional Request ** It would be wonderful if this hack could present to the members the option of making recurring payments via Paypal. I have some members who contribute $5 on monthly basis using recurring payments feature within paypal. I think there should be a checkbox option (may be manual) for making recurring payments to the members, who do not like making a donation each time but do make automated recurring payments.

The reoccuring option is built into the subscriptions system. I am looking into implementing this though, but it's going to take some time while I try to figure out some of the Paypal quirks with subscriptions...

Originally Posted by Neutral Singh
Thanks for a very nice hack.

Thank you ;)

Cloudrunner 06-18-2005 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by BBCVman
Im verified and this is the message I just got from the donation:

"The Transaction Number is: .

It is suggested that you investigate this transaction to determine if it was incorrectly labeled as invalid, or if it was an attempt at a false transaction."

Hey boss, make SURE that you are not running in test mode. The Paypal servers will NOT verify a test mode system....i.e.

Paypal gets a donation from your script
You are running in test mode so when Paypal sends notification to your server your server tries to place a call to the sandbox.
The sandbox says, I didn't initiate this transaction, therefore, it is invalid...

If that's not the issue, then you must do a little investigating on the system side of things (i.e. post what you have in the invalid table (viewable in the admincp) so that I can see where your issue lies) to find your problem (If posting what's in the inavlid table, please make sure to remove any identifiable information such as phone number, address, names, IP addresses, etc. As well as whether your server is in test mode or not, it will also help to provide a view--source of your donate.php buttons. This will assist in troubleshooting).

Yeah, I like that, I will add that to the first post right now....

TTG 06-18-2005 11:04 AM

Does the latest update remove the numerous \r\n ?

Cloudrunner 06-18-2005 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by TTG
Does the latest update remove the numerous \r\n ?

Yes, the next update addresses this issue. It will be released tonight I'm hoping...

Cloudrunner 06-18-2005 11:11 AM

Troubleshooting tips and procedures
Due to the multitude of possible break-points between Paypal and this script I must request that the following be followed before reequesting support on this system from this point forward:
  1. Do some basic troubleshooting on your own first and see if you can find where the break happened. You might be able to fix it from that.
  2. Check to see that you are not sending test transactions to the live Paypal Server (check your testing setting in AdminCP)
  3. Verify that your custom variable is output as
    HTML Code:

    <input type="hidden" name="custom" value="donation:*userid*:*goalid*">
  4. Make sure that you COMPLETED the install 100% (if you did not make it to the settings page at the end of the installation, then you did not complete the installation)
  5. Make sure that you have done the two required file edits (you can go back into the installer to verify this)
  6. If you had a donation made, but have not yet received notification at the script side of the house, then the transaction most likely went into the invalid transactions tables, check there if it is there, and you have verified the top three things above post here for support on this. There is a time lag in the invalid transaction notifications. If you receive an invalid transaction you will receive notification by email to the webmaster address in your vB settings. I need the following information in this circumstance:
    1. A post of the contents of the invalid table with identifiable information removed (ie. transaction id, addresses, phone numbers, IP addresses etc.)
    2. The address to your donate.php file
    3. Whether your system is in test mode or live mode
  7. For basic support problems, then I will need the address to your donate.php so that I can verify that your system is kicking out the proper information to send to paypal
  8. Above all else, please try to be as specific as possible, "The system broke..." doesn't do me any good to assist in giving you support, "The system broke at line 58 with the following error" is much better, and I am much more willing to support your problem with this symptom.
Lastly, if you have modified the base files in any way, I will NOT give support to this. The files are set in the way that they need to be to run under 90% of server installations. Any other installations that require files to be merged, etc., sorry but you are on yer own in that situation.

FYI: The Paypal Notification is completely seperate from the user being sent back to your site. Thus the reason that the ppverify.php file is NOT a function of donate.php.

VViper 06-18-2005 12:35 PM

Get this error at top of page

Warning: Division by zero in /modules/donate.php on line 33

Any ideas?

Cloudrunner 06-18-2005 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by VViper
Get this error at top of page

Warning: Division by zero in /modules/donate.php on line 33

Any ideas?

You have a goal in the system without an assigned amount...You can't divide X amount of dollars by a total goal of $0.00.

Thank you for finding this bug...would never have noticed it...but I have addressed it and the fix will be included in the next update. Thank you!

Vman 06-18-2005 07:20 PM

I did the whole sandbox thing and all. The Donation bar did not show a different color of where where we were in the donation goal and I get this error message at the top of the screen:

Warning: Division by zero in /donate.php on line 146

Just FYI!

caimakale 06-18-2005 07:57 PM

Read cloudrunners previous post. You don't have a $$$ amount entered in for the goal. You need to go to your ACP Donations Administration, and select your goal. Edit that goal with the dollar amount of the goal.

That should take care of the problem.

artonex 06-18-2005 08:52 PM

Cloudrunner i thank you for your hard work man this hack is getting better all the time :D

Cloudrunner 06-18-2005 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by BBCVman
I did the whole sandbox thing and all. The Donation bar did not show a different color of where where we were in the donation goal and I get this error message at the top of the screen:

Warning: Division by zero in /donate.php on line 146

Just FYI!

* Cloudrunner Points Up to Previous Post

dsboyce8624 06-19-2005 12:13 AM

It's not polite to point.

Vman 06-19-2005 12:34 AM

OK, got that working fine, now how do I refresh it so its back to zero since I did a transaction on paypals sandbox?

aranthorn 06-19-2005 03:04 AM


Originally Posted by dsboyce8624
If you could break it down for us, I'm sure people would appreciate it.

When using a module designed for the vBa CMPS v1 in v2, the default type doesn't carry over. So All I did was:

Go to your admincp--vBa CMPS--Edit Modules--Donations

In the dropdown list for 'Change Module Type' select PHP

File to include:

Module parent:

Templates Used:

adv_portal_donate, adv_portal_donate_goals, adv_portal_donate_goals_user
Clean File Output

Those are my settings, works no problem-o :D

dsboyce8624 06-19-2005 03:11 AM


Cloudrunner 06-19-2005 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by BBCVman
OK, got that working fine, now how do I refresh it so its back to zero since I did a transaction on paypals sandbox?

refresh what? The goal? Just edit it manually in the AdminCP and put it's total_donations to 0

Cloudrunner 06-19-2005 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by aranthorn
When using a module designed for the vBa CMPS v1 in v2, the default type doesn't carry over. So All I did was:

Go to your admincp--vBa CMPS--Edit Modules--Donations

In the dropdown list for 'Change Module Type' select PHP

File to include:

Module parent:

Templates Used:

adv_portal_donate, adv_portal_donate_goals, adv_portal_donate_goals_user
Clean File Output

Those are my settings, works no problem-o :D

Thank you, I added the instructions to the first post, along with credits...Thank you!

TTG 06-19-2005 12:36 PM

Hundreds of \r\n still in install package !?

Cloudrunner 06-19-2005 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by TTG
Hundreds of \r\n still in install package !?

I have not updated the install yet...current stable version is 1.04...version 1.05 is still a little buggy, will release that when I've squashed them all.

The fix is actually quite simple.

Go into the file ./admincp/donation_install/donation_phrases.php and just replace all the "\r\n"s with a carriage return.

It is addressed in the next update, but as I stated previously, I haven't yet released the next update due to buggy interface at the moment.

Vman 06-19-2005 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by Cloudrunner
refresh what? The goal? Just edit it manually in the AdminCP and put it's total_donations to 0


Cloudrunner 06-19-2005 08:19 PM

Quick note to let you guys know that I've released v1.05 of the Paypal Donations System. This fix addresses a few bugs (some of them self induced by me, like the \r\n critter, sorry about that...). It also adds the functionality to give your users the options as to whether or not their donation status is shown in public view. This is done via the user's profile options.

You will have to revert all modified templates for the new functions and to fix issues with the phrasing.

Hopefully this will be the last time a full template revert will be required for an update.

Love and light to you all!!!

)O( Cloudrunner )O(

P.s. Please let me know if you run into any problems...with any change to the updater there is always the chance that I added something that I did not catch during testing.

P.p.s. You will need to upload ALL files and overwrite the old ones for this update to work...But only an upgrade is needed to correct the problems and add the new functionalities.

guvner 06-19-2005 08:41 PM

Still using 1.04 and just figured out why my system didnt update after a donation.

The guy I've been using to test it in live mode has a Paypal account but he uses a credit card because he isn't verified.

I didnt know that of course, but to see if it was still a problem, I just had someone else try, he has funds in his account, is verified and it worked fine.

So it seems that if a donor has a verified PP account it's fine, but if someone uses the credit card option, the return codes didnt register with the system - at least for me

Is this designed behaviour?

guvner 06-19-2005 08:50 PM

OK, I just deleted the test donation I just received, I deleted the donor AND the transactions and whilst the admincp is correct, the progressive amount collected hasn't reverted to the pre-donation amount in donate.php - I know I can adjust it manually but should it have happened automatically?

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