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SamirDarji 05-11-2005 02:27 AM


Originally Posted by ricker
Good luck with the new code! I have a simpler request that I can't seem to get right: How would I link a username to their profile?


See this post: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....5&postcount=97

ricker 05-11-2005 03:51 PM

Thanks y'all ... I gave that a try yesterday and it didn't work, but I am up for trying it again. :)

*update* ok, i got it working, i think it was interfering with another hack, plus i forgot the end bracket after troubleshooting it. thanks for pointing me in the right direction, sometimes i'd rather be sure when playing with a live board! hehe, this hack rocks :)

JC 05-12-2005 07:33 AM

I may try this, thanks.

Turbo_WRX 05-13-2005 08:18 AM

hey i need help, installed it, but and the option to use roll call is there, however when i create the event, users have no button to click to say they'll be attending, and i can't delete, or edit any event, what did i do wrong?

Moncha 05-14-2005 01:24 AM

Go back over all of your changes.. Compare the changes to your orgiginal files. You did make back ups of the changed files didn't you? It works so you make a boo boo some where.

djsydeburnz 05-18-2005 12:53 AM

so, does this not work with 3.0.7? Ive done everything 3 times and dont see any options to 'attend' the event.

Moncha 05-18-2005 04:13 AM

This does work with 3.0.7 Make sure you have all of the updates and changes, it'll be a little hard because the the thread is broken up quite a bit but it does work.

djsydeburnz 05-18-2005 12:41 PM

the thread is broken up? do you mean other posts in this thread have fixes? is there a complete dowload for it at all?

SamirDarji 05-18-2005 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by djsydeburnz
the thread is broken up? do you mean other posts in this thread have fixes? is there a complete dowload for it at all?

There are a few bugs in the hack and a few fixes, but reading a bit will find you all of them.

Speaking of which, is it just me, or when I select "I am attending" does the date change when the event listing comes back?

mfarmerhi 05-29-2005 04:20 AM


Originally Posted by djsydeburnz
the thread is broken up? do you mean other posts in this thread have fixes? is there a complete dowload for it at all?

djsydeburnz, the code seems to work fine on 3.0.7 as is (up to and including the "attend" function, although I did not test the full functionality before updating the script with several of the additions that are listed in this thread).

If it's not working for you it might just be copy and pasting errors... there are a few close brackets that were barely noticeable; a couple of things that -- if you double check -- you might find errors in.


Did anyone ever fix the situation where confirming attendance for a re-occurring event, lists you on ALL occurrences of that event?

~ Mark

mfarmerhi 05-29-2005 04:34 AM


Originally Posted by mfarmerhi
Did anyone ever fix the situation where confirming attendance for a re-occurring event, lists you on ALL occurrences of that event?

Nope, I just double checked and didn't find anything. Anyone have a solution?

Moncha 05-29-2005 12:58 PM

There is nothing wrong with the script, that is the way it is supposed to work so, there is no fix. There are already WAY too many hacks done to this script as it is so it really needs to be re-witten completely.

mfarmerhi 05-29-2005 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by Moncha
There is nothing wrong with the script, that is the way it is supposed to work so, there is no fix. There are already WAY too many hacks done to this script as it is so it really needs to be re-witten completely.

I didn't say there was anything "wrong" with the script. I asked for a solution to confirmed attendances repeating with repeating events.

Iagree that it would be great if someone re-wrote and re-released the code to include the fixes and modification that have been discussed.

But as for "way too many" mods being done to the script, like any Mod, that's the whole point: start with a foundation and modify to suit your needs.

My need is something that doesn't repeat confirmed attendance with confirmed events.

Can anyone suggest a solution?

djsydeburnz 05-29-2005 05:13 PM

I seemed to have got this working, but i cannot figure out what i could have messed up. There are a couple of things that seem wrong. First off, I cannot view any of the events logged in as admin or as one of my test users. It seems to take me to the edit mode. Also, the date is messed up cuz in the edit mode it shows the date to edit, but no dropdown (only text box) for the day and nothing is selectable in the dropdown for the year.

any help is appreciated.
thanks in advance.

mfarmerhi 05-29-2005 05:39 PM

Glad you made progress.

It's hard to give some direction on what might be going wrong w/out seeing all the changes, but usually, when I've been hacking away, making changes then trying to unchanged them, I'll usually just start fresh: upload the original, unmodified code; then give it a fresh go.

If your code is behaving as you've described, it still sounds like you're missing some end brackets, semi-colons, etc. But hard to give you any indication (without seeing all of your code), where that may be happening.

djsydeburnz 05-29-2005 06:13 PM

wow, this has been the hardest one ive done so far. now i got it almost there. everythingis working except the dropdown for forum options. i cannot select anything to go there (edit, delete, move) browser shows error on line 588 in calendar.php but i dont see anything there that i edited at all. hmmm

djsydeburnz 05-29-2005 06:30 PM

i also cannot seem to find in the roll call.txt file i downloaded today where i put in the code for [I will be attending this even with XXX guests "submit"] but i can see it when viewing a test event. i was maybe hoping to edit the text.

djsydeburnz 05-29-2005 06:33 PM

after i select that i will be attending, it will allow me to use the dropdown menu now on the right (edit, delte, move)....very wierd.

oh, and thanks for the help so far!

mfarmerhi 05-29-2005 06:47 PM

djsydeburnz, I also did the hacks sequentially. That is, I just did the hacks in the original mod, then tested it to make sure it worked like that (it did); the performed the changes/corrections on page 2 of this thread, tested (still worked); and finally added in some mods discussed in pages 12-14, testing again.

Taking the hack step-by-step, testing between each new revision, will also make it clearer where errors might have been made.

Also, be careful depending on which method of cutting and pasting you're using -- it's easy to get a line break / extra space in there that often will cause errors...

Keep working it, you'll get it.

~ Mark

djsydeburnz 05-29-2005 07:08 PM

any way to get the templates that i edited to revert back to defaul without doing all templates?

also, anyone else have trouble with the username linking? my link just says:


no username after it, obviously a dead link

SamirDarji 05-31-2005 04:57 AM


Originally Posted by mfarmerhi
My need is something that doesn't repeat confirmed attendance with confirmed events.

Can anyone suggest a solution?

I actually need this too, but I don't see a way to do it. I've been using this hack from the beginning of my site and am very happy with it. I also have many recurring events that if you say you are going to attend, you attend them all. The reason for this is because the event listing for a recurring event is just a special type of single event listing. And since the attendance list is tied to the event listing in the database, the same list appears on all recurring event listings. The only way to make it remember each list individually is to make individual event listings. :(

mfarmerhi 06-02-2005 01:54 AM

Samir, likewise as we've been talking on the "Start new thread on calendar event" thread, adding a new column onto the database table and converting events to unique items (event[date]) would allow confirmation of ONLY that specific event...

SamirDarji 06-02-2005 04:21 AM

I think it would be a good idea. Even for the calendar in general. This could be a hack on its own that could be used in conjunction with calendar hacks. Anyone up for coding this?

Wisch 06-03-2005 12:23 AM

installed, awesome.

djsydeburnz 06-08-2005 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by djsydeburnz
any way to get the templates that i edited to revert back to defaul without doing all templates?

also, anyone else have trouble with the username linking? my link just says:


no username after it, obviously a dead link

any more direction to be provided here? I have edited all the stuff a few times and keep coming up with the same results. Broken username . . .

SamirDarji 06-14-2005 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by djsydeburnz
any more direction to be provided here? I have edited all the stuff a few times and keep coming up with the same results. Broken username . . .

To get a template back to stock, you can revert that particular template. I'd just check the edits. Something is missing somewhere. Mine works fine.

djsydeburnz 06-16-2005 12:41 AM

woohoo.....i guess i missed the edit in the calendar.php a few pages back. i thought the link to username would just be in the templates. got it to work...yeah.

did anybody mention the idea of having the events that have been / will be attended show on member profile?

how about email or private message event poster an update of total count of attendees?

email or private message attendees of changes in event?

invite members to event by private message or email?

also, would it be difficult to change the way the calendar displays by default? the typical calendar view seems so much like every other calendar out there. even just a simple top to bottom listing would be cool.

sorry for all the q's.


SamirDarji 06-16-2005 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by djsydeburnz
woohoo.....i guess i missed the edit in the calendar.php a few pages back. i thought the link to username would just be in the templates. got it to work...yeah.

did anybody mention the idea of having the events that have been / will be attended show on member profile?

There was talk about this, but I'm not sure if anyone has started any coding on it. It definitely adds to the functionality of the hack, but also the complexity.


Originally Posted by djsydeburnz
how about email or private message event poster an update of total count of attendees?

This would be useful to some, but will require some coding. I think someone could even make it a hack add-on.


Originally Posted by djsydeburnz
email or private message attendees of changes in event?

This would be nice as a default vb feature under the calendar. Like a way to subscribe to an event under the calendar.


Originally Posted by djsydeburnz
invite members to event by private message or email?

If there was a link to be able to email a link, that would be a quick and dirty way to do it. Again, this is something that could be an add-on.


Originally Posted by djsydeburnz
also, would it be difficult to change the way the calendar displays by default? the typical calendar view seems so much like every other calendar out there. even just a simple top to bottom listing would be cool.

sorry for all the q's.


Changing the view of the calendar would require template and php file changes, although I'm not sure exactly what you want to change.

djsydeburnz 06-16-2005 11:46 PM

now, only if i had as much knowledge of php as i do of ideas.

what i meant on the design layout was more of a listing (top to bottom), maybe weekly as default, options of monthly. just a basic listing you could scroll though. not baggin on the design, cuz that is how everyone designs their calendar....but then again, that is the reason i wouldnt mind coming up with a different look.

im glad you liked my ideas...hopefully someone will like them enough to try out some coding on them.

what would be perfect would be a module similar to the Evite.com website.

SamirDarji 06-18-2005 07:16 AM


Originally Posted by djsydeburnz
now, only if i had as much knowledge of php as i do of ideas.

Outsource! Outsource it and they will come!


Originally Posted by djsydeburnz
what i meant on the design layout was more of a listing (top to bottom), maybe weekly as default, options of monthly. just a basic listing you could scroll though. not baggin on the design, cuz that is how everyone designs their calendar....but then again, that is the reason i wouldnt mind coming up with a different look.

I have weekly set as default. You can set that under vb option. As far as coming up with a different look. If you want to be different just to be different, maybe you're missing the point--it works the way it is, even if it is like everyone else's.

buurman 06-25-2005 11:42 AM

*buurman has clicked install!!!

great work, nice mod!! needed it thx!

dknelson 06-27-2005 08:31 PM

I see that this is an old thread. Has anybody ever consolidated all the changes and fixes or is there another solution available?


alkatraz 06-28-2005 04:31 AM

i would love to see this for vb 3.5 =)

Mighty Mojo 06-28-2005 07:53 AM

This would be outstanding if there were an option to ask the user on the next login (after the even they registered for took place) whether they attended or not and allowed for a poll to be taken at that point (that would tally up from all other members who attended) asking for feedback and whether the event went well.

romerom 07-24-2005 03:41 AM

i just ran through this series of changes and i see absolutely no difference in my calender view. i can't see any option to mark that i'm attending an event or view who is attending. i am running vb 3.0.7

romerom 07-26-2005 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by romerom
i just ran through this series of changes and i see absolutely no difference in my calender view. i can't see any option to mark that i'm attending an event or view who is attending. i am running vb 3.0.7

i fixed it - my bad :)

romerom 07-26-2005 03:21 AM


Originally Posted by romerom
i fixed it - my bad :)

ok one request - can you update the mod to make it so that if we have a repeating event, it doesn't necessarily mean that if I am attending one week, i will be attending the second week?

SamirDarji 07-27-2005 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by romerom
ok one request - can you update the mod to make it so that if we have a repeating event, it doesn't necessarily mean that if I am attending one week, i will be attending the second week?


ricker 07-30-2005 03:42 AM

Is anyone running 3.5 yet? How hard would it be to recode this hack to work, or at least use something similiar? Just looking for the basics, "I am attending" link and maybe the guest option, that rocks. Hope to be upgrading real soon.

arpy 08-04-2005 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by ricker
Is anyone running 3.5 yet?

I've ported this hack to 3.5 RC1 and I will release this version on next weekend.

This version will be fully compatible to the 3.0x version - so you will be able to upgrade to 3.5 without loosing your event information.


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