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Natch 05-29-2004 03:45 AM

The posts become invisible when you delete the contents of the global_ignore template ...

sabret00the 06-03-2004 11:30 AM

does this send a pm to the person who got warned to tell them?

and does it log who warned who and what for?

msimplay 06-03-2004 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by sabret00the
does this send a pm to the person who got warned to tell them?

and does it log who warned who and what for?

well it doesn't by standard

but i suggest u use this warning system and its more comprehensive

however i did use the postbit modifications from Erwins hack
except for the warning bit of course

i used it coz i like the ability to edit signatures , avatars etc

sabret00the 06-03-2004 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by msimplay
well it doesn't by standard

but i suggest u use this warning system and its more comprehensive

however i did use the postbit modifications from Erwins hack
except for the warning bit of course

i used it coz i like the ability to edit signatures , avatars etc

what are the pluses of the version you pointed out over this one?

msimplay 06-03-2004 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by sabret00the
what are the pluses of the version you pointed out over this one?

ok the main pluses are
pms users on warning
you can set warning types via admin cp
logs all warnings so you can check them at a later date
and u can check by who they were done and why

and biggest plus is that its very supported with regards to updates
i was posting my suggestions in that thread not long ago

but with regards to the hack in this thread Erwin has already started he doesn't want to work on this hack

also check the thread i posted in my last post it has some screenshots of it aswell

Mr. HillBilly 06-12-2004 03:04 AM


Originally Posted by msimplay
ok the main pluses are
pms users on warning
you can set warning types via admin cp
logs all warnings so you can check them at a later date
and u can check by who they were done and why

and biggest plus is that its very supported with regards to updates
i was posting my suggestions in that thread not long ago

but with regards to the hack in this thread Erwin has already started he doesn't want to work on this hack

also check the thread i posted in my last post it has some screenshots of it aswell

ZT's hack is ok, but not coded verywell.

msimplay 06-12-2004 05:54 AM


Originally Posted by Mr. Hillbilly
ZT's hack is ok, but not coded verywell.

not coded very well in what way ?
works perfect for me and its definitely better then Erwins version
which doesn't have the same functionality as ZT's either

Fanboys Suck 06-18-2004 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by magnus
4. When a call is made to warn.php, all I get is a blank screen. I'm working on tracking that down as we speak.

I'm having the same problem. Anyone know how to fix this?

Erwin 06-19-2004 01:29 AM


Originally Posted by Fanboys Suck
I'm having the same problem. Anyone know how to fix this?

Was the warn template added?

Fanboys Suck 06-21-2004 12:00 AM

Yeah, the template is there. I guess I'll just go through everything again. I must be missing something...

The Realist 06-22-2004 10:10 AM

Installed this ok but when I click a users name in a post, I dont get the dropdown menu but it takes me to there profile page?

Any ideas.

The Realist 06-22-2004 10:14 AM

Also just found this Mysql error:

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.1:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT COUNT(*) AS threads,
// [START HACK='Warning System, Automatic Ban, Make Posts Invisible, Edit Signature/ Avatar' AUTHOR='Dr. Erwin Loh' VERSION='1.1' CHANGEID= 4 ]
SUM(IF(thread.lastpost>=1087900135 AND open<>10,1,0)) AS newthread
// [END HACK='Warning System, Automatic Ban, Make Posts Invisible, Edit Signature/ Avatar' AUTHOR='Dr. Erwin Loh' VERSION='1.1' CHANGEID= 4 ]
FROM thread AS thread

WHERE forumid = 65
AND sticky = 0
AND visible = 1

AND thread.lastpost >= 1085310715

mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '// [START HACK='Warning System, Automatic Ban, Make Posts Invis

mysql error number: 1064

Date: Tuesday 22nd of June 2004 12:11:55 PM
Script: http://www.tech-tronix.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=65
Username: Realist
IP Address: xx.xxx.xxx.xxx

Erwin 06-22-2004 11:58 AM


SELECT COUNT(*) AS threads,
// [START HACK='Warning System, Automatic Ban, Make Posts Invisible, Edit Signature/ Avatar' AUTHOR='Dr. Erwin Loh' VERSION='1.1' CHANGEID= 4 ]
SUM(IF(thread.lastpost>=1087900135 AND open<>10,1,0)) AS newthread
// [END HACK='Warning System, Automatic Ban, Make Posts Invisible, Edit Signature/ Avatar' AUTHOR='Dr. Erwin Loh' VERSION='1.1' CHANGEID= 4 ]
FROM thread AS thread
You cannot put comments // in the middle of a query. :) That's like putting // comments in the middle of a line of code.

The Realist 06-22-2004 12:02 PM

LOL so I should of just used

Signature/ Avatar' AUTHOR='Dr. Erwin Loh' VERSION='1.1' CHANGEID= 4 ]
SUM(IF(thread.lastpost>=1087900135 AND open<>10,1,0)) AS newthread

And not

// [START HACK='Warning System, Automatic Ban, Make Posts Invisible, Edit Signature/ Avatar' AUTHOR='Dr. Erwin Loh' VERSION='1.1' CHANGEID= 4 ]
SUM(IF(thread.lastpost>=1087900135 AND open<>10,1,0)) AS newthread
// [END HACK='Warning System, Automatic Ban, Make Posts Invisible, Edit Signature/ Avatar' AUTHOR='Dr. Erwin Loh' VERSION='1.1' CHANGEID= 4 ]
FROM thread AS thread

Dull bugger :)

The Realist 06-22-2004 12:03 PM

Any ideas on this one M8


Originally Posted by The Realist
Installed this ok but when I click a users name in a post, I dont get the dropdown menu but it takes me to there profile page?

Any ideas.

Infact none of my drop down menu's are working?

The Realist 06-22-2004 02:48 PM

All solved but I have a request.

Can this hack be changed so it can do the following.

If a member gets say 3 points they are banned for 24 hours, if they get 7 points they are banned for 7 days and if they get 10 points they are banned for good.



Originally Posted by The Realist
Any ideas on this one M8

Infact none of my drop down menu's are working?

ImportPassion 06-24-2004 01:14 AM

it says in the title u can make posts invisible, but i don't see that option.

Erwin 06-24-2004 01:40 AM


Originally Posted by 7thgenCivic.Com
it says in the title u can make posts invisible, but i don't see that option.

When a person is Emergency or Troll Banned, all their posts disappear automatically from view. Saves you from having to remove the manually.

The Realist 06-26-2004 04:56 PM


If I click "List all hack at once"

On the very bottom of the screen after current hack it says:

Warning: in_array(): Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/forums/admincp/hackadmin.php on line 2184


Current warnings on a username dropdown menu only shows the () there is no figure being shown in between the brackets.


If I click ban or suspend I get a "blank page?"
Unban or unsuspend it comes back with "Invalid User Specified"

Any ideas?

Erwin 06-27-2004 03:53 AM


Originally Posted by The Realist

If I click "List all hack at once"

On the very bottom of the screen after current hack it says:

Warning: in_array(): Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/forums/admincp/hackadmin.php on line 2184


Current warnings on a username dropdown menu only shows the () there is no figure being shown in between the brackets.


If I click ban or suspend I get a "blank page?"
Unban or unsuspend it comes back with "Invalid User Specified"

Any ideas?

1) You haven't installed the hack properly - this hack requires careful following of instructions.

2) If current warning is zero, then by default there is nothing between ().

The Realist 06-27-2004 09:50 AM

1) I have twice
2) I was refuring to a member that has been banned and no figure shows.

bad-dvir 06-27-2004 05:45 PM

i have a problam
i installed this hack but i don"t have the dropdown username
i have the 3 options on my control panel but not in the dropdown username?
what i can do?

The Realist 06-27-2004 06:44 PM

Do all other dropdown menu's work?

bad-dvir 06-27-2004 07:17 PM

the dropdown in the navbar work but not in the username!

Erwin 06-27-2004 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by The Realist
1) I have twice
2) I was refuring to a member that has been banned and no figure shows.

I can't understand why it wouldn't since many more members have installed it and it does work.

Natch 06-27-2004 11:17 PM

One thing I have noticed recently - the /modcp/ and /admincp/ directory names are hardcoded into the templates - shouldn't this pull the variables from the includes/config.php ?

The Realist 06-28-2004 09:21 AM

I'll have another go.


Originally Posted by Erwin
I can't understand why it wouldn't since many more members
have installed it and it does work.

The Realist 06-28-2004 09:49 AM

Re installed this hack and now I have points showing between the brackets. But I still have the "Ban or Suspend user" I get a blank page "404 error"?


If I click "Unban or Unsuspend" I get "Invalid User Specified"

Any ideas?

SnowBot 07-13-2004 10:37 AM

I have just upgraded to 3.0.3 and all is working fine apart from the warning points. They do not seem to increase when you add a point, any ideas as i have checked the code and the templates were from before the upgrade so are ok.?

Erwin 07-13-2004 12:03 PM

Don't know why it wouldn't work.

Anyway, I'm going to update this hack to add a proper warning system, with automatic PM, automatic notification of which rule is broken, a warning list page... I'm doing this for my site, and will release it once it's finished. :)

SnowBot 07-14-2004 12:45 AM

aahh that sounds great. Any idea on time scale. I am only asking as i will ununistall this and install the new one when its out.

HuangA 07-20-2004 06:43 PM

I installed this on a 3.0.3 installation; after following all the instructions etc, I was able to get the menu to appear; but when I click warn user, the new window comes out blank! Is this hack compatiable with 3.0.3? Did I do something wrong?

Ok, here's what I found out after some reading...

The code is looking for "warn" template, which I did not add because it was NOT included in the package. Can someone please kindly post the warn/warning template that we're suppose to add?

Bro_Joey_Gowdy 07-22-2004 11:50 AM

clicks install

johngdk 08-02-2004 06:03 PM

I have had the excact samt problem. But was a little confused about the post from "Zero Tolerance". Here the hole edited code-section. I hope this can help others:


$getthreadids = $DB_site->query("
SELECT " . iif($sortfield == 'voteavg', $votequery) . " threadid, " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user.usergroupid AS usergroupid
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread AS thread
$deljoin LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user ON " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user.userid = postuserid
WHERE forumid = $foruminfo[forumid]
AND sticky = 0
AND visible = 1
AND usergroupid<>24
ORDER BY sticky DESC, $sqlsortfield $sqlsortorder
LIMIT $limitlower, $perpage


Originally Posted by Zero Tolerance
Someone else has had this error, and im getting it too


Database error in vBulletin 3.0.0 Release Candidate 4:

Invalid SQL: 
        SELECT  threadid, user.usergroupid AS usergroupid
        FROM vb3_thread AS thread
          LEFT JOIN vb3_user ON user.userid = postuserid
        WHERE forumid = 5
            AND sticky = 0
            AND visible = 1
            AND usergroupid&lt;&gt;17
            AND thread.lastpost &gt;= 1075634033
        ORDER BY sticky DESC, thread.lastpost DESC
        LIMIT 0, 20
mysql error: Unknown table 'user' in field list

Ive redone edits for all files, still didn't work, maybe if you could point out the exact edit that fixes this that might help, but i dont see any ive missed and ive gone through them all


I fixed it, in the code i changed user. (2 times) to
PHP Code:

" . TABLE_PREFIX . "user

Seems those with a prefix may have trouble with this ;)

johngdk 08-02-2004 06:34 PM

There are missing som "TABLE_PREFIX" lines ind the file warn.php

Here are my code-section (that works for me)


if ($action == "doadd") {
$DB_site->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "userfield SET $warnfield=$warnfield+1 WHERE userid='$newuser'");
if ($warnings >= $warnpoints) {
$DB_site->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user SET usergroupid=$banusergroupid, usertitle='Banned' WHERE userid='$newuser'");

$error = "<b>Message:</b> You have warned this member!";
        $show['closewindow'] = true;
if ($action == "dominus") {
$DB_site->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "userfield SET $warnfield=$warnfield-1 WHERE userid='$newuser'");
$error = "<b>Message:</b> You have warned this member!";
        $show['closewindow'] = true;

if ($action == "doreset") {
$DB_site->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "userfield SET $warnfield=0 WHERE userid='$newuser'");
$error = "<b>Message:</b> You have warned this member!";
        $show['closewindow'] = true;

ImportPassion 08-08-2004 02:05 AM

for some reason I am getting a 500 error on this now. i think it was the 3.02 upgrade, but not sure when it happened

Seekers 08-08-2004 04:12 PM

This was my first attempt at installing a hack and I apparantly blew it. When I click on a users name I only get the default option instead of the hack options to ban, warn, etc.

Anyone have any idea what I did wrong. I was very careful and deliberate as I went through the instructions but must have missed something.


Dennis Olson 08-20-2004 01:02 PM


1) Does this hack work for vB3.0.3?

2) Did you get your "proper warning" code added?


Erwin 08-21-2004 05:19 AM


Originally Posted by Dennis Olson

1) Does this hack work for vB3.0.3?

2) Did you get your "proper warning" code added?


It works for 3.0.3 - actually, I installed integrated my hack with the other warning hack, and added a whole bunch of stuff including PM user on thread delete/ closure/ move, email user on ban, a whole lot of stuff. :) This hack is actually redundant. I can't release my current system as I'm using code from the other warning hack.

SnowBot 08-21-2004 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by Erwin
It works for 3.0.3 - actually, I installed integrated my hack with the other warning hack, and added a whole bunch of stuff including PM user on thread delete/ closure/ move, email user on ban, a whole lot of stuff. :) This hack is actually redundant. I can't release my current system as I'm using code from the other warning hack.

I know you can not release the whole hack as like you said you used some code from it, but anychance you may release add-ons for it :) So we have the best of both? I love this hack but i was hanging around for the updates.

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