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thesteveco 10-09-2002 07:58 AM

Oh... I did add one tiny tweak... I don't display Warning Levels to anyone unless it's greater than zero...



if ($warntype == 1) {
    eval("\$post[warnlink] .= \"".gettemplate('warn_seelink')."\";");
} else {
    $post[warnlink] .= "";



if ($warntype == 1) {
    if ($post[warninglvl] > 0) {
        eval("\$post[warnlink] .= \"".gettemplate('warn_seelink')."\";");
    // (removed the following as it seems extraneous)
    // } else {
    // $post[warnlink] .= "";

Hope ya don't mind :D

g-force2k2 10-09-2002 02:20 PM

thesteveco no i don't mind ;) glad to see you got the problem resolved :)

btw mewgood there is no warnconfig.php anymore... i think i've answered that question at least ten times now ;) regards...


mewgood 10-09-2002 09:33 PM

so HOw I gonna install it?
you didn't change the txt file..

thesteveco 10-09-2002 10:46 PM

mewgood - the warnconfig file is no longer necessary. You need to go to the Admin Control Panel and save the vBulletin Options. Down at the bottom of the page you'll notice some new data - that is the information that was previously stored in the file you're looking for.

I think that g-force2k2 was trying to encourage you to read the previous answers to the same question.

mewgood 10-10-2002 01:24 AM

thx for your answer:D

mewgood 10-10-2002 01:36 AM

when I try to click on the View warning log in the admin cp it has an error. As well where do I set the limit?


Warning: Division by zero in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/wcgalaxy.com/httpdocs/vbb/admin/admin_warning.php on line 87
Database error in vBulletin Control Panel 2.2.6:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT logid, username, userid, target, targetid, timestamp, type, postid, comment
FROM warnings_log
ORDER BY logid
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near '' at line 5

mysql error number: 1064

Date: Wednesday 09th of October 2002 09:26:51 PM
Script: http://www.wcgalaxy.com/vbb/vbb/admi...tion=view_logs
Referer: http://www.wcgalaxy.com/vbb/admin/in...n=nav&cpnavjs=

Devil-GOD 10-10-2002 08:29 AM



g-force2k2 10-10-2002 05:12 PM

mewgood you get that error because thesteveco stated you must submit your vbulletin options... regards...


StevenTN 10-10-2002 09:00 PM


I work with cklaszlo on our website. After fumbling with all the stuff, and almost having to use clear eyes in reading this thread, we got it up and running.

Good hack!

mewgood 10-10-2002 10:35 PM


Originally posted by g-force2k2
mewgood you get that error because thesteveco stated you must submit your vbulletin options... regards...


dont understand/???

StevenTN 10-11-2002 12:26 AM

He means go to your vBulletin Options in the admin control panel, then toward the bottom, modify the necessary settings, and "submit" them (or save them, or whatever terminology you want to use).

Dean C 10-13-2002 06:04 PM

i upgraded my board and a lot of my templates were lost... can u please write a script wich will only install the templates for me g-force :D


- miSt

Chris M 10-13-2002 06:15 PM

Here is just the Templates:)


Dean C 10-14-2002 03:41 PM

thankyou ^ :D

- miSt

etones 10-14-2002 08:50 PM

WOW - I think geforce needs to be complimented for creating what is one of the most unique and best hacks ever!!

Its #?$%&# amazing! :) Love it...

Works perfect, however hit one snag. Im trying out your alteration that colours the postbig output (green, red and orange)

It keeps trying to divide by 0, ive narrowed the problem down to $BANtot variable. Its not referencing the correct data. Help :) With this fix, you'll have the BEST hack ever,


etones 10-15-2002 07:30 AM

Also having another problem.

In the vB control panel, ;ve set it so that EVERY usergroup can view the warning levels, however the unregisterd/unlogged in users can't see them.

Anything wrong? Could have this one being fixed (i think its happening on everyones boards).


etones 10-15-2002 09:01 PM

g-force2k2.. any chance of a quick fix at all? Really appreciate it.


N9ne 10-17-2002 05:51 PM

g-force, I've noticed a problem with the getinfo template and the warning level display! I warned a member, it says warning level: 2 in the postbit for him, however in his profile it is like this:

Warning Level: Warning Level: | [ View User Warnings ]

It shows no number and shows Warning Level: aswell, it should be:

Warning Level: 5 Points | [View User Warnings]

or something like that :(

Apok2002 10-17-2002 09:24 PM

I posted this about a month ago, still haven't got a response. Can someone take a look? 2 issues here...

1) How about a master log that is viewable by the public? So that they can see all the warnings ever given out to everyone, by any admin/mod? Just like what we see in the admin cp?

I thought that is what the warn.php would do. But I guess that just displays the warning levels and points?

2) Also, in the template set that I have, I need to change the font color. It is currently white, which is difficult to see on my light blue background. Check it out here:


What is the easiest way to do that?

Thanks for the help...it's a great hack. Didn't have any troubles installing it.

\ \ - Speedy - / / 10-18-2002 03:05 AM

I am trying to install this on 228, and everything went fine up untill the txt file :S It says

Something Different?
// ++++++++++++++++++++
Go to the Admin CP and create a new usergroup.
Call the group Banned by Warnings :: And be sure to restrict all access to the forum from this usergroup!
Then Submit and right click the edit link to that new usergroup. Remember the Usergroupid for the config of the warnconfig.php!
(ie. 8)

Well I did that, but I dont know what file to edit b/c warncongig.php isnt there, and well I looked at the other files, I am going tpo go to bed right now so if someone could reply to this I would be happy, I want to finish this hack ;)

\\- Speedy -//

etones 10-18-2002 05:30 AM


Originally posted by \ \ - Speedy - / /
I am trying to install this on 228, and everything went fine up untill the txt file :S It says

Something Different?
// ++++++++++++++++++++
Go to the Admin CP and create a new usergroup.
Call the group Banned by Warnings :: And be sure to restrict all access to the forum from this usergroup!
Then Submit and right click the edit link to that new usergroup. Remember the Usergroupid for the config of the warnconfig.php!
(ie. 8)

Well I did that, but I dont know what file to edit b/c warncongig.php isnt there, and well I looked at the other files, I am going tpo go to bed right now so if someone could reply to this I would be happy, I want to finish this hack ;)

\\- Speedy -//

You set it in the admin control panel now,

Emuman 10-21-2002 05:16 PM

umm i cant find the warnconfig.php file.

groovesalad 10-21-2002 09:25 PM

Where do I find the warnconfig.php file? This hack doesn't seem to work without it.

Erwin 10-21-2002 10:20 PM

Looks like he forgot to include it in his new ZIP file.

Here is a copy of mine - just upload it into your ADMIN directory. Make sure you modify the variables to suit your site.

groovesalad 10-21-2002 10:28 PM

Do you know if this works on 2.2.8? I do'nt get a link to the warnings in the Postbit nor does it link correctly on the Index page.


Erwin 10-21-2002 10:57 PM

It works for 2.2.8 - you may have installed the hack wrongly, or you may have the wrong settings in warnconfig.php (for the forum directory).

g-force2k2 10-22-2002 06:19 PM

im sorry for my awayness as of late... but i don't know when i will be back... im sorry to everyone that i have let down but i have other priorities at the moment...

as for the warnconfig.php i don't know how many times in my thread that i have stated there isn't one ;P its been replaced by the vbulletin options in version 2.0...

etones im not sure but i will take a look...

Apok if you look back i did answer your second question... you have to find the <smallfont color="{pagetextcolor}" and replace it with <smallfont

regards... again im sorry...


bejita 10-23-2002 06:00 AM

g-force, i modify your scripts specialy on warn.php
if this hack exist please delete it, if no please review it.
i made this for :
- admin can warn all except admin :) ( your default )
- sm can warn all except admin and sm
- mod can warn only to user except admin,sm and mod

this what i change

change/replace with

if (($bbuserinfo[usergroupid]==5) and ($admin==6)){
if (($bbuserinfo[usergroupid]==7) and ($admin==6)){
if (($bbuserinfo[usergroupid]==7) and ($admin==5)){
else {}

please check again my code

Erwin 10-23-2002 12:01 PM


Originally posted by g-force2k2
as for the warnconfig.php i don't know how many times in my thread that i have stated there isn't one ;P its been replaced by the vbulletin options in version 2.0...


Really? I'm using version 2.0... I should probably delete my warnconfig.php then. :)

Miztah 10-24-2002 06:44 PM

How can I get the Warning Level/Points to appear in the welcome panel?

WoodiE 10-26-2002 02:56 PM

I just upgraded to 2.2.8, how do i reinstall this?

I have ran the uninstall and it runs without a single problem, but if i run the install i get a database error:

Database error in vBulletin Control Panel 2.2.8:

Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO settinggroup VALUES (40, 'Warnings System', 40)
mysql error: Duplicate entry '40' for key 1

mysql error number: 1062

Date: Saturday 26th of October 2002 10:55:29 AM
Script: http://www.rcnitrotalk.com/forum/for...ing.php?step=2
Referer: http://www.rcnitrotalk.com/forum/adm...ll_warning.php

How do i fix this?


Link14716 10-26-2002 03:23 PM

Change all occurences of '40' in the install file to '99'.

Do this at your own peril, but it should work :)

X-Fan 10-27-2002 05:45 AM


Originally posted by g-force2k2
as for the warnconfig.php i don't know how many times in my thread that i have stated there isn't one ;P its been replaced by the vbulletin options in version 2.0...
Then why does it still state in the installation instructions for v2.1:


Go to the Admin CP and create a new usergroup.
Call the group Banned by Warnings :: And be sure to restrict all access to the forum from this usergroup!
Then Submit and right click the edit link to that new usergroup. Remember the Usergroupid for the config of the warnconfig.php!
(ie. 8)

Notice ::
Open warnconfig.php and configure this according to your forum!

The hack isn't working any more after I upgraded my forums to v2.2.8 I no longer see the warn link in postbit, even though the correct code is in the template. Also, clicking the Modify Warning link (indeed any of the warnings hack links) in my site's admin take me to a blank page.

Any help is appreciated, as this is an invaluable hack!

Erwin 10-27-2002 06:07 AM

X-fan, when you upgraded you must have accidentally removed some code from your functions.php and members.php - you need to reinstall the hack carefully.

X-Fan 10-27-2002 06:08 AM

Okay, I sussed it out. For some reason, the rows had gone from the settinggroup and settings tables in my site's database. I went to add them back in manually, but the vBPad hack had id 40 so I set the warnings hack to id 50.

However, clicking "Modify Warnings" in my Admin CP still brings up a blank page, even after I've set all the configurations via vBulletin Options.

Erwin 10-27-2002 06:10 AM

A blank page usually means a missing template - make sure when the required templates are in all your templateset, not just default.

X-Fan 10-27-2002 06:10 AM

Erwin, I'd added all the code back into the files and templates, but for some reason there were fields missing from my site's DB as I explained above.

I worked out the problem with Modify Warnings giving me a blank screen too - I was still using the old version of admin_warnings.php! LOL ;)

Erwin 10-27-2002 06:13 AM

There you go! All fixed, all by yourself. ;) Well done! Your site is looking good - 25 queries on your home page, and 27 on forumhome! I'm sure that's only 25% of what it was with vBPortal. :)

X-Fan 10-27-2002 06:59 AM

Thanks Erwin! I appreciate the kind words. As well as being my full-time job, my site is a labor of love for me :) It's almost like my third child! ;)

WoodiE 10-27-2002 01:24 PM

Thanks Link14716 that fixed the problem, but now when I log in the admin control panel under:

vBulletin Options -> I have two [Warnings System] links listed. How do i remove the old one?


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