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TalkHardRandy 02-07-2003 06:24 PM


Originally posted by N9ne
Hi Lesane, how could I remove the upper limit for the jackpot for the lottery, which is 32000 or something right now?

Never mind... change the value of jackpot from 'SMALLINT' to 'INT with a value of however many... I picked 8.

BTW Lesane, since it hasn't been said in a few pages - YOU ROCK!

mantra 02-17-2003 05:17 PM

i installed this hack. How come it does not show up in the store?

Any ideas?

dstruct2k 03-09-2003 06:35 AM

You have to go in to the Admin CP and start a lottery. Remember to only start one, unless having 2 running at the same time doesn't bother you. I'm going to run 1 weekly, and the other monthly. I hope it works out! :D

EDIT: Turns out that my "2 lotteries" thing didn't work out as planned. I was just seeing an echo of the first one.... :rolleyes:

DigitalDesktops 03-26-2003 05:39 PM

i get this error after i pick the winner, and click the link to reward the user:

PHP Code:

Database error in vBulletin Control Panel 2.3.0:

Invalid SQLUPDATE user SET storep=storepWHERE userid='5'
mysql errorYou have an error in your SQL syntax near 'WHERE userid='5'' at line 1

mysql error number

this is where the error occured (Line 720)

PHP Code:

$rewarduser $DB_site->query("UPDATE user SET storep=storep+$kutje WHERE userid='$userid'"); 

DigitalDesktops 03-27-2003 01:21 AM

^ is anyone else having problems with this?

DPoole 03-27-2003 02:25 AM

yep i always got that so the way i got round it was when i picked a winner was to always start another lottery for the following wekk.Aint sure why it happens though

thamyeuvn 03-27-2003 03:23 AM

YEAH< this hack is very nice. But I have a idea for LESANE: Can you add a page like "WINNER" which show who is the winner and the number of ticket the winner has chossen . :D
It's very cool, really?

DigitalDesktops 03-27-2003 01:18 PM


Today at 04:25 AM DPoole said this in Post #206
yep i always got that so the way i got round it was when i picked a winner was to always start another lottery for the following wekk.Aint sure why it happens though
The winner of the lottery doesn't get the jackpot. they just get 20 points back even though i set the lottery to 500 points.

EDIT: nvm i got it fixed. :)

RobinHood 03-28-2003 05:50 AM


Yesterday at 03:18 PM DigitalDesktops said this in Post #208

The winner of the lottery doesn't get the jackpot. they just get 20 points back even though i set the lottery to 500 points.

EDIT: nvm i got it fixed. :)

How did you fix it? I got this error too.

Madacc 04-02-2003 08:23 PM


03-26-03 at 07:39 PM DigitalDesktops said this in Post #204
i get this error after i pick the winner, and click the link to reward the user:

PHP Code:

Database error in vBulletin Control Panel 2.3.0:

Invalid SQLUPDATE user SET storep=storepWHERE userid='5'
mysql errorYou have an error in your SQL syntax near 'WHERE userid='5'' at line 1

mysql error number

this is where the error occured (Line 720)

PHP Code:

$rewarduser $DB_site->query("UPDATE user SET storep=storep+$kutje WHERE userid='$userid'"); 

I'm getting the same error.. can anyone help out?

Darnell 0216 04-11-2003 04:52 AM

Make sure you don't have errors in the the following lines:
PHP Code:

$jack=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT * FROM storelottery WHERE lotnumber=1");

Your error says that it's trying to add nothing (storep=storep+ WHERE) to the current storepoints which implies kutje is returning an empty value.

BTW I'm running 2.2.9 and haven't had any errors other than choosing from only those who have bought a ticket and the fact he hardcoded the colors and bullet images in which were all rectified...

dstruct2k 04-13-2003 03:32 AM

Anyone feel like telling me the meaning of "kutje"? I tried translating it to no avail.... :(

vurton 05-02-2003 02:00 AM

everything worked fine until i picked a winner

Database error in vBulletin Control Panel 2.3.0:

Invalid SQL: UPDATE user SET storep=storep+ WHERE userid='1'
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE userid='1'' at line 1

mysql error number: 1064


Zelda-King 05-02-2003 10:22 AM

Mine's ok on 2.3.0 but I want to change the userid of the winner/loser PM sender (I use Admin-Bot for jobs like this. :D).

Darnell 0216 05-03-2003 12:37 AM


Today at 07:22 AM Zelda-King said this in Post #214
Mine's ok on 2.3.0 but I want to change the userid of the winner/loser PM sender (I use Admin-Bot for jobs like this. :D).
Find in storeadmin.php
PHP Code:

$pmwinner="Congratulations $username,\n\n You won the lottery named $lotop[lotname]. Your amount of points is increased with $kutje points.\n\n Thanks for your participation on this lottery.";
$pmw $DB_site->query("INSERT INTO privatemessage (privatemessageid,userid,touserid,fromuserid,title,message,dateline,messageread,folderid) VALUES (NULL,'$userid','$userid','$bbuserinfo[userid]','You Won The Lottery','".addslashes($pmwinner)."',".time().",0,0)"); 

Replace $bbuserinfo[userid] with the userid you wish the message to come from.

Zelda-King 05-03-2003 01:33 PM

Yeah, I knew that had to be the key. I just wasn't sure if you just stick the userid on its own or whatnot.

Right, I've now replaced '$bbuserinfo[userid]' with '192' and done the same for the loser PM. I'll see how that goes when the next lottery ends in a week.

Thanks a lot!

On another note, with the last lottery the jackpot was over 30000 but the lottery awarded little over 1000. Maybe the jackpot just went over the maximum at the last minute? I've made the jackpot for the current lottery less to see if this one goes better.

Darnell 0216 05-03-2003 01:51 PM

There's a fix mentioned earlier in the thread regarding award issues... You might wanna doublecheck that problem if you haven't already corrected it. I've got my lottery to award over $10,000,000...

mcyates 05-03-2003 03:45 PM


When i try to buy a ticket i click on the buy button BUT it does nothing.. Below is the code for it which i'm using.

template: store_lottery


<title>$storename - Buy A Lottery Ticket</title>
<table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="95%"  align="center">
        <td width="100%"><img src="https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/images/vb_bullet.gif" alt="" border="0" align="absmiddle">
        <normalfont><b><a href="index.php?s=$session[sessionhash]">$bbtitle</a> &gt;
        <a href="store.php?s=$session[sessionhash]">$storename</a> &gt; Buy A Lottery Ticket</b></normalfont></td>
<p><form action="store.php"  name="name" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="lotteryupdate">
<input type="hidden" name="cost" value="$cost">
<input type="hidden" name="storeid" value="$storeid">
<table cellpadding="0" align=center cellspacing="0" border="0" width="90%"><tr><td>
<table cellpadding="0" align=center cellspacing="1" border="0" bgcolor="#0A293E" width="90%">
<td colspan="2" bgcolor="#1D6AA0"><normalfont color="#EEEEFF"><b>Verify:</b></normalfont></td>
<tr bgcolor="#13486D" valign='top'>
<td><p><normalfont color="#000000">Buying a lottery ticket costs:</p></td>
<td><p><normalfont color="#000000">$cost</p></td>
<tr bgcolor="#13486D" valign='top'>
<td><p><normalfont color="#000000">$pointname you have:</p></td>
<td><p><normalfont color="#000000">$points</p></td>
<tr bgcolor="#13486D" valign='top'>
<td><p><normalfont color="#000000">$pointname after buying the lottery ticket:</p></td>
<td><p><normalfont color="#000000">$need</p></td></tr>
<td bgcolor="#1D6AA0" colspan='2' align='center'><p id='submitrow'><input type="submit" value="Ok, Buy The Lottery Ticket">

Any help would be welcomed. Thanks in advance

Nur1 05-04-2003 09:31 PM

getting problem.. well dunno if its a problem or not, but the lotto insert is appearing twice in admin

check attached gif

007 05-05-2003 04:28 PM

Nur1 I also have that problem. It doesn't seem to mess anything up, just shows everything twice though. I just ignore it.

I also have the same problem as you vurton. Members still get their money, but I get your error along with a nice vbulletin error email. I hate those LOL!

But yeah I get this too in 2.2.9. Anyone know what could be wrong?


05-01-03 at 10:00 PM vurton said this in Post #213
everything worked fine until i picked a winner

Database error in vBulletin Control Panel 2.3.0:

Invalid SQL: UPDATE user SET storep=storep+ WHERE userid='1'
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE userid='1'' at line 1

mysql error number: 1064


DigitalDesktops 05-05-2003 08:38 PM


Yesterday at 11:31 PM Nur1 said this in Post #219
getting problem.. well dunno if its a problem or not, but the lotto insert is appearing twice in admin

check attached gif

Nur1, ignore all of the instructions it tells you to do in storeadmin.php, because the code is already in it. :p This should fix your problem. :)

Zelda-King 05-08-2003 02:48 PM


05-03-03 at 03:51 PM Darnell 0216 said this in Post #217
There's a fix mentioned earlier in the thread regarding award issues... You might wanna doublecheck that problem if you haven't already corrected it. I've got my lottery to award over $10,000,000...
Actually that WAS the problem. I'd ignored that post assuming I was exempt to that problem due to having installed the hack only recently. Lesane had said the problem is fixed.

007 05-18-2003 08:29 PM

Is there any way to show how much (including the starting ammount) is in the current jackpot??

DarkDraco07 05-20-2003 03:02 AM

i dont know if anyone has this problem or if its the same but when someone wins a lottery, they only get the amount that people bought tickets with, they dont recieve the amount added by an admin

007 05-20-2003 04:27 AM

It's been mentioned many times in this thread before, along with the fix. It's on like page 4 or something..

sonic3d 05-21-2003 09:30 PM

can this be a stand alone hack

if not can some1 do it?


legendarysk8er 05-21-2003 11:31 PM

PHP Code:

 Database error in vBulletin 2.3.0:

Invalid SQLSELECT storecost FROM usergroup WHERE usergroupid=6
mysql error
Unknown column 'storecost' in 'field list'

mysql error number1054

Wednesday 21st of May 2003 08:03:51 PM
: [url]http://www.amp.exilehosting.com/store.php?s=&action=main[/url]
Referer: [url]http://www.amp.exilehosting.com/index.php?s=[/url] 

I keep getting this error and I've doubled-checked everything..any help?

legendarysk8er 05-21-2003 11:34 PM


05-04-03 at 11:31 PM Nur1 said this in Post #219
getting problem.. well dunno if its a problem or not, but the lotto insert is appearing twice in admin

check attached gif

You must've added that one edit twice, go over it again. I did that too, but I had clicked copy twice on accident.

Holidazed 06-04-2003 07:23 PM

I have not seen a post on here in awhile. Is anybody still supporting this hack?

Lesane, I know it is a pain in the butt, but is there a way you can make a modification so that this hack works with Zajako's RPG Hack? I do not have the store hack installed on my system. Actually, it is a bit too complicated for me.

It might require a couple of changes (like DB field name changed to have maybe an "RPG" in front of it), bank.php changed to rpgbank.php. This is so people could have this hack running on the Store hack as well as Zajako's RPG hack.

For money, Zajako uses a variable called "$rpgmoney". If you could do this, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you.

midnightz 06-05-2003 09:56 PM

Hi Lesane,

I would like to have the Lottery winners information such as a copy of the pm or something of such. Post inside of a Lotto Winners Thread in my contest winners forum.

How is this possible.

Awesome work you do, I would still kill or pay well to get my forumhome columns to look like yours though :)



Big J 06-05-2003 11:48 PM

Now that I have installed the lottery I have no way to increase/decrease the points given when someone rates a thread. Any ideas?

Holidazed 06-06-2003 02:09 PM

Again, does Lesane even look at this thread anymore?

7harmonicz 06-26-2003 07:37 PM

I just installed the hack but dont see anywhere to modify the start and end date of the lotto? Where is this found? If not when does it end?

7harmonicz 06-26-2003 11:58 PM

anyone, please?

7harmonicz 06-27-2003 02:32 AM

lol, never mind Im tired and feel like an idiot now,

Jed 07-24-2003 07:17 PM

I'm sharing the problem of the mysterious "white page" with the lottery action. Can anyone help?

I'm running vB 2.3.0, and the latest rev of MySQL. I've double checked everything I could, but came up with nothing.

Looks sorta like nobody's here...

Galls 08-08-2003 04:42 AM

i am not able to download it, lol

Azhrialilu 08-24-2003 06:58 PM

yup, I'm getting the white page too *sigh*

livewars 08-28-2003 06:13 AM

I am having the same problem with just getting a blank white page... please help, it seems I'm not the only one!

NexDog 09-11-2003 04:08 AM

For the white page dudes:


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