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g-force2k2 07-05-2002 10:12 PM


oepn admin/user.php


PHP Code:

SELECT *,FROM_UNIXTIME(joindate) AS joindate,FROM_UNIXTIME(lastvisit) AS lastvisit,FROM_UNIXTIME 

replace with:

PHP Code:

SELECT user.*,FROM_UNIXTIME(joindate) AS joindate,FROM_UNIXTIME(lastvisit) AS lastvisit,FROM_UNIXTIME 

see if that fixes your problem :)


hypedave 07-05-2002 10:22 PM

nope it still the same error, I dunno,

now when I pull up
/forums/intemshop.php , I get this eror

Database error in vBulletin 2.2.6:

Invalid SQL: SELECT points FROM userfield WHERE userid=1
mysql error: Unknown column 'points' in 'field list'

mysql error number: 1054

Date: Friday 05th of July 2002 06:15:52 PM

and then /admin/user.php gives me this error

Database error in vBulletin Control Panel 2.2.6:

Invalid SQL: SELECT user.*,FROM_UNIXTIME(joindate) AS joindate,FROM_UNIXTIME(lastvisit) AS lastvisit,FROM_UNIXTIME(lastactivity) AS lastactivity,FROM_UNIXTIME(lastpost) AS lastpost,FROM_UNIXTIME(awaydate) AS awaydate
avatar.avatarpath,NOT ISNULL(customavatar.avatardata) AS hascustomavatar
FROM user
LEFT JOIN avatar ON avatar.avatarid=user.avatarid
LEFT JOIN customavatar ON customavatar.userid=user.userid
WHERE user.userid=1
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'avatar.avatarpath,NOT ISNULL(customavatar.avatardata) AS hascustomavatar
' at line 2

mysql error number: 1064

Date: Friday 05th of July 2002 06:19:01 PM
Referer: http://sub.domain.com/admin/index.php?

I dunno

g-force2k2 07-05-2002 10:35 PM

well the points field is either fuxored or off ;\ and the try and just replace the admin/user.php with the backup of it and see if the shop is still functional...


proxyMX 07-06-2002 02:50 AM

The items will not show in the posbit.

Seifer 07-06-2002 04:15 AM

I installed it on my testboard without a problem, but it's really not what I was looking for. I would like it 100% if:

You could have an option to post each item, like say I bought a wep, an armor and an item. In the postbit, I could put this:

Weapon: $post[weapon]
Armor: $postst[armor]

proxyMX 07-06-2002 02:34 PM

It seems that no one has any feasable solution to the problem so many of us are having. What frustrates me is when people make hacks, dont think em through properly and just release him, and obviously the Itemshop 5 has been a problematic release. Perhaps some more testing wouldnt have harmed anyone? And if anyone know how to fix this problem, im sure alot of us would be gratefull.
In the Postbit where you place
PHP Code:

$post [items

Why wont it work?

Chris M 07-06-2002 02:48 PM

Take out the space...


proxyMX 07-06-2002 02:50 PM

in my forums there is no space.
And i tested the placing a space thing, it actually brigns up something
"Array [items]"

proxyMX 07-06-2002 03:55 PM

Find out the problem

At first it seemed like a miracle, but heres what i done step by step to get the images to show.

Step 1:
Start up the install script again and first REMOVE the templates and tables using the script.

Step 2:
Go through the script again and let it set up the tables etc

Step 3:
Skip the file alterations

Step 4:
Go to your itemshop and direct it to the proper user field
(I installed the SHinra Hack because it provides better moderation functions. But even if youve got this installed you must do the same)
[To find out what field is what simply go to the Modify area of the user profile fields and then hover your mouse over edit. The last number of the line is the field number.]

Step 5:
Simply go into your item shop and then buy some stuff, and watch it appear in the post bit.
[Note, Custom items should appear too!]

mods can you please move this post to the Itemshop 5 area pwease

Custom Items Bug
The above by myself shows how to do it. However, ive found if you delete ANY of the categories then create a new one in place of em, the items DO NOT show up. So what to do is simply delete all the items in each category, and then replace them with your own custom items. Then if you require any more categories you can add em on, but you cannot delete any of the orginial four, it mucks it up.

Brianna 07-08-2002 03:24 AM

heh, my problem kicked my admin cp's arse x_X

when i go to edit templates, any template that has not been modified from it's original it just says "[Change Original]" and no titles for any of them... when I click on that for any line, it opens up a blank template... I am screwed. Not too mention interest on the bank does not work at all.

VERY nice looking hack, but it's not worth it cos uninstalling is gonna be ten times worse than installation was...

Vivi Ornitier 07-08-2002 10:33 AM


Originally posted by proxyMX
It seems that no one has any feasable solution to the problem so many of us are having. What frustrates me is when people make hacks, dont think em through properly and just release him, and obviously the Itemshop 5 has been a problematic release. Perhaps some more testing wouldnt have harmed anyone? And if anyone know how to fix this problem, im sure alot of us would be gratefull.
In the Postbit where you place
PHP Code:

$post [items

Why wont it work?

I don't damn care if you like my hack or don't. Wanna know why i stopped giving support for this? Cause you people are VERY ANNOYING! Yes, you can't read 3 lines of instructions, then run ahead and complain that the hack sucks. Most errors you report are caused by incorrect installation and/or other hacks. I have tested it, and it works perfectly for me. YOU PEOPLE ARE LAZY. I don't expect you to read all the posts in this thread (which could actually solve your problem), but AT LEAST have the decency of properly reading the installation instructions.

since i did a join on the items_user table, you can use any field in that table as $post[whatever].

Brianna 07-09-2002 11:37 PM


Originally posted by Vivi Ornitier

I don't damn care if you like my hack or don't. Wanna know why i stopped giving support for this? Cause you people are VERY ANNOYING! Yes, you can't read 3 lines of instructions, then run ahead and complain that the hack sucks. Most errors you report are caused by incorrect installation and/or other hacks. I have tested it, and it works perfectly for me. YOU PEOPLE ARE LAZY. I don't expect you to read all the posts in this thread (which could actually solve your problem), but AT LEAST have the decency of properly reading the installation instructions.

since i did a join on the items_user table, you can use any field in that table as $post[whatever].

What version was this that you tested it on? I have version 2.2.5 and it works fine, other than the interest not incrementing, which isn't a big deal, but this problem I had with the template system being messed up happened at another person's forums as well.

I followed it step by step... Now I do have other hacks; but everything was fine until I installed this one: could the problem be a mixture of this hack and another that might clash with eachother?

Of course, I do not mind if you do not help me out here; I read through every post in this thread before posting my problem (knowing my idiocity I could have overlooked it being mentioned, but as far as I know I did not see it), anyways yes it was quite annoying, and I can understand your frustration completely...

Link14716 07-11-2002 12:54 AM


Can anyone help me?

When I make a new catagory, it won't show up in the postbit. I have tried to edit the functions.php part, but to no avail. Can anyone post how to show all of the items you have in the postbit?

dadymac 07-11-2002 04:00 AM

just wanted to say i have this hack installed along with 15 or so other hacks, even integrated this with lesanes, and i didnt have to do one single extra thing other than the instructions.

great hack, sorry you have to deal with comments like we all see here.

Link14716 07-12-2002 02:07 AM

I did the same as you, but the issue comes when yu add a new catagory and buy an item. The item that you buy in the new catagory doesn't show up in the postbit, but the other 4 do.

E 07-12-2002 02:12 AM

blah i made my own version of this... where items actually do things.... and u can have up to 3 weapons and 3 armour...

xxskullxx 07-12-2002 04:55 AM

I have this hack installed on my (2.2.6) site without any problems whatsoever. It installed fine along side of alot of different hacks. I think Vivi did a great job.


GamerNext 07-13-2002 02:42 AM

I'm having all my problems with the field thing and putting it in post bit.

Database error in vBulletin 2.2.6:

Invalid SQL: SELECT field5 FROM userfield WHERE userid=1
mysql error: Unknown column 'field5' in 'field list'

mysql error number: 1054

Date: Friday 12th of July 2002 11:37:05 PM
Script: http://www.gamernext.com/boards/boards/newreply.php
Referer: http://www.gamernext.com/boards/newr...y&threadid=293

I have no idea what to do and it's all to do with the field number.

Grealm 07-13-2002 02:59 PM

i heard this hack have a bug if u buy ur personal shop..?

Vivi Ornitier 07-13-2002 03:53 PM


Originally posted by GamerNext
I'm having all my problems with the field thing and putting it in post bit.

Database error in vBulletin 2.2.6:

Invalid SQL: SELECT field5 FROM userfield WHERE userid=1
mysql error: Unknown column 'field5' in 'field list'

mysql error number: 1054

Date: Friday 12th of July 2002 11:37:05 PM
Script: http://www.gamernext.com/boards/boards/newreply.php
Referer: http://www.gamernext.com/boards/newr...y&threadid=293

I have no idea what to do and it's all to do with the field number.

now this is what i'm talking about. read through the instructions.
the "add a new userfield" part.


I did the same as you, but the issue comes when yu add a new catagory and buy an item. The item that you buy in the new catagory doesn't show up in the postbit, but the other 4 do.
read my post above.


What version was this that you tested it on? I have version 2.2.5 and it works fine, other than the interest not incrementing, which isn't a big deal, but this problem I had with the template system being messed up happened at another person's forums as well.

I followed it step by step... Now I do have other hacks; but everything was fine until I installed this one: could the problem be a mixture of this hack and another that might clash with eachother?

Of course, I do not mind if you do not help me out here; I read through every post in this thread before posting my problem (knowing my idiocity I could have overlooked it being mentioned, but as far as I know I did not see it), anyways yes it was quite annoying, and I can understand your frustration completely...
if everyone on this board would be like you.....

Vinney 07-13-2002 04:36 PM

Could someone tell me how i would go about adding an extra varibale to each item. i run a car forum ... and my shop is going to be based upon car modifications .... which add up to a total BHP

I want to be able to rate each item with a defined BHP ?

How can i do this ???

GamerNext 07-13-2002 06:23 PM

Vivi, I really appreciate you coming back and giving support. Thanks man.

But, I believe I did everything right and it still is messed up. When I go to edit options for the Item Shop, I set the field to "field13" which is the correct field for Points:. I've set everything right and it's field13 in the postbit. But, when I change the field in edit options of Item Shop, it goes back to 1. So now everyone's biography is showing the point number. It's like it's not saving field13. Please help man.

Grealm 07-16-2002 02:25 AM

one more question: how do u add an items to show on your posbits? our forum's maximum is 3 items only.. is there anyway we can change that? if it's possible how?

this is the only question that hasnt been answered..

Vivi Ornitier 07-16-2002 09:21 AM


Originally posted by GamerNext
Vivi, I really appreciate you coming back and giving support. Thanks man.

But, I believe I did everything right and it still is messed up. When I go to edit options for the Item Shop, I set the field to "field13" which is the correct field for Points:. I've set everything right and it's field13 in the postbit. But, when I change the field in edit options of Item Shop, it goes back to 1. So now everyone's biography is showing the point number. It's like it's not saving field13. Please help man.

for anyone that's getting that error: run this query
ALTER TABLE `items_options` CHANGE `pointfield` `pointfield` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL

Atian 07-16-2002 04:41 PM

im more than sure its because you messed up the intallation...ive tested these more than 4 times in different boards i dint get a single error from it....wich leads to my conclusion that you messed it up,if vivi and/or mewtwo dont mind i can give some support for these sh*t....

and i made the query like these

ALTER TABLE `items_options` CHANGE `pointfield` `pointfield` VARCHAR(78) NOT NULL

since i have alot of fields and stuff,vivi knows how these works......

Grealm 07-16-2002 10:04 PM


Originally posted by Grealm
one more question: how do u add an items to show on your posbits? our forum's maximum is 3 items only.. is there anyway we can change that? if it's possible how?

this is the only question that hasnt been answered..

anyone have an answer on this?

mei 07-19-2002 12:32 AM

my only question is, my points hack wont work with the item shop XD... suggestions?

[edit] har har im just slow at installing hacks.. don't blame me -.-; i fixed it XD

Mephisteus 07-19-2002 02:20 PM

There is an bug in the donate, if you fill in -X (x is the number) then the "donator" gets +X and the "receiver' -X

Here is the fix for that. also ads an new template

You'll need vbHacker

Atian 07-20-2002 12:15 AM


Originally posted by Grealm

anyone have an answer on this?

Run these query

ALTER TABLE `database_name`.`items` CHANGE `cat` `cat` INT(7) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL

Change databse_name to your database name and (7) to the number of items you wan to be displayed

Grealm 07-20-2002 02:36 PM


Originally posted by Atian

Change databse_name to your database name and (7) to the number of items you wan to be displayed

nvm.. :D

Grealm 07-20-2002 02:42 PM

umm.. that didnt work.. still 3 items on the postbit:(

Link14716 07-20-2002 04:48 PM

For all you that can't real the above post to find what this is a fix for:


It's all with the functions.php code.
In admin/functions.php

global $DB_site;
while ($nr <= 50) {
$catstuff=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT * FROM items_cats WHERE id=$nr");
$its=$DB_site->query("SELECT * FROM items WHERE cat=$nr ORDER BY name $asds");
if(sizeof($catstuff)==16) {
if($catstuff[type]==1) {
$uid=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT item0,points0,description0,icon0,itid0 FROM items_user WHERE userid=$post[userid]");
if($uid[0]!='No Item') {
$post[items] .= "<a href=\"itemshop.php?action=view&id=$uid[4]\"><img src=\"https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/images/itemshop/prs.gif\" border=\"0\"></a> ";
} else {
$post[items] .= "<img src=\"https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/images/itemshop/No Item.gif\" border=\"0\"> ";
} else {
$uid=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT item$nr,points$nr,description$nr,icon$nr,itid$nr FROM items_user WHERE userid=$post[userid]");
if($uid[0]!='No Item') {
if(empty($uid[3])) {
$post[items] .= "<a href=\"itemshop.php?action=view&id=$uid[4]\"><img src=\"https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/images/itemshop/$uid[0].gif\" border=\"0\"></a> ";
} else {
$post[items] .= "<a href=\"itemshop.php?action=view&id=$uid[4]\"><img src=\"https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/images/itemshop/$uid[3].gif\" border=\"0\"></a> ";
} else {
$post[items] .= "<img src=\"https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/images/itemshop/No Item.gif\" border=\"0\"> ";
} else {



global $DB_site;
//$cats=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT * FROM items_cats WHERE id=$nr");
//$catstuff=$DB_site->query("SELECT * FROM items_cats");
//$its=$DB_site->query("SELECT * FROM items WHERE cat=$nr ORDER BY name $asds");

$cats=$DB_site->query("SELECT * FROM items_cats ORDER by catorder");

while ($catstuff = $DB_site->fetch_array($cats)) {


$its=$DB_site->query("SELECT * FROM items WHERE cat=$nr ORDER BY name $asds");

                $uid=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT item0,points0,description0,icon0,itid0 FROM items_user WHERE userid=$post[userid]");
                if($uid[0]!='No Item')
                        $post[items] .= "<a href=\"itemshop.php?action=view&id=$uid[4]\"><img src=\"images/itemshop/prs.gif\" border=\"0\"></a> ";
                else        {
                        $post[items] .= "<img src=\"images/itemshop/No Item.gif\" border=\"0\"> ";
        else        {
                $uid=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT item$nr,points$nr,description$nr,icon$nr,itid$nr FROM items_user WHERE userid=$post[userid]");
                if($uid[0]!='No Item')
                                $post[items] .= "<a href=\"itemshop.php?action=view&id=$uid[4]\"><img src=\"images/itemshop/$uid[0].gif\" border=\"0\"></a> ";
                        else        {
                                $post[items] .= "<a href=\"itemshop.php?action=view&id=$uid[4]\"><img src=\"images/itemshop/$uid[3].gif\" border=\"0\"></a> ";
                else        {
                        $post[items] .= "<img src=\"images/itemshop/No Item.gif\" border=\"0\"> ";


That should do it.

NOTE: I did not make this code, a friend of mine did.

Grealm 07-21-2002 01:08 AM

thanks.. that works perfect :)

Lovaboye 07-25-2002 12:39 AM

I truely love it when liars post and say "i Got it working, "it works fine for me" when if you look at their forum they don't have the itemslist under the peoples names, thus not having it installed correcly!

The main problem that is bugging everyone is that


Doesnt show up on the thread, is their an alternate way of making it show up? Caue i can make a taable myself, i just need the info to make the table, since "$post[items]" isnt the correct item to put in postbit, does anyone know the correct item? Or just the info that enables the items box to appear?

This is truelly a great hack, i commend the author on ts behalf, but this problem is very annoying to alot of people, and whoever has fixed the prob should share the solution!

proxyMX 07-25-2002 02:15 AM

Vivi, stop your whining,
"Cause you people are VERY ANNOYING! "
Hmm, you know what i find very annoying, You .And vivi, for your information about our "Laziness" It seems your coding is the one thats lazy, the problem most (and i HAVE read every post and provided people with a solution) people are having is with the items showing up in the postbit. There is an error in the categories thats why, If you delete a category then add a new one, it wont show that categories items, or something like that, But if you don't delete the category, and modify and delete the selected items in it, it works fine. But this hack was just to much hassel, i uninstalled it. Please dont peeve me off with your rants vivi, I really dont find you impressive at all.


Theres some sort of weird muck up in the categories. If you have created a new category, all the items in that category will not show on your postbit. There is a way around this, and i posted it at an earlier page, but ill copy it here.
NOTE: Scroll down to the RED TEXT if you have not deleted any categories, If you have,follow all the steps bellow.

If you are fresh installing, run the install script, and after its done, go from step 4


Step 1:
Start up the install script again and first REMOVE the templates and tables using the script.


Step 2:
Go through the script again and let it set up the tables etc


Step 3:
Skip the file alterations


Step 4:
Go to your itemshop and direct it to the proper user field
(I installed the SHinra Hack because it provides better moderation functions. But even if youve got this installed you must do the same)
[To find out what field is what simply go to the Modify area of the user profile fields and then hover your mouse over edit. The last number of the line in the bottom left hand corner is the field number.]


Step 5:
Simply go into your item shop and then buy some stuff, and watch it appear in the post bit.
[Note, Custom items should appear too!]

*********Custom Items Bug*********
I have found if you delete ANY of the categories then create a new one in place of em, the items from the new category DO NOT show up. So what to do is simply delete all the items in each EXISITING category, and then replace them with your own custom items. Then if you require any more categories you can add em on, but you cannot delete any of the orginial four, it mucks it up.

Took me a while to figure that out, and i may not even be right, but i think this may be the problem for many, i dont know why that happens. Perhaps the Delete Category option should be ignored by all users until a fixed version is released

If you need more help on these steps or need other support please message me on vbulletin.org. I will be happy to help to the best of my v limited abilities, I know how annoying these things can be :bunny:

Its ashame the hack has soo many errors, its a great concept, Oh well, ill just use Lesanes exellente store hack.

edit: Added earlier post step by step fix to the post.
edit: Removed some more heated comments in reply to vivi's rudeness.
edit: Added secondary steps for fresh installers.

Ninth Dimension 07-25-2002 02:35 AM


Originally posted by Lovaboye
This is truelly a great hack, i commend the author on ts behalf, but this problem is very annoying to alot of people, and whoever has fixed the prob should share the solution!
I think this is the same problem as I had, you can find the soloution here (above)

Ninth Dimension 07-25-2002 02:40 AM

BTW, I installed this hack, and it worked fantasticly (after making the changes suggested) - i'm looking forward to any addons that might come out for this, as well as the ability to split the diffrent categories into diffrent pages.

Anyway, well done :)

Lovaboye 07-25-2002 02:44 AM

ok ok people, this is the problem, this hack is ultra sensitive, its like a new route canal, and other installed hacks are a cold rush of air.

If you have other hacks installed, its mosts likely this wont work! This hack was made super sensitive and we need someone to unsensidize it,

I have installed a fresh copy of vb, then istalled the hack, bbom, perfect. then i changed one thing in a file, boom hacks fudges up, then when i make everything default again the problem stays the same, it doesnt go back. If your having trouble with this hack dont worry, it wasnt made with the idea that ppl might have other hacks on their board. So just 4get about this.

proxyMX 07-25-2002 02:44 AM

Im glad to see it worked for someone. I think its pretty much hassel free if you read the instructions carefully and run it with its default items, its as soon as you try and customise it that problems arrise.

Lovaboye 07-25-2002 02:47 AM

ok, i never customized it, i never said i did, i let it be, but the items wont show up

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