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bhalkum 10-29-2013 11:03 PM

Figured it out...

If you set a usergroup as a "Shoutbox Manager" the shoutbox will NOT show.

efisio37 10-30-2013 12:02 PM

I can not see, I do not know how to do more

I also made this change but to no avail

You appear to have PHP 5.3.9 or higher installed on your server and configured to be too restrictive for vBulletin and vBShout to work correctly.

Please note that if you have a large number of usergroups, certain parts of this page may not work as intended.

If you encounter this issue, you can work around this by adding the following code to your .htaccess file:

php_value max_input_vars 10000

or altering your php.ini file to increase max_input_vars to 10000.


cyry 10-31-2013 12:04 AM

When i send a message i get this :


nxtgen 10-31-2013 02:55 PM

Roll back PHP version.

bhalkum 10-31-2013 06:38 PM

Weird issue.

I installed a template edit that allows you to put an image in the lower right corner to boost registration. Didn't like it, so I uninstalled it. All it was, was an added line to the footer file.

Anyway, when i removed the line, all of a sudden I can not see the shoutbox anymore.

Everyone else still can.

I changed no permissions.

DragonByte Tech 11-01-2013 12:51 PM

Please try reverting your templates, you may have accidentally removed more lines than needed.


bhalkum 11-01-2013 03:31 PM

I just did an uninstall/re-install and it worked good. Just thought it was odd since it only effected me, when logged in. lol.

MagnoX 11-02-2013 08:52 AM


Originally Posted by nxtgen (Post 2457479)
Roll back PHP version.

Roll back to what PHP version?

overlord73978 11-02-2013 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2454926)
I've not had a chance to test our mods for vB 5.0.5. However, I'm unable to replicate this error.

Can you please provide step-by-step instructions on how to replicate it?


I wish I could, but it seems fairly random. I just logged in as a user and got:


unexpected_error,profileexception_trace,#0 /home1/avianati/public_html/core/vb5/route.php(1000): vB5_Route_Profile->__construct(Array, Array, '', '') #1 /home1/avianati/public_html/core/packages/dbtechvbshout/api/vbshout/shoutbox.php(1158): vB5_Route::buildUrl('profile|fullurl', Array) #2 /home1/avianati/public_html/core/packages/dbtechvbshout/api/vbshout/shoutbox.php(1852): DBTechvBShout_Api_Vbshout_Shoutbox::_fetchShouts(Array) #3 /home1/avianati/public_html/core/packages/dbtechvbshout/api/vbshout/shoutbox.php(156): DBTechvBShout_Api_Vbshout_Shoutbox::_ajaxFetch(Array) #4 [internal function]: DBTechvBShout_Api_Vbshout_Shoutbox->callNamed(NULL, 'ajax', Array) #5 /home1/avianati/public_html/core/vb/api/wrapper.php(135): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #6 [internal function]: vB_Api_Wrapper->__call('callNamed', Array) #7 [internal function]: vB_Api_Wrapper->callNamed('ajax', Array) #8 /home1/avianati/public_html/core/vb/api/logwrapper.php(67): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #9 /home1/avianati/public_html/includes/api/interface/collapsed.php(75): vB_Api_Logwrapper->__call('callNamed', Array) #10 /home1/avianati/public_html/includes/api/interface/collapsed.php(75): vB_Api_Logwrapper->callNamed('ajax', Array) #11 /home1/avianati/public_html/includes/vb5/frontend/applicationlight.php(250): Api_Interface_Collapsed->callApi('vbshout_shoutbo...', 'ajax', Array, true) #12 [internal function]: vB5_Frontend_ApplicationLight->handleAjaxApi() #13 /home1/avianati/public_html/includes/vb5/frontend/applicationlight.php(172): call_user_func(Array) #14 /home1/avianati/public_html/index.php(38): vB5_Frontend_ApplicationLight->execute() #15 {main}errormsg,Error profile occurred in file /home1/avianati/public_html/core/vb5/route/profile.php on line 58

DragonByte Tech 11-05-2013 11:09 AM

Does that happen 100% of the time?


overlord73978 11-07-2013 03:33 PM

No, it happens for some users, not others. When I tried to log in, I got repeated DB errors popping up and had to log out again. I don't know if it's related at all, but lately, if I try to log in as admin (to the forum, not admincp) I get nothing but an error message. Like I said, probably not related, but may help.

Esaam 11-09-2013 01:41 AM

Hi. I can't get the shoutbox widget to "save" when I edit the forum page. I can drag'n'drop the widget but as I save the page, the shoutbox is not displayed and if I press edit page again then the widget is gone from the layout.

I tried with other widgets and it only happens for the shout box.

I tried with a "Shoutbox Manager" usergroup and without with no success.

bhalkum 11-09-2013 04:02 AM


Originally Posted by Esaam (Post 2459263)
Hi. I can't get the shoutbox widget to "save" when I edit the forum page. I can drag'n'drop the widget but as I save the page, the shoutbox is not displayed and if I press edit page again then the widget is gone from the layout.

I tried with other widgets and it only happens for the shout box.

I tried with a "Shoutbox Manager" usergroup and without with no success.

Same thing happened for me until I turned off "is shotubox manager" in the usergroup permissions.

mbozio 11-09-2013 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by cyry (Post 2457366)
When i send a message i get this :


Same probleme here.

mbozio 11-11-2013 10:42 AM

I found the problem. Indeed it's on vB5 side, the BB code parsong is causing some HTML error to be send back Inside the JSON return... here is a workaround :

In /include/vb5/template/bbcode.php

line 349, replace :
PHP Code:

            case 'socialmessage':
$dohtml $this->defaultOptions[$forumid]['dohtml'];
$dobbcode $this->defaultOptions[$forumid]['dobbcode'];
$dobbimagecode $this->defaultOptions[$forumid]['dobbimagecode'];
$dosmilies $this->defaultOptions[$forumid]['dosmilies'];

PHP Code:

            case 'socialmessage':
$dohtml self::$defaultOptions[$forumid]['dohtml'];
$dobbcode self::$defaultOptions[$forumid]['dobbcode'];
$dobbimagecode self::$defaultOptions[$forumid]['dobbimagecode'];
$dosmilies self::$defaultOptions[$forumid]['dosmilies'];

line 369, replace :
PHP Code:

            case 'nonforum':
$dohtml $this->defaultOptions['nonforum']['dohtml'];
$dobbcode $this->defaultOptions['nonforum']['dobbcode'];
$dobbimagecode $this->defaultOptions['nonforum']['dobbimagecode'];
$dosmilies $this->defaultOptions['nonforum']['dosmilies'];

PHP Code:

            case 'nonforum':
$dohtml self::$defaultOptions['nonforum']['dohtml'];
$dobbcode self::$defaultOptions['nonforum']['dobbcode'];
$dobbimagecode self::$defaultOptions['nonforum']['dobbimagecode'];
$dosmilies self::$defaultOptions['nonforum']['dosmilies'];

That's it, 200 parser error will be gone.

DragonByte Tech 11-13-2013 03:40 PM

That's a bug I've reported to IB, but they've yet to fix it :(


mbozio 11-13-2013 05:21 PM

here is the JIRA : http://tracker.vbulletin.com/browse/VBV-11781

nxtgen 11-15-2013 01:19 PM

I keep having an issue where my messages just do not send. Lots of my users have reported it. It works great for a little while then messages do not refresh or send. Sometimes logging out and logging in fixes it, sometimes clearing cache, sometimes using a different browser. Those are only temporary fixes though. I even bought the pro version thinking it'd might help..
Nope :\

MinusZero_Hz 11-18-2013 08:31 PM


I'm currently having an issue getting it into a widget? How can I put it in a widget so I can use it in my CSS?

jbman82 11-19-2013 02:30 AM

Is there a way that you can turn off the random popping sound?

jbman82 11-19-2013 02:42 AM

Nevermind, I found the settings.

Thermalpk 01-11-2014 09:57 PM

There is no AdminCP -> Plugins & Products -> Manage Products -> Add/Import in my admincp can someone help!?

DragonByte Tech 01-13-2014 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by MinusZero_Hz (Post 2461926)

I'm currently having an issue getting it into a widget? How can I put it in a widget so I can use it in my CSS?

Sorry, I'm not entirely sure what you're asking. Have you checked the Site Builder? You can drag and drop the module from there.


Originally Posted by Thermalpk (Post 2473718)
There is no AdminCP -> Plugins & Products -> Manage Products -> Add/Import in my admincp can someone help!?

Ensure you're flagged as Super Administrator in config.php :)


Uji Hardana 01-20-2014 05:56 PM

I love so much this mod :D thanks DBTech

DigoAlmino 01-27-2014 06:30 AM

Hello is there any possible way to change the background colour of the shoutbox because I'm wanting to change it to black from the default colour white?
It's not standing out to the style I put to my site so I have been trying to look in the style manager but no luck.

I love the work that has been put in to this mod thanks DBTech :)


Any help will be appreciated.



DragonByte Tech 01-29-2014 05:23 PM

I believe these colours can be customised by editing the dbtech_vbshout_colours.css template :)


usHealthy 02-03-2014 08:42 PM

I have installed this by putting all files on FTP but how tha heck do I proceed installing this Mod? lol
I just cant see anything at AdminCP to continue with installation. Im doing this for a client please help.

Im on v5.0.5 if that helps. Is not even showing at all on admincp nor the modules section

usHealthy 02-03-2014 09:04 PM

waaaahahahahaha Nevermind guys is been so long that I almost forgot to read instructions. LMAO

Datenpapst 02-04-2014 07:53 AM

any news, when the archive will be added?

DragonByte Tech 02-07-2014 11:14 PM

We have no update timing at this time, sorry :(


torulv 02-28-2014 12:18 PM

Logged inn users can't see the shoutbox... But you can see it as a guest and admin.

GuiltyNL 03-03-2014 11:22 AM

I would like to see that the shoutbox has a responsive design.

Now all is responsive in vb5 except this shoutbox.

torulv 03-09-2014 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by torulv (Post 2484259)
Logged inn users can't see the shoutbox... But you can see it as a guest and admin.

Any help?

Wout_ 03-27-2014 11:43 AM

I've installed it in FTP and install it at the AdminCP as in the README. Now, i edited my page and added the hook, but it doesnt work. I save the page and nothing happens, if i edit it back the hook has dissapeared from my page. It seems it doesnt work... Nobody can see the shoutbox....

usHealthy 03-30-2014 04:35 PM

How to make this fully responsive when need it?
As we all know now PC going and leaving us as the mobile is replacing them slowly. Is this mod responsive? that I can use it from mobile as mobile

DragonByte Tech 03-30-2014 05:05 PM

This mod has not been updated for recent versions of vBulletin 5 just yet. I believe the latest confirmed compatible version was 5.0.4.


SteamGamers 04-08-2014 07:46 AM

Hi, i'm fairly new to css, html and website management. But i'm the one in charge of designing our forum.

I had some trouble finding where the shout and clear button got it's color from, so i found the codes for them and deleted them. And now we can't hit enter to send the message. I was wondering if it's possible to remove the buttons but keep the commands so we can just hit enter and send the message?

DragonByte Tech 04-10-2014 07:14 PM

Unfortunately that's not possible. The modification depends on the button's existence in order to submit shouts. Sorry :(

You could try setting their CSS to visibility:hidden and see if that helps?


pidje 05-06-2014 09:35 PM


thanks for this shoutbox , but where is the smiley button ?

DragonByte Tech 05-07-2014 12:36 PM

The vB5 version does not have a smiley button.


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