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-   -   Integration with vBulletin - Facebook Connect - Update for Facebook PHP SDK (v.3.0.0) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=270219)

ChiNa 11-12-2012 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2380006)
I see this thread reported but we (forum staff) do not fix broken mods. I see the mod author was online as recently as last month, I suggest PMing him (1 person do it, he doesn't need 10 PMs) and explain the issue.

Otherwise if everyone is having this problem you should disable or remove it until it is fixed.

Thank you so much BOP5, I am a bit suprised about it! It really happend 2times, :( And we have removed it, but thats the only good FACEBOOK INTEGRATION right now.. Hopefully someone can fix it!

Thank you all for following up on this..

dartho 11-13-2012 01:24 AM

@ChiNa-Man - Have you look at the fbuser table in your database to see what user id's map to what facebook id's? If I'm reading the code right, this should be where it maps facebook accounts to vbulletin users and duplicate IDs should be obvious.

Also worth finding out is
if users logged into VB, and then click facebook connect;
or if the click facebook connect whilst logged out and then said add to an existing vb account;
or if clicked facebook connect and then created a new vb account.

If you can find a pattern, it's probably fixable.

My interest in this is that I am trying to get twitter account integration working, which also users OAuth. The libraries I am using for this would make it easy to change to Facebook assuming I get it right for twitter. WHen I say integration - I only mean to log in and create an account if needed - I'm not looking any further than an authentication mechaism (no posting back to twitter or anything like that)

kapoor22 11-25-2012 05:37 AM

Any chance if fbconnect-3.0.4 or fbconnect-3.0.5 could work with vb3.7.4? Anyone here tried it yet?

Thank you!

RyanFabbro 11-25-2012 05:52 AM

use https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=223555 it works perfectly just be sure to set it up right

kapoor22 11-25-2012 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by RyanFabbro (Post 2384804)
use https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=223555 it works perfectly just be sure to set it up right

Thanks Ryan, I tried using 'YAFB - Yay! Another Facebook Bridge' but this mod is using old Facebook policy and is unlikely to work.

Here is my experience installing this mod with version fbconnect-3.0.5 on vbulletin v 3.7.4.

Followed all the steps and it almost worked but for a blank page at the last step when testing fConnect. Looking at apache logs found following error:

PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Facebook needs the JSON PHP extension.' in /home/ivprod/www/forum/includes/facebook/base_facebook.php

Facebook needs the JSON PHP extension. Make sure that you enabled using of JSON extension in your PHP.ini file under PHP installation. Also make sure that php_json library is located in 'ext' sub folder of your PHP installation folder.

I was getting the error because of PHP version 5.1.6 (i.e. less than PHP version 5.2). JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) package comes default with PHP version 5.2 or greater. To make this to work, I'd to install JSON on PHP version 5.1.6

To install JSON on PHP 5.1.6 I used the steps in the following links:
1.) http://netoflotus.wordpress.com/2012...-centosrhel-5/
2.) http://maisonbisson.com/blog/post/12...entos-php-516/

But was stuck at the step of the actual JSON insll and I used these commands (all doing the same thing), but install kept on throwing error:
sudo pear install json-1.2.1.tgz
pear install json-1.2.1.tgz
pecl install json
pear install pecl/json

The error I was getting was:
/usr/bin/phpize: /tmp/tmpR9mvV5/json-1.2.1/build/shtool: /bin/sh: bad interpreter: Permission denied
Cannot find autoconf. Please check your autoconf installation and the $PHP_AUTOCONF
environment variable is set correctly and then rerun this script.

ERROR: `phpize' failed


To resolve this, I used the note at:

Then I went back and following following steps:

pear install pecl/json
mount -v -o remount,noexec /tmp
mount -v -o remount,noexec /var/tmp
cat 'extension=json.so' > /etc/php.d/json.ini
sudo service httpd reload
$php -r 'var_dump(function_exists("json_encode"));'

This should be it. Now Facebook Connect works without any issue on vBulletin 3.7.4.

If you are already on php 5.2 or greater, this mod should work without having to install JSON.

Hope this is useful for someone who wants to install this mod on 3.7.x or for an earlier version of PHP.

Thanks for this Mod!

RyanFabbro 11-26-2012 05:45 AM

YAFB works perfectly on 387 and my server is 100% up to date thats all i know, this one dont work that one does =)

and i even made a nice little addition for YAFB =)

RyanFabbro 11-29-2012 09:22 AM

kapoor, i wanted to point out to you, you may have got this working but theres a major error with it atm, its causing users to log into other users account.

for example i just installed this on my test board.
i logged into facebook on firefox linking my accounts so my admin would log in with my main fb.

i then logged into another fb account on google chrome, went to my site hit the button and it should have taken me to the register page, instead it logged me into the admin account, and these were 2 seperate fb accounts.

this has been reported by a few members if you read through the comments

but also now YAFB is having troubles too, so looks like fb connect for vb3 just died =(

kapoor22 12-02-2012 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by RyanFabbro (Post 2386387)
kapoor, i wanted to point out to you, you may have got this working but theres a major error with it atm, its causing users to log into other users account.

for example i just installed this on my test board.
i logged into facebook on firefox linking my accounts so my admin would log in with my main fb.

i then logged into another fb account on google chrome, went to my site hit the button and it should have taken me to the register page, instead it logged me into the admin account, and these were 2 seperate fb accounts.

this has been reported by a few members if you read through the comments

but also now YAFB is having troubles too, so looks like fb connect for vb3 just died =(

Thanks Ryan, for sharing this information. I must say that we have thoroughly this tested every possible used case with every browser, including chrome, and we did not experience any issue.

Also, to be on the safe side, we deleted Admin record from vb_fbuser table.

It seems in your test, after logging using FB connect, you did not logout from FB even when
you logged out from the vBulletin. FB keeps the login info in cookie which is why it logged you the 2nd time as Admin. If you try a different browser on the same machine, or, if you try a different machine, you will not see this issue.

We continue to use this plug-in in our production without any issue. Thank you again!

RyanFabbro 12-03-2012 10:08 PM

re read what i wrote. "i was logged into 2 separate fb accounts on 2 separate browsers so there was no cookie issue...

but you did mention your using an older version of vB3 so it may still work properly with older versions, but as far as 3.8.7 PL3 it causes users from all over the world, to log into other users account upon connecting with facebook. i am not the only person having this problem, you may have avoided it by using the older vb, but it deffently is not working with the latest vb, and is a major security concern.

i will be posting a separate 3rd party add on that allows facebook connect, along with gtalk, twitter, live and tons more here shortly.

ChiNa 12-03-2012 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by dartho (Post 2380688)
@ChiNa-Man - Have you look at the fbuser table in your database to see what user id's map to what facebook id's? If I'm reading the code right, this should be where it maps facebook accounts to vbulletin users and duplicate IDs should be obvious.

Also worth finding out is
if users logged into VB, and then click facebook connect;
or if the click facebook connect whilst logged out and then said add to an existing vb account;
or if clicked facebook connect and then created a new vb account.

If you can find a pattern, it's probably fixable.

My interest in this is that I am trying to get twitter account integration working, which also users OAuth. The libraries I am using for this would make it easy to change to Facebook assuming I get it right for twitter. WHen I say integration - I only mean to log in and create an account if needed - I'm not looking any further than an authentication mechaism (no posting back to twitter or anything like that)

Thanks a lot for the reply!

The users who were logged into other accounts were people that never been registered on our forum befor. Totally new members as they tried to register through the FACEBOOK CONNECT by Clicking on the FACEBOOK NAVBAR BUTTON... And they were all being logged into our forum with another users facebook account! Now this has happend for the 3rd time, and I have also 3 times uninstalled it and re-installed it all over again.. I have checked all the TABLES over and over again! I deleted many tables called FBUID as well, still not much help. 3 times in a row is too much....

Thanks alot for the reply and So far this was the only working ADDON, hopefully someone could fix it, if not the developer!

ChiNa 05-24-2013 07:21 PM

Still nothing heard from the Developer, even tho I tried to contact him once befor.


Developer Last Online: May 2013
. I contacted him first time 2 months ago, I have sent him a message again today, and hopefully he would answer back!

At least ot let us know if he will be doing something, or not...Please Update this amazing Addon, So users on vBulletin 3.8 wont be able to login to other members Facebook Accout, and vBulletin Account! Thank you

karabaja3 06-19-2013 12:46 AM

So, this is unsafe to use?

A.Chakery 06-19-2013 06:08 AM


Originally Posted by karabaja3 (Post 2429033)
So, this is unsafe to use?

Well since its not supported by the developer I highly recommend you to not to use it...

karabaja3 06-19-2013 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by A.Chakery (Post 2429058)
Well since its not supported by the developer I highly recommend you to not to use it...

Thx for reply. Is there a decent and proper alternative? Besides upgrading to vB 4.1.x

A.Chakery 06-20-2013 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by karabaja3 (Post 2429231)
Thx for reply. Is there a decent and proper alternative? Besides upgrading to vB 4.1.x

There is no ready to use plugin for this issue ... you should get someone to code it for you,

I will never consider upgrading my vb to v4 or v5 as an option.

karabaja3 06-20-2013 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by A.Chakery (Post 2429246)
There is no ready to use plugin for this issue

What about this?
It says it wokrs with vB4 but its lower verision than this? I'm a little bit confused. Some say it works fine.

Originally Posted by A.Chakery (Post 2429246)
I will never consider upgrading my vb to v4 or v5 as an option.

Same here. :)

vithorius 08-06-2013 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by A.Chakery (Post 2429246)
I will never consider upgrading my vb to v4 or v5 as an option.

Please add me too to the list!

Upgrade to v4 or v5 IS NOT AN OPTION! :erm:

gabrielt 08-12-2013 09:25 PM

Installation of this mod requires that your cURL installation to have support for SSL, in order for your server to be able to exchange information with Facebook...

You must download and compile openSSL: http://www.openssl.org/
You have to download and compile libcurl: http://curl.haxx.se

OpenSSL MUST be configured with --shared (otherwise you will get the message "configure: error: OpenSSL libs and/or directories were not found where specified!" when configuring cURL):

./configure --shared
make test
make install

Had to install libssl-dev (apt-get install libssl-dev).

Then configure and compile cURL with:

./configure --with-ssl
make install

Tyran1 08-16-2013 01:28 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Deutsche Produktdatei im Anhang!

karabaja3 01-31-2014 11:27 PM

does anyone runs this mod at his vb? link?

ChiNa 04-08-2014 01:00 PM

//Edited - The whole history of this Addon on my board

Used and failed on vBulletin 3.8.6 LP1 + vBulletin 3.8.7 LP3.

Let me start saying that this is one of my Favorit Addons. I was really happy for it because there wasnt any other Facebook Addons or Bridges for vB 3.8. And I already had a few members from Facebook that was working fine in the beginning.

The Author needs to take the responsibility of the failure and the damage it has done to many forums including my own. Luckily my forum is not damaged in a bad way. But we had members who could abuse other peoples Facebook and User accounts in my forum. I was fast enough to remove it befor it did any harm. Let me also include and say that I reinstalled this plugin more than 3 times and it failed everytime. And every time members were logged into a different users account.

I gave it one last shot and Installed it for the 4th time on a new and clean forum. Then it happened again. I was logged into another users account and then it was about time to contact vBulletin.org and the Developer. Since that incident I have time after time replied on this Topic to let others know about this issue and tried to contact to Author. But with no luck. The Author never replied. If you go looking back a few pages you will see my earlier replies. I just dont want this to happen to any other forum owner out there. As a developer and vbulletin user i feel its my duty to let others know. And I believe in this case the Developer has not been able to take contact to users who have had issues. He didnt even comment.

There is a huge problem with this Addon because of the changes made on Facebook. So hopefully I am crossing my fingers after this to hear from him!

hotshot 04-11-2014 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by ChiNa-Man (Post 2492106)
The Developer of this Plugin needs to take the Responsibility of the Failure and the Damage it has done to many forums including my own. I dont understand why vBulletin is still allowing this Plugin. This plugin is not working properly! After sometime your users will be able to Login to eachothers account and also use eachothers facebook! There is a huge problem with this Addon because of the changes made on Facebook.

I have tried to contact the developer more than 3 times and I havnt heard a single word from him!


Thanks for the warning.

BirdOPrey5 04-12-2014 01:44 PM


Some people have asked if there is a security flaw in this mod- one customer has reported using this mod allows users to sometimes log into another users account- obviously if true that is a very bad situation.

However this is not a security risk we can see like an SQL Exploit in the code- we have no way to verify this.

You must do your own research for all mods before you install them- we make no guarantee they are safe.

It would be great if the mod author could address the security questions raised but it is ultimately up to you whether you wish to install or keep the mod installed.

s_cocis 04-25-2014 04:43 PM

1 Attachment(s)
In show showthread.php biew double icon :confused:

ChiNa 06-08-2014 02:19 PM

Finally. Thanks to BirdOPrey5, for the comment.

I can see that the Developer has finally taken actions and wrote:


Not Supported!!
This code is not supported. The Facebook API has since changed. Only provided for open source purposes ... feel free to modify at your own risk.
@s_cocis >> "Not Supported!!" >> As you can read "The Facebook API has since changed" >> Not only The Facebook Codes has changed, but we all have had huge issues with this addong. Reading the latest comments will save your forum for trouble, issues or even from being hacked...

I recommend using >> YAF - Another Facebook Bridge

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