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Scalemotorcars 10-06-2011 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by vb.help (Post 2252987)
Is there any option for side arrow mark ?

I second this if it can be done. :up:

vb.help 10-09-2011 05:51 AM


I recently updated to vb 4.1.7 . when i tested the mobile style for my home page (CMS) it was blank. While debugging i realized that disabling this module makes the home page working.

Looks like there is some conflict with jquery files of this module with vb 4.1.7 .. Please help to resolve.


Badshah93 10-09-2011 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by vb.help (Post 2255003)

I recently updated to vb 4.1.7 . when i tested the mobile style for my home page (CMS) it was blank. While debugging i realized that disabling this module makes the home page working.

Looks like there is some conflict with jquery files of this module with vb 4.1.7 .. Please help to resolve.


i haven't tested it with mobile style.. i just opened scalemotorcare.com in my mobile and its working normally.

Can i have ur forum url ?

vb.help 10-09-2011 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by Sherif (Post 2255053)
i haven't tested it with mobile style.. i just opened scalemotorcare.com in my mobile and its working normally.

Can i have ur forum url ?

I sent the url to your PM . Thanks

Scalemotorcars 10-09-2011 05:44 PM

I have a Mobil style? :eek::eek::eek:

Ill have to check that out.... :D

Still would love to see navigation arrows. Anyone..... PLEASE..... :up:

webjogi73 10-10-2011 11:35 AM

Thank you for this great addon. I love it.

Is it possible to set an option that the pictures changes more smoothly, so that they slight in and out and not "just" changing ?

Badshah93 10-10-2011 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by Scalemotorcars (Post 2255190)
I have a Mobil style? :eek::eek::eek:

Ill have to check that out.... :D

Still would love to see navigation arrows. Anyone..... PLEASE..... :up:

no mate, i mean in normal style slider is working properly even if u open in mobile browser.

Mr GRiM 10-12-2011 06:40 AM

This is a pretty nice mod but I want something that will not stretch images out of proportion, on my old phpBB site I had a mod installed called Last X [attachments] http://www.phpbb.com/community/viewt...f=70&t=1953225 and on my old site here it looks like this http://virtualcustoms.net/virtualcustoms/index.php

It will automatically grab the last posted images from the any thread specified by adding the forum id of the section you want it to monitor.

It also added thumbnails to the new threads and took the image from the first post which was another great thing I liked about it.

All images on the home page slider were set at a certain height and and width and it generates a new thumbnail image for each new image displayed and depending on the size of the image it would resize and crop it accordingly to best display it.

So far since using VB I have not found a single mod that will actually resize and crop images instead of stretching them or making them too small too see and I think a similar mod to the phpBB one is definitely needed and I honestly don't understand why there has not been a similar mod created already.

Anyway hope you can help with this or know someone who can, this is the first mod I looked for when I moved to VB and also the one I miss the most from my old site.

I would also be willing to pay you up to $300 to make the mod if you need a bit of an incentive lol

SGoogle 10-12-2011 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by vb.help (Post 2255003)

I recently updated to vb 4.1.7 . when i tested the mobile style for my home page (CMS) it was blank. While debugging i realized that disabling this module makes the home page working.

Looks like there is some conflict with jquery files of this module with vb 4.1.7 .. Please help to resolve.


i have same error.
Please Help me

Rideharder 10-13-2011 05:36 AM

1 Attachment(s)
how can I fix this so it lines up?


Rideharder 10-13-2011 06:05 AM

I got it thanks alot for all you work into this..

Badshah93 10-13-2011 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by SGoogle (Post 2256422)
i have same error.
Please Help me

well you to remove a jquery script code from that mobile skin.. i suggested this solution to another guy and his problem is solved..

Can i have ur site url ?

SGoogle 10-14-2011 04:34 AM


Originally Posted by Sherif (Post 2256765)
well you to remove a jquery script code from that mobile skin.. i suggested this solution to another guy and his problem is solved..

Can i have ur site url ?

How to remove a jquery script code from that mobile skin.
I have use Mobile Skin defaut of Vbulletin.


i have send my url site to Private Mess

baerwurz 10-14-2011 08:29 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Very nice Slider.

How can i remove the 3 things you see on the Screenshot?

1. The Border arround the Slider
2 and 3. The Lines before and after the H1 Title

Anyone a tip for me?


Number one i have found:

Scroll down in vbcms_widget_cmsfcs_page template:

you see this:


<div class="cms_widget_content widget_content">
                  <div id="featured" class="cmsfcs_{vb:raw id}">
{vb:raw output}

change it to this:


<div id="featured" class="cmsfcs_{vb:raw id}">
{vb:raw output}

tomshawk 10-15-2011 03:32 AM

I installed it and got it to show up.

The image is distorted as it re-sizes the image if it is to small.


and unregistered users cant see images

Any thoughts?

Fixed the viewing of images problem. ;)

tomshawk 10-16-2011 02:38 PM

It is still distorting the image if it is smaller than the size of the block because it is resizing it to match the block.

Any thoughts?

akademikper 10-17-2011 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by romaszek (Post 2252605)
Sorry bad English.
This is not the good manner.
I made so:

.cmsfcs_{vb:raw id} ul.ui-tabs-nav{
width:76px; change --------> 500px

As to add the title to widget?

Thanks :)

inline mode is not working for me :( another code?

Bram H 10-17-2011 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by Rideharder (Post 2256667)

Would you mind sharing your fix?

complexs 10-19-2011 07:20 AM

Great mod Sherif!!! I was curious how we could get the slider to be disabled when viewing articles. Perhaps have an option to select disable slider when creating an article, maybe that wouldn't be the right way to do it but just throwing out an idea of how to do it.

Great work keep it up!!! I voted mod of the month for this mod :) Everyone should 2

complexs 10-20-2011 10:45 PM

I was curious does anyone know how to remove the large padding on the left of the small box previews. I want to give more space for the images and push the boxes more to the edge. Can anyone recommend what piece of code to edit? Thanks in advance.

Bram H 10-25-2011 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by complexs (Post 2258883)
Great mod Sherif!!! I was curious how we could get the slider to be disabled when viewing articles. Perhaps have an option to select disable slider when creating an article, maybe that wouldn't be the right way to do it but just throwing out an idea of how to do it.

Great work keep it up!!! I voted mod of the month for this mod :) Everyone should 2

If you want the slider to only appear on the frontpage try the following:
- add a grid / layout exclusively to your main news section
- add a different grid / layout to your sub-news sections

Add the CMS Slider to the layout for the news and do not add it to the subsections.

Demo here if you don't understand what I mean :)

Scalemotorcars 10-25-2011 05:08 PM

Anyone figure out navigation arrows yet?

deverill2010 10-26-2011 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by Bram H (Post 2261470)
If you want the slider to only appear on the frontpage try the following:
- add a grid / layout exclusively to your main news section
- add a different grid / layout to your sub-news sections

Add the CMS Slider to the layout for the news and do not add it to the subsections.

Demo here if you don't understand what I mean :)

Hi Bram, how did you remove the boxes down the left hand side?

tomshawk 10-29-2011 03:15 AM


Originally Posted by Bram H (Post 2261470)
If you want the slider to only appear on the frontpage try the following:
- add a grid / layout exclusively to your main news section
- add a different grid / layout to your sub-news sections

Add the CMS Slider to the layout for the news and do not add it to the subsections.

Demo here if you don't understand what I mean :)

I made the second grid and the second layout

But where do you tell it which one to use?

tomshawk 10-29-2011 07:11 PM

Any thoughts on my 2 questions, post 216,216, and the last.
Any help you be greatly appriciated

steveinid 11-06-2011 04:58 AM

Very nice work.

I got it working just great. I had a few problems but found some of the answers already.

I don't recall seeing the answers for my latest problem. I have some articles scheduled to post this Monday. I added them to the category that the slider works off of. I see that the slider is displaying them even though they haven't been published yet.

Is there a fix for this?


Scalemotorcars 11-09-2011 02:42 AM

Anyone figure out navigational buttons? Anything even a next button....

wobbly 11-09-2011 06:11 PM

Now I might have missed something but how do I post to the slider? I haven't got a clue!

CharlieDelta 11-09-2011 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by wobbly (Post 2266172)
Now I might have missed something but how do I post to the slider? I haven't got a clue!

You don't post to the slider. It grabs article content from CMS. In otherwords if you promote a post to an article to, lets say, your home page or your news page and you select this in your widget that is the contect it will show. Be sure to configure your widget properly.

thejohnnybrown 11-27-2011 01:51 AM

Hey, thanks for the mod.

Unfortunately I can't get it to work. I'm not seeing anything useful in my error logs, but it seems the $output variable is not getting defined before the template runs.

any help would be appreciated.

karlm 11-28-2011 02:56 AM


Originally Posted by Sherif (Post 2237544)
To change rotation time:

Open vbcms_widget_cmsfcs_page template

Find and change according to ur need.


5000 means 5 sec.

To reduce number of items to 3

Open cmsfcs.php file in packages/vbcms/widget



LIMIT 0, 5
Change to


LIMIT 0, 3

Hi, I've just installed this - and it's nice! Very sexy, in fact.

However, following your instructions in this post - I cannot locate a 5000 anywhere... I see a lot of rotation 3000's though - are they (multiple) what I need to edit?

And is there any limit on how many items I can show? I'd like to show several - as in more than 20...?

Ziki 12-01-2011 07:39 PM


I have installed it on this website: http://www.tabletennisdaily.co.uk/

I followed the instructions, configured the widget (selecting sections and categories), there are many articles present but the slider is not showing up. I added it in Layout manager as well and cleared cache :-/

vBulletin version is 4.1.8, thanks!

Sym 12-08-2011 02:37 AM

Can this be embedded outside of VB? Like on the mainpage of my forum's site?

watty005 12-11-2011 06:21 PM

will this work with vbadvanced if so, how do I use it with it?

inigo 12-15-2011 05:31 PM

I installed the version 1.0, and it run correctly. But after upgrading to next version 2.0, it always show as:

In an unformatted widget:
5 thumbs of the 5 articles one below the other
And below this the five articles:

full size image of 1st article
title of first article
preview description

full size image of 2nd article
title of 2nd article
preview description


I have tried to unistall with your instructions, but when reinstalling, the same result. probably the first time i didn't uninstall it correctly (was before you give the steps to do it).

I suposse it is something not uninstalled this first time (v1.0) which is causing the error, so please I would like if you can help me to completely uninstall this mod, to install it correctly.


galerio 12-20-2011 09:11 AM

It works great on VB 4.1.9

AndrewSimm 12-25-2011 01:56 AM

It isnt showing up for me!! No errors.

AndrewSimm 12-25-2011 02:04 AM

Ok so how to I make it only appear on my main page?

chikuru 12-27-2011 07:52 PM

1 Attachment(s)

I have installed the plugin but i cant see the "CMS Featured Content Slider" on the widget type :(

chrisngrod 12-28-2011 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by chikuru (Post 2281486)

I have installed the plugin but i cant see the "CMS Featured Content Slider" on the widget type :(

Same thing for me.

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