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-   -   New Posting Features - [DBTech] Advanced Post Thanks / Like v3 (vB4) [AJAX] (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=243510)

GONUMBER6 08-14-2010 02:25 PM

Hi Fillip, another great mod, works great so far!

I have two questions: Where can I found out which of my posts have been liked? I post a lot, do I have to search for each post to find these? I have two likes since I installed last night and cannot find them. Can I even see them? A notification would be nice :)

It would be nice if you could integrate this with user rep, and have it set where the admin could determine points for giving and receiving like/thanks. Helpful answers mod did this and it integrated well, but I removed that mod to replace with this one since this one counts towards acheivements with vbactivity. So for now achievements is more of a priority, but I think having it go along with rep would be the key to making this the best mod ever!

DragonByte Tech 08-14-2010 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by GONUMBER6 (Post 2083749)
I have two questions: Where can I found out which of my posts have been liked? I post a lot, do I have to search for each post to find these? I have two likes since I installed last night and cannot find them. Can I even see them? A notification would be nice :)

The list is a Pro-only feature, unfortunately.


GONUMBER6 08-14-2010 06:16 PM

Do you have a screen shot of what it is when seen? I am gonna save to buy pro as long as I know it is how I want it. :) ThX!

DragonByte Tech 08-14-2010 06:34 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Attached :)

You can add URL parameters to narrow down the search;

&userid=1 to show entries generated by userid 1.
&contentid=1 to show entries for postid 1.
&entrytype=thanks to only show thanks.


Blackbeard02 08-15-2010 10:43 AM

Very nice but I am unable to see anything in postbit, can you please help

Blackbeard02 08-15-2010 11:00 AM

Problem solved

GONUMBER6 08-15-2010 02:00 PM

Ok, can I set this so that only certain usergroups can view that information?

Also, if I go pro, will I be able to see who like/thanked my posts under my posts? I can see who liked/thanked other's posts- just not my own.

DragonByte Tech 08-15-2010 02:18 PM

Neither is currently an option, sorry :(


Alucard^ 08-17-2010 05:40 AM


Originally Posted by Blackbeard02 (Post 2084174)
Problem solved

How you solved this problem?

Blackbeard02 08-17-2010 08:43 AM

uninsrtalled/reinstalled did the trick for me.

GONUMBER6 08-18-2010 07:50 PM

I have found a bug. I also have point market & vbactivity installed, and award mod as well.

So since the display order of the like/thanks came first, everything else after that would not go into the post properly, causing a very distorted postbit. I disabled one mod at a time in postbit to find out what was causing it, and it was the like/thanks that was doing it.

To fix this problem, I edited the like/thanks in plug in and products to make it display order from 5 to 100, making sure it was the last modification on my post. I could not see this glitch, it worked fine for me. However, all my members were looking at this crazy display for a couple of days before they mentioned it to me. It has nothing to do with admin priveledges, because I logged out as guest and regular member and it was still fine from my view.

Don't know what it was, but this is what my members were seeing. Nothing was going over to the right? In two pictures because it would not all fit in one print screen.



I thought it had something to do with the boxes in the other mods, but even something small like a user title or mood was being thrown to the far left or middle of postbit once I removed the mods with boxes, like this:


But this is what it should have looked like, and was how I saw it from my computer.


Just thought I would let you know about this :)

DragonByte Tech 08-18-2010 08:01 PM

Please attach the images in this forum because I'm unable to see the attachments on your forum :)


GONUMBER6 08-22-2010 11:36 PM

Hi Fillip- I would gladly, but unfortunately I upgraded to 4.06 and have nothing but problems- the facebook platform does not work, all my attachments have little red x's on them, arcade navbar is messed up.... and now this mod is not working. So I cannot provide you with the pics.

I see it is for version 4.03- it is not supported for v 4.06?

DragonByte Tech 08-23-2010 02:31 AM

It - along with vBulletin 4.0.6 - is working perfectly fine in all our test environments :)


Trek 08-23-2010 04:43 AM

Works fine on my 4.06 site as well.

GONUMBER6 08-23-2010 03:50 PM

yeah I figured that out. It seems to have something to do with javascript, because it is effecting edit, reply with quote, rep, ect.

I am lost. If I ever get those attachments back I will post them Fillip!

robbiefritz 08-24-2010 10:25 PM

May I ask a silly question. The other thanks product does notification when combined with another product. From what I gather, I need to go Pro to get notification of what posts are thanked. That is really a key feature for my members.

What is the benefit of your product over others and why should I go this route? Not trying to be a wise-butt, just trying to determine what you consider to make this a superior product.

DragonByte Tech 08-25-2010 12:03 AM

There's no notification feature currently.

The reason why we believe our product is superior is that we actively support it and add features upon request when we have the time, whereas the other thanks mods are AFAIAA not that well supported and there's still lingering bugs that have yet to be fixed.


bchertov 08-25-2010 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2089113)
There's no notification feature currently.

This is high on my list too! The poster should receive notification when they are thanked. I'd want it to be via email, but I can imagine other users would want it by PM. So it should be configurable.

I added this feature to Abe's product and it is very well "liked"! I also added a few other extensions such as more convenient links for both what posts a user was thanked for and what posts he thanked, which are also appreciated.

I've been on the fence about switching from Abe's product because of these extensions. I am considering just adopting it as my own and doing my own support. (Don't know about offering it to the community, though, sorry folks!). I'm giving up hope that Abe will return. :(

I've been hoping to see this product be upgraded, but it's been almost 3 months with no upgrade. The notification feature is HUGE, and not that hard to implement. What's happening? Is there a feature list and/or timing for an upgrade?

DragonByte Tech 08-27-2010 12:20 AM


Originally Posted by bchertov (Post 2089587)
This is high on my list too! The poster should receive notification when they are thanked. I'd want it to be via email, but I can imagine other users would want it by PM. So it should be configurable.

I added this feature to Abe's product and it is very well "liked"! I also added a few other extensions such as more convenient links for both what posts a user was thanked for and what posts he thanked, which are also appreciated.

I've been on the fence about switching from Abe's product because of these extensions. I am considering just adopting it as my own and doing my own support. (Don't know about offering it to the community, though, sorry folks!). I'm giving up hope that Abe will return. :(

I've been hoping to see this product be upgraded, but it's been almost 3 months with no upgrade. The notification feature is HUGE, and not that hard to implement. What's happening? Is there a feature list and/or timing for an upgrade?

Was updated at the start of July (just under 2 months since last update),

Next update is scheduled to be done in 3-8 weeks roughly =) No feature list for the update atm.

We have a dozen or so products, so it takes some time to get round them all =)


bchertov 08-28-2010 02:28 AM

[QUOTE=DragonByte Tech;2090111]Was updated at the start of July (just under 2 months since last update),
Ooops! My Bad!

DragonByte Tech 08-28-2010 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2090111)
Was updated at the start of July (just under 2 months since last update),
Ooops! My Bad!

No probs at all =)

Sorry about the wait, we'll get an update done as soon as is possible =)

GE-Tom 09-22-2010 07:08 AM

Hey DB-Tech,

first a lot of thanks for that great add-on. works fine with 4.0.6. i only have 1 problem. i like to change the style from this


to somthing like that (only change it in photoshop).


you see i dont need the "headline". were can i change this like my pic? i think its matcht better to the post without the "headline".

hope you or some other can help me. thanks for that :up:


i find the template "dbtech_thanks_postbit_entries"

in this i must delete this


<div class="posthead">
        <span class="postdate">{vb:rawphrase dbtech_thanks_post_thanks_like}</span>

is this a problem for this add-on ?

thanks for info !!

Veer 09-27-2010 10:49 PM

Hi guys,

What is the latest pro version?

DragonByte Tech 09-27-2010 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by GE-Tom (Post 2101724)
Hey DB-Tech,

first a lot of thanks for that great add-on. works fine with 4.0.6. i only have 1 problem. i like to change the style from this


to somthing like that (only change it in photoshop).


you see i dont need the "headline". were can i change this like my pic? i think its matcht better to the post without the "headline".

hope you or some other can help me. thanks for that :up:


i find the template "dbtech_thanks_postbit_entries"

in this i must delete this


<div class="posthead">
        <span class="postdate">{vb:rawphrase dbtech_thanks_post_thanks_like}</span>

is this a problem for this add-on ?

thanks for info !!

I don't think that's a problem, no.


Originally Posted by Veer (Post 2103974)
Hi guys,

What is the latest pro version?

Same version number as the Lite version :)


Veer 09-28-2010 12:02 PM

Thank you.

Can you add another option "Require Thanks/Like to see CODE bbcode"? We only want to require our Code content, not a complete post or attachment.

DragonByte Tech 09-28-2010 01:07 PM

We will be adding a HIDE bbcode in a future version :)


Veer 09-28-2010 04:46 PM

Glad to hear that :)

Fillip, is there "Only First Post" option available, as "Abe1's Post Thank You Hack" so this option will make this hack work for only the first post of a thread. Or selectable Forum ids to have for Only First Post.

DragonByte Tech 09-28-2010 05:43 PM

That's not currently possible, no. We may add it in a future version, though :)


OverHere 09-29-2010 07:12 AM


Please assist:

Under 'Stats' at http://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/member.php?u=175491 you can see live 'Find all thanked posts by fermi
Find all posts thanked by fermi' links.

Could you throw some light on this? I have the mod at https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showt...92#post2104192 inserted but what would you say needs to be done for this mod to produce live links like 'Find all thanked posts by fermi' & Find all posts thanked by fermi' found above?

Please see http://ukmoney.tv/member.php?163-poorfred - in comparison, here, you will see that Total Thanks
Total Thanks:1.Thanked 3 Times in 3 Posts' etc. are not live links?

Would your module do the trick and produce all thanked posts as live links so that people can go straight to them?

Also, please tell me where I can access the pro version of your module, if it will cost any thing and where I can see it live in action.

Thank you,


DragonByte Tech 09-29-2010 12:34 PM

The Pro version offers a stats page with lists of all posts a specific user has been thanked in, etc.

Please click here for more information: http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/conte...B3.x-amp-vB4.x


shanef 09-30-2010 12:48 AM

is there a way to limit the amount of thanks you can give for one post?

MrEyes 09-30-2010 02:31 PM

I am maybe being a bit thick here, but what is the difference between "thank" and "like"

It just seems to me that these terms are interchangable. Why would I thank a post that I don't like? and by the same token why would I like a post that I wouldn't offer thanks for?

Yours, not quite getting it
MrEyes ;)

DragonByte Tech 09-30-2010 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by shanef (Post 2104871)
is there a way to limit the amount of thanks you can give for one post?

Not total amount of thanks, no. Each user can only thank once.


Originally Posted by MrEyes (Post 2105125)
I am maybe being a bit thick here, but what is the difference between "thank" and "like"

It just seems to me that these terms are interchangable. Why would I thank a post that I don't like? and by the same token why would I like a post that I wouldn't offer thanks for?

Yours, not quite getting it
MrEyes ;)

Kind of, but think of thanks as something you'd use when you've been helped, and Like is just enjoying the post in general.


shanef 09-30-2010 11:00 PM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2105149)
Not total amount of thanks, no. Each user can only thank once.

Kind of, but think of thanks as something you'd use when you've been helped, and Like is just enjoying the post in general.


So if someone has ten posts in a certain thread they could be thanks ten separate times? Is there a way to limit that?

Or is there away to limit that amount of thanks a user can give per day?

DragonByte Tech 10-01-2010 12:09 AM

That's correct and no, there's currently no limits to thanks per day, but it's an interesting feature suggestion :)


Dark-Master 10-12-2010 07:49 AM

Hello and Thank you for this great plugin!

I have 1 problem, I tried reinstall it on my vB 4.0.7 and many things. But I don't see the Like & Thanks button. I tried remove, re-upload, re-install and bla bla, even re-download and re-do all steps and it still doesn't work.

Oh yeah, and I can't find any premission setting from my menu. I don't know if I miss something here. Could you please point me where the premission setting menu is? Thank you

I really want this installed on my forum and I will definitely go for the Pro if it works on my forum.

Do you have any suggestions or some quick fix for it?

Thank you and Regards,

Jack12 10-16-2010 11:14 AM

Thanks for the great and versatile mod.

With a little work I was able to stream line the like/thanks button into the postfoot and only display the like/thanks box when somebody has liked a post. I was expecting to have to do alot more work than a few template edits, which is all it took.

alfanexus 10-16-2010 04:35 PM

Can the liked function be used with blogs? That would be awesome!!!

mokonzi 10-17-2010 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by Jack12 (Post 2110682)
Thanks for the great and versatile mod.

With a little work I was able to stream line the like/thanks button into the postfoot and only display the like/thanks box when somebody has liked a post. I was expecting to have to do alot more work than a few template edits, which is all it took.

I'd love to know how you managed that (the post foot integration especially) as I've been wanting that for a while (my only hold off on installing the mod, tbh.).

Any chance you could PM the details of what you did?

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