vb.org Archive

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-   vBulletin 4.x Add-ons (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=245)
-   -   Show Thread Enhancements - MARCO1 BBCODE Hide Tags [ hide] [/ hide] (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=235384)

angelimnot 07-10-2010 10:55 AM

Those are the things we wanted fixed yellow.. that and it pops up a scalar error.. when I asked marco what the fix for it was.. he told me to erase all the user groups and put 0 that would fix it.. but then whats the point of using the mod if everyone can see everything? I am in need for a fix for this mod.. or someone to make one that works right

demonfatal 07-15-2010 10:13 AM

MARCO1 an update is needed PLEASE, nothing is really hidden...

Yellow Slider 07-15-2010 06:50 PM

he isn't going to update anything, too bad.

iyama 07-16-2010 06:52 AM

I think Marco is to busy with his girlfriend to hide :p

Marco can you give your users a update about this all please?

Danny M 07-17-2010 10:47 PM

Can this hack also work by instead of a user replying to a thread, they can just click the 'thanks' button to see the post content?

Blooded 07-18-2010 05:48 AM

Can you please update this mod? :(

NAVAMUEL 07-18-2010 05:04 PM

please update this mod

xtremecoders 07-18-2010 06:49 PM


Its an array function Syntax Problem and was easy to fix it....

all you have to do is to find and replace inside the script all in_array function with the correct syntax.

Marco uses syntax like ...
in_array($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'],$MARCO1_NoHideUSG) , which is wrong and lead to array corruption.

The Correct is in_array($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'],array(MARCO1_NoHideUSG))

Steps :

1: Open the
Product MARCO1 BBCODE Hide vB4.xml using an editor like wordpad
2: Edit -> Select all & Delete
3: Paste the next Script.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<product productid="marco1_hidebbcode" active="1">
    <title>MARCO1 Hide BBCODE</title>
    <description>Hide X Area From your threads With BBCODES</description>
    <url />
    <versioncheckurl />
        <plugin active="1" executionorder="126">
            <title>MARCO1 Hide BBCODE Functions</title>
            <phpcode><![CDATA[if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'whatever'){
            global $vbulletin, $vboptions, $bbuserinfo, $db, $threadid, $postid;
            $bbuserinfo = $this->registry->userinfo;
            $postid = $_REQUEST['p'];
            $hide_call = $_REQUEST['all'];
            $hide_read = false;
            $hide_replied = '';
            $hide_thanked = '';
                $hide_replied = $db->query("SELECT COUNT(postid) AS count FROM ". TABLE_PREFIX . "post WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]' AND visible = 1 AND threadid='$post[threadid]'");
                $myreplies = 0;
                    while ($h_post = $db->fetch_array($hide_replied)){
                        $myreplies += $h_post['count'];
                    $myreplies = vb_number_format($myreplies);
                if($myreplies > 0){
                    $hide_read = true;
                $hide_read = false;
            if( $hide_read == true){
                $hide_post = $db->query_first("SELECT pagetext as 'message' FROM ". TABLE_PREFIX ."post WHERE postid='$postid'");
                $hide_string = "#\[hide\](.*)\[\/hide\]#siU";
                require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_bbcode.php');
                $parser =& new vB_BbCodeParser($vbulletin, fetch_tag_list());
                $hide_post['message'] = $parser->do_parse($hide_post['message'],true);
                if(preg_match_all($hide_string, $hide_post['message'], $hide_match)) {
                    for($i=0; $i<count($hide_match[0]); $i++) {
                        $hide_replace[$i] ="<fieldset>".$hide_match[1][$i]."</fieldset>";
                        $hide_post['message']= str_replace($hide_match[0][$i],$hide_replace[$i],$hide_post['message']);
            $ajax_on = true;
            $output = $hide_post['message'];
            echo "$output";
        <plugin active="1" executionorder="126">
            <title>MARCO1 Hide BBCODE Functions (M)</title>
            <phpcode><![CDATA[if ($this->registry->options['MARCO1_BBHideon'] == '1' AND stristr($post['message'],'[hide]')){
            global $vbulletin, $vboptions, $bbuserinfo, $db, $threadid, $hide_call, $postid;
            $bbuserinfo = $this->registry->userinfo;
            $post = $this->post;
            $hide_read = false;
            $hide_replied = '';
            $hide_stop = 0;
            if (!empty($this->registry->options['MARCO1_HideForumID'])){
                $MARCO1_Forum_NOHIDE = explode(" ",$this->registry->options['MARCO1_HideForumID']);
                if(in_array($thread['forumid'], array(MARCO1_Forum_NOHIDE))){
                    $post['message'] = preg_replace('/\\[hide\\](.*)\\[\/hide\\]/siU', '\\1', $post['message']);
                    $hide_stop = 1;
            if($post['userid'] == $bbuserinfo['userid'] AND $hide_stop == 0){
                $post['message'] = preg_replace('/\\[hide\\](.*)\\[\/hide\\]/siU', '<fieldset>\\1</fieldset>', $post['message']);
                $hide_stop = 1;
            if ($hide_stop != 1){
                if ($this->registry->options['sid_hide_showadmin'] AND $bbuserinfo[usergroupid]==6){
                    $hide_read = true;
                }elseif ($this->registry->options['sid_hide_showmod'] AND can_moderate($thread['forumid'])){
                    $hide_read = true;
                $MARCO1_NoHideUSG = split(',',$vbulletin->options['MARCO1_NoHideUSG']);
if ($vbulletin->options['MARCO1_BBHideon'] AND in_array($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'], array(MARCO1_NoHideUSG))){
                        $hide_read = true;
                    $hide_img_set = $hide_img_set + 2 ;
                    $hide_replied = $db->query("SELECT COUNT(postid) AS count FROM ". TABLE_PREFIX . "post WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]' AND visible = 1 AND threadid='$post[threadid]'");
                    $myreplies = 0;
                        while ($h_post = $db->fetch_array($hide_replied)){
                            $myreplies += $h_post['count'];
                        $myreplies = vb_number_format($myreplies);
                    if($myreplies > 0){
                        $hide_read['userid'] = true;
                if (!$hide_call){
                    $hide_call =$post['postid'];
                } else {
                    $hide_call .=",".$post['postid'];
                    $hide_read = false;
                if ($hide_read == true){
                    $post['message'] = preg_replace('/\\[hide\\](.*)\\[\/hide\\]/siU', '<fieldset>\\1</fieldset>', $post['message']);
                } else {
                $hide_fetch = $vbulletin->options['MARCO1_HIDEMESSAGE'];

                    $post['message'] = preg_replace('/\\[hide\\](.*)\\[\/hide\\]/siU', $hide_fetch, $post['message']);
        <plugin active="1" executionorder="5">
            <title>MARCO1 Print Pages Hide BBCODE Functions</title>
            <phpcode><![CDATA[if($vbulletin->options['MARCO1_BBHideon']AND stristr($post['message'],'[hide]')){
            global $vbulletin, $vboptions, $bbuserinfo, $db;
            $bbuserinfo = $vbulletin->userinfo;
            $hide_read = false;
            $hide_stop = 0;
            $hide_img_set = 0;
            if (!empty($vbulletin->options['MARCO1_HideForumID'])){
                $MARCO1_hide_forum_stop = explode(" ",$vbulletin->options['MARCO1_HideForumID']);
                if(in_array($threadinfo['forumid'], array(MARCO1_hide_forum_stop))){
                    $post['message'] = preg_replace('/\\[hide\\](.*)\\[\/hide\\]/siU', '\\1', $post['message']);
                    $hide_stop = 1;
            if($post['userid'] == $bbuserinfo['userid'] AND $hide_stop == 0){
                $post['message'] = preg_replace('/\\[hide\\](.*)\\[\/hide\\]/siU', '\\1', $post['message']);
                $hide_stop = 1;
            if ($hide_stop != 1){
                    $MARCO1_NoHideUSG = split(',',$vbulletin->options['MARCO1_NoHideUSG']);
if ($vbulletin->options['MARCO1_BBHideon'] AND in_array($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'], array(MARCO1_NoHideUSG))){
                        $hide_read = true;
                    $hide_img_set = $hide_img_set + 2 ;
                    $hide_replied = $db->query("SELECT COUNT(postid) AS count FROM ". TABLE_PREFIX . "post WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]' AND visible = 1 AND threadid='$post[threadid]'");
                    $myreplies = 0;
                        while ($h_post = $db->fetch_array($hide_replied)){
                            $myreplies += $h_post['count'];
                        $myreplies = vb_number_format($myreplies);
                    if($myreplies > 0){
                        $hide_read['userid'] = true;
                    $hide_read = false;
                $hide_img = $vbulletin->options[MARCO1_HIDEMESSAGE];
                if($hide_read == true){
                    $post['message'] = preg_replace('/\\[hide\\](.*)\\[\/hide\\]/siU', '\\1', $post['message']);
                } else {
                    $post['message'] = preg_replace('/\\[hide\\](.*)\\[\/hide\\]/siU', $hide_img, $post['message']);
        <phrasetype name="vBulletin Settings" fieldname="vbsettings">
            <phrase name="setting_MARCO1_BBHideon_desc" date="1265211380" username="MARCO1" version="1.1"><![CDATA[Choose yes if you want to enable Hide BBCODE]]></phrase>
            <phrase name="setting_MARCO1_BBHideon_title" date="1265211380" username="MARCO1" version="1.1"><![CDATA[Enable MARCO1 Hide BBCODE ?]]></phrase>
            <phrase name="setting_MARCO1_HIDEMESSAGE_desc" date="1265211504" username="MARCO1" version="1.1"><![CDATA[That's the Hide content message that's will appear when you hide something using the Mod.]]></phrase>
            <phrase name="setting_MARCO1_HIDEMESSAGE_title" date="1265211504" username="MARCO1" version="1.1"><![CDATA[What's the Hide Message ?]]></phrase>
            <phrase name="setting_MARCO1_HideForumID_desc" date="1265675231" username="MARCO1" version="1.1"><![CDATA[Add Forum ID's of forums that you will not need to use BBCODE Hide Content on it.]]></phrase>
            <phrase name="setting_MARCO1_HideForumID_title" date="1265675231" username="MARCO1" version="1.1"><![CDATA[Excluding Forum of BBCODE Hide]]></phrase>
            <phrase name="setting_MARCO1_NoHideUSG_desc" date="1265677222" username="MARCO1" version="1.1"><![CDATA[<p>What's the Usergroups that's can view the hidden content without reply ?<br>
    <strong>Separate with ","</strong><br>
    <strong>By Default I allow Moderators, Admins and Super Moderators to see
    hidden content without reply</strong></p>]]></phrase>
            <phrase name="setting_MARCO1_NoHideUSG_title" date="1265677222" username="MARCO1" version="1.1"><![CDATA[Usergroups Permissions]]></phrase>
            <phrase name="settinggroup_MARCO1_HIDEBBCODE_SETTINGS" date="1265211320" username="MARCO1" version="1.1"><![CDATA[MARCO1 Hide BBCODE Settings]]></phrase>
        <settinggroup name="MARCO1_HIDEBBCODE_SETTINGS" displayorder="65535">
            <setting varname="MARCO1_BBHideon" displayorder="10">
            <setting varname="MARCO1_HIDEMESSAGE" displayorder="20">
                <defaultvalue><![CDATA[<img src="images/hide.gif">]]></defaultvalue>
            <setting varname="MARCO1_HideForumID" displayorder="30">
            <setting varname="MARCO1_NoHideUSG" displayorder="40">

4: Save the file
5: Upload again the new file using as always vb product manager and install it.

You can see a sample of a working mod HERE

Now all working as it should.

Do it and inform me if is OK...


Blooded 07-19-2010 06:22 AM


Originally Posted by xtremecoders (Post 2071202)

Its an array function Syntax Problem and was easy to fix it....

all you have to do is to find and replace inside the script all in_array function with the correct syntax.

Marco uses syntax like ...
in_array($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'],$MARCO1_NoHideUSG) , which is wrong and lead to array corruption.

The Correct is in_array($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'],array(MARCO1_NoHideUSG))

Steps :

1: Open the
Product MARCO1 BBCODE Hide vB4.xml using an editor like wordpad
2: Edit -> Select all & Delete
3: Paste the next Script.

4: Save the file
5: Upload again the new file using as always vb product manager and install it.

You can see a sample of a working mod HERE

Now all working as it should.

Do it and inform me if is OK...


works perfect, the only problem with this mod is when someone make a blog the hide dont work same if the put "blog this post" :(

xtremecoders 07-19-2010 03:26 PM


I was wrong and Problem was appears again.

SO, i found the Problem, and ALL is OK now.


Its an array function Syntax Problem and was easy to fix it....

all you have to do is to find and replace inside the script all in_array function with the correct syntax.

Marco uses syntax like ...
in_array($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'],$MARCO1_NoHideUSG) , which is wrong and lead to array corruption.

The Correct is in_array($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'], $MARCO1_NoHideUSG, true))

Steps :

1: Open the
Product MARCO1 BBCODE Hide vB4.xml using an editor like wordpad
2: Edit -> Select all & Delete
3: Paste the next Script.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<product productid="marco1_hidebbcode" active="1">
        <title>MARCO1 Hide BBCODE</title>
        <description>Hide X Area From your threads With BBCODES</description>
        <url />
        <versioncheckurl />
                <plugin active="1" executionorder="126">
                        <title>MARCO1 Hide BBCODE Functions</title>
                        <phpcode><![CDATA[if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'whatever'){
                        global $vbulletin, $vboptions, $bbuserinfo, $db, $threadid, $postid;
                        $bbuserinfo = $this->registry->userinfo;
                        $postid = $_REQUEST['p'];
                        $hide_call = $_REQUEST['all'];
                        $hide_read = false;
                        $hide_replied = '';
                        $hide_thanked = '';
                                $hide_replied = $db->query("SELECT COUNT(postid) AS count FROM ". TABLE_PREFIX . "post WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]' AND visible = 1 AND threadid='$post[threadid]'");
                                $myreplies = 0;
                                        while ($h_post = $db->fetch_array($hide_replied)){
                                                $myreplies += $h_post['count'];
                                        $myreplies = vb_number_format($myreplies);
                                if($myreplies > 0){
                                        $hide_read = true;
                                $hide_read = false;
                        if( $hide_read == true){
                                $hide_post = $db->query_first("SELECT pagetext as 'message' FROM ". TABLE_PREFIX ."post WHERE postid='$postid'");
                                $hide_string = "#\[hide\](.*)\[\/hide\]#siU";
                    require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_bbcode.php');
                    $parser =& new vB_BbCodeParser($vbulletin, fetch_tag_list());
                    $hide_post['message'] = $parser->do_parse($hide_post['message'],true);
                                if(preg_match_all($hide_string, $hide_post['message'], $hide_match)) {
                                        for($i=0; $i<count($hide_match[0]); $i++) {
                                                $hide_replace[$i] ="<fieldset>".$hide_match[1][$i]."</fieldset>";
                                                $hide_post['message']= str_replace($hide_match[0][$i],$hide_replace[$i],$hide_post['message']);
                        $ajax_on = true;
                        $output = $hide_post['message'];
                        echo "$output";
                <plugin active="1" executionorder="126">
                        <title>MARCO1 Hide BBCODE Functions (M)</title>
                        <phpcode><![CDATA[if ($this->registry->options['MARCO1_BBHideon'] == '1' AND stristr($post['message'],'[hide]')){
                        global $vbulletin, $vboptions, $bbuserinfo, $db, $threadid, $hide_call, $postid;
                        $bbuserinfo = $this->registry->userinfo;
                        $post = $this->post;
                        $hide_read = false;
                        $hide_replied = '';
                        $hide_stop = 0;
                        if (!empty($this->registry->options['MARCO1_HideForumID'])){
                                $MARCO1_Forum_NOHIDE = explode(" ",$this->registry->options['MARCO1_HideForumID']);
                                if(in_array($thread['forumid'], $MARCO1_Forum_NOHIDE, true)){
                                        $post['message'] = preg_replace('/\\[hide\\](.*)\\[\/hide\\]/siU', '\\1', $post['message']);
                                        $hide_stop = 1;
                        if($post['userid'] == $bbuserinfo['userid'] AND $hide_stop == 0){
                                $post['message'] = preg_replace('/\\[hide\\](.*)\\[\/hide\\]/siU', '<fieldset>\\1</fieldset>', $post['message']);
                                $hide_stop = 1;
                        if ($hide_stop != 1){
                                if ($this->registry->options['sid_hide_showadmin'] AND $bbuserinfo[usergroupid]==6){
                                        $hide_read = true;
                                }elseif ($this->registry->options['sid_hide_showmod'] AND can_moderate($thread['forumid'])){
                                        $hide_read = true;
                                $MARCO1_NoHideUSG = split(',',$vbulletin->options['MARCO1_NoHideUSG']);
if ($vbulletin->options['MARCO1_BBHideon'] AND in_array($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'], $MARCO1_NoHideUSG, true)){
                                                $hide_read = true;
                                        $hide_img_set = $hide_img_set + 2 ;
                                        $hide_replied = $db->query("SELECT COUNT(postid) AS count FROM ". TABLE_PREFIX . "post WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]' AND visible = 1 AND threadid='$post[threadid]'");
                                        $myreplies = 0;
                                                while ($h_post = $db->fetch_array($hide_replied)){
                                                        $myreplies += $h_post['count'];
                                                $myreplies = vb_number_format($myreplies);
                                        if($myreplies > 0){
                                                $hide_read['userid'] = true;
                                if (!$hide_call){
                                        $hide_call =$post['postid'];
                                } else {
                                        $hide_call .=",".$post['postid'];
                                        $hide_read = false;
                                if ($hide_read == true){
                                        $post['message'] = preg_replace('/\\[hide\\](.*)\\[\/hide\\]/siU', '<fieldset>\\1</fieldset>', $post['message']);
                                } else {
                                $hide_fetch = $vbulletin->options['MARCO1_HIDEMESSAGE'];

                                        $post['message'] = preg_replace('/\\[hide\\](.*)\\[\/hide\\]/siU', $hide_fetch, $post['message']);
                <plugin active="1" executionorder="5">
                        <title>MARCO1 Print Pages Hide BBCODE Functions</title>
                        <phpcode><![CDATA[if($vbulletin->options['MARCO1_BBHideon']AND stristr($post['message'],'[hide]')){
                        global $vbulletin, $vboptions, $bbuserinfo, $db;
                        $bbuserinfo = $vbulletin->userinfo;
                        $hide_read = false;
                        $hide_stop = 0;
                        $hide_img_set = 0;
                        if (!empty($vbulletin->options['MARCO1_HideForumID'])){
                                $MARCO1_hide_forum_stop = explode(" ",$vbulletin->options['MARCO1_HideForumID']);
                                if(in_array($threadinfo['forumid'], $MARCO1_hide_forum_stop, true)){
                                        $post['message'] = preg_replace('/\\[hide\\](.*)\\[\/hide\\]/siU', '\\1', $post['message']);
                                        $hide_stop = 1;
                        if($post['userid'] == $bbuserinfo['userid'] AND $hide_stop == 0){
                                $post['message'] = preg_replace('/\\[hide\\](.*)\\[\/hide\\]/siU', '\\1', $post['message']);
                                $hide_stop = 1;
                        if ($hide_stop != 1){
                                        $MARCO1_NoHideUSG = split(',',$vbulletin->options['MARCO1_NoHideUSG']);
if ($vbulletin->options['MARCO1_BBHideon'] AND in_array($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'], $MARCO1_NoHideUSG, true)){
                                                $hide_read = true;
                                        $hide_img_set = $hide_img_set + 2 ;
                                        $hide_replied = $db->query("SELECT COUNT(postid) AS count FROM ". TABLE_PREFIX . "post WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]' AND visible = 1 AND threadid='$post[threadid]'");
                                        $myreplies = 0;
                                                while ($h_post = $db->fetch_array($hide_replied)){
                                                        $myreplies += $h_post['count'];
                                                $myreplies = vb_number_format($myreplies);
                                        if($myreplies > 0){
                                                $hide_read['userid'] = true;
                                        $hide_read = false;
                                $hide_img = $vbulletin->options[MARCO1_HIDEMESSAGE];
                                if($hide_read == true){
                                        $post['message'] = preg_replace('/\\[hide\\](.*)\\[\/hide\\]/siU', '\\1', $post['message']);
                                } else {
                                        $post['message'] = preg_replace('/\\[hide\\](.*)\\[\/hide\\]/siU', $hide_img, $post['message']);
                <phrasetype name="vBulletin Settings" fieldname="vbsettings">
                        <phrase name="setting_MARCO1_BBHideon_desc" date="1265211380" username="MARCO1" version="1.1"><![CDATA[Choose yes if you want to enable Hide BBCODE]]></phrase>
                        <phrase name="setting_MARCO1_BBHideon_title" date="1265211380" username="MARCO1" version="1.1"><![CDATA[Enable MARCO1 Hide BBCODE ?]]></phrase>
                        <phrase name="setting_MARCO1_HIDEMESSAGE_desc" date="1265211504" username="MARCO1" version="1.1"><![CDATA[That's the Hide content message that's will appear when you hide something using the Mod.]]></phrase>
                        <phrase name="setting_MARCO1_HIDEMESSAGE_title" date="1265211504" username="MARCO1" version="1.1"><![CDATA[What's the Hide Message ?]]></phrase>
                        <phrase name="setting_MARCO1_HideForumID_desc" date="1265675231" username="MARCO1" version="1.1"><![CDATA[Add Forum ID's of forums that you will not need to use BBCODE Hide Content on it.]]></phrase>
                        <phrase name="setting_MARCO1_HideForumID_title" date="1265675231" username="MARCO1" version="1.1"><![CDATA[Excluding Forum of BBCODE Hide]]></phrase>
                        <phrase name="setting_MARCO1_NoHideUSG_desc" date="1265677222" username="MARCO1" version="1.1"><![CDATA[<p>What's the Usergroups that's can view the hidden content without reply ?<br>
        <strong>Separate with ","</strong><br>
        <strong>By Default I allow Moderators, Admins and Super Moderators to see
        hidden content without reply</strong></p>]]></phrase>
                        <phrase name="setting_MARCO1_NoHideUSG_title" date="1265677222" username="MARCO1" version="1.1"><![CDATA[Usergroups Permissions]]></phrase>
                        <phrase name="settinggroup_MARCO1_HIDEBBCODE_SETTINGS" date="1265211320" username="MARCO1" version="1.1"><![CDATA[MARCO1 Hide BBCODE Settings]]></phrase>
                <settinggroup name="MARCO1_HIDEBBCODE_SETTINGS" displayorder="65535">
                        <setting varname="MARCO1_BBHideon" displayorder="10">
                        <setting varname="MARCO1_HIDEMESSAGE" displayorder="20">
                                <defaultvalue><![CDATA[<img src="images/hide.gif">]]></defaultvalue>
                        <setting varname="MARCO1_HideForumID" displayorder="30">
                        <setting varname="MARCO1_NoHideUSG" displayorder="40">

4: Save the file
5: Upload again the new file using as always vb product manager and install it.

You can see a sample of a working mod HERE

Now all working as it should.

Do it and inform me if is OK...


Blooded 07-19-2010 06:29 PM

now is not working correctly, when you reply with quote you see the hide, the first code works great for me with no errors :S

xtremecoders 07-19-2010 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by Blooded (Post 2071654)
now is not working correctly, when you reply with quote you see the hide, the first code works great for me with no errors :S

On first code you have no Errors but Usergroups ID is not working.
All usergroups have to REPLY to UNHIDE.

For me the 2nd code is Working Great so far.

Blooded 07-19-2010 08:10 PM

maybe its just me but when i click reply with quote i see the hide and the same when i see the review of the thread :s

fly 07-19-2010 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by xtremecoders (Post 2071695)
On first code you have no Errors but Usergroups ID is not working.
All usergroups have to REPLY to UNHIDE.

For me the 2nd code is Working Great so far.

Does this "fix" also hide it in the archive?

xtremecoders 07-19-2010 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by flypaper (Post 2071705)
Does this "fix" also hide it in the archive?

This fix ONLY the

Warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in [path]/includes/class_postbit.php(314) : eval()'d code on line xxx

Scout24 07-19-2010 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by flypaper (Post 2071705)
Does this "fix" also hide it in the archive?

Nope, You must refresh the browser to for unhide.

Karabaja 07-26-2010 11:53 PM

It is working fine here as in not showing if quoted and not showing on print page.
It would be nice to have the content hidden in the archives as well though.
I had to disable Simple view of threads in archive options.

I am actually using it as a substitute for hide links from guests hack. So I've added a custom bb code which wraps the link in Marcos hide tags and adds some styling and disables automatic links parsing.
So maybe that helps some of you when it comes it showing up in quoted replies and on print page.

Bohra 08-01-2010 01:51 PM

well this mod needs an ajax update feature too

Bohra 08-06-2010 04:37 AM

is there a way to disable working of hide hack in some forums

demonfatal 08-06-2010 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by Blooded (Post 2071704)
maybe its just me but when i click reply with quote i see the hide and the same when i see the review of the thread :s

Same for me, when I click "reply with quote" i see the hide...
Please someone have a fix for that??

metalguy639 09-03-2010 02:33 AM


Originally Posted by xtremecoders (Post 2071578)

I was wrong and Problem was appears again.

SO, i found the Problem, and ALL is OK now.


Its an array function Syntax Problem and was easy to fix it....

all you have to do is to find and replace inside the script all in_array function with the correct syntax.

Marco uses syntax like ...
in_array($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'],$MARCO1_NoHideUSG) , which is wrong and lead to array corruption.

The Correct is in_array($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'], $MARCO1_NoHideUSG, true))

Steps :

1: Open the
Product MARCO1 BBCODE Hide vB4.xml using an editor like wordpad
2: Edit -> Select all & Delete
3: Paste the next Script.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<product productid="marco1_hidebbcode" active="1">
        <title>MARCO1 Hide BBCODE</title>
        <description>Hide X Area From your threads With BBCODES</description>
        <url />
        <versioncheckurl />
                <plugin active="1" executionorder="126">
                        <title>MARCO1 Hide BBCODE Functions</title>
                        <phpcode><![CDATA[if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'whatever'){
                        global $vbulletin, $vboptions, $bbuserinfo, $db, $threadid, $postid;
                        $bbuserinfo = $this->registry->userinfo;
                        $postid = $_REQUEST['p'];
                        $hide_call = $_REQUEST['all'];
                        $hide_read = false;
                        $hide_replied = '';
                        $hide_thanked = '';
                                $hide_replied = $db->query("SELECT COUNT(postid) AS count FROM ". TABLE_PREFIX . "post WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]' AND visible = 1 AND threadid='$post[threadid]'");
                                $myreplies = 0;
                                        while ($h_post = $db->fetch_array($hide_replied)){
                                                $myreplies += $h_post['count'];
                                        $myreplies = vb_number_format($myreplies);
                                if($myreplies > 0){
                                        $hide_read = true;
                                $hide_read = false;
                        if( $hide_read == true){
                                $hide_post = $db->query_first("SELECT pagetext as 'message' FROM ". TABLE_PREFIX ."post WHERE postid='$postid'");
                                $hide_string = "#\[hide\](.*)\[\/hide\]#siU";
                    require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_bbcode.php');
                    $parser =& new vB_BbCodeParser($vbulletin, fetch_tag_list());
                    $hide_post['message'] = $parser->do_parse($hide_post['message'],true);
                                if(preg_match_all($hide_string, $hide_post['message'], $hide_match)) {
                                        for($i=0; $i<count($hide_match[0]); $i++) {
                                                $hide_replace[$i] ="<fieldset>".$hide_match[1][$i]."</fieldset>";
                                                $hide_post['message']= str_replace($hide_match[0][$i],$hide_replace[$i],$hide_post['message']);
                        $ajax_on = true;
                        $output = $hide_post['message'];
                        echo "$output";
                <plugin active="1" executionorder="126">
                        <title>MARCO1 Hide BBCODE Functions (M)</title>
                        <phpcode><![CDATA[if ($this->registry->options['MARCO1_BBHideon'] == '1' AND stristr($post['message'],'[hide]')){
                        global $vbulletin, $vboptions, $bbuserinfo, $db, $threadid, $hide_call, $postid;
                        $bbuserinfo = $this->registry->userinfo;
                        $post = $this->post;
                        $hide_read = false;
                        $hide_replied = '';
                        $hide_stop = 0;
                        if (!empty($this->registry->options['MARCO1_HideForumID'])){
                                $MARCO1_Forum_NOHIDE = explode(" ",$this->registry->options['MARCO1_HideForumID']);
                                if(in_array($thread['forumid'], $MARCO1_Forum_NOHIDE, true)){
                                        $post['message'] = preg_replace('/\\[hide\\](.*)\\[\/hide\\]/siU', '\\1', $post['message']);
                                        $hide_stop = 1;
                        if($post['userid'] == $bbuserinfo['userid'] AND $hide_stop == 0){
                                $post['message'] = preg_replace('/\\[hide\\](.*)\\[\/hide\\]/siU', '<fieldset>\\1</fieldset>', $post['message']);
                                $hide_stop = 1;
                        if ($hide_stop != 1){
                                if ($this->registry->options['sid_hide_showadmin'] AND $bbuserinfo[usergroupid]==6){
                                        $hide_read = true;
                                }elseif ($this->registry->options['sid_hide_showmod'] AND can_moderate($thread['forumid'])){
                                        $hide_read = true;
                                $MARCO1_NoHideUSG = split(',',$vbulletin->options['MARCO1_NoHideUSG']);
if ($vbulletin->options['MARCO1_BBHideon'] AND in_array($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'], $MARCO1_NoHideUSG, true)){
                                                $hide_read = true;
                                        $hide_img_set = $hide_img_set + 2 ;
                                        $hide_replied = $db->query("SELECT COUNT(postid) AS count FROM ". TABLE_PREFIX . "post WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]' AND visible = 1 AND threadid='$post[threadid]'");
                                        $myreplies = 0;
                                                while ($h_post = $db->fetch_array($hide_replied)){
                                                        $myreplies += $h_post['count'];
                                                $myreplies = vb_number_format($myreplies);
                                        if($myreplies > 0){
                                                $hide_read['userid'] = true;
                                if (!$hide_call){
                                        $hide_call =$post['postid'];
                                } else {
                                        $hide_call .=",".$post['postid'];
                                        $hide_read = false;
                                if ($hide_read == true){
                                        $post['message'] = preg_replace('/\\[hide\\](.*)\\[\/hide\\]/siU', '<fieldset>\\1</fieldset>', $post['message']);
                                } else {
                                $hide_fetch = $vbulletin->options['MARCO1_HIDEMESSAGE'];

                                        $post['message'] = preg_replace('/\\[hide\\](.*)\\[\/hide\\]/siU', $hide_fetch, $post['message']);
                <plugin active="1" executionorder="5">
                        <title>MARCO1 Print Pages Hide BBCODE Functions</title>
                        <phpcode><![CDATA[if($vbulletin->options['MARCO1_BBHideon']AND stristr($post['message'],'[hide]')){
                        global $vbulletin, $vboptions, $bbuserinfo, $db;
                        $bbuserinfo = $vbulletin->userinfo;
                        $hide_read = false;
                        $hide_stop = 0;
                        $hide_img_set = 0;
                        if (!empty($vbulletin->options['MARCO1_HideForumID'])){
                                $MARCO1_hide_forum_stop = explode(" ",$vbulletin->options['MARCO1_HideForumID']);
                                if(in_array($threadinfo['forumid'], $MARCO1_hide_forum_stop, true)){
                                        $post['message'] = preg_replace('/\\[hide\\](.*)\\[\/hide\\]/siU', '\\1', $post['message']);
                                        $hide_stop = 1;
                        if($post['userid'] == $bbuserinfo['userid'] AND $hide_stop == 0){
                                $post['message'] = preg_replace('/\\[hide\\](.*)\\[\/hide\\]/siU', '\\1', $post['message']);
                                $hide_stop = 1;
                        if ($hide_stop != 1){
                                        $MARCO1_NoHideUSG = split(',',$vbulletin->options['MARCO1_NoHideUSG']);
if ($vbulletin->options['MARCO1_BBHideon'] AND in_array($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'], $MARCO1_NoHideUSG, true)){
                                                $hide_read = true;
                                        $hide_img_set = $hide_img_set + 2 ;
                                        $hide_replied = $db->query("SELECT COUNT(postid) AS count FROM ". TABLE_PREFIX . "post WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]' AND visible = 1 AND threadid='$post[threadid]'");
                                        $myreplies = 0;
                                                while ($h_post = $db->fetch_array($hide_replied)){
                                                        $myreplies += $h_post['count'];
                                                $myreplies = vb_number_format($myreplies);
                                        if($myreplies > 0){
                                                $hide_read['userid'] = true;
                                        $hide_read = false;
                                $hide_img = $vbulletin->options[MARCO1_HIDEMESSAGE];
                                if($hide_read == true){
                                        $post['message'] = preg_replace('/\\[hide\\](.*)\\[\/hide\\]/siU', '\\1', $post['message']);
                                } else {
                                        $post['message'] = preg_replace('/\\[hide\\](.*)\\[\/hide\\]/siU', $hide_img, $post['message']);
                <phrasetype name="vBulletin Settings" fieldname="vbsettings">
                        <phrase name="setting_MARCO1_BBHideon_desc" date="1265211380" username="MARCO1" version="1.1"><![CDATA[Choose yes if you want to enable Hide BBCODE]]></phrase>
                        <phrase name="setting_MARCO1_BBHideon_title" date="1265211380" username="MARCO1" version="1.1"><![CDATA[Enable MARCO1 Hide BBCODE ?]]></phrase>
                        <phrase name="setting_MARCO1_HIDEMESSAGE_desc" date="1265211504" username="MARCO1" version="1.1"><![CDATA[That's the Hide content message that's will appear when you hide something using the Mod.]]></phrase>
                        <phrase name="setting_MARCO1_HIDEMESSAGE_title" date="1265211504" username="MARCO1" version="1.1"><![CDATA[What's the Hide Message ?]]></phrase>
                        <phrase name="setting_MARCO1_HideForumID_desc" date="1265675231" username="MARCO1" version="1.1"><![CDATA[Add Forum ID's of forums that you will not need to use BBCODE Hide Content on it.]]></phrase>
                        <phrase name="setting_MARCO1_HideForumID_title" date="1265675231" username="MARCO1" version="1.1"><![CDATA[Excluding Forum of BBCODE Hide]]></phrase>
                        <phrase name="setting_MARCO1_NoHideUSG_desc" date="1265677222" username="MARCO1" version="1.1"><![CDATA[<p>What's the Usergroups that's can view the hidden content without reply ?<br>
        <strong>Separate with ","</strong><br>
        <strong>By Default I allow Moderators, Admins and Super Moderators to see
        hidden content without reply</strong></p>]]></phrase>
                        <phrase name="setting_MARCO1_NoHideUSG_title" date="1265677222" username="MARCO1" version="1.1"><![CDATA[Usergroups Permissions]]></phrase>
                        <phrase name="settinggroup_MARCO1_HIDEBBCODE_SETTINGS" date="1265211320" username="MARCO1" version="1.1"><![CDATA[MARCO1 Hide BBCODE Settings]]></phrase>
                <settinggroup name="MARCO1_HIDEBBCODE_SETTINGS" displayorder="65535">
                        <setting varname="MARCO1_BBHideon" displayorder="10">
                        <setting varname="MARCO1_HIDEMESSAGE" displayorder="20">
                                <defaultvalue><![CDATA[<img src="images/hide.gif">]]></defaultvalue>
                        <setting varname="MARCO1_HideForumID" displayorder="30">
                        <setting varname="MARCO1_NoHideUSG" displayorder="40">

4: Save the file
5: Upload again the new file using as always vb product manager and install it.

You can see a sample of a working mod HERE

Now all working as it should.

Do it and inform me if is OK...


Did this now all the tags are unhidden! Help. We had changed the tags to a different word instead of hide before this "fix". Is there a way to get all the hidden content hidden again, there are thousands of threads!

angelimnot 09-03-2010 10:05 PM

Even after the "fix" we are still getting Warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in [path]/includes/class_postbit.php(321) : eval()'d code on line 151

Marco???? Any suggestions? Your add 0 thing doesn't work..and you seem to be ignoring everyone.. you wanted us all to vote for your mods but you don't seem to care about answering questions for those of us that did.. really kinda sad.

emreDZ 09-05-2010 11:15 AM

Can we integrate this mod with thanks mod? So that users will be able to see the hidden content when they click on thanks button..

iyama 09-19-2010 05:59 AM

On select page-info the hide text is be seeing.
So why hide if members are look behind the page? :(

Maybe marco must go to update his mods before whe click to vote.

iyama 09-23-2010 01:29 PM

I have take the re-writed version from vbteam and now i have a good hide solution. ;)

angelimnot 09-23-2010 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by iyama (Post 2102245)
I have take the re-writed version from vbteam and now i have a good hide solution. ;)

What rewrited version?

angelimnot 09-26-2010 03:29 AM

OK.... here is what we have noticed about this issue... maybe it will help those of you who have a clue about how to fix things ... actually fix it...

1. This error is directly tied into the "hidden" information.. in threads/posts where there is no hidden information this error does not show.

2. This error shows up after *someone* trys to post more than one reply to the thread with the "hidden" information.

3. If this thread with the "hidden" information gets to page 2.. there is no more error....

4. If someone click's "quote" on a thread with 'hidden" information, the "hidden" information is there for them to see.

5. "hidden" information is no longer "hidden" at all when quoted in a blog

6. Once a user gets the scalar error.. the chance of them getting to see the thread with the "hidden" content in it is very slim.. most of the time.. it gives the error on an error page..and they can no longer view the thread at all... sometimes the error shows at the top of the screen and causes the page to load very very very slowly.

I hope this helps!!! Please someone help us fix this!! I've sent a message to Marco asking him to please help us.. or at least tell us he doesn't have a clue what is going wrong.. if he answers.. I will let you all know.

If someone has a working fix to this issue.. and will fix it.. but decides they have to be paid for it.. please contact me at angel@eraps.net and I will discuss reasonable pricing for the fix of the mod.. with some custom things added for my site only.

cloferba 09-29-2010 01:06 PM

i get this error at the top of the forum:


Warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in [path]/includes/class_postbit.php(321) : eval()'d code on line 247

Kolbi 09-29-2010 06:33 PM

I?m getting a similar failure message:


Warnung: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in [path]/includes/class_postbit.php(321) : eval()'d code (Zeile 294)
please fix...

sunnylikbeckham 10-01-2010 06:15 PM

hey i want to replace image with some text
how can i do that

MonsterDK 10-04-2010 09:03 PM

When going to 'What's New' tab, users are able to mouse over the posts and see what is stored behind the hide tags... is there anyway to secure all this up in a future release or have I don't something wrong?

iyama 10-05-2010 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by MonsterDK (Post 2106817)
When going to 'What's New' tab, users are able to mouse over the posts and see what is stored behind the hide tags... is there anyway to secure all this up in a future release or have I don't something wrong?

There is at this moment no 100% working hidden links mod.
It seems that de coders are sleeping or on a long holiday :rolleyes:

SoltanWorld 11-05-2010 11:12 AM

I want to mark groups to view hidden content but when i enter user groups to view hidden contents without replying to the thread. I got

Warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in [path]/includes/class_postbit.php(331) : eval()'d code on line 222

error and i want u to update ur mod immediately.

Kolbi 11-05-2010 01:28 PM

Nobody has a quick fix for this?

Have the issue on my board, too.

derdiedastim 11-06-2010 11:09 PM

Need also a fix...

derdiedastim 11-07-2010 10:29 AM

I fixed it.

You have to replace
PHP Code:

$hide_read['userid'] = true

PHP Code:

$hide_read true

in the plugins "MARCO1 Hide BBCODE Functions (M)" and "MARCO1 Print Pages Hide BBCODE Functions"

In German:

Kolbi 11-07-2010 02:45 PM

Thank you :)


SoltanWorld 11-08-2010 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by derdiedastim (Post 2118967)
I fixed it.

You have to replace
PHP Code:

$hide_read['userid'] = true

PHP Code:

$hide_read true

in the plugins "MARCO1 Hide BBCODE Functions (M)" and "MARCO1 Print Pages Hide BBCODE Functions"

In German:

Thanks alot

iyama 11-09-2010 09:34 AM

Like this?


                                        if($myreplies > 0){
                                                $hide_read = true;

dcuellar 11-13-2010 04:07 PM

Can we add the feature which allows users to only see content after paying x amount of vbcredits?

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