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-   -   Forum Display Enhancements - Tabs Add System for vBulletin 4 (sstab advanced) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=233629)

cloferba 01-29-2010 10:06 PM

can i insert a link using variables...for example:

myblog.php-userid ?

Jhonnyf 01-29-2010 10:27 PM

Not in this version, maybe in future

Fusion2 01-30-2010 01:22 AM


Originally Posted by dieKetzer (Post 1967064)
there are some bugs with the sublinks that Jhonnyf is working on.
as far as linking to multiple cms categories and so on, he is also adding the option to select tabs via URL in addition to the this_script method, which should solve that dilemma.

That will be awesome because i want to use these tabs for CMS sections, with sublinks being the sub-sections, rather then have a left-side menu widget.

Do you know if this was fixed with the last revision?

WNYorker 01-30-2010 01:46 AM

i can't find a tab system that will highlight "Arcade" for my arcade page. Why is this so hard to do? Vbulletin should have this stuff by default.

Fusion2 01-30-2010 01:47 AM

Am i doing something wrong? I installed latest version but sublinks still dont show on sublink menu when i click tabs. Also tabs dont highlight when clicked.

RK1gaming 01-30-2010 02:41 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Jhonnyf (Post 1970061)
My Hack not do that, you should be do using HTML or use a hook,


Ok here it the straight HTML to use

ok so when i use the straight:

<a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='window.open("http://www.rk1gaming.net/ChatRoom/ChatRoom_fixed.html","","height=407,width=650,stat us=1")'>Open Chat</a><div style='z-index:99;position:absolute;visibility:hidden;displ ay:none;left:0;top:0'><a href='http://www.flasherize.com'><font size='1'>Flash Chat</font></a></div>

It breaks the mod .. and gives me a database error - so I have been taking some of the code to get it to work

So I used this

<a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='window.open("http://www.rk1gaming.net/ChatRoom/ChatRoom_fixed.html","","height=407,width=650,stat us=1")

like this ( see screenshot )

So the tab works and fires up the external pop up with no issues but it also fires up another page with this link http://www.rk1gaming.net/forum/href= which gets a 404 error

any thoughts ..

dieKetzer 01-30-2010 08:11 AM

open the php file youre trying to link to and look for this line in the code:

define('THIS_SCRIPT', 'blahblahblah');

insert the blahblahblah into the 'this_script' field (without the quote marks).
although not chiselled in stone, generally this_script is is the same as the script file name, so maybe try 'arcade'

Originally Posted by WNYorker (Post 1970198)
i can't find a tab system that will highlight "Arcade" for my arcade page. Why is this so hard to do? Vbulletin should have this stuff by default.

dieKetzer 01-30-2010 08:22 AM

yes, this functionality is included in 2.03, although i have been experiencing an issue with multiple tabs being selected on occasion when using url_parameter. if your links dont use parameters (seo friendly/rewrite links) use url instead. i think certain links will always use parameters, but i have no cms to test with.

so try:
use an absolute url (http://blahblah/page.php?action=blah). relative urls will fail.
select 'url_parameter'
leave 'this_script' blank.

Originally Posted by Fusion2 (Post 1970175)
That will be awesome because i want to use these tabs for CMS sections, with sublinks being the sub-sections, rather then have a left-side menu widget.

Do you know if this was fixed with the last revision?

dieKetzer 01-30-2010 08:25 AM

sublinks will never appear if the tab is not selected. sub links are dependant upon the tab being in a selected state.
once you manage to get the tab to select the sub links will function.

Originally Posted by Fusion2 (Post 1970199)
Am i doing something wrong? I installed latest version but sublinks still dont show on sublink menu when i click tabs. Also tabs dont highlight when clicked.

dieKetzer 01-30-2010 08:28 AM

in a few hours i will try to see what can be done.

Originally Posted by RK1gaming (Post 1970226)
Ok here it the straight HTML to use

ok so when i use the straight:

<a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='window.open("http://www.rk1gaming.net/ChatRoom/ChatRoom_fixed.html","","height=407,width=650,stat us=1")'>Open Chat</a><div style='z-index:99;position:absolute;visibility:hidden;displ ay:none;left:0;top:0'><a href='http://www.flasherize.com'><font size='1'>Flash Chat</font></a></div>

It breaks the mod .. and gives me a database error - so I have been taking some of the code to get it to work

So I used this

<a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='window.open("http://www.rk1gaming.net/ChatRoom/ChatRoom_fixed.html","","height=407,width=650,stat us=1")

like this ( see screenshot )

So the tab works and fires up the external pop up with no issues but it also fires up another page with this link http://www.rk1gaming.net/forum/href= which gets a 404 error

any thoughts ..

RK1gaming 01-30-2010 03:44 PM

So I used this

<a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='window.open("http://www.rk1gaming.net/ChatRoom/ChatRoom_fixed.html","","height=407,width=650,stat us=1")

So the tab works and fires up the external pop up with no issues but it also fires up another page with this link http://www.rk1gaming.net/forum/href= which gets a 404 error

so I fixed the 404 by dropping the <a href= but it still wants to fire up another tab at least its the forum page again so not to bad ...

I just want it to fire up the chat pop up and not another forum url

Fusion2 01-30-2010 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by dieKetzer (Post 1970320)
yes, this functionality is included in 2.03, although i have been experiencing an issue with multiple tabs being selected on occasion when using url_parameter. if your links dont use parameters (seo friendly/rewrite links) use url instead. i think certain links will always use parameters, but i have no cms to test with.

so try:
use an absolute url (http://blahblah/page.php?action=blah). relative urls will fail.
select 'url_parameter'
leave 'this_script' blank.

I tried this, and it still shows the "Featured Articles" sublinks, not the sublinks i created.

I disabled home, blogs, forum and still nothing. I disabled sublinks from homepage and still nothing. I tried every combination i could use and nothing seems to work at getting sublinks to show, or tabs to get highlighted.

Simply put, I created several tabs that link to CMS sections. When the user clicks on these tabs it loads that CMS section without error. But, it does not display the sublinks that i created and associated to those tabs. These sublinks are url's that point to CMS sub-sections.

For example, I have a tab called "Travel" which points to my CMS Section called "Travel". I also have several sublinks called "Florida Travel", "Travel Companions" etc. Each of these sublinks points to a CMS sub-section under the Travel Section.

The two problems are that the Tab doesnt highlight when clicked on. And the sublinks dont show at all. All that shows was the default CMS Home sublinks.

Rob F 01-30-2010 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by WNYorker (Post 1970198)
i can't find a tab system that will highlight "Arcade" for my arcade page. Why is this so hard to do? Vbulletin should have this stuff by default.

This tab system does work for highlighting the arcade tab.


Originally Posted by dieKetzer (Post 1970318)
although not chiselled in stone, generally this_script is is the same as the script file name, so maybe try 'arcade'

Good guess, and it worked for me when I installed the 2.0.2 version of this mod the other day to run with the ibProArcade.

URL - arcade.php
THIS_SCRIPT - arcade
Target - _self

Works brilliantly, and now with 2.0.3 I can link a tab direct to a particular article with correct tab staying highlighted! Thanks Jhnnyf :D

dieKetzer 01-31-2010 12:52 PM

good work!
you have _blank set, and that makes it launch the extra window.
i also changed the url a little and this worked perfectly:
'javascript:void(0)' onclick='window.open("http://www.rk1gaming.net/ChatRoom/ChatRoom_fixed.html","","height=407,width=650,stat us=1")

jhonnyf will be pleased as punch to see this worked!

Originally Posted by RK1gaming (Post 1970584)
So I used this

<a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='window.open("http://www.rk1gaming.net/ChatRoom/ChatRoom_fixed.html","","height=407,width=650,stat us=1")

So the tab works and fires up the external pop up with no issues but it also fires up another page with this link http://www.rk1gaming.net/forum/href= which gets a 404 error

so I fixed the 404 by dropping the <a href= but it still wants to fire up another tab at least its the forum page again so not to bad ...

I just want it to fire up the chat pop up and not another forum url

dieKetzer 01-31-2010 12:57 PM

can you post a link formatted in the manner youre talking about? i dont even know what a cms link looks like. is it affected by vb's friendly url options?

Originally Posted by Fusion2 (Post 1970615)
I tried this, and it still shows the "Featured Articles" sublinks, not the sublinks i created.

I disabled home, blogs, forum and still nothing. I disabled sublinks from homepage and still nothing. I tried every combination i could use and nothing seems to work at getting sublinks to show, or tabs to get highlighted.

Simply put, I created several tabs that link to CMS sections. When the user clicks on these tabs it loads that CMS section without error. But, it does not display the sublinks that i created and associated to those tabs. These sublinks are url's that point to CMS sub-sections.

For example, I have a tab called "Travel" which points to my CMS Section called "Travel". I also have several sublinks called "Florida Travel", "Travel Companions" etc. Each of these sublinks points to a CMS sub-section under the Travel Section.

The two problems are that the Tab doesnt highlight when clicked on. And the sublinks dont show at all. All that shows was the default CMS Home sublinks.

dieKetzer 01-31-2010 12:59 PM

thanks for letting us know it works. ill add it to post #3

Originally Posted by Rob F (Post 1970882)
This tab system does work for highlighting the arcade tab.

Good guess, and it worked for me when I installed the 2.0.2 version of this mod the other day to run with the ibProArcade.

URL - arcade.php
THIS_SCRIPT - arcade
Target - _self

Works brilliantly, and now with 2.0.3 I can link a tab direct to a particular article with correct tab staying highlighted! Thanks Jhnnyf :D

dieKetzer 01-31-2010 02:54 PM

i have updated post #3 with a quickstart guide for this mod.

RK1gaming 02-01-2010 05:54 AM


Originally Posted by dieKetzer (Post 1971225)
good work!
you have _blank set, and that makes it launch the extra window.
i also changed the url a little and this worked perfectly:
'javascript:void(0)' onclick='window.open("http://www.rk1gaming.net/ChatRoom/ChatRoom_fixed.html","","height=407,width=650,stat us=1")

jhonnyf will be pleased as punch to see this worked!

Yea doh .. set it to self and it worked .. i thought i did test self but maybe not -- thanks for your help and patience

Jhonnyf 02-01-2010 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by dieKetzer (Post 1971225)
good work!
you have _blank set, and that makes it launch the extra window.
i also changed the url a little and this worked perfectly:
'javascript:void(0)' onclick='window.open("http://www.rk1gaming.net/ChatRoom/ChatRoom_fixed.html","","height=407,width=650,stat us=1")

jhonnyf will be pleased as punch to see this worked!

nice trick, It's the same process to Inject SQL

And thank you to all for this MOTM for February 2010 :)

SnitchSeeker 02-01-2010 08:35 PM

I voted for you Johnny. Thanks! Much more useful than the mod thats currently in the lead. ( no offense to him. ) you deserve to win.

I look forward to your next update with sub-forum and thread support! :)

Unborn 02-02-2010 01:33 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Firstly - Very nice mod, Extremely useful.

I am having a problem with the sub menu - the default links are showing up on every tab, even over the top of custom sub links.

The "Home" tab is set to "http://MY_FORUM_URL/index.php" which is my vBAdvanced CMPS index page. It is not set to be a drop-down menu, Tab mode is THIS_SCRIPT, and THIS_SCRIPT is "adv_index".

I have created 3 sub links "Link 1", "Link 2", "Link 3", all set to "http://google.com/" to demonstrate the problem.
As you can see in the attached screenshot, the custom sub links are underneath the default sub links.

Help would be appreciated.

Jesh 02-02-2010 05:59 PM

Hello, love the mod but I have having a small issue.

I have a tab: "Gallery", and it points to www.uscoininfo.com/gallery

It works fine, but the tab does not update correctly.

If I do URL_PARAM http://www.uscoininfo.com/gallery, no other tabs will highlight correct.

If I do URL HTTP://WWW.USCOININFO.COM/GALLERY it works fine, but if I go to a gallery like: http://www.uscoininfo.com/gallery/sh...rs.php?cat=500 it shows the activate tab as 'forum'.

Anyone have any ideas?

Jhonnyf 02-02-2010 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by Jesh (Post 1973263)
Hello, love the mod but I have having a small issue.

I have a tab: "Gallery", and it points to www.uscoininfo.com/gallery

It works fine, but the tab does not update correctly.

If I do URL_PARAM http://www.uscoininfo.com/gallery, no other tabs will highlight correct.

If I do URL HTTP://WWW.USCOININFO.COM/GALLERY it works fine, but if I go to a gallery like: http://www.uscoininfo.com/gallery/sh...rs.php?cat=500 it shows the activate tab as 'forum'.

Anyone have any ideas?

try with (finish in "/")


Jesh 02-02-2010 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by Jhonnyf (Post 1973412)
try with (finish in "/")


This works, but then if I go to any other tabs (Home, Forum, Blogs, Whats New?) the active tab will not change.

ComoEstaEso-com 02-02-2010 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by Jesh (Post 1973425)
This works, but then if I go to any other tabs (Home, Forum, Blogs, Whats New?) the active tab will not change.

Will not change as in it stays with the "active background"?

I'm currently experiencing that.


asuccar 02-03-2010 12:58 AM

I'm not sure if this has already been mentioned, but this product caused a serious problem with my vb cms...it limited the amount of words I could put in any given article! I submitted a support ticket with vbulletin and they discovered that this mod was the cause. They switched off and the problem was rectified.

Any ideas why or how to fix it?

balkanboy 02-03-2010 02:36 AM

1 Attachment(s)
dude remove your copyright ad at the bottom of the page good mod but i dnt want it there it only appears when im not logged in....

Uninstalled for the moment...

Trek 02-03-2010 03:09 AM


Originally Posted by balkanboy (Post 1973609)
dude remove your copyright ad at the bottom of the page good mod but i dnt want it there it only appears when im not logged in....

Uninstalled for the moment...

Yeah, if every mod did that, we'd all have footers 500 pixels in height. =)

trilOByte 02-03-2010 07:16 AM


Originally Posted by balkanboy (Post 1973609)
dude remove your copyright ad at the bottom of the page good mod but i dnt want it there it only appears when im not logged in....

Uninstalled for the moment...

Whoa, I hadn't noticed that. That definitely needs binning.

Jhonnyf 02-03-2010 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by asuccar (Post 1973557)
I'm not sure if this has already been mentioned, but this product caused a serious problem with my vb cms...it limited the amount of words I could put in any given article! I submitted a support ticket with vbulletin and they discovered that this mod was the cause. They switched off and the problem was rectified.

Any ideas why or how to fix it?

1.- vBulletin Never give Support whe you have installs Plugins
2.- My Hack Work using hook in navbar and editing parse template (different to templates)
3.- I want a Screen Shot about that ticket (Private Message please)


Originally Posted by balkanboy (Post 1973609)
dude remove your copyright ad at the bottom of the page good mod but i dnt want it there it only appears when im not logged in....

Uninstalled for the moment...

You are free to choise, and to prevent futures post like yours, I write about that in the first post

Thank You

Demo16 02-03-2010 11:11 AM

Jhonnyf, this product is getting better everyday thank you.


Demo16 02-03-2010 11:23 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I got one problem look attachment

I have this 2 tabs with url mode:

Videogames url http://test.mysite.com/content.php?2-videogames

Hardware url http://test.mysite.com/content.php?3-Hardware

When I click videogames all seems ok, but when I click hardware I have both highlighted.

any idea?

ComoEstaEso-com 02-03-2010 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by Demo16 (Post 1973865)
I got one problem look attachment

I have this 2 tabs with url mode:

Videogames url http://test.mysite.com/content.php?2-videogames

Hardware url http://test.mysite.com/content.php?3-Hardware

When I click videogames all seems ok, but when I click hardware I have both highlighted.

any idea?

Same situation here...

Adem GEN? 02-03-2010 02:12 PM

Tab Label for the field
Entering the variables allows the phrase

Choose the language forum for visitors to change the language


Tab Label and Menu Text:
For Member List > {vb:rawphrase members_list}
For Albums > {vb:rawphrase albums}
For Groups > {vb:rawphrase social_groups}

x YNWA x 02-03-2010 08:44 PM


I installed this on my new site www.247gamers.net. When clicking on everything it highlights the tab correctly except the home tab. It does not highlight it and the last tab that was highlighted remains highlighted, what have I done wrong?


SnitchSeeker 02-04-2010 05:59 AM


Originally Posted by x YNWA x (Post 1974194)

I installed this on my new site www.247gamers.net. When clicking on everything it highlights the tab correctly except the home tab. It does not highlight it and the last tab that was highlighted remains highlighted, what have I done wrong?


Looks like you got it fixed, what ever it was. Nice site! :)

SnitchSeeker 02-04-2010 06:06 AM


Originally Posted by balkanboy (Post 1973609)
dude remove your copyright ad at the bottom of the page good mod but i dnt want it there it only appears when im not logged in....

Uninstalled for the moment...

I hope those of you who remove the link will at least support the developer by donating via Paypal. After all, he does not get paid for this and there are in fact inferior products out there that do this same thing and CHARGE for it. I bumped into one that wanted $30 PLUS $15 to remove the link to their page.

I think anybody who uses this should feel like a loser if they don't donate at least $10. I have donated that and I don't even use it yet! When I do (once it does what I need, which I hope is coming in the next release) I plan to donate another $20 or more. Not tooting my own horn but rather trying to inspire people around here to pay their way so these types of mods keep coming. Otherwise we might end up having to pay a lot more and get stuck with "branding" links on the bottom like somebody said for 500 pixels high! :)

AndyLee 02-04-2010 06:17 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Sorry for my bad englisch:

My Problem: see the extension "Fehlerbild.png" - the buttom "Impressum" is not active, while the side Impressum is active - instead of it, the buttom "Forum" is show as active. Can anyone help me?

Jesh 02-04-2010 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by ComoEstaEso-com (Post 1973497)
Will not change as in it stays with the "active background"?

I'm currently experiencing that.


It shows that the 'GALLERY' tab is active, when I'm really at the 'FORUM' tab, or any other tab.

Jesh 02-04-2010 02:32 PM

When I uninstall, my admincp is showing: *[evbs_sstab_advanced_menu]*

Any idea how to fix this??

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