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abbasbsp 01-01-2010 09:11 AM

1. Uninstall the all product.
2. GO TO ACP > Style Manager > at styles "revert all templates"
3. install again product thank

you tried ......

jancarlo 01-01-2010 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by ichal_spy (Post 1943847)
1. Uninstall the all product.
2. GO TO ACP > Style Manager > at styles "revert all templates"
3. install again product thank

you tried ......

Ask too hehe :D

How do I uninstall all products, zero all the templates, too many things. Unable to see an image do everything you said. :eek::eek::eek:

There must be another way. :cool:

Sworm 01-01-2010 09:52 AM

Please anybody can said me if is normal that the button is not showed under the posts but only the "Thanks" phrase is showed?

Delilahs 01-01-2010 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by garretbyrne (Post 1943785)
I've just noticed a problem on my side. When I click thanks on a user it shows up as thanks: 1 for everyone.. then when I go into a thread that has a few people the thanks below the image doubles for every user..

So If i was 1: there would be one thanks, 2: post thee would be two thanks, 3: post there would be 3 thanks.. if it's not clear I'll attach a photo.

I've got the same problem on my site as well.

check the thread here as an example

dilbert 01-01-2010 10:39 AM

It seems that vB now uses postbit_legacy by default, but this mod is coded for the postbit format.

You can either switch to postbit, or follow this terrific post by rbu.

I'll repost what they said:

If you are using Legacy...


    <li class="postbitlegacy postbitim" id="post_thanks_box_{vb:raw post.postid}" style="top:-10px;<vb:if condition="!$post_thanks_box == 1"> display:none;</vb:if>">
    {vb:raw post_thanks_box}


    <style type="text/css">
.postbitlegacy .postfoot .textcontrols a.quickreply, .postbitlegacy .postfoot .textcontrols a.post_thanks_button  {
    background: url(images/buttons/post_thanks.png) no-repeat transparent left;
    padding-left: 20px;
.postbitlegacy .postfoot .textcontrols a.quickreply:hover, .postbitlegacy .postfoot .textcontrols a.post_thanks_button:hover  {
    background: url(images/buttons/post_thanks-hover.png) no-repeat transparent left;


<div class="postbody">
and change it to

<div class="postbody" style="margin-left:0;">

Originally Posted by dmart (Post 1943666)
you bet wrong Charlie98902

Images in the right path....


Originally Posted by Dr.osamA (Post 1943800)
Button image missing in the postbit_legacy

as ather her


Originally Posted by jancarlo (Post 1943838)
why do not I see pictures of the big toe :confused:. Thanks!


Originally Posted by jancarlo (Post 1943857)
Ask too hehe :D

How do I uninstall all products, zero all the templates, too many things. Unable to see an image do everything you said. :eek::eek::eek:

There must be another way. :cool:


Originally Posted by Sworm (Post 1943862)
Please anybody can said me if is normal that the button is not showed under the posts but only the "Thanks" phrase is showed?

Delilahs 01-01-2010 10:49 AM

uninstalled until the coder posts a fix for this issue.

vulture 01-01-2010 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by huuquynh (Post 1943834)
Thanks for your help!

However, I need to make it clear by steps:

1. uninstall the current product.
2. modify the script as your post.
3. install again.


I don't know how to "check if all the alterations made by the script are in you db. If not, you need to change the install accordingly.". Please show me the best way to do. Sorry becuase my bad English!

Many thanks and Happy New Year!

Have you uninstalled the old version? If you have, then you should be able to install as per normal but you won't have your old thanks

If you haven't then its steps 2 & 3 above

BACKUP your database before doing any changes.

Bounce 01-01-2010 11:50 AM

PHP Code:

Database error in vBulletin 4.0.0:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT FROM post_thanks AS post_thanks INNER JOIN user AS user USING (useridWHERE post_thanks.postid IN (1123549,1123551,1123579,1123585,1123586,1123594,1123603,1123607,1123733,1124029,1124238ORDER BY post_thanks.username ASC;

MySQL Error   Table 'testvb.post_thanks' doesn't exist 

when tryin to uninstall to reinstall :confused:

VonDoom 01-01-2010 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by garretbyrne (Post 1943785)
I've just noticed a problem on my side. When I click thanks on a user it shows up as thanks: 1 for everyone.. then when I go into a thread that has a few people the thanks below the image doubles for every user..

So If i was 1: there would be one thanks, 2: post thee would be two thanks, 3: post there would be 3 thanks.. if it's not clear I'll attach a photo.

Same Problem as others here. Interestingly enough this product was abandoned as supported the minute it was released. Because all bugs are user created, and have nothing to do with the product itself. Although im not sure how i could have created this bug since all i did was install the product as instructed. (shrug) Still one of my favorite hacks to bad it doesnt work all that great in 4.0

jancarlo 01-01-2010 12:16 PM

@dilbert, a thousand thanks, you're great :D :up:

eTiKeT? 01-01-2010 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by jancarlo (Post 1943382)
I come out a mess thanks :confused:


This is the reason Bottom Extension will Kaldırıdıgınızda Problem Remedy.


carrlos 01-01-2010 04:07 PM

Even with the backed-up post_thanks tables, everyone comes out with zero (0) thanks. Any help?

I.am 01-01-2010 05:12 PM

After to have updated User Titles and Ranks and Rebuild Thread Information on my site some of my members now they have a weird numbers of total thanks:

Total Thanks
Total Thanks: 4,294,967,295

I have tried to use the Recounters function but without success.

How can I fix it?

CyberSultan 01-01-2010 05:36 PM

If I see that this mod becomes stable on initial install and works out-of-the-box with legacy postbit, I would be more than happy to donate for this hack. I have not installed yet as these posts to-date worry me a bit.

carrlos 01-01-2010 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by I.am (Post 1944145)
After to have updated User Titles and Ranks and Rebuild Thread Information on my site some of my members now they have a weird numbers of total thanks:

Total Thanks
Total Thanks: 4,294,967,295

I have tried to use the Recounters function but without success.

How can I fix it?

Where is the Recounters function? :confused:

I.am 01-01-2010 06:08 PM

AdminCP -> Post Thanks -> Recounters

SledgeHead 01-01-2010 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by ddaybofb (Post 1943775)
I have the same problem with some other people here.

When i click Thanks the page reloads.

Ditto. :(

carrlos 01-01-2010 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by I.am (Post 1944191)
AdminCP -> Post Thanks -> Recounters

Thanks. I'm uninstalling, reinstalling, importing my post_thanks tables and then running the Recounters to see if that works. If not, then I give up on this hack. :confused:

Sworm 01-01-2010 06:30 PM

Hope that Abe1 will post a new fixed version soon :)

carrlos 01-01-2010 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by carrlos (Post 1944203)
Thanks. I'm uninstalling, reinstalling, importing my post_thanks tables and then running the Recounters to see if that works. If not, then I give up on this hack. :confused:

It worked! I had to rerun the Recounters twice (the first time only the number of thanks given by users was updated). On the second go-round, all stats came back up. Also, the posts are annotated again as to who gave thanks. :up:

I.am 01-01-2010 08:14 PM

After the problems with the Recounters i've tried to uninstall the product but unfortunately as yesterday i got the same db error, I think that there is something in this version for vb4 that must to be verified again.

SemperFideles 01-01-2010 08:53 PM

I have the Thanks System successfully installed and working but I cannot find where the user can search for Thanked Posts. It used to be in the Profile Statistics and Advanced Search Options but I cannot find it anywhere.

tazattitude 01-01-2010 09:10 PM

Great Job Abe1
Thank you!

webspider 01-01-2010 09:16 PM

1 Attachment(s)
My stats on the threads are not alined correctly. How can I fix this? I've attached a screenshot to show what I mean.

garretbyrne 01-01-2010 09:26 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by dilbert (Post 1943875)
It seems that vB now uses postbit_legacy by default, but this mod is coded for the postbit format.

You can either switch to postbit, or follow this terrific post by rbu.

I'll repost what they said:

If you are using Legacy...


    <li class="postbitlegacy postbitim" id="post_thanks_box_{vb:raw post.postid}" style="top:-10px;<vb:if condition="!$post_thanks_box == 1"> display:none;</vb:if>">
    {vb:raw post_thanks_box}


    <style type="text/css">
.postbitlegacy .postfoot .textcontrols a.quickreply, .postbitlegacy .postfoot .textcontrols a.post_thanks_button  {
    background: url(images/buttons/post_thanks.png) no-repeat transparent left;
    padding-left: 20px;
.postbitlegacy .postfoot .textcontrols a.quickreply:hover, .postbitlegacy .postfoot .textcontrols a.post_thanks_button:hover  {
    background: url(images/buttons/post_thanks-hover.png) no-repeat transparent left;


<div class="postbody">
and change it to

<div class="postbody" style="margin-left:0;">

I've tried above and all it has done is made sure the "Thanks" button is only onces it doesn't change the thanks status to the left


webspider 01-01-2010 09:48 PM

If I change my postbit to legacy the stats go to the left of the post and the formatting is correct. Changing it to no moves the stats to the top right where the formatting is incorrect.

VonDoom 01-01-2010 11:07 PM

It took a bit but i finally got this hack working as described. Installed, Rated

carrlos 01-01-2010 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by webspider (Post 1944351)
My stats on the threads are not alined correctly. How can I fix this? I've attached a screenshot to show what I mean.

Mine does the same thing. I'm just glad I finally got it working! But I would love to see this fixed. ;)

movslow 01-02-2010 01:12 AM

Still waiting on Post Groan. Is this something that is in devel, or no?

Also, once the Postbit Leg. issue is sorted out, could you include the instructions in the readme/install.

It will suck to sift through 16 pages of posts to find the answer, lol.


aj8690 01-02-2010 02:35 AM

Has anyone been able to get the button image to appear while using postbit legacy??? Thanks.

tafreeh 01-02-2010 04:01 AM

okay.. i uploaded my mod.. and i got db error.. plus admin cp post thanks is all empty... nothing shows up... any suggestions?

ddaybofb 01-02-2010 04:02 AM


Originally Posted by aj8690 (Post 1944592)
Has anyone been able to get the button image to appear while using postbit legacy??? Thanks.

Nope i have the same problem, i got the thanks to work without the page reloading though

tafreeh 01-02-2010 05:16 AM

look like unstable release to me... will wait for the next version.....

Rafes 01-02-2010 05:39 AM

Installed 7.80 and works perfect

tafreeh 01-02-2010 06:08 AM

hey there... i just update my test forum(vb4) to the latest version and i get db errors.so i disabled it...

but when i get back to my live production site which is 3.8.4 i m still getting the same db errors everywhere... and i m using 7.7 overthere... it was working .. now all of sudden it producing errors...

here is the copy of one of the error...

Database error in vBulletin 3.8.4:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM vb_post_thanks AS post_thanks INNER JOIN vb_user AS user USING (userid) WHERE post_thanks.postid IN () ORDER BY post_thanks.username ASC;

MySQL Error  : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') ORDER BY post_thanks.username ASC' at line 1
Error Number  : 1064
Request Date  : Saturday, January 2nd 2010 @ 03:00:19 AM
Error Date    : Saturday, January 2nd 2010 @ 03:00:19 AM
Script        : http://www.xxxxx.com/ebooks-tutorials/33731-panther-vs-t-34-ukraine-1943-duel.html
Referrer      :
IP Address    : xx.xx.xx.xx
Username      : Unregistered
Classname    : vB_Database
MySQL Version :

*** please ignore this post... i uploaded wrong files.. Everything is working perfectly fine *** Thanks Abe

I.am 01-02-2010 07:26 AM

Same problem here, the product seem work fine, but if for any reason you want to uninstall it then you will get the db error.

Database error in vBulletin 4.0.0:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM post_thanks AS post_thanks INNER JOIN user AS user USING (userid) WHERE post_thanks.postid IN (826786,826923,826925,826928,827636,827643,828288, 828291,828300,828316,828330,82 8421,828434,828439,828447,828899,831966,831970,832 457,832460,832467,832529,83259 8) ORDER BY post_thanks.username ASC;

MySQL Error : Table 'xxxxx_xxxxxx.post_thanks' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Request Date : Wednesday, December 30th 2009 @ 09:17:52 AM
Error Date : Wednesday, December 30th 2009 @ 09:17:53 AM
Script : http://forum.com/showthread.php?t=132731&page=4
Referrer : http://forum.com/
IP Address : xx.xx.xxx.xxx
Username : xxxxx
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.85-community-log

Turbosport 01-02-2010 10:24 AM

Postbit Legacy once button clicked IE7 users see blank posts, had to disable hack.

SemperFideles 01-02-2010 11:31 AM

I tried to manually add a Post Thanks Search to a Member's Profile page as following:

PHP Code:

<li><a href="post_thanks.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=findthanks&amp;userid={vb:raw userinfo.userid}">Find all Thanked Posts</a></li

I believe your findthanks and find_user_thanks functions within post_thanks.php are not properly functioning as it returns a dB error for the search function.

gersforum@gmail 01-02-2010 12:03 PM

Works an absolute treat. Thanks Abe!

dtommy79 01-02-2010 02:06 PM

It doesn't work for me, and since there seem to be no help here I just leave this mod for the time being.

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