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melbicimni 02-11-2010 02:35 AM

I'm not sure if anybody else is experiencing this, but using 2.0.2 with a custom mibbit hash, it's appending the default hash to the custom hash, so it's not loading the custom settings.

toonysnn 02-11-2010 04:07 AM

Yeah that was apparently left in accidentally. Fixed in 2.0.3. You can remove the additional one in template ezircvb4_mibbit
Just look for the hash in the iframe.

toonysnn 02-12-2010 01:36 AM

Statistics will be implemented tonight. vBulletin 3.6+ mod will be worked on all morning tomorrow. Releases for both versions should be made by Sunday. :)

Edit; mibbit has mentioned us in their newsletter, along with our default service :)


edit2; plans changed for the modification release date, job came up. I still plan to have the 4.0 module out on sunday.

melbicimni 02-13-2010 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by toonysnn (Post 1979723)
Yeah that was apparently left in accidentally. Fixed in 2.0.3. You can remove the additional one in template ezircvb4_mibbit
Just look for the hash in the iframe.

Thanks for the help.

Skyrider 02-13-2010 11:53 PM


No server tab, and no channel specified.
In Mibbit.

Help please.

Using server:


toonysnn 02-14-2010 04:15 AM

FF|Skyrider, I cannot duplicate the same on 2.0.2. I cannot duplicate it on the latest version, either (which has a new network selection method, so...)

Skyrider 02-14-2010 07:49 AM


Originally Posted by toonysnn (Post 1981865)
FF|Skyrider, I cannot duplicate the same on 2.0.2. I cannot duplicate it on the latest version, either (which has a new network selection method, so...)

I'm using the latest version as I upgraded a few days ago. I'm trying to show you at http://forum.esforces.com/ezirc.php but I'm getting "You are not logged in or you do not have permission to access this page" error as guest, while "Do you wish for guests to be able to access this script?" has been set to YES.

It seems to work just fine when I remove the # in my "join channel" options, but as obvious that breaks the channel joining part.

sKippah 02-14-2010 09:16 AM


Standalone? O_o
Do you mean still integrated with vBulletin but a popup window?
Yapp. That?s what i meant.

Floris 02-14-2010 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by FF|Skyrider (Post 1981925)
I'm using the latest version as I upgraded a few days ago. I'm trying to show you at http://forum.esforces.com/ezirc.php but I'm getting "You are not logged in or you do not have permission to access this page" error as guest, while "Do you wish for guests to be able to access this script?" has been set to YES.

It seems to work just fine when I remove the # in my "join channel" options, but as obvious that breaks the channel joining part.

Perhaps the script can be adapted, regardless of the $channel[0] first character, ...

if the first one is %23 or #, replace it with ''

and then use it,

this way it doesn't matter if the user entered "channel" or "#channel". end result is "channel"


j.steensen 02-14-2010 04:26 PM

Hey all. I installed this on my VBull 4 install recently.

I set it up to connect to a DalNet server which it does, however when I try to join the channel, it gives me a "JOIN Not enough parameters" error.

I have it set to "#scsimulations" in the channel box in config.

Im racking my brain, and its got to be something simple I am overlooking, since I can do a /join #scsimulations in the server console just fine.

toonysnn 02-14-2010 06:55 PM

FF|Skyrider, I see what the problem is on your end now. It's parsing # as a # instead of "%23" as it's supposed to. Let me look into that.

j.steensen, what's your website?

j.steensen 02-14-2010 06:57 PM

<a href="http://www.scsimulations.com" target="_blank">http://www.scsimulations.com</a>

Skyrider 02-14-2010 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by toonysnn (Post 1982351)
FF|Skyrider, I see what the problem is on your end now. It's parsing # as a # instead of "%23" as it's supposed to. Let me look into that.

j.steensen, what's your website?

Gracias. What about the guest option though? It's enabled, yet guests can't use the IRC on the forums.

toonysnn 02-14-2010 10:22 PM

FF|Skyrider, please upgrade to 2.0.3. I have just posted it.
It contains more bugfixes, including the guest disallowed access. It may (as well) fix your problem.
j.steensen, same goes for you, upgrade and try agian.

toonysnn 02-14-2010 10:26 PM

EzIRC 2.0.3 Release Log:
  • Numerous Files Changed (required uploading all files)
  • Statistics module enabled, only for the network vbirc ...
  • Networks Selection Module created. Old network selection is defunct.
  • Channels Selection Module created. Old channel selection is defunct.
  • Updated templates and PHP code to properly adjust
  • A few bug fixes, including guests not being able to access

j.steensen 02-14-2010 10:37 PM

Update fixed the problem, however cursory testing revealed that when I hit the "Add Stats" button on the channel selection page, it fails to redirect or show any feedback, however it still seems to set the channel for stats.

Quite neat! I need to do some work on this. :-)

toonysnn 02-14-2010 10:44 PM

It's not meant to show any redirect/feedback. It's meant to just update it and take you back instantly.

j.steensen 02-14-2010 10:53 PM

Ah, it hung on a plain white page until I hit refresh.

toonysnn 02-14-2010 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by j.steensen (Post 1982523)
Ah, it hung on a plain white page until I hit refresh.

What did, j.steensen?

Alien 02-15-2010 01:02 AM

I get a 404 error when I visit:

AdminCP / EzIRC Options / Network Selection


AdminCP / EzIRC Options / Channel Selection

I don't use Mibbit, I use PJIRC.

toonysnn 02-15-2010 01:03 AM


Originally Posted by Alien (Post 1982589)
I get a 404 error when I visit:

AdminCP / EzIRC Options / Network Selection


AdminCP / EzIRC Options / Channel Selection

I don't use Mibbit, I use PJIRC.

This means you did not upload the ezirc.php file to your Admin CP directory.

Alien 02-15-2010 01:06 AM

Crap, somehow the admincp ezirc file didn't make it but the root dir version did.

All fixed! Thanks for your patience. ;)

melbicimni 02-15-2010 01:24 AM

A few bugs I've had with 2.0.3, not sure if others are experiencing:

Meebo does not join the channel, the URL for the iFrame with the meebo widget does not have anything in it for "channel". Automaticaly joining multiple channels in PJIRC doesn't appear to work when limited by usergroup id, but that might be because I'm not sure how to enter the list of allowed usergroups. There's no way to delete a server that you've added to the server list, or edit one if you made a mistake. I don't have any channels compatible with the "stats" but it shows the empty stats box without any information in it regardless. When you initially are made to put in your username, to accommodate mibbit, instead of redirecting you to the chat when you save settings, it redirects you back to the options page. This might be intentional, but it was confusing to me, and will probably be confusing to my users, I understand if that isn't a bug though.

If there's anything else, I'll let you know.

toonysnn 02-15-2010 01:35 AM


Originally Posted by melbicimni (Post 1982601)
A few bugs I've had with 2.0.3, not sure if others are experiencing:

Meebo does not join the channel, the URL for the iFrame with the meebo widget does not have anything in it for "channel".
It's supposed to join the channel... what do you mean?
Automaticaly joining multiple channels in PJIRC doesn't appear to work when limited by usergroup id, but that might be because I'm not sure how to enter the list of allowed usergroups.
Use usergroupid1,usergroupid2
There's no way to delete a server that you've added to the server list, or edit one if you made a mistake.
Right. That hasn't been implemented yet. You can edit/remove directly via mysql. Table is 'ezircvb4_networks'
I don't have any channels compatible with the "stats" but it shows the empty stats box without any information in it regardless.
Thought I disabled that... maybe not for the wgo box. Thanks.
When you initially are made to put in your username, to accommodate mibbit, instead of redirecting you to the chat when you save settings, it redirects you back to the options page. This might be intentional, but it was confusing to me, and will probably be confusing to my users, I understand if that isn't a bug though.
This is not intentional, and is a bug. But, I cannot figure out how to redirect it back to just 'ezirc.php.' The function is not funtioning as it's said to.
If there's anything else, I'll let you know.

Answers in bold/italics.

Alien 02-15-2010 02:35 AM

Hey, just a few comments...

I am unable to join custom efnet servers i add. The ONLY way I am able to get it to work, is to edit the template directly and take out your variable call for the server and use a manual one such as "irc.servercentral.net". If I use the admincp way it will NOT work for me.

I also get the redirecting thing mentioned above when selecting a name, which I know you're looking into.

Also, in vBulletin 4.0.1+, there is new code just before you close the head tag:

{vb:raw headinclude_bottom}

Be sure to add that to your templates that call any headinclude data. ;)

toonysnn 02-15-2010 03:05 AM


Originally Posted by Alien (Post 1982628)
Hey, just a few comments...

I am unable to join custom efnet servers i add. The ONLY way I am able to get it to work, is to edit the template directly and take out your variable call for the server and use a manual one such as "irc.servercentral.net". If I use the admincp way it will NOT work for me.

I also get the redirecting thing mentioned above when selecting a name, which I know you're looking into.

Also, in vBulletin 4.0.1+, there is new code just before you close the head tag:

{vb:raw headinclude_bottom}

Be sure to add that to your templates that call any headinclude data. ;)

Alien, thank you for your comments.

I successfully logged into the server provided, you do have to fill in both irc server addresses, should you have not been doing that. Otherwise, the connection won't work.

And thank you for the update, I wasn't aware of this.

Skyrider 02-15-2010 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by toonysnn (Post 1982509)
FF|Skyrider, please upgrade to 2.0.3. I have just posted it.
It contains more bugfixes, including the guest disallowed access. It may (as well) fix your problem.
j.steensen, same goes for you, upgrade and try agian.

Thanks for the update, received an error though when I added a new server:


Array ( [vbulletin_collapse] => [bb_referrerid] => 0 [bb_userid] => 3086 [bb_password] => xxxxx [bb_lastvisit] => 1266222171 [bb_lastactivity] => 0 [bb_threadedmode] => [bb_sessionhash] => 727bc14aaa1cd891ac0ccbeef648df07 [bb_userstyleid] => 26 [bb_languageid] => 0 [s] => [styleid] => 0 [langid] => 0 [adminhash] => xxxx [ajax] => 0 [bb_cpsession] => xxxxx [title] => GameSurge Mibbit 2 [server] => webirc.gamesurge.net:6007 [linkserver] => irc://irc.gamesurge.net [selected] => 1 )
Added some xxx as I had no idea why such code was showing up :p, not taking risks.

And another small bug.

When first installed, it goes to ezirc.php?do=options for your name. But once you save the options, it keeps sticking in ezirc.php?do=options and not going forward to the IRC connection.

Unable to remove or alter added servers with your new server add feature.

Thanks for your time! :) Love your plugin.

How do I make "Make Stats" in channel creation to work? When I press it, getting blank page in the adminCP.

BUG 6:
At the bottom of my forums:

Active Users in #ezirc

Topic: EzIRC 2.0.3 Released || EzIRC is in constant development, upgrade to latest version for full feature set. Available for vBulletin 3 and 4, add live chat to your community! http://vbirc.com/vbulletin - You're on irc.ezirc.org , #ezirc
I don't even have #ezirc as my main channel, I removed it from my list. I see this in the channel creation list:


#esf (Edit Delete -stats-)
That's the only channel I have. I like the feature though.

cnutter 02-15-2010 10:01 AM

After, upgrading I don't have any options to change servers. Any ideas?

Skyrider 02-15-2010 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by cnutter (Post 1982802)
After, upgrading I don't have any options to change servers. Any ideas?

AdminCP -> left menu -> EzIRC Options -> Network selection -> select network or add one -> Save Changes.

You mean that?

You mean to select multiple servers as client? Don't think you can.

cnutter 02-15-2010 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by FF|Skyrider (Post 1982805)
AdminCP -> left menu -> EzIRC Options -> Network selection -> select network or add one -> Save Changes.

You mean that?

You mean to select multiple servers as client? Don't think you can.

Nothing was showing up went to uninstall and reinstall and now I am getting nothing but database errors when I try to reinstall.

Give me a few and I will show the error.

When I goto Import the product. I get this error.

Database error in vBulletin 4.0.1:

Invalid SQL:
ALTER TABLE `user` ADD COLUMN `ezircvb4_username` VARCHAR(100);;

MySQL Error : Duplicate column name 'ezircvb4_username'
Error Number : 1060
Request Date : Monday, February 15th 2010 @ 06:48:42 AM
Error Date : Monday, February 15th 2010 @ 06:48:42 AM
Script : http://***.net/forums/***/plugin.php?do=productimport
Referrer : http://***.net/forums/***/plugin.php?do=productadd
IP Address :
Username : Nutter
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.83

Any ideas?

Skyrider 02-15-2010 10:53 AM

Seems the database removal of ezircvb4_username went wrong. Try remove it manually if you know how.

cnutter 02-15-2010 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by FF|Skyrider (Post 1982842)
Seems the database removal of ezircvb4_username went wrong. Try remove it manually if you know how.

Can't find it. Doesn't seem like its there when looking though phpmyadmin any ideas were the table would be hiding?

OK found it. Lets see what happens.

cnutter 02-15-2010 11:04 AM

OK that was strange after deleting that it seems to have fixxed itself.

cnutter 02-15-2010 11:07 AM

Ok now the only issues seems to be the redirct when you pick a user name doesnt want to redirect you have click the top link again.

Skyrider 02-15-2010 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by cnutter (Post 1982856)
Ok now the only issues seems to be the redirct when you pick a user name doesnt want to redirect you have click the top link again.

Yup :)


And another small bug.

When first installed, it goes to ezirc.php?do=options for your name. But once you save the options, it keeps sticking in ezirc.php?do=options and not going forward to the IRC connection.

melbicimni 02-15-2010 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by toonsynn

Originally Posted by melbicimni
A few bugs I've had with 2.0.3, not sure if others are experiencing:

Meebo does not join the channel, the URL for the iFrame with the meebo widget does not have anything in it for "channel".

It's supposed to join the channel... what do you mean?

What I mean is, when I select "Meebo" it gives an error message. When I "view source" and check the URL that is generated for the meebo widget iFrame, it says "channel=" but the channel is not in there, it's just blank and moves on to the next parameter.


Originally Posted by toonsynn

Originally Posted by melbicimni
Automaticaly joining multiple channels in PJIRC doesn't appear to work when limited by usergroup id, but that might be because I'm not sure how to enter the list of allowed usergroups.

Use usergroupid1,usergroupid2

I tried that, and it doesn't work. The channel it's supposed to join shows up in the instructions, but PJIRC doesn't take it.


Originally Posted by toonsynn

Originally Posted by melbicimni
There's no way to delete a server that you've added to the server list, or edit one if you made a mistake.

Right. That hasn't been implemented yet. You can edit/remove directly via mysql. Table is 'ezircvb4_networks'

It's not really a big deal, I won't worry about it too much for now, but thanks for letting me know how to clean it up.


Originally Posted by toonsynn

Originally Posted by melbicimni
I don't have any channels compatible with the "stats" but it shows the empty stats box without any information in it regardless.

Thought I disabled that... maybe not for the wgo box. Thanks.

Yeah, I was talking about the WGO box.


Originally Posted by toonsynn

Originally Posted by melbicimni
When you initially are made to put in your username, to accommodate mibbit, instead of redirecting you to the chat when you save settings, it redirects you back to the options page. This might be intentional, but it was confusing to me, and will probably be confusing to my users, I understand if that isn't a bug though.

This is not intentional, and is a bug. But, I cannot figure out how to redirect it back to just 'ezirc.php.' The function is not funtioning as it's said to.

Thanks. Is the function in the ezirc.php file? I might take a look at it and see if I can figure out why it's not working. I do some development myself, just not much for vBulletin.

toonysnn 02-17-2010 03:04 AM

The function itself is built into vBulletin. Probably includes/function_*.php. Don't know which file.

Skyrider 02-17-2010 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by toonysnn (Post 1984294)
The function itself is built into vBulletin. Probably includes/function_*.php. Don't know which file.

Had the time to look over my above replies with the bugs/issues/questions? :)

toonysnn 02-17-2010 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by FF|Skyrider (Post 1982708)
Thanks for the update, received an error though when I added a new server:


Added some xxx as I had no idea why such code was showing up :p, not taking risks.

That is simply debug information I accidentally left in the release. It's a print_r($_POST); Meaning I can read what I sent. (And you can read what you sent)

And another small bug.

When first installed, it goes to ezirc.php?do=options for your name. But once you save the options, it keeps sticking in ezirc.php?do=options and not going forward to the IRC connection.
Reported numerous times, it's a vBulletin function issue (unless I'm using the function incorrectly)

Unable to remove or alter added servers with your new server add feature.

Thanks for your time! :) Love your plugin.
Will add soon

How do I make "Make Stats" in channel creation to work? When I press it, getting blank page in the adminCP.
Hmm? blank page? No data whatsoever?

BUG 6:
At the bottom of my forums:

I don't even have #ezirc as my main channel, I removed it from my list. I see this in the channel creation list:

That's the only channel I have. I like the feature though.
If it doesn't have a new stats channel, then it won't update. Thus why it's probably still there.

zanthor 02-17-2010 07:02 PM

My channels aren't joining with the newest update... I've got the channel as #botbh and the autojoin as blank or 2,5,6,7,9,10,11,12,13,14 and I get the same results... Using mibbit and pjirc.

Edit channel is non functional, it takes me to the edit page, clicking the "Edit Channel" button at the bottom next to cancel then takes to a blank page, going back through navigation doesn't save anything.

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