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dazkeirle 03-06-2009 10:01 AM

So does nobody agree that highest post should not be assigned on a fixed point score and should actually be the highest post.

Am i just being thick here or is it seriously possible to have multiple highest posts in a thread?

FullyTested 03-06-2009 09:59 PM

Version 2.2
Added the following features:
- Added ability to set a cut-off date (in days). Posts older than x number of days cannot be ranked.
- Added the ability to limit the statistics page to certain usergroups
- Changed the way the stats page works
- New file to upload (postrankstats.php)

To Upgrade:
New files: (please FTP to your server)
- postrankstats.php
The following files have changed: (please re-FTP to your server)
- postrank.php
- admincp/postrank.php
- clientscript/vbulletin_ajax_postrank.js
- includes/functions_postrank.php
- product_postrank.xml (please re-import with 'Allow Overwrite' selected)

morrow 03-06-2009 10:12 PM

One thing I would like to see is instead of deleting the posts, they get Moved into a moderation queue instead of physically removed... Although some users don't care for the content, I happen to enjoy most of the content that goes on with my site. It's very entertaining and I'd hate to miss out on something because a few knuckleheads have thin skin.

FullyTested 03-06-2009 10:18 PM

Abysmal ranked posts are only soft deleted and not physically deleted. That means that admins and mods can still see it in a collapsed state and can then undelete it if so desired.

dennisuello 03-06-2009 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by FullyTested (Post 1762082)
Version 2.2
Added the following features:
- Added ability to set a cut-off date (in days). Posts older than x number of days cannot be ranked.
- Added the ability to limit the statistics page to certain usergroups
- Changed the way the stats page works
- New file to upload (postrankstats.php)

To Upgrade:
New files: (please FTP to your server)
- postrankstats.php
The following files have changed: (please re-FTP to your server)
- postrank.php
- admincp/postrank.php
- clientscript/vbulletin_ajax_postrank.js
- includes/functions_postrank.php
- product_postrank.xml (please re-import with 'Allow Overwrite' selected)

Post Ranking Stats link under Quick Links goes to "forum/postrank.php?do=stats", which shows blank page. Should it go to forum/postrankstats.php" instead? If so, where do I change it?

inciarco 03-06-2009 10:34 PM

Thank You For the Update FullyTested.

I Have a Bug on the Post Rank Stats, they Appear on a Blank Page. :(


Edit: The Error is on the Link, it should reference postrankstats like:


My Best Regards.


Teresa 03-06-2009 10:37 PM

YES. I was just going to post on vBSEO about this. Even when you call postrank.php as a url, it redirects incorrectly.

Goes to: /forum/showthread.php?p=#post

EDIT: Here's my post: http://www.vbseo.com/f2/mod-postrank...95/#post200561

FullyTested 03-06-2009 10:42 PM

Sorry about that. I've just amended the product so please downloaded it again.
All links to the stats page should now point to postrankstats.php

Teresa 03-06-2009 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by inciarco (Post 1762095)
Thank You For the Update FullyTested.

I Have a Bug on the Post Rank Stats, they Appear on a Blank Page. :(


Edit: The Error is on the Link, it should reference postrankstats like:


My Best Regards.


That link doesn't work for me.

inciarco 03-06-2009 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by Teresa (Post 1762102)
That link doesn't work for me.


Originally Posted by dennisuello (Post 1762093)
Post Ranking Stats link under Quick Links goes to "forum/postrank.php?do=stats", which shows blank page. Should it go to forum/postrankstats.php" instead? If so, where do I change it?

On AdminCP > Products > Plugins

On Plugin "Display Stats Navbar Link" of "Post Ranking System"

Change postrank.php for postrankstats.php

My Best Regards.


Teresa 03-07-2009 01:04 AM

The upgrade fixed it for me. Thanks. Looking good!

furst 03-07-2009 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by furst (Post 1732564)
I have another problem now. I've enabled highlighting in my User CP. Now pages that contain highlighted posts are all broken. When I try to enter one I just get a big white screen. This is probably because my postbit legacy template is modified a bit. What is an elegant solution around this?

FullyTested, would this problem exist on the newest version? Last time I tried this hack we were a few versions back...

Teresa 03-07-2009 04:45 PM

I turned on the option to not be able to vote on posts older than 90 days. I have one member who had some old posts voted down before I put in the 90 day limit. I need to go back in remove those votes. How do I do that? If I have to update the database manually, what do I run to get the post counts corrected?

Also, in Admin, under "Post Ranking System," I've always had the option "View Settings" which goes nowhere, an empty screen. Am I missing something there?


FullyTested 03-07-2009 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by furst (Post 1762563)
FullyTested, would this problem exist on the newest version? Last time I tried this hack we were a few versions back...

Your best bet is probably to create a duplicte postbit and slightly modify it. Then you must change the code to call that new template instead of trying to highlight certain sections of the old postbit.


Originally Posted by Teresa (Post 1762604)
I need to go back in remove those votes. How do I do that? If I have to update the database manually, what do I run to get the post counts corrected?

Also, in Admin, under "Post Ranking System," I've always had the option "View Settings" which goes nowhere, an empty screen. Am I missing something there?

Go to the 'Post Ranking System' drop down menu, select 'Manage Options', then insert the post ID in the 'Delete Votes by Post' section.
As for the first link, that should take you to the product settings. My guess it is not working due to the SEO you have installed.

maidos 03-07-2009 05:23 PM

i cant believe i havent seen this earlier. Thanks alot...

a suggetion couldyou display amount of positive votes and negative votes?

FullyTested 03-07-2009 05:25 PM

Per post you can.

maidos 03-07-2009 05:40 PM

how is it possible to add positive vote next to positive icon and negative vote next to negative icon because imo it looks more appealing than +1 / -0
and how to set that in default?

Teresa 03-07-2009 05:52 PM

I re-uploaded all the files and the Manage Options came back. It had disappeared for me.


Feature Request: Now that we've been using this for a little while, here's one more thing I would really like. I would like Voting record of each member to be on their Postbit and on the User profile.

Right underneath post count:

Posts: 888 (View Stats)
Votes: 222 :D +86%

This would show the member's voting record, total votes, an icon set in config, and a + or - percentage showing their voting record.

I would like to have increments of 10, 10 possible smilie icons to show this voters overall 'happiness' factor on voting on the forum. So, if someone is -70% or more, for example I might want to show a :mad: symbol for that, summarizing their displeasure with the posts they've voted on. I want to encourage people to have a healthy proportion of votes, without having to say it. Along with a smilie for the level, I'd like to have a different color displayed for the percentage.

Thanks so much!!

FullyTested 03-07-2009 05:53 PM

maidos, you will have to edit the 'postrank_postrank' template somewhere towards the bottom, just rearrange the values.

maidos 03-07-2009 05:57 PM


img class="inlineimg" src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/postrank_up<if condition="!$show['allow_postrank']">_
so this is the image path for the positive icons right?
so where can i find the votes and exactly where to i add it next to the icons?
and how to make the vote display default?

FullyTested 03-07-2009 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by Teresa (Post 1762653)
Posts: 888 (View Stats)
Votes: 222 :D +86%

Teresa, the only way I see that happening without putting a load on the server is to have each user's totals calculated once a day which means what you see in the postbit will be a little off.
This is one of those code heavy requests.

FullyTested 03-07-2009 06:03 PM

maidos, you will have to rearrange the template to do what you want which means moving around the <if> statements logic around.
I'm afraid I do not have the time to do this for you.

maidos 03-07-2009 06:06 PM

maybe you could implement my suggestion to the next version including allowing admin to setup which vote template to display as default?

FullyTested 03-07-2009 06:09 PM

I'll have a look at it all later. I have to go out now for a while (we get breaks too once in a while :eek:).

Thanks for the suggestions and feedback.

maidos 03-07-2009 06:09 PM

and if possible show the vote that user just voted without refreshing the page?
annd allow user to withdraw their vote?
thanks for considering ;)

Teresa 03-07-2009 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by FullyTested (Post 1762663)
Teresa, the only way I see that happening without putting a load on the server is to have each user's totals calculated once a day which means what you see in the postbit will be a little off.
This is one of those code heavy requests.

Bummer. I understand. I'm thinking that if you changed the logic to update a user total at the time of the vote, that would be a big change in the logic of the whole thing?


I'm having a problem with the page 2 link on posts going to the Posters report instead of page two on posts.


Do you have a donation link? I wouldn't mind kicking in a few bucks. I know it's not much, but every little bit helps? I really appreciate the fast turn-around and support on our issues.

FullyTested 03-07-2009 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by Teresa (Post 1762698)
Bummer. I understand. I'm thinking that if you changed the logic to update a user total at the time of the vote, that would be a big change in the logic of the whole thing?

Yes that is the way but I just have to find the time to do that.


Originally Posted by Teresa (Post 1762698)
I'm having a problem with the page 2 link on posts going to the Posters report instead of page two on posts.

Thanks for letting me know. Version 2.3 should fix that.


Originally Posted by Teresa (Post 1762698)
Do you have a donation link? I wouldn't mind kicking in a few bucks. I know it's not much, but every little bit helps? I really appreciate the fast turn-around and support on our issues.

Thank you for the offer but rather than donating to myself, I would very much appreciate if donations went to local Animal Shelters.


Teresa 03-07-2009 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by FullyTested (Post 1762810)
Yes that is the way but I just have to find the time to do that.

Thanks for letting me know. Version 2.3 should fix that.

Thank you for the offer but rather than donating to myself, I would very much appreciate if donations went to local Animal Shelters.


Wow. You are a man after my own heart! I run an animal rescue and this is for one of my animal advocacy forums!

Teresa 03-08-2009 01:33 AM


Originally Posted by FullyTested (Post 1762810)
Thanks for letting me know. Version 2.3 should fix that.

That worked great. Thanks. In the posting stats, any chance of adding the User of the post as a column that can be shown and sorted upon?

FullyTested 03-08-2009 02:47 AM


Originally Posted by Teresa (Post 1762878)
In the posting stats, any chance of adding the User of the post as a column that can be shown and sorted upon?

Done! :)
Just follow the same upgrade procedure as 2.3


Originally Posted by Teresa;
I run an animal rescue and this is for one of my animal advocacy forums!

I am glad to hear you are taking care of animals in need. It is such important work. We all thank you!

Teresa 03-08-2009 04:20 AM


Originally Posted by FullyTested (Post 1762928)
Done! :)
Just follow the same upgrade procedure as 2.3

I am glad to hear you are taking care of animals in need. It is such important work. We all thank you!

Thanks for the encouragement on the animal front. And same to you.

Wow! Your enhancement turn around is like magic! It works like a dream. I think all of that now gives me enough to work with to wait for your bigger enhancements.

My wishlist prioritized is:
  • ability for users to change vote.
  • add "neutral" as an official level/status in the pull-down options and post history summaries: postbit and profiles, and ranking reports.
  • storing the related vote counts in the user record at vote time to get voting record by user.
  • once vote counts are stored by user, add postbit and profile voter record as described earlier.
  • in admin: add search by poster and search by voter (usernames).
  • in admin: from search result, allow ability to change vote(s).

maidos 03-08-2009 11:30 AM

when you post a reply without a title your mods will allign with the reply content. It confused few of my members so if possible could u add a column?
and hope u consider my suggestions the ability to withdraw the votes and allow votes to update directly when urself voted r

rsuplido 03-09-2009 01:08 PM

Great add-on! I wonder if a version can be done just for threads, like a 'Thread Ranking System' complete with cut-offs.

resident1 03-10-2009 04:35 AM


Originally Posted by Teresa (Post 1760296)
Feature Request: We still also would like the ability for a member to change their vote. They are making some mistakes with the icons being so close together.

Great product ... but I'd like to second this feature request .. especially since most posts can be edited after-the-fact.

flashwave 03-18-2009 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by rsuplido (Post 1763990)
Great add-on! I wonder if a version can be done just for threads, like a 'Thread Ranking System' complete with cut-offs.

I'd like to have a version for threads as well so that lowest ranked threads would dissapear.

Contra Fates 03-19-2009 06:06 AM

Installed and I like it so far!

The only issue I'm seeing is instead of seeing the [+] [-] Boxes shown in the screenshots, I see 'Rank Down' Rank Up'

Has anyone else had this problem? If so, how can I fix it?

Macindy 03-19-2009 08:34 AM

Great plugin!

We found a bug: On the stats page also threads from hidden forums (or only for special usergroups) are shown in the global stats page for all.

Contra Fates 03-19-2009 02:13 PM

As an update, I'm still having the same problem, and have noticed that the image ranking shows a bit strangely at the top of posts. For the thread starter it's fine [except for it being all text], but in any posts following it, it gets squished into the post. Is there some way to fix that, or would I have to force thread titles in every reply?

Here's links to show you it:


Thank you for the help!

Bowromir 03-19-2009 04:33 PM

This is a great mod! But I have one problem with it.. it somehow conflicts with the gXbox Live Leaderboard .. This add-on will not work because of the gXbox Live plugin called: gXBL: Showthread query

It has the following code:
PHP Code:

$hook_query_fields ", gxboxlive.rank AS gxblrank, gxboxlive.gamertag AS gxblgamertag, gxboxlive.score AS gxblscore";
$hook_query_joins "LEFT JOIN " TABLE_PREFIX "gxboxlive AS gxboxlive ON (user.userid = gxboxlive.userid)"

When this plugin is active (AJAX) post rating features from the Post Rating System get disabled.. any idea how I can fix this, because both of these plugins are really important for my board!

Thank you :D

FullyTested 03-19-2009 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by Bowromir (Post 1771940)
It has the following code:
PHP Code:

$hook_query_fields ", gxboxlive.rank AS gxblrank, gxboxlive.gamertag AS gxblgamertag, gxboxlive.score AS gxblscore";
$hook_query_joins "LEFT JOIN " TABLE_PREFIX "gxboxlive AS gxboxlive ON (user.userid = gxboxlive.userid)"

That mod is overwriting the hook thus not allowing anyone else to add code to it
They should have used $hook_query_fields .= $hook_query_joins .=
note the (.=)


Originally Posted by Contra Fates (Post 1771850)
As an update, I'm still having the same problem, and have noticed that the image ranking shows a bit strangely at the top of posts. For the thread starter it's fine [except for it being all text], but in any posts following it, it gets squished into the post. Is there some way to fix that, or would I have to force thread titles in every reply?

As for the images not showing, ensure that you have uploaded them into the images/misc folder for each style you have

As for the ranks and images showing inside the post message area when not using the thread title in every post, that is normal.
I'll see if I can add an empty title bar to house it in.


Originally Posted by Macindy (Post 1771694)
We found a bug: On the stats page also threads from hidden forums (or only for special usergroups) are shown in the global stats page for all.

Thanks for reporting. Version 2.5 will fix that.

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