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Digital Jedi 01-31-2009 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by Phaedrus (Post 1729420)
Yes, exactly.

Mods don't carry a full content of an AdminCP folder, you don't want to overwrite the folder either.

Just open each then move contents into the folder matching it on your server.

Actually, moving contents into matching folders one at a time is precisly what you DO NOT want to do, as this can lead to mistakes and takes way longer. You DO want to OVERWRITE matching folders, as doing this adds the contents of one folder to another without deleting anything. Not to mention, it's the fastest most efficient way to do so.

cooltechie 01-31-2009 07:21 PM

Rebuild post cache removed videos. If I go back to edit the post, I can still see the video link there but shown as [ url ] http:// www. youtube. com [ /url ] (without spaces and with full video url).

Jon Tolzien 02-01-2009 02:21 AM

I am so embarrassed to ask this question. I want to do local hosting. I installed all of the files. Should i see a special icon to do local hosting. Or do i need to ftp the files on to my server. Or do just use the URL to my server files. Like i said i have looked and looked for the answer. Maybe it was right under my nose. :)

Bisha 02-01-2009 02:59 AM

My question is:


Gladhatter 02-01-2009 03:07 AM


Originally Posted by Jon Tolzien (Post 1730533)
I am so embarrassed to ask this question. I want to do local hosting. I installed all of the files. Should i see a special icon to do that. Or do i need to ftp on to my server. Or do just use the URL to my server files. Like i said i have looked and looked for the answer. Maybe it was right under my nose. :)

I am confused and embarrassed to answer you.

Do you have some music files on your local server now? If so have you created or do you have created AME tags for these file types on in your AME cpanel I guess it is called?

If you do and all is set up right you just paste the url to the song inside the post and it will play in AME player automatically.

I hope this is what you are looking for and it helps you.

moreilly 02-01-2009 03:04 PM

YouTube videos is just linking to the video, not displaying the video in the posts at my site. I just downloaded this mod today and downloaded the new definitions from Jedi in his mod.

Any clue what I forgot to do or I missed?

jonah1892 02-01-2009 03:31 PM

when i installed this on my 3.8 site it slowed it down immesnly

i tested it out by disabling the product for 2 days to see if the speed improved which it did, and as soon as i enabled the product it slowed right back down again

Gladhatter 02-01-2009 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by moreilly (Post 1730963)
YouTube videos is just linking to the video, not displaying the video in the posts at my site. I just downloaded this mod today and downloaded the new definitions from Jedi in his mod.

Any clue what I forgot to do or I missed?

Yes Sir/Madam, with out destructive but only constructive criticism, you have failed to make any kind of post as do so many myself included that can render you much help unless you engage someone to prod you to offer more.

You may wish to be more specific and note exactly what you have done, what you expected to happen that did not and what you have attempted to date to resolve it.

You may wish to post a screen shot of the problem and identify any unique situation you may have or set up.

Also what version of VBulletin you are running along with any outside or major add ons.

These are just thoughts that may help get you a proper diagnosis.

moreilly 02-01-2009 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by Gladhatter (Post 1730987)
Yes Sir/Madam, with out destructive but only constructive criticism, you have failed to make any kind of post as do so many myself included that can render you much help unless you engage someone to prod you to offer more.

You may wish to be more specific and note exactly what you have done, what you expected to happen that did not and what you have attempted to date to resolve it.

You may wish to post a screen shot of the problem and identify any unique situation you may have or set up.

Also what version of VBulletin you are running along with any outside or major add ons.

These are just thoughts that may help get you a proper diagnosis.

Outside of me not saying which vbulletin I run (3.7.3 patch level 1) what are you talking about of not being specific?

I installed both mods, no errors :)

I copy a link to a video I found at youtube, I then post a thread at my forums and paste the link, and it doesn't display the video, it just shows a link as I previously stated ;)

Gladhatter 02-01-2009 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by jonah1892 (Post 1730986)
when i installed this on my 3.8 site it slowed it down immesnly

i tested it out by disabling the product for 2 days to see if the speed improved which it did, and as soon as i enabled the product it slowed right back down again

Geek do you have any thoughts on this? My site at some point around the time I installed this ( but also installed a ton of other mods) and custom code came to a turtles crawl speed that they cannot idenify on the server side but reconize it as well.

Has anyone else noticed any of this?

moreilly 02-01-2009 04:15 PM

By the way, other videos show up just fine. Only youtube videos so far.

Gladhatter 02-01-2009 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by moreilly (Post 1731021)
Outside of me not saying which vbulletin I run (3.7.3 patch level 1) what are you talking about of not being specific?

I installed both mods, no errors :)

I copy a link to a video I found at youtube, I then post a thread at my forums and paste the link, and it doesn't display the video, it just shows a link as I previously stated ;)

First off I was not challenging you to a duel but wishing to be helpful to some, many or most.

What I was talking about specifically was what I thought correctly OR NOT, that you was less than specific and while its not an insult it is an encourgement to post responsibly if you expect premium help.

I immeditly then broke my rule I ask you to follow with a rambling post of how my pages will not load. More properly, I would have had my coder study this for a time and then posted it for Geek to see into.

Version can be the most important thing at times.

Telling what you done to dianose it or trouble shoot it helps as well. If you done nothing then nothing to post there. I think most are going to tell you to upgrade to 3.81 as your first solution to this.

moreilly 02-01-2009 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by Gladhatter (Post 1731053)
First off I was not challenging you to a duel but wishing to be helpful to some, many or most.

What I was talking about specifically was what I thought correctly OR NOT, that you was less than specific and while its not an insult it is an encourgement to post responsibly if you expect premium help.

I immeditly then broke my rule I ask you to follow with a rambling post of how my pages will not load. More properly, I would have had my coder study this for a time and then posted it for Geek to see into.

Version can be the most important thing at times.

Telling what you done to dianose it or trouble shoot it helps as well. If you done nothing then nothing to post there. I think most are going to tell you to upgrade to 3.81 as your first solution to this.

Yeah, I am sorry about my response, I may have been a bit edgy. My apologies :)

The first solution you suggested was to upgrade to 3.8.1 which I did after reading through the AME Mod thread a bit more. But the YouTube videos are still in url form and not displaying the actual video.

I recieved a p.m from one of my members that they could not see another video I posted from WeGame.com as well. I see it fine, and so do other members, so I am assuming this is something from the users end and not something wrong with the AME mod?

I would like to get the YouTube working though, as this is obviously the most popular video site to link from.

Gladhatter 02-01-2009 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by moreilly (Post 1731234)
Yeah, I am sorry about my response, I may have been a bit edgy. My apologies :)

The first solution you suggested was to upgrade to 3.8.1 which I did after reading through the AME Mod thread a bit more. But the YouTube videos are still in url form and not displaying the actual video.

I recieved a p.m from one of my members that they could not see another video I posted from WeGame.com as well. I see it fine, and so do other members, so I am assuming this is something from the users end and not something wrong with the AME mod?

I would like to get the YouTube working though, as this is obviously the most popular video site to link from.

I have not seen any problems with UTUBE since mine went in but then again we really have not tested any since then.

Also have you already had the utube links? OR is this new ones?

Asking due to not sure how you have followed this thread. If they are existing, I think you have to edit each one and just save it without doing more and then it will set it working.

We had to edit all of out links but then I only had maybe 10 music files.

I am sure DJ, Geek or some one will help if this did not.

moreilly 02-01-2009 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by Gladhatter (Post 1731241)
I have not seen any problems with UTUBE since mine went in but then again we really have not tested any since then.

Also have you already had the utube links? OR is this new ones?

No, these are brand new links, and I never tried posting a video on my forums before, nor have any of my members. This is something brand new to me.


Originally Posted by Gladhatter (Post 1731241)
Asking due to not sure how you have followed this thread. If they are existing, I think you have to edit each one and just save it without doing more and then it will set it working.

We had to edit all of out links but then I only had maybe 10 music files.

I am sure DJ, Geek or some one will help if this did not.

I may have skipped over a few pages in this thread ;) But I still haven't seen any troubles from other users posting the YouTube vids when I was reading through them. Most I saw were people getting error's, and I am not getting those, just a link from YouTube but no video :(

I'll keep plugging away in the meantime. Thank you for your help :)

The Geek 02-02-2009 06:39 AM


Originally Posted by moreilly (Post 1731024)
By the way, other videos show up just fine. Only youtube videos so far.

Does the video have embedding disabled? If only a link appears (with an icon) it means that the destination video has embedding disabled. You can also double check by following the link to see if it has embed code on the page.

The Geek 02-02-2009 06:42 AM


Originally Posted by jonah1892 (Post 1730986)
when i installed this on my 3.8 site it slowed it down immesnly

i tested it out by disabling the product for 2 days to see if the speed improved which it did, and as soon as i enabled the product it slowed right back down again

The only part that will slow down is when the post is created or edited and you have extraction enabled. This is because with this option set, AME will extract the destination HTML to get some information (i.e. page title). If your sever has a naff connection to these sites, and/or you have a lot of videos in a post, it will slow it down. Once that information has been extracted though, it really takes no longer than normal to display the page.

Remember, you can disable this funationality, though some sites do require it.

The Geek 02-02-2009 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by Bisha (Post 1730551)

By installing this addon?

The Geek 02-02-2009 06:46 AM


Originally Posted by cooltechie (Post 1730230)
Rebuild post cache removed videos. If I go back to edit the post, I can still see the video link there but shown as [ url ] http:// www. youtube. com [ /url ] (without spaces and with full video url).

Then you had the setting to 'remove AME code' on. This setting is designed to remove AME from your posts (i.e. you were going to uninstall it) instead of leaving behind a bunch of dead bbcode.

The Geek 02-02-2009 06:51 AM


Originally Posted by Armyqt (Post 1729367)
OK this is what my directory looks like in regards to the AME files. This is what was uploaded and where. Tell me if this is wrong.

Includes Folder Where are the upload/includes/xml files?
- ame_bbcode.php

Client Script Folder ->Client Script Subfolder there shouldnt be a clientscript folder in your clientscript folder!

AmeCache Folder

AdminCP Folder -> AdminCP Folder -> There shouldnt be an admincp folder in your admincp folder!

Images Folder -> Misc Folder

Please tell me where I went wrong. I must get this fixed. Thanks for your support. :)

Not sure if you have the problem sorted yet, but this is not the correct directory structure at all (and hence why you are having problems). I would suggest that you ask your host to install if you are unsure of how to upload the files.


The Geek 02-02-2009 06:52 AM

Ok, think I got everybody!

BTW, Thanks for voting for us as Mod of the Month :)

Gladhatter 02-02-2009 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by The Geek (Post 1731640)
The only part that will slow down is when the post is created or edited and you have extraction enabled. This is because with this option set, AME will extract the destination HTML to get some information (i.e. page title). If your sever has a naff connection to these sites, and/or you have a lot of videos in a post, it will slow it down. Once that information has been extracted though, it really takes no longer than normal to display the page.

Remember, you can disable this funationality, though some sites do require it.

My slow down is nothing to do with AME then as I have 10 local songs hosted and it is slow all the time recently pitifully slow and not when posting a song or such.

I am sure the problem will be found on my server in time by a 3rd level tech and will have nothing to do with Vbulliten or AmE.

The Geek 02-02-2009 02:00 PM

All AME does is replace [ame]url[/ame] with <embed> HTML. That isnt time consuming and certainly not very resource intensive. The only time AME itself will slow things down is IF it is told to go to the destination web page and extract details from it (i.e. the title). In those instances, the additional time is spent in your server downloading the destination web page and parsing it for the details it needs. If your server and/or its connection is pants and/or the destination site is slow or offline, this will cause a noticeable slowdown. However, as mentioned, the only time ame will actually do this is when a post gets saved. Otherwise, AME is about as slow as using a smilie. :)

The rest is down to what you are embedding. Say for example its a movie from youtube... if the user is on a 14.4k modem, it may take a minute for the youtube video to appear, but that has nothing to0 do with ame or your site, it is actually youtube that the user is waiting on.

Gladhatter 02-02-2009 02:42 PM

I think my biggest problem will be solved when I learn to use and migrate to Red Hat Fedora and get 16 gigs of memory and a quad 6 core processor set up.

|Jordan| 02-03-2009 01:32 AM

Does this work with 3.8.1 ? I installed it and my youtube links arent embeding (i ran Tools->Rebuild Posts several times)

Magnumutz 02-03-2009 05:39 AM

I've got the same problem as |Jordan|...

The Geek 02-03-2009 06:15 AM

can you provide an example?

cooltechie 02-03-2009 11:27 AM

First all the videos are there. Then when you rebuild post cache, the videos disappear. If you click on edit post, all the links are there, but not displayed in the post. Anyone else having this problem?

The Geek 02-03-2009 11:48 AM

There is an option in the rebuild setting to REMOVE ame code. This is so that you could revert back to normal URLs if you ever needed to.

More than likely, you have it set to remove them.


cooltechie 02-03-2009 02:13 PM

PostsTurning to 'yes' will enable AME to parse posts in threads. = yes
Disable New itemsTurning to 'yes' will prevent new URLs from being converted = no
Enable File Cache = yes
Extract destination data = yes

We edit the post, click save and the video reappeared. Click on rebuild post cache, video disappeared.

|Jordan| 02-03-2009 04:37 PM

I had the previous version of AME installed on my 3.7.4 forum it worked fine. Then i upgraded to 3.8.1 and updated to this AME. YouTube video's do not embed and they do not contain ame tags.

Magnumutz 02-03-2009 05:03 PM

Ok, here's what i did so that it's all ok now.
I first removed the ame tags and then rebuild posts.
It's as simple as that :D

Gladhatter 02-03-2009 06:19 PM

I can only hope this is helpful.

We started Vbulliten a short while back. I think it was ver 3.74 then went to 3.80 and then to 3.81.

I do not know much about UTube other than my 22 month old son enjoys some TV commercials like the babies on etrade and such but my wife looks them up so I really do not use it.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQ_50VrLUBo is the first UTube video I came to when I just done a UTube from Google. I am not familar with the content of it.

I did create a test post and pasted the url in and saved it and the video worked perfectly and flawlessly.

I hope this helps.

If anyone wants any public file I can extract copy, paste, send, screen shot or what have you or this will help just say it clearly.


The Geek 02-03-2009 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by cooltechie (Post 1733074)
PostsTurning to 'yes' will enable AME to parse posts in threads. = yes
Disable New itemsTurning to 'yes' will prevent new URLs from being converted = no
Enable File Cache = yes
Extract destination data = yes

We edit the post, click save and the video reappeared. Click on rebuild post cache, video disappeared.

In the rebuild options, there is an option to remove ame tags. Dont turn on that option when you rebuild :)


Originally Posted by |Jordan| (Post 1733214)
I had the previous version of AME installed on my 3.7.4 forum it worked fine. Then i upgraded to 3.8.1 and updated to this AME. YouTube video's do not embed and they do not contain ame tags.

Double check your definitions (i.e. you dont have duplicates) and as always, post at least a URL of a video that isnt embedding.

Magnumutz 02-03-2009 08:44 PM

I turned that option on dude when i rebuilt, and then i did it without that turned on.
In the end, it got fixed.

|Jordan| 02-03-2009 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by The Geek (Post 1733440)
Double check your definitions (i.e. you dont have duplicates) and as always, post at least a URL of a video that isnt embedding.

I dont have duplicates (just the default included definitions are installed).

Here's the url of a video that doesnt embed: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08AAL2hE92M

Dream 02-03-2009 10:31 PM

I'm still using 1.2.0, if I upgrade will my forum explode? :p

Also, does this new version support big HD YouTube?

Gladhatter 02-03-2009 10:32 PM

Geek this one embeds but a bit strange of a title that may explain to the learned what his/her problem is:

|Jordan| 02-04-2009 03:45 AM

The same thing happens with all other video's too for instance http://youtube.com/watch?v=mY5qJHZCz2I

The Geek 02-04-2009 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by |Jordan| (Post 1733514)
I dont have duplicates (just the default included definitions are installed).

Here's the url of a video that doesnt embed: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08AAL2hE92M

Embeds perfectly for me on a default installation.


Originally Posted by Dream (Post 1733538)
I'm still using 1.2.0, if I upgrade will my forum explode? :p

Also, does this new version support big HD YouTube?

Of course! All my upgrades are designed to spontaniously combust forums on a whim :)
I believe it does support big HD youtube (if not by default than be a definition). Post me a link and ill let you know ;)


Originally Posted by |Jordan| (Post 1733784)
The same thing happens with all other video's too for instance http://youtube.com/watch?v=mY5qJHZCz2I

Embeded perfectly for me on default installation. Maybe you arent using the default definitions?

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